View Full Version : Multi-gun range report and Trijicon info

les strat
08-22-2011, 11:10 AM
Yesterday my brother in law and I headed to the range. It was very hot but overcast and a little breeze thank goodness.

I took my CM9 to dial in the CT, my SR9c, and my wife's Bersa T380. I also took a couple long guns (Savage 110 30-06 and Mossy 535 3 1/2") since hunting season is coming up.

AS far as pistols, the CM9 laser was dead on. I had dialed it in by sight at about 20 ft. It did dirty up after about 75 rounds and lost some of its visibilty. I had one second round nose-down using a 7 round mag. It was the only mag I did not tap to seat the ammo. The Trijicon front night sight I had installed held up well with the WWB and WWB 147 gr JHP. I love this gun!

I shot a couple 17 round mags worth in the SR9c and had one light primer strike. The striker channel was clean. And this is not the forst time this has happened.

The Bersa shot like a pro and am proud my wife carries this dependable pistol. I highly recommend them for someone wanting a larger .380.
My 30-06 can bust a water-filled milk jug at 100 yds handheld with the Nikon Monarch 3-9x40. It is definitley ready for deer season.

This was the first time I had shot the Mossy 535. I did not feel like punishing myself with 3.5" shells as I will be using this primarily for dove hunting. It shot great with 2 3/4" and throws a great, even pattern at 30-40 yds. Also had a little fun at 10 ft with a water jug :D

My brother in law brought several guns, including an SKS (man, what a fun accurate gun!), a Glock 19, a Taurus .38sp, and a Ruger .22 target pistol. We traded out, and I shot his SKS a bunch and was hitting water jugs at 100 yds with iron sights. He shot my 30-06... his first time shooting a high powered deer rifle. He liked the Accutrigger.

All in all, there is nothing like a range trip with lots of guns as a stress reliever. But there is also nothing like 2 hrs of cleaning guns when you get home.;)

08-22-2011, 11:27 AM
Good stuff. I feel your pain on the cleaning end. I enjoy doing a thorough cleaning and maintenance on a gun or two but after a range day with my son it's usually way more than one or two and its not nearly as enjoyable. In fact it becomes a down right chore.

I use to without fail clean a gun the day it was shot, but I find myself not adhering to that principle nearly as much. Take a little more time, if it waits a few days it's not the end of the world ya know.

It's not like they were out hunting and got wet or snowed on, just dirty.

You'd think I'd learn and not take some many toys each trip but I never seem to. Love to have a range in my back yard where I could shot everyday and then I could just focus on one or two, clean and try something else.

Dreaming is good.

08-22-2011, 11:52 AM
I'm thinking about that now. I need to try out those new P380 7-shot mags and the Herters FMJ I got on sale at Cabela's with $5 shipping. The trouble is that I can't decide what else to shoot! I want to shoot all my favorites, but there it gets tricky... two guns with mags and about 200 rounds each isn't so bad, but I like all of my Kahrs... been carrying the PM45 a lot lately, and even the stepchild "tweener" PM9 a bit, too. I started wanting to carry something bigger than the P380 that I pack all the time around the house.
Dang! I need to eat and get going... still working on my second cup of coffee after getting up late... as usual.
I would love to live where I could just walk outside and blast away without bothering anybody too much! <sigh>
I'm glad y'all had a good outing, Les. I usually feel pretty good after getting the guns all cleaned up and reloaded for whatever. I don't always get right on them, either... sometimes TWO DAYS later!:rolleyes:



les strat
08-22-2011, 12:13 PM
Well, I did take the time to grill some burgers and corn on the cobb when I got home :hungry:

I usually clean my pistols up ASAP, but not so much with my long guns. Heck, I remember as a kid just running a patch down my shottys and rifles maybe once a year, and they did fine.

08-22-2011, 01:01 PM
I probably tend to be over protective of my babies.

Many say that more guns are worn out from cleaning than they are shooting. I'm getting a little more lacsadasical all the time. I still love my babies but they sometimes gotta fend for themselves ya know.

08-22-2011, 01:55 PM

I am sending my cm9 back to Kahr after the front Trigilcon sight came off. They stripped the screw. Question did you manage to get both screws on and did you use loctite. Kahr only used one screw. It is near impossible to get a screw in the front hole.



08-22-2011, 02:15 PM
There is only one screw that goes in the rear of the sight, or am I missing something. That's how it is on my CM9 & CW9. Of course, my memory is fading and maybe it went in the front.



I am sending my cm9 back to Kahr after the front Trigilcon sight came off. They stripped the screw. Question did you manage to get both screws on and did you use loctite. Kahr only used one screw. It is near impossible to get a screw in the front hole.



les strat
08-22-2011, 02:17 PM

I am sending my cm9 back to Kahr after the front Trigilcon sight came off. They stripped the screw. Question did you manage to get both screws on and did you use loctite. Kahr only used one screw. It is near impossible to get a screw in the front hole.



There should only be one screw with the Trijicon (rear hole). The other (front) is just a post to hold it in place. I put red locktite in the back hole before screwing it down and some locktite between the bottom of the sight and the slide (I had a very small gap between the two). Basically, I just followed the directions that came with it, and it said nothing about pinning the front post.

08-22-2011, 02:21 PM
I wish I would have used Red. I started to and then thought Blue would be easier to get out down the road. Hope it doesn't come out the first time I get to the range, which might be a while. Having some probs with shooting arm/elbow.:(

les strat
08-22-2011, 02:36 PM
I wish I would have used Red. I started to and then thought Blue would be easier to get out down the road. Hope it doesn't come out the first time I get to the range, which might be a while. Having some probs with shooting arm/elbow.:(

I think it should be ok. It just seems to me that an all sight with a metal screw and front post would be stronger than the flimsy little piece of lego that was on there!

08-22-2011, 03:21 PM

Thank you I have asked Kahr to use red loctite for the front night site. The biggest problem was they stripped the screw holding the front sight. That is why it came off

Update. Kahr just called me they are going to make it right with me. They apologized for stripping the sight screw and not using loctite.

les strat
08-22-2011, 04:40 PM
That's great.... I guess. You would have thought they would read know how to install them or at least read the instructions :rolleyes: I can't believe they sent it back to you with it stripped anyway.
Hope it works perfect this go-around.

08-22-2011, 05:12 PM
That sounds like something I would do. If tight is good, tighter is better....... Not! But I do it anyway sometimes.:(