View Full Version : Be careful what you say on the diamondback forum
08-24-2011, 11:12 PM
In another thread I previously wrote , I mentioned that I was seriously thinking about buying a Diamondback DB9. I started visiting the Diamondback forum in February to read about it's development. Since it has hit the market, I've been reading about a lot of problems that the DB9 is having - cracked front and rear rails, guide rod failures, broken triggers, walking frame pins, FFT issues and problem magazines. This is what changed my mind and cause me to purchase a CM9.
Today I was permanently banded from the forum. I was reading a thread were a customer was complaining about the broken trigger on his DB9, and how he was treated by customer service. This is a brand new gun with very few rounds through it. He called DB's customer service and was told he would have to pay for the shipping back to Diamondback, which upset him greatly. The DB9, like I mentioned above, is experiencing trigger problems. He then went on You Tube and vented there. So he was now venting on the forum. The forum's administrator chimed in and basically said he should not have vented on You Tube. Another forum member stood up for the You Tube video. The administrator then locked the thread.
I then started another thread questioning the administrator's reasons for critizing the ventor and locking the thread for any further discussion.
The administrator then sent me an e-mail threatening me. I sent him one back asking if he was practicing to be a dictator. He then banded me from the forum.
I wonder how many threads have been censored by this administrator?
08-24-2011, 11:42 PM
"I wonder how many threads have been censored by this administrator?"
Define what you mean here. How many threads have been censored here at Kahrtalk or the admin at the DB forum?
Feel free to speak freely, no danger of banning.
08-24-2011, 11:51 PM
I meant at the Diamondback Forum.
08-24-2011, 11:56 PM
I don't visit other forums much unless someone links me to one for some sort of information. When I did visit I found some to be not nearly as pleasant and friendly as this one. Almost a drink the kool aid and listen to our gospel type scenarios.
I know there is no censoring here that is clearly and openly addressed. I do fix a mispelled word from time to time but never anything that would change or influence the meaning of a post.
08-24-2011, 11:58 PM
Your a good man, Bawanna.
08-25-2011, 03:20 AM
This forum is a refreshing change to most others.We have open and honest discussions here without having a petty tyrant with delusions of Godhood banning people for questioning their judgement.We vent when we feel the need and when we get it off our chests,the other members pitch in and try to help.The only thing I have ever seen someone given the boot for was rude behavior.In that I mean racial remarks or childish insults and arguments.If you engage in mature differences of opinion you will have no problem here.Good folks.
08-25-2011, 04:52 AM
I don't visit other forums much unless someone links me to one for some sort of information. When I did visit I found some to be not nearly as pleasant and friendly as this one. Almost a drink the kool aid and listen to our gospel type scenarios.
I know there is no censoring here that is clearly and openly addressed. I do fix a mispelled word from time to time but never anything that would change or influence the meaning of a post.
This is EXACTLY why I'm enjoying this forum so much. I've never been banned from a forum before, but I like how we're free to discuss anything without fear of retribution.
Sent from Tapatalk
08-25-2011, 05:37 AM
In another thread I previously wrote , I mentioned that I was seriously thinking about buying a Diamondback DB9. I started visiting the Diamondback forum in February to read about it's development. Since it has hit the market, I've been reading about a lot of problems that the DB9 is having - cracked front and rear rails, guide rod failures, broken triggers, walking frame pins, FFT issues and problem magazines. This is what changed my mind and cause me to purchase a CM9.
Today I was permanently banded from the forum. I was reading a thread were a customer was complaining about the broken trigger on his DB9, and how he was treated by customer service. This is a brand new gun with very few rounds through it. He called DB's customer service and was told he would have to pay for the shipping back to Diamondback, which upset him greatly. The DB9, like I mentioned above, is experiencing trigger problems. He then went on You Tube and vented there. So he was now venting on the forum. The forum's administrator chimed in and basically said he should not have vented on You Tube. Another forum member stood up for the You Tube video. The administrator then locked the thread.
I then started another thread questioning the administrator's reasons for critizing the ventor and locking the thread for any further discussion.
The administrator then sent me an e-mail threatening me. I sent him one back asking if he was practicing to be a dictator. He then banded me from the forum.
I wonder how many threads have been censored by this administrator?Is the forum owned or run by the guy who runs SigForum?
08-25-2011, 05:38 AM
u gotta realize that some of these administrators on other forums are DICTATORS. They think they own the fourm,and basically they do, They have the magic "gone" button, we don't. HellI was on a forum that if you said sh-t u got an email, or if u deleted one letter like Ij ust did here, u will get it deleted from ur thread.I have PM these mods many times about this being a gun forum where men are men and where women are men but each forum has their own set rules and I think one of most all gun specific forums have is never say bad things about that gun, some get real hostile. This forum is indeed diffrerent, Sure I hate to see a poster havei ssues with kahrs, we all do but it happens to, sometimes more than we like, This is not a fourm to praise kahrs ONLY.
Ol jocko is now down to just this one forum, I recently left another gun forum due to just getting tired of some of the crapola. (that would have been deleted that word on that forum by the way). Remember it is a forum where we don't really khnow who is on the other end and I mysel have learned to not let things get to one to much on a forum of any kind. It is not just gun forums that have dictators. This is a good forum,IMO the best. For me I have lasted longer than I ever dreamed I would not because of getting banned, but one just moves on after awhile. Alot of good people here, u can just tell by their posts. Hell Bawanna has banned me 6 times but he DON'T HAVE THE MAGIC "GONE" BUTTON, but he has a back room full of horse/fish heads, ..He tells me he has the magic"gone" button now but every time he hits it, his garage door goes up, His deck of cards by the way is minus a few cards.!!:cheer2:
08-25-2011, 06:32 AM
I've been on a few forums lately that I don't usually visit looking for info.
Wow. Can't believe some of the posts and responses and banning and so forth.
I visit here, 1911forum and XDTalk. That's about it anymore.
The rest really, well.... It's the opposite of: :cheer2:
I still have issues with 9mm bashers. :7:
But I'll survive.
Thanks for keeping this one a nice place to visit. :D
Longitude Zero
08-25-2011, 06:57 AM
Brittanyman I am with you. I am the "other" one he chided. The DB froum is a bunch of lick boots. When the first negative reviews came out he deleted them quickly. Once the failure reports turned into a torrent and were getting heavy press on other forums and private boards he no longer had a choice.
When I originally posted about Kahrs righteous lawsuit against DB he deleted it but I reposted and he left it alone. The owner of that board needs to be ho'slapped multiple times.
Here we can openly discuss the matters of the mind and move on smoothly. I occasionally hit XDTLak but even there it is getting kinda petty. Don't get me started on staying away from Warrior Talk. Talk about a really arrogant/mean board owner.
08-25-2011, 07:21 AM
it is a desease, that has not hit this fourm. Bazwanna has given us all NICE shots, so weshould be goodto go.
08-25-2011, 07:36 AM
Strangely enough I just read that locked thread before checking in here this morning.
I also put forth an honest opinion on the DB380 thread where some were upset with that NutNFancy guys youtube video that was just released the other day about the DB380.
In my opinion the NTF guy was being very honest about the pistol and went out of his way to expound on the positive aspects of the gun.
One thing I found out a few years ago is that websites are owned by someone and they run it the way they want as it's not a democracy.
With some all sorts of mayhem is allowed and unfortunately on others unright thinking is strictly verbotten.
08-25-2011, 07:43 AM
Every once in a while,I go on the Carolina Shooters Forum but not often.The mods there are a bunch of ARAs [Anal Retentive Asshats] and quite a few members are petty internet tough guys.There are some nice people there but they are overshadowed by their counterparts.Another forum with idiotic mods is Bersachat.I asked to be removed from their membership even before I got rid of my .380.I go on forums to increase my knowledge about a firearm,offer advice when I can,and to have fun.I`m 60 years old.I`m not going to put up with a lot of crap out of some moron with an attitude problem.My attitude,of course, is ideal.I just don`t understand why those sh#theads don`t realize it.
08-25-2011, 07:43 AM
Sure doesn't sound like a big loss you not being able to go there. :D
Bill K
08-25-2011, 07:54 AM
Our beloved moderator/administrator appears to be a horse of a different color. Why I've even seen him, on his own, steel a thread and turn it into a calibers war! :D
08-25-2011, 08:07 AM
In all fairness, it's usually not a good idea to start a thread questioning the actions of 'staff', it's a better practice to PM them and discuss it offline. If the original thread was locked, I really wonder how far you really thought the thread you started would go? After all, a thread questioning 'authority' on a thread they already deemed not worthy would be considered a public slap in the face by some.
Each forum is privately run and they can run them however they want, we're fortunate here on Kahr Talk and this is by far one of my favorite places to visit, however not all forums are run this way.
If a site admin doesn't want that kind of thing on their forum, so be it - find another and move on. Some admins are hard headed and any negative feedback is nearly a violation of their terms of service it seems.
08-25-2011, 09:03 AM
Well said Thunder71.
08-25-2011, 10:20 AM
ot the end of the world if one just walks away from any chat forum. They are what they are. I may not agree with some either but again i don't own it so I either accept it or just walk away which I have done before on o 3 orther forums, probalby before getting banned for shooting my mouth off to the head man. They have ther BUTTON , we don't..:7: I have since lerned that a gun forum is like going to a friends home. It is his home, u go by his rules or u are asked to not comeback or u decide it is best to not come back. Either way little sleep should be lost to. I still read on the forums that I have left, and I learn something from them yet, I just choose to not post on them..
I left aforum a few days ago that has over 8000 members, now does anyone really think they wil miss ol jocko or U???:cheer2:
08-25-2011, 10:26 AM
Well folks, you have just read about the difference between a republic and a democracy. The elected (?) representatives or perhaps appointed czars on some forums know what's best and impose their individual beliefs because the populace is considered too stupid to know better. John manages this forum in line with a democracy with individuals have a lot of freedom (love that word) to express themselves. We do have law & order but of the benevolent kind to maintain civility and thereby protect the freedom of the populace.
I still visit other forums to keep a broad picture of the industry (if that's what shooters are) but don't linger there. Long live Kahrtalk!!!!
08-25-2011, 10:29 AM
So I guess to summarize this thread so far 9mm's ROCK! and your all banned?
I'll clean out the mail box to make room for a few more Flicka horse heads.
PS- This place is what it is because JohnH makes it or lets it be so. He's the man, hes the administrator. I can't take an ounce of credit away from him or Justin for this place being so nice. They might not blabber on like I do and rarely let their presence be known but they are there. When I get stuck they are right there to pull me out.
I finally just disconnected my garage door so when I hit the button it didn't go up and down. Annoying at best.
08-25-2011, 10:36 AM
So I guess to summarize this thread so far 9mm's ROCK! and your all banned?
I'll clean out the mail box to make room for a few more Flicka horse heads.
The 40 cal guy responds -
08-25-2011, 10:40 AM
I can't win!
Ok, 9's and 40's Rock! Along with 45's , and 10's, and 357's and 50AE's and 44's, and 7.62 x39's, and (this pains me) 380's rule, and (no not happening) 25's suck.
08-25-2011, 10:43 AM
I have found that many forums have a core group of like minded posters and seem to pile on when someone brings a different perspective on any subject.
If they have already hashed it out and come to a consensus, there's no more discussion.
And many times this seems to be led by mods who have strong views, similar experiences, and often times are about same age as the core group.
This forum is a refreshingly different place, without the usual scenters, ciber bullies, etc.
Thread drift is tolerated and often becomes a tsunami at times.
For me it's more about respect, even while hiding in ciber space.
08-25-2011, 10:44 AM
So I guess to summarize this thread so far 9mm's ROCK! and your all banned?
I'll clean out the mail box to make room for a few more Flicka horse heads.
PS- This place is what it is because JohnH makes it or lets it be so. He's the man, hes the administrator. I can't take an ounce of credit away from him or Justin for this place being so nice. They might not blabber on like I do and rarely let their presence be known but they are there. When I get stuck they are right there to pull me out.
I finally just disconnected my garage door so when I hit the button it didn't go up and down. Annoying at best.
;like ur blabbering, IMO ur the best at it. I see no one challenging that either NOR WANTING TO:7:
08-25-2011, 10:47 AM
I have found that many forums have a core group of like minded posters and seem to pile on when someone brings a different perspective on any subject.
If they have already hashed it out and come to a consensus, there's no more discussion.
And many times this seems to be led by mods who have strong views, similar experiences, and often times are about same age as the core group.
This forum is a refreshingly different place, without the usual scenters, ciber bullies, etc.
Thread drift is tolerated and often becomes a tsunami at times.
For me it's more about respect, even while hiding in ciber space.
I think you nailed it perfectly Tilos. Sounds like what I've seen on my rare visits astray, the core group thing waiting in the shadows to pounce on wrong thinking newbs. Kind of like the first time I tried paint ball, the regulars wait outside the door and blast you the minute you come out.
Even more so the respect thing, that I think is the magic that makes the difference here. That's huge.
08-25-2011, 10:53 AM
I love this bar!!!!...This is by far the best gun forum on the internet...I really feel like you folks are my friends even though we will most likely never meet face to face... Here we can laugh, have fun and carry on about most anything and sometimes even talk about Kahr pistols and good shooting or problems without fear of being banned...I go over to the S&W forum from time to time but mostly to look for information and not chat...They aren't as much fun over there and mostly stick to gun and cop talk..They also have some sretty strict rules which I wasn't aware of such as absolutely no political discussions are allowed...On the day the stock market tanked I wrote something like, Please someone go and dig up President Reagan and see if we can revive him to stop the madness in Washington because Presbobama doesn't seem to have a clue.... Well I got a PM from one of the mods with a pretty good ars chewing about that remark and he locked the thread...Over here we are FREE to discuss most anything within reason so long as we behave like adults and treat other members with due respect...We have the best mod of any forum in Captain Bawanna and to my knowledge he has only had to put a couple of notchs in his grips but those dudes deserved getting the boot....Rock on KahrTalk....:cheer2:
08-25-2011, 10:57 AM
Damn, made me blush. Thanks getsome.
08-25-2011, 11:00 AM
politics and religion wil lbring out the worst in forum members. Myself I now try to stay away from it, even jokingly. Those two topics seem to be the opposite of "well at least we can agree to disagree" It is either my way or the highway. Thjere is a reaosn why politics is not allowed on some forums, not just gunh forums . I respect that.
08-25-2011, 11:01 AM
blush!!! Bazwanna, ???Pure B. S. IMO.
Longitude Zero
08-25-2011, 12:19 PM
politics and religion wil lbring out the worst in forum members. Myself I now try to stay away from it, even jokingly. Those two topics seem to be the opposite of "well at least we can agree to disagree" It is either my way or the highway. Thjere is a reaosn why politics is not allowed on some forums, not just gunh forums . I respect that.
Kinda agree. Many forums tend to be "lick boots" for their favorite F/A and you get smeared if you say anything that challenges that orthodoxy.
08-25-2011, 12:35 PM
I can't win!
Ok, 9's and 40's Rock! Along with 45's , and 10's, and 357's and 50AE's and 44's, and 7.62 x39's, and (this pains me) 380's rule, and (no not happening) 25's suck.
Okay, what's wrong with 25's? :D
08-25-2011, 12:41 PM
Okay, what's wrong with 25's? :D
This from a man with all them pretty 45's in his safe?
Sheesh, ok 25's are AWESOME. Carry a little neosporin lotion in your pocket in case ya get hit with one.
Anyone wish Kahr would come out with a PM17HMR?
08-25-2011, 12:41 PM
Over the last 3 or 4 years I've been banned from two forums, Kimber and Taurus. I really don't care about Taurus since I don't own one and will never buy another, but I recently purchased a Kimber UC II and I might need help in the future.
I occasionally hit the S&W, SIG, HK, and 1911 forums, but don't post often. KahrTalk is the only forum that I have found that will put up with me on a regular basis.
08-25-2011, 12:44 PM
The Kimber is a 1911. I suspect the 1911 forum or the many members here with them will carry the day for ya. I had no idea you were such an outlaw. I knew about Jocko and his outlaw biker history but you. I'm impressed.
08-25-2011, 12:49 PM
This from a man with all them pretty 45's in his safe?
Sheesh, ok 25's are AWESOME. Carry a little neosporin lotion in your pocket in case ya get hit with one.
Anyone wish Kahr would come out with a PM17HMR?
Just kidding. I don't have a 25, but you're right about my favorite round. I have eight 45 pistols plus the 45 carbine I bought this week. I only have three 40's one 9, and one 380. I never count the C9 hidden away in the Prius glove box.
08-25-2011, 12:53 PM
Just kidding. I don't have a 25, but you're right about my favorite round. I have eight 45 pistols plus the 45 carbine I bought this week. I only have three 40's one 9, and one 380. I never count the C9 hidden away in the Prius glove box.
A man with a Boxer has to drive a Prius?:eek: Dang.
I'm going down for this I know, I'm a evil person.
08-25-2011, 12:58 PM
I hit "a lot" of forums (forui?) every day and LOVE to read the locked threads. They provide a real insight to the hubris of the mods/owner. I've got some favorite sites but don't want to mention them since I use the same screen-name and would hate to be banned from the entertainment of those locked threads.
I come to this forum to be educated; thanks to the members and Bawanna.
08-25-2011, 01:02 PM
I think some sort of a swatter or rolled up newspaper would be a nice touch with the bug in your avatar. I still find myself trying to kill it.
Great avatar.
08-25-2011, 01:22 PM
So I guess to summarize this thread so far 9mm's ROCK! and your all banned?
I'll clean out the mail box to make room for a few more Flicka horse heads.
PS- This place is what it is because JohnH makes it or lets it be so. He's the man, hes the administrator. I can't take an ounce of credit away from him or Justin for this place being so nice. They might not blabber on like I do and rarely let their presence be known but they are there. When I get stuck they are right there to pull me out.
I finally just disconnected my garage door so when I hit the button it didn't go up and down. Annoying at best.Ponies are for betting or children to ride, let's talk no more about beheading 'em.
I say .380s, 9mm and .45 all rock. It's all about placement.
08-25-2011, 01:36 PM
Is the forum owned or run by the guy who runs SigForum?
But it is usually not considered good form to bash other forums on most forums I've visited. Hm, that's practically a tongue-twister.
Longitude Zero
08-25-2011, 02:10 PM
When the admin of a site decides to act the fool and openly denigrate posters like has been done over there I feel that once he/she crossed the good taste line his benefit not to be bashed elsewhere evaporated.
You get respect by giving it. He did not and now it is payment time.
08-25-2011, 02:41 PM
But it is usually not considered good form to bash other forums on most forums I've visited. Hm, that's practically a tongue-twister.
I see you own a Sig. I hope you noticed I merely asked a simple question. There are now several posts getting at why some forums are repugnant. I think it's the inbreeding. No need to say more as those owners with reputations deserve them. :mad:
08-25-2011, 05:17 PM
This is my favorite forum too. I post on 3 others occasionally. I like The Firing Line, but the mods are way to quick to close threads there, but there is a lot of good info.
08-25-2011, 05:18 PM
One thread on the Kahrtalk Forum was about a You Tube video where the man in the video said that gun owners were whiners. His gist was that if you buy a new product (gun, car, etc.) you should expect to be a beta tester. He also said that is what warranties are for. The Admin posted a supporting comment about this You Tube video.
I believe that attitude is wrong. I feel that when I pluck down good money for any product I expect that product to work. When I purchase a new product, I expect a break in period, but I don't expect the product to be defective and fail. If the manufacturer wants me to be a beta tester, then give me the product to test and I'll give them my feedback.
With all the money hungry class action lawyers, gun hating politicians, anti-gun groups and media, as I gun manufacturer I'd sure be extra careful about the quality of product that I sell. If you sell a weapon that is subject to failure, and someone is injured because of that failure, then you are supplying ammunition to all the anti-gun people. This is destructive to the gun industry as a whole and to gun owners.
08-25-2011, 05:26 PM
The Kimber is a 1911. I suspect the 1911 forum or the many members here with them will carry the day for ya. I had no idea you were such an outlaw. I knew about Jocko and his outlaw biker history but you. I'm impressed.
In the Navy your squadron leader assigns you a call sign. Mine was "Outlaw". Actually this was his 3rd or 4th choice. but the others would have violated Navy and FCC regs if they had gone out over the air.
BTW, my work requires that I carry about 250 pounds of equipment including an air compressor all the time. Don't think that would fit in the Boxter, hence the Prius.
08-25-2011, 07:21 PM
Kahr talk is great. I only remember one thread that was locked in my almost year here, and I can probably understand why although it was very entertaining.
08-25-2011, 08:15 PM
Thats really the sad thing, some threads are really good and entertaining, usually the ones where a little muds being slung, and minor name calling, and some wadded up panties, then things start to turn slightly ugly and one or two players step over the line and well it gets to the point its best to just fold up the playing field and start a new game.
I used to be involved in alot of those, Jocko and Dietrich and Wynn will remember those, Jocko was attacked mercilessly many many times, some actually upset me considerably for awhile and usually garnered alot of support from other members. Usually the outcome was the other guy left, backed down or got banned. Many of us left ourselves,Jocko, Dietrich, Wyn, myself, just had enough and walked or rolled away as the case maybe.
Always managed to talk everybody into sticking around till the next go round.
Aw the old days.
As I recall it was just such a cyber fisticuff that netted me the honorable position of moderator. I tried to make up and be the nice guy (I know kind of rare) and this only inferiorated the other guy even more to where he actually was making threats. I don't even remember what we were talking about in all honesty. He made a comment that I wasn't a mod and couldn't do anything to him. A quick email to the boss Johnh and my adversaries worst nightmare came true, I was crowned mod and he got banned. (I never did get my ceremonial moderator sword) What a great day in Bawanna kahrtalk history that was. It was a proud moment for me indeed.
Only down fall is now nobody wants to spar anymore. Course theres a lot less sparing between others anymore either, whats with that?
08-25-2011, 08:36 PM
One of the other differences I have noticed between KahrTalk and most of the other forums I frequent is that the threads here seem fewer but longer, which I think is good.
On one other specific forum (which will remain nameless) that I visit frequently because it mostly for a brand and type of gun that is very different from Kahrs, it has been frustrating to get a decent answer to any question because there are a lot of people and SO many threads that it seems nobody pays serious attention to any of them. Maybe lots of people with ADD there.
08-25-2011, 09:03 PM
Today I was permanently banded from the forum.
I am a member of the DiamondbackTalk Forum and read your posts. I didn't see anything wrong with them. I was very surprised to see you were banned.
Since this is a Kahr Forum. I just got a PM9. Took it to the range and shot about 150 rounds with no issue. It is a very nice handgun. Called Crimson Trace today and they were more than happy to exchange my CT laser for my DB9 (laser caused issues with DB9) for a PM9 CT laser.
08-25-2011, 09:55 PM
I see you own a Sig. I hope you noticed I merely asked a simple question. There are now several posts getting at why some forums are repugnant. I think it's the inbreeding. No need to say more as those owners with reputations deserve them. :mad:No harm, no foul, I was being a bit tongue in cheek with the graphic. Not trying to poke you in the eye or anything. :p
Also, I didn't mean to point fingers at anyone in particular with the forum bashing comment. The mods have made mention of this before in other threads, and I was making a general comment echoing their sentiments.
08-25-2011, 10:09 PM
Thats really the sad thing, some threads are really good and entertaining, usually the ones where a little muds being slung, and minor name calling, and some wadded up panties, then things start to turn slightly ugly and one or two players step over the line and well it gets to the point its best to just fold up the playing field and start a new game.
I used to be involved in alot of those, Jocko and Dietrich and Wynn will remember those, Jocko was attacked mercilessly many many times, some actually upset me considerably for awhile and usually garnered alot of support from other members. Usually the outcome was the other guy left, backed down or got banned. Many of us left ourselves,Jocko, Dietrich, Wyn, myself, just had enough and walked or rolled away as the case maybe.
Always managed to talk everybody into sticking around till the next go round.
Aw the old days.
As I recall it was just such a cyber fisticuff that netted me the honorable position of moderator. I tried to make up and be the nice guy (I know kind of rare) and this only inferiorated the other guy even more to where he actually was making threats. I don't even remember what we were talking about in all honesty. He made a comment that I wasn't a mod and couldn't do anything to him. A quick email to the boss Johnh and my adversaries worst nightmare came true, I was crowned mod and he got banned. (I never did get my ceremonial moderator sword) What a great day in Bawanna kahrtalk history that was. It was a proud moment for me indeed.
Only down fall is now nobody wants to spar anymore. Course theres a lot less sparing between others anymore either, whats with that?
Ooops! Forget every crack I ever made.
08-25-2011, 10:48 PM
Ooops! Forget every crack I ever made.
Dude your cracks are enjoyable, every one of them. These guys mentioned were shooting flaming arrows, down right hateful talk and lower than pond scum morals. They were ugly. Justin and Johnh dropped a couple of them from the hip without question or fanfare. It was the Old West days of kahrtalk for sure. Dodge City of cyber space. 10 paces and hit your mouse.
I left with my tail between my legs several times. I was thin skinned and took everything pretty serious (can you believe that). Even new I knew I'd found a good thing and I didn't want my plug pulled so I conceded.
We had more than a few conference PM sessions. Some of you guys no doubt remember Zena and MX5 fan a couple of Melissa clones, real nice. If Zena hadn't offered Dietrich personal favors to come back he'd probably not be around with us today. I run off right after that but they didn't offer me anything:( but I came back anyhow.
08-26-2011, 09:57 AM
I had purchased a Crimson Trace Laser in advance of purchasing a Diamondback DB9 and to get in on the rebate they had at the time. Then I found out that the laser was causing the front rails to shear. I then decided, because of all the problems with the DB9 to purchase a Kahr CM9.
I contacted Crimson Trace about my predicament, and asked if they would take back the laser for the DB9 and exchange it for a laser for the CM9. They agreed. They sent me the new laser and in the box was a UPS return tag for the DB9 laser. This transaction didn't cost me a dime.
This is an example of great customer service. Guess what I've told this story to many fellow shooters. This kind of free "advertising" for a company goes a long way.
08-26-2011, 10:07 AM
I belonged to a sight for guns made in Argentina ( I was considering one for my wife) and they have a raging love affair with the other Florida Brand besides DB. The one the DB guys left to start up DB.
Dude that place is off the hook with nepatism and *** kissing. I have never seen a place that is supposed to be dedicated to advancing handguns that is so detrimental to it. The people runningit are only interested in their opinion or those who parrott it.
i was banned for 3 days once for replying to the Adminstrator with ZZZZZZZzzzzzz. I was told it was offensive and inappropriate. I said thanks for the banning I will not return. I never have.
This site is one of the 2 best gun site on the web in my opinion! Thank you to all who make it that way!!!!
08-26-2011, 10:10 AM
I have said it before, and will say it again. I set out to make this forum...well this:
Took a little grief over it here and there. Will not go into that. But I think the end result speaks for itself. :D
Longitude Zero
08-26-2011, 11:45 AM
This is an example of great customer service. Guess what I've told this story to many fellow shooters. This kind of free "advertising" for a company goes a long way.
I too have dealt with CT and they are great.
08-26-2011, 11:48 AM
Johnb H, does a great job, u know why??? WE NEVER HEAR FROM HIM, which means ALL IS WELL. That is what a good adminstrator does, he surronds himself with good people whcih make shim look even better.
I sur ein hell would not want the job
Longitude Zero
08-26-2011, 11:51 AM
We all owe John a big thanks. As an aside the buffoons at DB have struck again. They put out a POS 380 then a POS 9mm and now for their latest debacle a soon to be determined POS 32NAA.
What a bunch of dipthongs.
08-26-2011, 12:24 PM
Dipthongs!!!....Thats a good one....I gotta remember to file that term away for future use...It perfectly describes some of the people i work with...Thanks...:D
08-26-2011, 12:34 PM
We all owe John a big thanks. As an aside the buffoons at DB have struck again. They put out a POS 380 then a POS 9mm and now for their latest debacle a soon to be determined POS 32NAA.
What a bunch of dipthongs.
at one time offered a conversion for the 32 NAA, it went over like a brick of sh-t. Then after they dropped it from their line some lined up to get one, made no sense, it is an over rated high prifced round made by one or two companies in ammo even, NOVELTY at best.. DB is what it is a off trod from kel teck which is right down the road from DB. No better IMO no wose.:yo:
08-26-2011, 01:12 PM
We all owe John a big thanks. As an aside the buffoons at DB have struck again. They put out a POS 380 then a POS 9mm and now for their latest debacle a soon to be determined POS 32NAA.
What a bunch of dipthongs.
Which DB do/did you have? I have a DB9. It had a few things I needed to tweak, but it runs well as long as I shoot it two handed. I say two handed as I can not shoot it reliably with just my right hand, but that is on me and not the gun. I've only got about 500 rounds through it, so maybe you can fill me in on what problems you've encountered.
Longitude Zero
08-26-2011, 01:37 PM
I had so much trouble with the 380 the original seller took it back since I guess he was concerned I would sue him if I get hurt because of the weapons failures. I would not have sued I but I would have kicked has keister all over hell and gone to boot.
Fails to feed, extract, over all the way the weapon felt was cheap pot metal junk. Kel Tec on its worst day puts out better than the buffoons at DB. IMHO anybody who relies upon a DB weapon has little value of their own life. My life is worth far more than to depend upon that tiny POS.
08-26-2011, 01:53 PM
I had so much trouble with the 380 the original seller took it back since I guess he was concerned I would sue him if I get hurt because of the weapons failures. I would not have sued I but I would have kicked has keister all over hell and gone to boot.
Fails to feed, extract, over all the way the weapon felt was cheap pot metal junk. Kel Tec on its worst day puts out better than the buffoons at DB. IMHO anybody who relies upon a DB weapon has little value of their own life. My life is worth far more than to depend upon that tiny POS.
So, no first hand experience with the 9, but hey, thanks for the reply. I probably won't be looking at their 380.
08-26-2011, 09:05 PM
Jocko was attacked mercilessly many many times,
Cant imagine anyone picking on Jocko. If must be his soft spoken and mild character. :D
08-27-2011, 06:23 AM
well I have been told if you shoot the main a-shole in a group the other assholes kinda settle down. Not sure there is any truth to that, but I do have alot of wounds. Hell maybe they missed the real a-hole and accidentley got me.
Well I hate to leave u guys but gotta go for a couple days, headed to Indy to the 500 track to see the Moto Gran Prix bike races. Gotta root for my Italian friend Valentn Rossi and Casey Stoner.
08-27-2011, 07:10 AM
Have a good trip.
08-27-2011, 08:44 AM
Well I hate to leave u guys but gotta go for a couple days, headed to Indy to the 500 track to see the Moto Gran Prix bike races. Gotta root for my Italian friend Valentn Rossi and Casey Stoner.
A I am jealous, I am a big Rossi fan but he just don't have that new Duck to his liking yet...Next year!
I never went to the Indy Moto GP, But I did go out to Laguna in 2005 when the GP's first came back to the USA, It was awesome!!! Nicky won, Valentino 2nd, and Colin Edwards 3rd. It was so cool to see an American win and watch as he took his dad around the track with the flag. It was a great trip! It is a shame how few people in this country are interested in Moto Racing as it is very exciting and much more skill is involved then just turning left:D
Enjoy!!! I will be watching it on SPEED.
Longitude Zero
08-27-2011, 09:08 AM
So, no first hand experience with the 9, but hey, thanks for the reply. I probably won't be looking at their 380.
They could not get the 380 right and sure enough they are just as incompetent with the nines. Problems even got worse with the 9mm. I hope Kahrs lawsuit closes the punks down.
08-27-2011, 09:25 AM
It is a shame how few people in this country are interested in Moto Racing as it is very exciting and much more skill is involved then just turning left:D
I am the same way about car racing. Just doesn't interest me (except maybe the Indy 500 - now that's an event!). My older brothers are into NASCAR racing, as is most of the populus - especially here in the South. But I have been a fan of Formula One racing since the early 60s. It is THE PREMIER CAR RACING SERIES in the world - bar none! I hate the appearance of the modern cars, though. I remember back in Jim Clark's day, the smooth, cigar shaped bodies, 12 chromed intake trumpets and snaking exhaust pipes, and not one wing or fin or anything to mar the appearance. And they didn't have advertizements painted all over them back then, either. Ah, the good old days. Those were simpler times.
08-27-2011, 10:25 AM
I am the same way about car racing. Just doesn't interest me (except maybe the Indy 500 - now that's an event!). My older brothers are into NASCAR racing, as is most of the populus - especially here in the South. But I have been a fan of Formula One racing since the early 60s. It is THE PREMIER CAR RACING SERIES in the world - bar none! I hate the appearance of the modern cars, though. I remember back in Jim Clark's day, the smooth, cigar shaped bodies, 12 chromed intake trumpets and snaking exhaust pipes, and not one wing or fin or anything to mar the appearance. And they didn't have advertizements painted all over them back then, either. Ah, the good old days. Those were simpler times.
Yeap, same for the Moto GP, They are the world premier motorcycle racer's and are very famous around the globe, but here in the states you don't even hear the races mentioned on sports reports...sad...:mad:
I see the masses will be getting even more excited with the NASCAR left turn derby when they see their new driver...:D
Longitude Zero
08-27-2011, 10:53 AM
Drop dead beautiful but not the sharpest knife in the box. Non-stop bitcher and complainer. Rarely is a loss her fault, according to her, she likes to blame everybody else.
Novelty...Yes. Flash in the pan...Yes. Serious contender...Not likely.
08-27-2011, 11:11 AM
Maybe she will go Moto GP next??? They can put her in a skin tight set of leathers and high heel boots...maybe then it would make the radar in the US?
08-27-2011, 12:02 PM
I am the same way about car racing. Just doesn't interest me (except maybe the Indy 500 - now that's an event!). My older brothers are into NASCAR racing, as is most of the populus - especially here in the South. But I have been a fan of Formula One racing since the early 60s. It is THE PREMIER CAR RACING SERIES in the world - bar none! I hate the appearance of the modern cars, though. I remember back in Jim Clark's day, the smooth, cigar shaped bodies, 12 chromed intake trumpets and snaking exhaust pipes, and not one wing or fin or anything to mar the appearance. And they didn't have advertizements painted all over them back then, either. Ah, the good old days. Those were simpler times.
I took a leave and spent the month of May, 1965 as a minor member of Team Lotus at Indy. Jim Clark was my hero, and of course, that was the year he won. I even got to drive his car 2 or 3 times to scuff in tires. I was larger and didn't fit too well, but it was still a thrill. I was also a huge F1 fan then [Team Lotus of course], and hated that we only got one race, so Indy was a bonus. I even bought an ex-factory Lotus 48 F2 car a few years later and raced it in SCCA's Formula B. Even though those old F1 cars only had about 400 hp, they were a bear to drive well, because they had no aerodynamic aids. Clark, Hill, Stewart, Gurney, and the rest were real drivers. I don't follow F1 today, because it so hard to pass with all the air management, the races are more like parades than races.
08-27-2011, 12:13 PM
Yeap, same for the Moto GP, They are the world premier motorcycle racer's and are very famous around the globe, but here in the states you don't even hear the races mentioned on sports reports...sad...:mad:
I see the masses will be getting even more excited with the NASCAR left turn derby when they see their new driver...:D
No interest in NASCAR here, even if I do live in Georgia. Being an ex-motorcycle racer after sports cars got too expensive, I do follow MotoGP. I was a Honda rider and am impressed with Stoner. He reminds me a lot of Spencer back in my day.
You're right about the coverage - thank heaven for Speed Channel. It's like following F1 back in the sixties and seventies. I had to call the newspaper and talk to the right reporter on Sunday night to find out won won that day.
08-27-2011, 12:21 PM
I took a leave and spent the month of May, 1965 as a minor member of Team Lotus at Indy. Jim Clark was my hero, and of course, that was the year he won. I even got to drive his car 2 or 3 times to scuff in tires. I was larger and didn't fit too well, but it was still a thrill. I was also a huge F1 fan then [Team Lotus of course], and hated that we only got one race, so Indy was a bonus. I even bought an ex-factory Lotus 48 F2 car a few years later and raced it in SCCA's Formula B. Even though those old F1 cars only had about 400 hp, they were a bear to drive well, because they had no aerodynamic aids. Clark, Hill, Stewart, Gurney, and the rest were real drivers. I don't follow F1 today, because it so hard to pass with all the air management, the races are more like parades than races.
Oh, O'Dell, you need to take a fresh look at F1! They have made changes to the cars so that there is LOTS of thrilling wheel to wheel racing and passing! And there are a great group of drivers who know how to mix it up with incredible precision. The Belgian Grand Prix airs live tomorrow at 7:30am on Speed Channel, and is replayed at 3:30pm. Check it out. Spa is one of the greatest "driver tracks" and it is going to be exciting!
08-27-2011, 12:40 PM
No interest in NASCAR here, even if I do live in Georgia. Being an ex-motorcycle racer after sports cars got too expensive, I do follow MotoGP. I was a Honda rider and am impressed with Stoner. He reminds me a lot of Spencer back in my day.
You're right about the coverage - thank heaven for Speed Channel. It's like following F1 back in the sixties and seventies. I had to call the newspaper and talk to the right reporter on Sunday night to find out won won that day.
Very cool O'Dell... I am surprised to see some motorcycle racing fans here.
What level did you race at?
I have been riding since I was about 8 yrs old. I never got to the track but should have, I misbehaved a lot on the roads :( over the years. I have had um all Honda's, gixxer, ninja's, and still have my pride and joy 99' R1.
Rossi is my guy,no matter what he's riding, never will the world see another like him IMO. Of coarse I gotta root for Nicky and the other Americans at home!
08-27-2011, 01:05 PM
I took a leave and spent the month of May, 1965 as a minor member of Team Lotus at Indy. Jim Clark was my hero, and of course, that was the year he won. I even got to drive his car 2 or 3 times to scuff in tires. I was larger and didn't fit too well, but it was still a thrill. I was also a huge F1 fan then [Team Lotus of course], and hated that we only got one race, so Indy was a bonus. I even bought an ex-factory Lotus 48 F2 car a few years later and raced it in SCCA's Formula B. Even though those old F1 cars only had about 400 hp, they were a bear to drive well, because they had no aerodynamic aids. Clark, Hill, Stewart, Gurney, and the rest were real drivers. I don't follow F1 today, because it so hard to pass with all the air management, the races are more like parades than races.
WOW, O'Dell! You've done some exciting things in you life! The only racing I ever did was autocross racing with a local sports car club back in the 70s. I also have enjoyed doing some very sporty (read crazy fast) driving here in the mountains of Western NC ever since I got my driver's license. I used to attend and watch the Chimney Rock Hillclimb - one of my favorite events. And I drove my '65 Mustang GT up the course at racing speed one weekday when visitation was slack. Did you ever attend?
08-27-2011, 03:26 PM
Very cool O'Dell... I am surprised to see some motorcycle racing fans here.
What level did you race at?
I have been riding since I was about 8 yrs old. I never got to the track but should have, I misbehaved a lot on the roads :( over the years. I have had um all Honda's, gixxer, ninja's, and still have my pride and joy 99' R1.
Rossi is my guy,no matter what he's riding, never will the world see another like him IMO. Of coarse I gotta root for Nicky and the other Americans at home!
Mostly amateur, WERA, but I did ride in three superbike races on a factory Honda when they were stuck for a second rider. My last racebike was a CBR when they first came out and were pretty much unbeatable. After four years, I converted it back to the street and still have it. It's over twenty-four years old and looks like it just rolled off the showroom. In fact I rode it last night to meet Vickie for dinner. I guess my greatest accomplishment was falling off at over 110 at turn 11 of Road Atlanta and not getting a scratch. I can't say the same for the CBR, but as I said, it's all better now.
08-27-2011, 03:50 PM
WOW, O'Dell! You've done some exciting things in you life! The only racing I ever did was autocross racing with a local sports car club back in the 70s. I also have enjoyed doing some very sporty (read crazy fast) driving here in the mountains of Western NC ever since I got my driver's license. I used to attend and watch the Chimney Rock Hillclimb - one of my favorite events. And I drove my '65 Mustang GT up the course at racing speed one weekday when visitation was slack. Did you ever attend?
Yeah, it's hard for me to believe now too, since now I sit in front of a computer 4 or 5 hours a day and drive a Prius during the week. :D
I was living in Louisville so I ran mostly in the mid west in SCCA. A lot of the tracks don't even exist today. I never got down to Chimney Rock, but if you remember it, you must be nearly as old as I am. I raced as much as I could when I could get away from the Navy, but it got very expensive on a Navy Lieutenant's pay even with some sponsorship. I did make the national runoffs at Riverside one year in a Lotus Elan. My last two races were for BMW at the Daytona 24 hour and Sebring in the seventies. After that I just could no longer afford to drive cars. I switched to bikes in the early eighties, because they were much cheaper to race.
I'll look into F1, if it's changed that much. I have to teach a Sunday School class tomorrow morning, but maybe I can catch the afternoon replay. SPA was one of my favorite courses in Europe because it was so fast.
BTW, don't knock autocross or gymkhana's as we used to call them. I did my share, and there were some pretty good drivers there.
08-27-2011, 04:28 PM
Mostly amateur, WERA, but I did ride in three superbike races on a factory Honda when they were stuck for a second rider. My last racebike was a CBR when they first came out and were pretty much unbeatable. After four years, I converted it back to the street and still have it. It's over twenty-four years old and looks like it just rolled off the showroom. In fact I rode it last night to meet Vickie for dinner. I guess my greatest accomplishment was falling off at over 110 at turn 11 of Road Atlanta and not getting a scratch. I can't say the same for the CBR, but as I said, it's all better now.
Awesome! Even if you fell off, You rode in freaking Superbike races! Who was the Honda Factory rider then Duhammel?(one of my favorites)... I bet you know a bunch of riders. Being as you are down in Georgia how bout Scott Russell? I was at the Daytona 200 in 01' and was excited to watch "Mr Daytona" @ Daytona on his new Ducati, instead I sadly watched as he stalled at the start and got hit hard from behind...Looked like a bomb went off in his bike, and messed him up bad...
Any pics of the old CBR? I thought my 99 R1 was getting long in the tooth:D It's still a beast to me though, and I'm getting a bit more mellow these day's...Till I twist the throttle:D
08-27-2011, 07:07 PM
Yeah, it's hard for me to believe now too, since now I sit in front of a computer 4 or 5 hours a day and drive a Prius during the week. :D
I was living in Louisville so I ran mostly in the mid west in SCCA. A lot of the tracks don't even exist today. I never got down to Chimney Rock, but if you remember it, you must be nearly as old as I am. I raced as much as I could when I could get away from the Navy, but it got very expensive on a Navy Lieutenant's pay even with some sponsorship. I did make the national runoffs at Riverside one year in a Lotus Elan. My last two races were for BMW at the Daytona 24 hour and Sebring in the seventies. After that I just could no longer afford to drive cars. I switched to bikes in the early eighties, because they were much cheaper to race.
I'll look into F1, if it's changed that much. I have to teach a Sunday School class tomorrow morning, but maybe I can catch the afternoon replay. SPA was one of my favorite courses in Europe because it was so fast.
BTW, don't knock autocross or gymkhana's as we used to call them. I did my share, and there were some pretty good drivers there.
Yeah, I am coming up on my 61st birthday next Saturday. I used to do ramp jumps and other dangerous stuff on my bicycle as a kid, started getting interested in cars and racing in my early teens, and owned several interesting high performance cars in my youth. But a major crippling hereditary disease prevented me from pursuit such as yours. But I enjoyed my youth, enjoying the hundreds of miles of smooth asphalt roads here in the mountains, many of them loops encircling little mountain valleys, others climbing mountains with very tight hairpin curves. Not as many people then, so the roads were not crowded.
I enjoyed several visits to the Hillclimb over the years, and Chimney Rock was one of my favorite natural attractions when I could still handle all of the stairs. They had been doing that race for about 40 years. But then the original owner died and family inherited it. A grand nephew took over the operation about 20 years ago. He turned out to be a bed wetting liberal tree hugger, thought the race was damaging the environment, so he shut it down! The park was beautiful and no damage had been done to the flora and fauna over 40 years of having the race once a year. But there was no talking reason to him.
I'm surprised somebody didn't end up killing him, because that race was THE most important event for the tourism business in the Chimney Rock/Lake Lure area, and he made many of his neighbors poor or bankrupt with with his unilateral decision. As if we don't have enough of this kind of insanity from the EPA, here we have it from a less than sterling heir who got a god complex and behaved like the little terd that he actually is!
08-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Goodness gracious Jfooting, you kiss your momma with that mouth? Sound like a gosh darn longshoreman or a jocko without sensors.
You make me so proud!
08-27-2011, 08:03 PM
Lets just face it Kahr owners are just smarter than the others!
08-27-2011, 08:20 PM
Goodness gracious Jfooting, you kiss your momma with that mouth? Sound like a gosh darn longshoreman or a jocko without sensors.
You make me so proud!
Well, my mama is at rest, but she would have scolded me real good if she heard that. But, hey, I call them like I see them. That guy's decision just makes me want to :puke:
08-27-2011, 09:22 PM
Go ahead and call em as you see em. While not always socially acceptable it really makes things easier. I'm a call em like I see em kind of guy myself.
Has anyone noticed?
08-27-2011, 10:48 PM
I never care about being socially acceptable any more. I find that if you make someone raise an eyebrow in the beginning and they think "I'm not too sure about this guy" then they may think twice about making some stupid comment, trying to take advantage of you, or feed you a line of crap.
On a side note about being careful what you say. Seeing how someone was good enough to start a "Bawanna's vacation thread", who's going to start one for Jocko?
08-27-2011, 10:57 PM
I never care about being socially acceptable any more. I find that if you make someone raise an eyebrow in the beginning and they think "I'm not too sure about this guy" then they may think twice about making some stupid comment, trying to take advantage of you, or feed you a line of crap.
On a side note about being careful what you say. Seeing how someone was good enough to start a "Bawanna's vacation thread", who's going to start one for Jocko?
I've already got 7 horse heads, why don't somebody else give it a go.
Speaking of which wheres Frank Drebin. I think he was in on that.
08-28-2011, 12:14 PM
Awesome! Even if you fell off, You rode in freaking Superbike races! Who was the Honda Factory rider then Duhammel?(one of my favorites)... I bet you know a bunch of riders. Being as you are down in Georgia how bout Scott Russell? I was at the Daytona 200 in 01' and was excited to watch "Mr Daytona" @ Daytona on his new Ducati, instead I sadly watched as he stalled at the start and got hit hard from behind...Looked like a bomb went off in his bike, and messed him up bad...
Any pics of the old CBR? I thought my 99 R1 was getting long in the tooth:D It's still a beast to me though, and I'm getting a bit more mellow these day's...Till I twist the throttle:D
Duhammel was pretty much a rookie at that time. Fred merkel was the #1 Honda driver. Yes, I know or at least knew Scott, but I haven't seen him in years.
Here are a couple of pictures of my CBR600f and a couple of me on a factory RC30 at the old Road Atlanta track.
08-28-2011, 01:21 PM
Dang! I'm juggling feelings of awe and envy, O'Dell. :D
08-28-2011, 02:31 PM
Duhammel was pretty much a rookie at that time. Fred merkel was the #1 Honda driver. Yes, I know or at least knew Scott, but I haven't seen him in years.
Here are a couple of pictures of my CBR600f and a couple of me on a factory RC30 at the old Road Atlanta track.
That look's to be in great shape O'Dell! Love the helmet too. You certainly have had some exciting times in your life. Thank's for sharing. :)
08-28-2011, 04:08 PM
That look's to be in great shape O'Dell! Love the helmet too. You certainly have had some exciting times in your life. Thank's for sharing. :)
+1 on that, thanks for sharing those O'Dell:)
I made it to the Moto GP at Laguna Seca in 2005 as well. I was also there in 2006. We watched the races from the bottom of the corkscrew both times and I agree it was great to see the American flag take the victory lap both years. I really enjoyed the grand stands during qualifying and the vendors area was pretty good as well. Did you make it over to Cannery Row?
08-28-2011, 06:30 PM
+1 on that, thanks for sharing those O'Dell:)
I made it to the Moto GP at Laguna Seca in 2005 as well. I was also there in 2006. We watched the races from the bottom of the corkscrew both times and I agree it was great to see the American flag take the victory lap both years. I really enjoyed the grand stands during qualifying and the vendors area was pretty good as well. Did you make it over to Cannery Row?
Wow, Maybe Moto GP is more popular than I thought:)
We were all over that track as we were there all 3 days, I loved it. We watched qualifying from all over on Fri.+ Sat. what an incredible track and area. For the race on Sun. I ended up watching from in front of the last turn and front straight away. We damn near missed the start with the crazy traffic jam trying to get in, so I just went to the first good spot I could get to. I did get some great pics from there of the podium celebrations.
Yes we sure did get to cannery row, :) and everywhere else:D as this was the start of a 3 week sight seeing tour of the west.
We went to the Moto GP first, So we flew into San Jose rented a car and drove down to Carmel to a B+B for the race, seen all the sights around there, Carmel, Monterey, cannery row, Fishermans wharf, 17 mile drive ,Pebble beach, etc. Just a beautiful area!
After that we made our way up the coast to, San Francisco, the Redwood forests, Point ryes. Then decided to drive over to the other side of Cali. to see Lake Tahoe then came back over to see Yosimite, then back down the coast, Venice beach, Big sir, down to San Diego, Coranado beach,etc.
Then we drove up and over to Las Vegas stayed there for the last week went to Hoover dam and finished up with the Grand Canyon! Then flew back to PA.
Shooo! what a trip, 2000+ miles on the rental car, Had a blast!:D
08-29-2011, 12:20 AM
Heaps of respect O'Dell. I don't care if you fell off before the race started, just to get to the start means you are braver than most and have ability far beyond most. We love Super Bikes and Moto GP over this side of the world. As an Aussie I follow Stoner, but always will have a soft spot for Rossi.
Chief Joseph
08-29-2011, 12:23 AM
I was banned at s&w forum for criticizing this current "president". For that and the crappy gun I had of theirs, I'll never buy another one of their crappy weapons.
08-29-2011, 12:50 AM
Heaps of respect O'Dell. I don't care if you fell off before the race started, just to get to the start means you are braver than most and have ability far beyond most. We love Super Bikes and Moto GP over this side of the world. As an Aussie I follow Stoner, but always will have a soft spot for Rossi.
Being an Aussie, Do you know Does Anthony Gobert do any racing down under anymore? He had some extreme talent but didn't seem to be able to keep his &^%$ together here in the states. He was a favorite of mine back in the day.
08-29-2011, 01:48 AM
Being an Aussie, Do you know Does Anthony Gobert do any racing down under anymore? He had some extreme talent but didn't seem to be able to keep his &^%$ together here in the states. He was a favorite of mine back in the day.
Hey Beardog,
Although always an Aussie at heart, I actually I left Oz in 1972, so I have lost touch with things back there. However as far as I know, Anthony Gobert is definitely struggling with his demons, and so far sadly the demons definitely appear to be winning. The last thing I read about him was: "We have it on good authority that the real Anthony Gobert is currently undergoing psychiatric treatment in Australia." quoted from
08-29-2011, 01:04 PM
Heaps of respect O'Dell. I don't care if you fell off before the race started, just to get to the start means you are braver than most and have ability far beyond most. We love Super Bikes and Moto GP over this side of the world. As an Aussie I follow Stoner, but always will have a soft spot for Rossi.
Thanks, but a lot depends on being at the right place at the right time. My first Honda SB ride resulted from the crash that I mentioned in practice on my own bike. Since I had nothing to ride on Sunday, Honda offered a seat on their #2 bike because the rider was sick. Right place, right time, right circumstances.
Fortunately, I never dropped one of theirs. My Visa only has a $38,000 limit. :D
I think everyone likes Rossi, but in bikes, I'm a Honda fan, and he's on the wrong brand right now. However, if I was in the market, I would consider a another Ducati. I love the way those big V-twin sportbikes put the power to the ground.
08-29-2011, 02:20 PM
casey stoner literally kicked ass at the Indy MOTO granprix actually all 3 races they had there this year was BORING, The 125 moto the guy lead fromt he beginning to the end and won by over 30 seconds, the Moto 2 was alamost the same results, as the same guy has won it 3 times at Indy, and the MOTO ran prix was almost predetermind even by the riders before it even started. "iF STONER HAS NO PROBLEMS, WE CAN'T BEAT HIM" That was the word from the yamaha guys and lorenzo who is awesome this year fcan't run with the honda's. they have their acto together. I being a Rossie fan and a ducati fan, felt sorry for \Rossie, He cannot win on the Duc, just no wayt, he started 15 out of 17 and ran off the track twice but still ended up 10th but he couldn't pass anyone abouve that, and his sidekick N. Hayden on a Duc, ran like a scared ape the first 15 laps and then I think ran out of tires and ended up behind Rossi. Ihave no doubt This is a mind game with Rossi as a 7 time worl champ, doesnt like starting last and ending up almost last and never winning a race all year. I see him leaving ducati after his first year, WINNERS CAN'T STAND BEING LOOSERS. Also the yough is passing guys like rossie hayden. pedrosa buy. What does a 7thy time world campion racer have to prove.
I hate to say it but the xr1200 road races that Harley held at the MOTO ranb prix thisyear got alot of praise, as it broke up the routine on the high powered MOTO gran prix bikes..
Corse this year IMO was way way way down. Been there sinceit started 4 years back and not sure if it willhappen at Indy next year, takes alot of people to put on ths even\t, takes alot of people to keep the INDY track clean and the stands clean and 25K people willnot cut the mustard for cvontin uing this event where it is at. Hopefully I am wrong but alot of peopleyesterday wqas unhappy wiothe the 3 MOTO gran prix events as they were total run aways. Course that is racing but in the MOTO gran prix races out of maybe 20 bikes, maybe 6 are competitive, the others are event fillers. About like kNascar and IRL. MONEY TALKES Privateers are just not gonna get i there and compete with Yamaha, Honda, Ducati. Those days are over. Stoner whojm I do like to see race, left Ducati for a reason "they can't win". sTILL THE dUC IS MY FAVORITE AND "doc" is the fans favorite 5 to one over any other MOTO racer, Maybe even 10 to 1. Seen hundreds of Red shitrs (ducati fans) that says, THE DOC IS IN THE HOUSE.
I bet yesterday , he just coluldnboit wait to get that race over with and hop backon the plane and get the hell outta dodge. Will I go back next year? Fokkin right I will. if its two wheels, I love um all. I would like to see a Harley Street glide class race:third::third:
I still think with all the Harley riders who come to this event, that some drunken up/doped up Harley rider is going to bust through one day and lead the "sighting " lap unannounced and bring the crown to their feet before he is haluled off to jail. Hell how they gonna stop him???Shoothim, no, baracade him, no way. Its will happen..
I not being a honder fan, have to admit yesterday and this year for sure those bikes are just in their own clas. If stoner doesn't win, then pedrosa wins. they just even soundmuch more pwoerful than the Duc's even, but they handle the corners far better than the Duc's do and I think that is right now the differencfe from a podium finsih to nothing at all...Rosse dominated when with Yamaha and lorenze seemed to be taking hi8s place but Stoner is just one hell of a rider. Rossie left yamkah making 32 million a year, now what to youy think Duc, had tooffer him to come to a non winner bike. Not sure money will keep him if he can get with someone like Honder and Yamaha but he might also madee his bed with Yamah, as they have their two factory riders and Spies os just onehell of an american racer to, (he placed 3rd yesterday).
08-29-2011, 03:58 PM
casey stoner literally kicked ass at the Indy MOTO granprix actually all 3 races they had there this year was BORING, The 125 moto the guy lead fromt he beginning to the end and won by over 30 seconds, the Moto 2 was alamost the same results, as the same guy has won it 3 times at Indy, and the MOTO ran prix was almost predetermind even by the riders before it even started. "iF STONER HAS NO PROBLEMS, WE CAN'T BEAT HIM" That was the word from the yamaha guys and lorenzo who is awesome this year fcan't run with the honda's. they have their acto together. I being a Rossie fan and a ducati fan, felt sorry for \Rossie, He cannot win on the Duc, just no wayt, he started 15 out of 17 and ran off the track twice but still ended up 10th but he couldn't pass anyone abouve that, and his sidekick N. Hayden on a Duc, ran like a scared ape the first 15 laps and then I think ran out of tires and ended up behind Rossi. Ihave no doubt This is a mind game with Rossi as a 7 time worl champ, doesnt like starting last and ending up almost last and never winning a race all year. I see him leaving ducati after his first year, WINNERS CAN'T STAND BEING LOOSERS. Also the yough is passing guys like rossie hayden. pedrosa buy. What does a 7thy time world campion racer have to prove.
et i there and compete with Yamaha, Honda, Ducati. Those days are over. Stoner whojm I do like to see race, left Ducati for a reason "they can't win". sTILL THE dUC IS MY FAVORITE AND "doc" is the fans favorite 5 to one over any other MOTO racer, Maybe even 10 to 1. Seen hundreds of Red shitrs (ducati fans) that says, THE DOC IS IN THE HOUSE.
I hate to say it but the xr1200 road races that Harley held at the MOTO ranb prix thisyear got alot of praise, as it broke up the routine on the high powered MOTO gran prix bikes..
Corse this year IMO was way way way down. Been there sinceit started 4 years back and not sure if it willhappen at Indy next year, takes alot of people to put on ths even\t, takes alot of people to keep the INDY track clean and the stands clean and 25K people willnot cut the mustard for cvontin uing this event where it is at. Hopefully I am wrong but alot of peopleyesterday wqas unhappy wiothe the 3 MOTO gran prix events as they were total run aways. Course that is racing but in the MOTO gran prix races out of maybe 20 bikes, maybe 6 are competitive, the others are event fillers. About like kNascar and IRL. MONEY TALKES Privateers are just not gonna g
I bet yesterday , he just coluldnboit wait to get that race over with and hop backon the plane and get the hell outta dodge. Will I go back next year? Fokkin right I will. if its two wheels, I love um all. I would like to see a Harley Street glide class race:third::third:
I still think with all the Harley riders who come to this event, that some drunken up/doped up Harley rider is going to bust through one day and lead the "sighting " lap unannounced and bring the crown to their feet before he is haluled off to jail. Hell how they gonna stop him???Shoothim, no, baracade him, no way. Its will happen..
I not being a honder fan, have to admit yesterday and this year for sure those bikes are just in their own clas. If stoner doesn't win, then pedrosa wins. they just even soundmuch more pwoerful than the Duc's even, but they handle the corners far better than the Duc's do and I think that is right now the differencfe from a podium finsih to nothing at all...Rosse dominated when with Yamaha and lorenze seemed to be taking hi8s place but Stoner is just one hell of a rider. Rossie left yamkah making 32 million a year, now what to youy think Duc, had tooffer him to come to a non winner bike. Not sure money will keep him if he can get with someone like Honder and Yamaha but he might also madee his bed with Yamah, as they have their two factory riders and Spies os just onehell of an american racer to, (he placed 3rd yesterday).
Yep, Stoner and Honda are on a roll. I know that this is not exactly to your liking, but as I said, when it come to bikes, I like Hondas. Between 1980 and 1987 I bought 8 new bikes, one a year. Seven were hondas and one was a 1986 Yamaha FZ600, a light, quick bike, but not well finished. Oddly enough, between my first bike. a BMW 700S in 1967 [??] and my 1980 CB900F, I never owned a Honda. I've still never owned a Honda automobile. When I got the CBR600F [Hurricane] in 1987, it fit me so well and I liked it so much, that I never bought another bike. But because it's still like new, will do about 90% of what a 2011 one will do, and is appreciating, I plan to keep it.
08-29-2011, 04:37 PM
but I do like stoner, that man can ride a donkey to the front I think, but like donkeys' he knew well enough after ridng for Ducati that that donkey was not going to the front any time soon. Its all about money when u get t6o the prestigee that these guys are. I am not a real crotch rocket type fan but I do admire guys like stoner, rossie, hayden,spies and a few others for the guts they show on these course atr close to 200 mPOH. They were turng over 200 MPH on the Indy track long straightaway. Kudos to them and the bikes turning 15,000 rpm's. Just amazing... I set nexst to a couple who flew in from Brazil to the race. Unbelievable.. What I did like yesterday was when Stoner won the race and did his victory lap, each rider passed him and either shook his hand or padded his shoulder..
Stoner matesup with his honder just super and that is why they are winning. I think a kahr shooter/owner has tomate up with his gun to, for it to be a winner..
08-29-2011, 07:31 PM
I have a 1996 FZR600 that I bought in 1997 with 400 miles on it. It now has 20,000 and I get 56-58mpg and is one heck of a good bike. Very outdated technology but for this 45 yr old handles really well. Back in the late 80's early 90's it was the best bike out there. Paid $4000 in 1997 and is still probably worth $1800-2000 in the condition it is in.
08-29-2011, 07:49 PM
Stoner matesup with his honder just super and that is why they are winning. I think a kahr shooter/owner has tomate up with his gun to, for it to be a winner..
I think this mating up with your gun is really important with the smaller guns particularly. It seems just about anyone can come down to the range and jump on one of my full size guns, blast away and have a ball, but with the PM9 there is definitely a courting period. Once mated it appears to be for life.
08-29-2011, 08:06 PM
Today I was permanently banded from the forum.
I then started another thread questioning the administrator's reasons for critizing the ventor and locking the thread for any further discussion.
The administrator then sent me an e-mail threatening me. I sent him one back asking if he was practicing to be a dictator. He then banded me from the forum.
I must first say that I did not read all 11 pages of this thread, so if I am repeating anyone, or if this is a dead horse already, I apologize. And with that out of the way...
The things you did "wrong" were:
1. You called out the admin in public, and
2. You failed to interpret the warning signs, and
3. You escalated the situation by directly insulting him.
Some people like to be the kings of their own little worlds, and will not tolerate anyone naysaying things they like, expressing any opinion opposite of their own, and absolutely, will never tolerate anyone challenging their authority or their use (abuse) of it.
Good and reasonable forum admins will give reasons for what they do when they use their authority, and will start with small things like a polite warning or modifying/deleting a single post or thread, and move up from there.
In my opinion, you are better off not going to that forum anyway. Of course, if you really want to, and are computer savvy, you could find a way. But why bother? You've identified that you don't want that gun, and that one forum admin for one forum discussing that brand is a prick. 'Nuff said.
08-29-2011, 08:58 PM
I think this mating up with your gun is really important with the smaller guns particularly. It seems just about anyone can come down to the range and jump on one of my full size guns, blast away and have a ball, but with the PM9 there is definitely a courting period. Once mated it appears to be for life.
Happy birthday PattayaPistol! If I'm ever in Thailand and I need some spare parts for my PM9, I know who to go to now!
09-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Well here is another example of how KahrTalk is very very different from most other gun forums out there...Today I went on another forum (I won't mention the one because I may have to ask another question someday but I hope not)...I posted a question about something called an Apex replacement trigger...I had never heard of one and just wanted to know what it was and what it did and I got all kinds of answers such as: Go to their web sight, read and learn.....Another was, Why would a newbie to firearms (not true) get a new gun and before learning how to shoot want to go changing out parts when they dont know anything about their gun...I basically got called a BLOOMING ONION HEAD for even thinking about asking a question....I wanted to answer back, Thanks but sorry I asked...I'm glad that sort of thing doesn't happen over here and I don't worry about asking a question about anything and we don't treat new members rudely if they ask a question that has been asked before...KahrTalk is a class act and I enjoy being a member here and glad we all get along with each other the way we do....Hope y'all have a nice weekend and a great Labor Day Monday!!!...:cool:
09-02-2011, 05:35 PM
MW surveyor
09-02-2011, 05:37 PM
Seeeeee, this forum just about always gets back on track! Careful what you say on other forums, Rick's Place, motor cycle riding, birthdays, nobody called anyone names and then back on track, all in 106 posts!
09-02-2011, 06:05 PM
yup drifting is used alot on this forum, but it is always civil, sometimes totally off the pointed question but still for most good reading, and eventualy afrter we allget done taking aobut our motorcycles, or races or politics we then DRIFT back to the original post. U can't do this sh-t on most other forums, for the forum kings, gods, dictators, assh-les, pr-cks will knock u down and stomp ur nuts out for doing that. I have weeded myself down to just this one forum for we don't have any of the above, aw probably a few a-holes but hell that just keeps us all honest to... For me I have to take my hat off to the GREAT ONE, for a moderator, he is no dictator, or trouble maker and lets the flow of a topic normaly run its course and if u notice when he steps in it is gently and professionally handled..
09-02-2011, 06:15 PM
This is an excellent firearm Forum and is only 1 of 2 that I frequent regularly. Thank you, Bawanna, Jocko, and other regular contributors. You make it much more enjoyable and informative for the rest of us.
09-02-2011, 06:52 PM
I like to think we have plenty of room for Blooming Onion Heads with stupid questions too. Like I was gonna pass up that open shot. Sorry Getsome, I'd lose my rep if I didn't take that shot.
Getsome you rock dude. Your a contributing good guy here and I'm sure glad you hang out with us.
Thanks for the kind words guys. We're all warriors in the game of kahrtalk.
09-03-2011, 11:58 AM
I've got to say that this forum is a much friendlier place than many other gun forums.
I'm a bit of an odd mix; a rather fiscally conservative type with strong socialist philosophies when it comes to society and the working class, a strong union supporter and member of a union in a leadership capacity, and I am a diehard supporter of 2nd amendment rights.
Try bringing some of that to some forums...
09-03-2011, 12:37 PM
I've got to say that this forum is a much friendlier place than many other gun forums.
I'm a bit of an odd mix; a rather fiscally conservative type with strong socialist philosophies when it comes to society and the working class, a strong union supporter and member of a union in a leadership capacity, and I am a diehard supporter of 2nd amendment rights.
Try bringing some of that to some forums...
Did you notice we can't stay on topic either?:D
09-03-2011, 12:48 PM
Happy birthday PattayaPistol! If I'm ever in Thailand and I need some spare parts for my PM9, I know who to go to now!
Thanks for the birthday wishes MikeyKahr. I'm sorry if I seemed rude not thanking you before but I had left home straight after my birthday to fly out to the Persian Gulf where I currently work (oil rigs) and never got to check out all the posts until things have quietened a bit.
Certainly if you are in Thailand come and visit. Just PM me beforehand and I'll let you know how to contact me. I'd love to see any fellow KahrTalk members - maybe shoot and bit and have a laugh. :33: :D
09-03-2011, 01:42 PM
Did you notice we can't stay on topic either?:D
Oh, oh! Shiney.
09-03-2011, 02:46 PM
Did you notice we can't stay on topic either?:D
Hehe, it's no worse here than any other forum; the discussion usually circles back to the topic eventually. :)
i've watched folks get pounced on by moderators on other forums, and subsequently warned or banned. I then usually go back through the thread looking for the provocation, and sometimes it's really freakin' difficult to see what set them off.
09-03-2011, 03:45 PM
Hehe, it's no worse here than any other forum; the discussion usually circles back to the topic eventually. :)
i've watched folks get pounced on by moderators on other forums, and subsequently warned or banned. I then usually go back through the thread looking for the provocation, and sometimes it's really freakin' difficult to see what set them off.
Maybe mods have bad days too? I never have but it seems to be the general concenus that I'm a little off in more than a few areas. I'm not sure if they meant good or bad. Maybe I should feel bad? Ya think?
09-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Maybe mods have bad days too? I never have but it seems to be the general concenus that I'm a little off in more than a few areas. I'm not sure if they meant good or bad. Maybe I should feel bad? Ya think?
I think you should go back through the threads and find the folks who said you were off, and ban 'em.
09-03-2011, 03:52 PM
I think you should go back through the threads and find the folks who said you were off, and ban 'em.
Ya think? Wouldn't that be kind of a dictatorship type action on my part? In pondering your plan which at times does seem inviting, it comes to mind that most who said that were good friends here.
There are days though (probably from pressure at work) where a good banning or at least punching somebody right in the nose would feel really good.
09-03-2011, 03:58 PM
"His energetic fist should be ready to resist."
09-03-2011, 03:58 PM
There are days though (probably from pressure at work) where a good banning or at least punching somebody right in the nose would feel really good.
I don't have many "bad days" either, actually... I think some folks are just more resilient than others. :)
Nothing like shooting some holes in things, though, when one needs to vent a little. Guns and heavy metal have kept my 'sanity' at times.
09-03-2011, 04:13 PM
The only thread I remember ever staying on topic was Bawannas Vacation adventure photos.
09-03-2011, 04:17 PM
The only thread I remember ever staying on topic was Bawannas Vacation adventure photos.
and I don't know wy we let him get away with that either:p
09-03-2011, 05:45 PM
He went on vacation? Crap, guess it's far too early to think about another one huh?
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