08-26-2011, 05:22 PM
Hello all, last weekend I picked up a new S&W .40 M&P but haven't had a chance to fire it yet....I loaded up both magazines with 15 rounds and whacked the back of both mags to seat the rounds but they rattle around inside the mags and sound like a metal bucket full of nuts and bolts even after the mags are inserted in the gun...If I remove 1 round down to 14 and whack it it will still rattle but not as bad...This is the first double stack pistol I have ever had and will have to toughen up my thumb to keep these things loaded...My single stack 1911 .45 and 4506 .45 don't rattle with a full mag so I wonder I any other guns like Glocks or Sigs do this...It sounds like the rounds are hitting the front and back of the mag when slightly shaken...I like the gun and it fits my hand even though I'm not that crazy about .40 cal I wanted it as a big brother to my PM40 and back when ammo was impossible to find in 9mm .45 .38 .357 .44 I could always find pleanty of .40 probably because the ammo makers produce so much of it for police use so I figured a .40 cal pistol would be a good idea to have for that reason if nothing else...I asked over at the S&W forum and they say its normal to rattle and not to worry about it but what do y'all think?