View Full Version : my new cm9
08-20-2011, 11:56 PM
This is my first post. Found you on Florida Concealed Carry.
I have two Kahrs including the CM9 I just bought.
Two questions
1. My new Kahr had three ftf's on it's first trip. All were nose down under the feed ramp. Took it out today and had seven more. Gun now has 200 rounds thru it. Have four mags and use them all. First time I thought maybe human error and bullets weren't properly seated. Today I was very careful to make sure the rounds were seated.
What's going on?
2. Today shot 15 rounds of my defense ammo, Speer 124 +P. I had three ftf (round horizontal and on the feed ramp. What defense ammo does the gun like?
Grateful for your help.
08-21-2011, 01:26 AM
Mine has had 1200 rounds through it. Eats anything I feed it. And I have put as many different brands through it. To put it to the test.
Have you checked the magazine? Or possibly a feed ramp issue?
08-21-2011, 10:55 AM
New Kahrs come greased up and need to be thoroughly cleaned and the ramp and chamber shiny to feed initially. Please complete the initial prep posted in the tech section and lube following the lube chart also there. Run wet during break in and grease lube point 6 where the barrel hood drags on the upper slide surface.
Like all guns, Kahrs have metal to metal parts that have to wear smooth together. You cannot get the tolerances this tight with mass produced parts. Well, not mass produced as in tupperware, but barrels are machined by a separate company as are mags and other parts. Although designed to close tolerances they still need to mate. The mating is going on in the break-in and there is increased drag on the slide and thus fail to feeds. That's why they need to run wetter during this period. Those should go away as the break-in proceeds.
I don't recommend even trying other than round nose rounds until break-in is complete and it feeds flawlessly. Then the Speer or most brands should feed well. Many here like the Gold Dot others Federal HST. It's all good and will stop the bad guy if needed so get what you have confidence in as you don't want to have any doubts while carrying.
08-21-2011, 11:23 AM
Sometimes it seems there is drag on the follower and maybe even the spring by the magazine catch. Sanding on the right corner/side/bottom of the follower where the catch can drag and making sure the spring's loose end is to the front may help. The seven-round extended grip magazine... 9mm... usually has these diving problems which go back to the top round in the magazine being drawn forward as the stripper pushes a round toward the chamber.
Some of these rounds are far enough forward that they dive, rather than go up the ramp. It's mainly a problem with 9mm magazines. As a round is being chambered, the next in line is dragged along, sometimes enough to strike the slide lock actuator and prematurely lock the slide back. Some bullets are more prone than others to strike the actuator, but sometimes a little judicious sanding or filing of the actuator can stop this... sometimes polishing the actuator part is enough, though. A new slide lock is usually the fix for these problems, but not a guarantee that was enough.
In a more extreme "fix" you could file or grind a bit from the center of the magazine catch... kind of scallop it, but don't lessen the sharp edge on the top part of the catch that holds the mag in place. I did this to my P380 without any problem in magazine retention, but still had to send in my P380 to stop the premature slide locks with ammo still in the magazines. The fix was replacing the slide lock and/or polishing the slide lock actuator.
You can check for bullets contacting the actuator by removing the slide, re-installing the slide stop, and inserting a loaded magazine... then slowly advance the top round a tiny bit at a time to see if and when the bullet touches the actuator. That's when you can try a tiny bit of sanding/filing/grinding of the actuator. There are several posts with pictures on this forum about the actuator and this "fix".
OH! If you do this last check, DO remember to remove the slide lock BEFORE re-installing the slide! Guys have jammed their slide on forgetting this.:eek:
08-21-2011, 11:26 AM
Thank you OldLincoln (love the name). Stripped and cleaned thoroughly before shooting. As stated, liberally oiled all contact points. I have never had a gun ftf bullet nose down under the slide. There is definitely something wrong? Could it be a bad magazine or spring? Followers look good. Love the gun but at this point can't carry it.
Grateful for any additional input.
08-21-2011, 11:35 AM
This is my first post. Found you on Florida Concealed Carry.
I have two Kahrs including the CM9 I just bought.
Two questions
1. My new Kahr had three ftf's on it's first trip. All were nose down under the feed ramp. Took it out today and had seven more. Gun now has 200 rounds thru it. Have four mags and use them all. First time I thought maybe human error and bullets weren't properly seated. Today I was very careful to make sure the rounds were seated.
What's going on?
2. Today shot 15 rounds of my defense ammo, Speer 124 +P. I had three ftf (round horizontal and on the feed ramp. What defense ammo does the gun like?
Grateful for your help.
are all the mags doing this?//At what round is it doing this, like round 2/3 or kwhat. Have u checked to see if thge magazine spring is on correctly. also hav eu visioted the kahr tech section and hit on the two goos sticky's
#1 lakhr lube chart. #2 propper prepping of your new kahr, it will tell u some things to look for, like possably rounds hitting inside on the slide lock lever or magazine follower getting caught at around roun d 2/3 due to the maga release catching on it. both scenarios are fixabe, and both are easy as pie to check out yourself. don't panic yet. The cm9 is really just one super gun and really no issues that we know of either. not that you might not have an issue but give us alittle more inforemation, maybe someone can help to.
Are u using the slide lock release lever to load that first round??? Some have issues hand racking until the guns gets smoother in operation. U did not state if it was being hand racked causng it... Kahrs are not ammo sensitive at all, it will eat anything u put in the piple to. so lets not blame the ammo. How about letting another shooter try the gun also. If he can duplicate whatyour having, then we know it is not shooter error. We need to eliminate the possables first beforee calling kahr. Make sure the recoil spring is on correctly to. open end towards the front of the slide..
08-21-2011, 11:36 AM
Thank you Wayne
It took me four tries to caulk my shower!? My eye sees it but hands aren't listening, not handy. I guess I need to contact Kahr. My CW40 has run flawlessly from the get go. This Kahr has been a disappointment so far. Sadly I talked two of my friends into buying this gun too. They too carry and hope I didn't lead them astray? Have several other friends who own the PM9, they love them.
Appreciate your input
08-21-2011, 11:44 AM
Hi Jocko
My six round mag did it as I closed the slide on the first round. Not sure which, if not all, the other three seven round mags failed, nose down, but it happened at different points of firing. I own six pistols; XD45, XDM9, these two Kahrs, a Keltec PF9 and a KT P3AT. None have ever failed like this, troubling.
PS. It happened to two other people. I was letting a small woman and HUGE man shoot it (husband and wife, husband and good friend knew I got it and he wants to buy his wife a small nine).
I rack slide, they did too, but six of the nose down failures were while gun was running.
08-21-2011, 12:03 PM
check the mag followers out, read that prep thread..
Bill K
08-21-2011, 12:13 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk!
When talking to Kahr be sure to grease the rails - figuratively speaking - by letting them know how reliable your other Kahr has been and how pleased you are with that gun. Let them know that you want to feel the same about your new CM9.
08-21-2011, 12:26 PM
+10 on that, KY always works nice..
08-21-2011, 01:03 PM
Thank you Bill
A word to the wise is sufficient, I will do that!
Jocko, the tech post is good stuff. The followers are not hitting the mag lock but the bullets are lightly striking the slide stop.
I will contact Kahr tomorrow.
Thank you guys for your help and thoughtful input.
08-21-2011, 01:28 PM
ask for a news slide stop, they will send you one and when they say they will, then u take ur slide stop and with a small fine file just file that little nub down a tad at a time and retest to see if the rounds are clearing. Barely clearinbg is OK, so go slowlyt, u can'thurt a damn thing as a NEDW ONE IS IN THE MAILL mANY HARE3 HAVE DONE THIS ANd with great success. It is not rocket science. If rounds hit that slide stop it will be enough to throw them off course when feeding. THEY SHOUOLDNOT HIT THE SLIDE STOP--PERIOD....
Glad u did some studying here, as u have found probably ur source of the issueds and itis fixable without sending it back, with a new slide stop or modifying the one you have ..
I had to get 3 slide stops for my Para carry 9 before they finally had one that cleared the rounds..
ask for Jay or Eion at kahr CS nice guys, be polite at all times.
08-21-2011, 02:00 PM
Thank you Wayne
It took me four tries to caulk my shower!? My eye sees it but hands aren't listening, not handy.
Amen to that. Yesterday I was trimming a piece of plastic material with a coping saw. I distinctly remember my brain telling my finger to move, but.... one hand was quicker than the other. I guess that why they make bandaids.
08-21-2011, 02:01 PM
+10 on that, KY always works nice..
Now Jocko! What you DOING to that poor Kahr?
08-21-2011, 02:19 PM
You guys are great. Love the humor and etiquette. Active member of Florida Concealed Carry but will most definitely "troll" you wonderful forum as well.
Lord Bless guys!
08-21-2011, 03:33 PM
Interesting thread. I have been trolling here for awhile. The CM9 will probably be my next purchase.
08-21-2011, 03:45 PM
How about saying "been viewing here" trolls seem to come on forums to do no good..
U can't make a better purchase than the cm9, we have had but a very few issues with the cm9 since introduction, most all solved right here with the forum guys WHO KNOW KAHRS...
There are alot of hnew owners who have never owned a small ass gun like the cm9 or PM9 or PM40' and someissues are certainly "shooter" issues which when one comes on here with issues and presents them in a fashion that most here can understand, 90% of the time it is solved and no need to go back to kahr.
I can remembe rback when the P380 came out and I had issues so back it went and they called me and basically questioned if I had been inside the gun even, as theystated it had a PM9 trigger in it. I toldtem the gun has never been taken down in the grip area EVER andif there was a PM9 trigger in the P380 then kahr did it. Whether they would own up to it or not, they fixed it and the gun has been great since. So IMO buy the cm9 do the propper prep trhing, elimionate before you ever go out any little gliches that can be resolved before that first bigt shoot thing. The kahr lube chart is a must, add those two stickys together and you have the makings of a great first shoot. To me that is what gun forums are for, not a "*****" forum which we see alot of and sometimes justifeid, so I am not defending kahr either. But ur always gonna read the negativges on a gun forum for most owners don't even know or care about gun forums and are usually out enjoyng their new purchase.
08-21-2011, 04:26 PM
"Lurking" is the term I've most often heard. I only lurked for a day before taking my new CM9 to the range today. 160 flawless rounds! The prep and lube posts are a great help!
08-21-2011, 04:37 PM
Trolling has nothing BUT bad meanings... as in Trolls that live under the bridges and prey on people in fairy tales... or BG's that troll for young children with "candy" or lost pets!!
Lurking can be sinister, but sounds better! I like to lurk, sometimes anonymously, but I've found out the "mods" can still "see" you. Bawanna' let that cat out of the bag when I was trying to see what was going on here after a few weeks away, without jumping right in.
08-21-2011, 04:58 PM
I will happily return to view posts. By the way, the felt recoil of the little CM9, with the seven round mag, is similar to my XDM9's...almost non existent. My Pf9's felt recoil is sharp and many don't care for it. Hard to believe they could get a gun so small to behave so politely.
Can't wait to get the gun running! My XDM will become my competition gun only.
08-21-2011, 05:03 PM
never been a fan of the 7 roundmag in the cm9 kahrs. alot just don't work for the owners. IMO stick with the 6 round flush fit, u bought an ultra concealment gun and the 7 round mag is very butt ugly to boot let along for some an issue for reliability. If u have issues with the 7 round mag, go back to the 6 round flush fit and test out. if it works with the 6 round mag, then send those 7 round mag back in exchange for the flush fit 6 round mag. Just my 2 cents on this.
were ur issues with the 6 round and 7 round mags ???
08-21-2011, 06:00 PM
One nose down with the six, ten with the other three. I did shoot the three seven round mags more. I like to carry IWB and the extra inch in length is not a problem for me. The extra round of "do over" makes me happy too. I do agree the flush in holster is invisible but keep in mind before this gun my carry gun held twenty rounds of candy. I have ordered Kahr's Trijicon Tritium sights for the gun as well. Though 90% of my shooting is defensive point shooting, night sights sure are nice!
Kahr makes a beautiful great gun.
Thank you for your help
08-21-2011, 06:57 PM
I will happily return to view posts. By the way, the felt recoil of the little CM9, with the seven round mag, is similar to my XDM9's...almost non existent. My Pf9's felt recoil is sharp and many don't care for it. Hard to believe they could get a gun so small to behave so politely.
Can't wait to get the gun running! My XDM will become my competition gun only.
welcome aboard and best luck on the slide stop lever. 1 comment though... i notice a huge differance in felt recoil between my pm9 vs my xdm9, they r like night and day to me at least, but i guess we are all horses of a different color.
08-21-2011, 07:54 PM
Funny isn't it? How different we all are? Guess that's why they call it felt recoil. Note I said with the seven round mag. Definitely more with the six but compared to my PF9 and more so the CW40, it's a 22 (smile inserted).
Bob G
08-21-2011, 08:45 PM
never been a fan of the 7 roundmag in the cm9 kahrs. alot just don't work for the owners. IMO stick with the 6 round flush fit, u bought an ultra concealment gun and the 7 round mag is very butt ugly to boot let along for some an issue for reliability. If u have issues with the 7 round mag, go back to the 6 round flush fit and test out. if it works with the 6 round mag, then send those 7 round mag back in exchange for the flush fit 6 round mag. Just my 2 cents on this.
were ur issues with the 6 round and 7 round mags ???
Can't send them back they are my CW9 mags!!!
Just need to buy more mags.....:D
08-21-2011, 09:00 PM
Can't send them back they are my CW9 mags!!!
Just need to buy more mags.....:D
You can still use those at the range, or sell them here on the forum.
08-21-2011, 09:10 PM
You can still use those at the range, or sell them here on the forum.
Uhm, and then what would he use to shoot his CW9?
08-21-2011, 09:30 PM
I feel the same about the CM9 and how easy it is to control. My first Kahr was the CW9 for the very reason that I thought the full grip and longer barrel would be easier to control! And it is a very pleasant pistol to shoot. And my favorite carry pistol. After I bought the CW9 a shooting friend bought a PM9, I shot it over several months and decided it would be a perfect summer carry pistol.
While I was procrastinating the CM9 was announced. Three months ago I bought a CM9, have put 300 rounds down range. It is a really amazing pistol. It has completely replaced the P32 as either a pocket or holstered carry pistol this Summer. You can't go wrong with either pistol. By the way when I was breaking in the CM9 I used the 7 round magazines I bought for the CW9. They all worked great. I do need a second 6 round magazine just in case! I carry a 7 round often as a spare for the CM9.
-- Richard
08-21-2011, 09:46 PM
Uhm, and then what would he use to shoot his CW9?
He doesn't have a CW9, he has a CW40. I was responding to jocko's comment, quoted above by Bob G about getting rid of the 7 round mags and using only 6 round mags in the CM9. For some reason, I only saw jocko's comments and missed Bob G's comment below the quote. But what is strange is, why did Bob G chime in here anyway? He didn't post previously in the thread and jocko's comments weren't directed at him. I'm confused. :nerd:
08-21-2011, 10:33 PM
I'm confused. :nerd:
No more so than I am, apparently. :rolleyes:
I am going to go sit in a corner and be very quiet now.
les strat
08-21-2011, 10:55 PM
Try tapping the back of the slide down against something to make sure all the ammo is seated in the mag properly. The only nose down I had today out of 75 rounds was the one time I forgot to do this with a 7 round mag with my CM9.
08-22-2011, 12:25 AM
JFootin, I hope my ramble did not add to your confusion? :o
I will also be quiet.
-- Richard
08-22-2011, 06:28 AM
ramble, u mean this forum allows one to ramble!!! humm never seen that on here before, ask deithrich that or wyn to get an opinion. these guys are authorities on rambling!!!
probably why this forum is so good to. where would we be without deit or wyn and oh yes the great one BAWANNA.. sure glad ol jocko never rambles..:w00t:
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