View Full Version : CM9 Barrel Hood Question

08-25-2011, 09:46 PM
Just picked up the CM9 today and fiddled around with it since I cannot shoot it until the weekend. Two things I noticed right off the bat that I was curious whether or not other owners have seen:
- First, take a look at the pic below. There is a fairly large gap between the barrel and the barrel hood (or whatever the tech term is). I checked my other pistols and I don't see such a pronounced gap. I know the barrel tilts up when the slide is locked back so maybe Kahr just leaves a lot of room. I do not own any other Kahr's so I have nothing to compare. Seems like this is a really large gap.
- Only other thing I have noticed is how difficult it is to release the mag. I have to put a ton of countersunk pressure to get it to release. This is great for no accidental releases, but in a quick change situation it could be a challenge.
Just a few things to throw out there to get others thoughts. I will be cleaning/breaking in (per break-in thread) tomorrow.

08-25-2011, 10:21 PM
Looks odd but is normal. When the slide is locked back the barrel is at the top looking up. It gets there by initially the slotted thing the slide lock pin goes through unlocks the barrel then as the slide draws back the top of the barrel hood rides on the underside of the top of the slide. It returns in reverse fashion. Be sure and lube those areas well.

08-25-2011, 10:58 PM
Yeah, mine looks exactly the same. And my mag release button is very stiff, too.

08-26-2011, 08:16 AM
Yes, my barrel is the same as well. Shoots very accuratly.

Magazine release on mine isn't too tight... I think it is just perfect. Yours may loosen up after actuating it a while. I was playing with it a while while I was working on getting my magazines to drop free. Maybe it loosened up or I just got used to it.

08-26-2011, 08:44 AM
same here.....

les strat
08-26-2011, 09:01 AM
If it's like mine, it will loosen up. Mine has gotten to the point where I can slingshot the slide to rack a round. The release is much easier than when new. The tolerences are so tight on these smaller Kahrs. If they came from the factory loose, you would probably end up having problems later on down the road on such a small gun. Just give it a workout of about 200-300 rounds and see how it goes.

08-26-2011, 09:29 AM
I agree with the loosen up after shooting mine really loosened up after only one range visit.

08-26-2011, 09:57 AM
Most all handguns with similar design look like that. It is very normal the reason to worry would be if it looked snug. The release will loosen up.


08-26-2011, 12:42 PM
if u have a glock look at it, same damna thing. locked breech systems where the barrel cams upon ejection HAS to have that upper gap otherwise when the slide retracts and the barrel cams downward, it would stick big time in the slide hole. Longer the slide also would determine the amount of gap thgat has to be there. i.e. Longer slide less gap.

#1 the gun is totally njew, all parts are yet not perfectly mated up. rounds and usage down range will soon take care of that and what might be a hard release for u might be a ***** for others