View Full Version : Kahr PM45 - Recommended ammunition?

08-23-2011, 08:17 AM
I am curious to hear which types of ammunition you have found that work reliably and consistently in your Kahr PM45.

I bought this PM45 to use for those times when my Glock 30 (45 ACP) and Glock 39 (45 GAP) are too large to carry.

(Manufactured November 2008, factory remanufactured February 2011)
On the range prior to my PM45 being returned to Kahr (August 2011) I experienced:
- 100 rounds Winchester white box gave me 6 FTF and some light strikes
- 100 rounds Remington green box UMB had 3 FTF and 7 light strikes

When chambering Herters International Select Grade 230gr FMJ from Cabellas (steel case bullets) the third round jammed unfired in the barrel so tightly that I had to leave the range and take it to a gunsmith for removal. I quit using them altogether.

I had returned the PM45 to Kahr for a tune-up as it was not dependable.

If you have found a type of ammunition that produces excellent results with the PM45 perhaps you might reply with the details?


08-23-2011, 02:47 PM
I had a few problems (8?) with Winchester during the factory recommended break-in. Since then, no problems with Winchester. I've had excellent results with Remington Gold Saber 185 gr +P. I had some problems with some of my reloads not feeding and fully seating properly, but the Kahr, at least my Kahr, seems to have a tighter chamber than my other 45s. I adjusted the expander die and the problem was solved.

The Winchester and Remington that gave you problems may not be the most expensive and highest quality ammo on the market, but they aren't cheapo left over Soviet or Chinese imports either. If they don't work better than your experience indicates, something is wrong. I don't know what experience you've had with other handguns, but perhaps the small grip on the Kahr is causing you to limp-wrist. Try again making sure you have a firm grip, and/or let someone else shoot your gun and see if the results change. If that doesn't help, call Kahr.

08-23-2011, 03:04 PM
The Kahr PM45 was purchased to carry when the Glock 30 (45 ACP) and Glock 39 (45 GAP) are too big.
- Those resources seem to pretty much eat anything without squabble
- Aware of Limp-Wrist syndrome, I do not believe that was the root of the PM45 issues.

Since the PM45 arrived back from Kahr mid-August I have not again tried the White Box Winchester or Green Box Remington
- Expect to try again this weekend.

Since the ammunition choice seems to impact the performance of the Kahr, I am fishing to hear what does work well for others
- Obviously it would be cost prohibitive to purchase "100 of each" of every brand and type out there so I am hoping to narrow my tests based on other reported successes.

So the Remington Gold Sabers seem pretty good for you?

Sidebar issue:
I hate to draw the comparison (will likely get flack for this one) but there are some significant parallels here between the PM45 performance and the AMT .45 Backup.
Previously I had bought an AMT .45 Backup (slightly smaller than the PM45) and it presented with the same issues.
- Two trips back to the manufacturer in Texas with no real improvement.
- It was simply not dependable.

08-23-2011, 03:14 PM
kahrs are not ammo sensitive, so would I would try first is to let another good shooter try the gun to see if he can duplicate ur issues, if so then we can now assume it is gun related. Uneed to eliminate the possables and shooter error has tobe a possable. Next check to see if that magazine follower is getting hindered arounmd round 2/3, very easy to check out, see the kahr tech section andhit on the thread sticky Propper prepping of ur new kahr, scroll on down anbdu will see it.

some have related on this forum about rthe bevel on the interface bar, if it doesnt have that bevel then there are guys here that can guide u right throgh that to. It is a no brainer. again another possable that has to be eliminated. IMO it is not theammo in your gun, IT ISTHE GUN.

U might also want to pull up the stickly in the kahr tech section called cw fixes by GB6491. It shows in photo detail what I am talkingaabout withthe bevel thing and how to see if it is neweded even, just scroll on down throguh his tutorial. It is absdolutey the best photo tutorial I have ever seen. GB is with his camera what Todd Jarrett is with his 45. It will be of great help to you. don't give up the ship, guys here I think can help you..

08-23-2011, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the info, Jocko.
- Having other highly trained and experienced persons fire the PM45 is not a problem, I can certainly nail that expectation in short order.
- I will peek at the reference you cite.

Sidebar note: While my PM45 was being serviced at the Kahr factory earlier this month (August, 2011) I had conversations with two of the staff members there.
- I was advised by one person that some types of ammunition will not work as well in this particular model.
- Hence my question.

If you have had excellent performance with your PM45, though, my question stands...
- What ammunition has worked well for you consistently with every trigger pull?

Thanks again

08-23-2011, 03:29 PM
I've shot Speer Gold Dot 230 grain since day one and never missed a beat so far.
I've shot some Winchester T series also without issue.

Only issue I ever had was my reloads like mentioned before. I think I made them just a bit long, my other 45's eat em but the PM45 didn't like em.

Far as practice ammo, I've used Blazer Brass and Aluminum, and the Federal bulk FMJ, not sure what you call that, comes in boxes of 250.

I don't recall any factory ammo that mine didn't get along with completely.

08-23-2011, 03:32 PM
Excellent info. I appreciate that
- Will add Speer Gold Dot to my shopping list
'Appreciate that....

08-23-2011, 03:42 PM
Rereading your original post mine gets along real fine with the Lawman stuff.

What you experienced with the steel cased stuff is what I did with my reloads. Too long and the bullet jammed into the lands of the barrel and wouldn't go into battery. I took a cleaning rod and jammed and pulled since the slide was terrible stuck and I wasn't done shooting for the day.

I'd not waste any time with steel cased stuff myself but that isn't what caused your issue of course, just too long OAL.

08-23-2011, 03:58 PM
So your PM45 fires well with the Speer Lawman?
- Mine did much better (6 failures out of 100) in the post-repair testing than the pre-repair tests did with the White and Green Boxes
- I intend to retry the White and Green boxes this weekend

I wonder if I have a renewed 200-round break-in period then?
The repair tag from the August 2011 trip to Kahr read:
- Replaced slide, barrel, recoil spring, lubed test fired good

Since they replaced so many major components
perhaps I should "start from scratch" to discount that as
contributing to the ongoing failure-to-feed and failure-to-eject issues.

I just didn't want to waste money trying everything under the sun.
I would much prefer to hear the happy news from others as to what ammo works for them.
I'd focus my expense and testing there.

08-23-2011, 04:04 PM
looks like kahr didn'tknow the right fix so they just replaced all the top portion. I would again start as if the gun was new, callum breakin, I callum just shootin it like u stole it. You can't get reliability without shooting it, so just consider it good range time and u and thegun mating up. being u have not been out with this gun since the fix, just take your normal ammo that u have and shoot it, I would stay away from steel cased ammo. Listen to guys like bawanna he owns a 45 kahr , I don't, so I can only pass on what I remember from toehr owners who have posted "fixes" and great results to..

I think u will find that kahr fixed ur gun to.

08-23-2011, 04:39 PM
I think it will get better. 200 isn't any kind of magical number, it's just sort of a milestone or guideline. Some take a little more, some less, some are good out of the box.

It should shoot any ball ammo of reasonable quality without fail.

The Lawman is good stuff and if it doesn't work 100%, theres an issue that could be just more rounds needed.

In your shoes I'd just get the cheapest decent quality stuff you can find and start shooting. Federal, Speer, Winchester White box, should all work.

08-23-2011, 06:40 PM
Purchased my PM 45 in November 2010 and now have just over 3,000 rnds. For carry I use Federal P45HST2 because they cycle perfect and are inexpensive. I have also used PDX1 and they are fine. For target I use Federal Champion 230g, WWB 230g, Blazer Brass 230g and UMC 185g. I don't care for the UMC 185, they cycle fine but are dirty and they are loaded for 1000fps and are very HOT like a +P. I had a friend reload using 185g Berrys plated with 4.2 grains of WST powder and OAL of 1.280. WOW, shoots point of aim, no flash, clean burn and shoots as soft as my P380, well almost. In 3,000+ rnds. only 2 stovepipes early on.

I'm a better shot with the PM45 than the PM9, and it makes a bigger hole.

08-23-2011, 08:09 PM
For a carry round, I like Federal HST, 230 grain +P. For range ammo I like CCI Blazer.

08-23-2011, 08:55 PM
Below is why I ask the question:
- What ammunition works for you in your Kahr PM45 consistently without issue?

My PM45 was received back from the Kahr gunsmiths on 08/18/11
Failure-to-Feed (FTF) / Failure-to-Eject (FTE) / Light Strike (non-fire)

08/18 on the range - shot 50 Speer Lawman rounds
Total errors from the box of 50
3 FTF, 2 FTE, 1 light strike

08/23 on the range - shot 100 Remington UMC rounds
First 50 2 FTF, 1 FTE, 3 light strikes
Second 50 2 FTF, 1 FTE, 6 light strikes
So total for 100 rounds: 4 FTF plus 4 FTE plus 9 light strikes

This is why the question:
- What ammo works for you in your Kahr PM45 consistently without issue?

08-24-2011, 06:34 PM
As I said on the second post in this thread, I had some problems with my reloads, but adjusted the die and fixed it. I've never had the problems you're having with factory ammo. You need to find another Kahr owner and go to the range together and and try each others ammo in both guns and each of you shoot each others gun.

08-25-2011, 09:04 AM
Stocked some of new ammo last night (magtec, hornady, winchester) and went with a neighbor (who's also a retired marine vet) onto my backyard range.
Initial results looked promising... only one FTE and a few light strikes.
Hoping getting more rounds through it (and refocusing on limp wrist or anticipation possibilities) may be starting to improve things.
Didn't get 100 rounds out of it last night (a few from each of three brands) before we were rained out.

08-25-2011, 11:14 AM
Did you use compressed air to blow out the striker channel through the little hole on the bottom of the slide? There may be some manufacturing crud in there causing light strikes.

08-25-2011, 11:23 AM
Didn't know about that option.
Can you confirm where the hole is that you are referring to ?

08-25-2011, 11:26 AM
Many give a blast of brake cleaner or gunscrubber in the little hole. Muzzle forward, slide upside down it's on the right side of the stripper toward the breech face. If you hold the striker safety down and give a blast it'll blow out both ends. Then just leave it or use the air. No oil. Cleans right up easy.

08-25-2011, 11:29 AM

The bottom arrow of # 9 on the lube chart points at the hole.

08-25-2011, 12:03 PM
After shooting 200rnds of factory blazer fmj. I have started shooting my own reloads. 185gr semi wadcutters from ww in a H&G mold pushed by 4.1gr of bullseye. I developed the load with just enough power to reliably cycle the gun. I have about 300rnds of the reloads through it. I did have two malfunctions in the three hundred. Probably from getting lazy and limp wristing my lite load.

Michael W.
08-25-2011, 07:21 PM
Below is why I ask the question:
- What ammunition works for you in your Kahr PM45 consistently without issue?

My PM45 was received back from the Kahr gunsmiths on 08/18/11
Failure-to-Feed (FTF) / Failure-to-Eject (FTE) / Light Strike (non-fire)

08/18 on the range - shot 50 Speer Lawman rounds
Total errors from the box of 50
3 FTF, 2 FTE, 1 light strike

08/23 on the range - shot 100 Remington UMC rounds
First 50 2 FTF, 1 FTE, 3 light strikes
Second 50 2 FTF, 1 FTE, 6 light strikes
So total for 100 rounds: 4 FTF plus 4 FTE plus 9 light strikes

This is why the question:
- What ammo works for you in your Kahr PM45 consistently without issue?


Sorry to hear of the problems you've had, I know how frustrating this
must be for you.

I'm going thru the same thing with my "other mfgr" micro 9mm that
whose name starts with a "D" and rhymes with ...uhh....."C'mon-back"
(please no snickering....it was a weak moment and I succumbed to the
slim wiles calling out to me at a gun show...:)

As for my PM45, one thing to keep in mind with this gun, the AMT or
really any other micro compact gun, the tolerances are often unforgiving.
So what may work in one gun might be problematic in another.

Having said that, I've shot Sellior & Bellot FMJ, Fiocchi FMJ, and Blazer
aluminum FMJ without much issue. In hollowpoints I've shot Golden Saber
and Federal 230gr HST which my carry load for the PM45.

My biggest problem has been pre-mature slide lock and I am
just about positive that this is due to my thumbs forward
hold and nudging the slide lock after I start getting fatigued.

Incidentally, it seems that Federal is making a big stink over the sale
of HST's to civilians and are making life hard for retailers that
do. So, either go and stock up on them if you really like them
while they are still available, or boycott Federal or whatever proclivities
lead you.

Hope this helps,


09-21-2012, 06:48 PM
I use Speer gold dot short barrel in my pm 45. For self defense. My only issue with thisgun is with cheap target ammo the slide fails to stay open after the last round once in a while. I stop shooting clean the slidelock lever and all is fine. Wish they would make a mk45

09-21-2012, 06:58 PM
Ps I also have an AMT .45 that fireseverything I put in it. My kahr pm 45 is my favorite because of the shorter trigger reach the slide lock and the magazine button type release.