View Full Version : CM9 going to the range tomorrow

08-26-2011, 06:48 PM
Hello all,

Just picked up the CM9 today. Traded a LNIB S&W 442 airweight and a bit of cash for it. I got a very good deal. Have been shooting for over thirty years. I also just picked up an LC9 recently and have had it out to the range one time, flawless.

Anxious to see how the CM9 does. I wanted the PM9 when I picked up the LC9, but just more than I wanted to pay. Very pleased to have the CW9 now and will compare them tomorrow. If this thing does well, I will relegate the LCP and LC9 to the gun safe or give one to the sweet wife if she is interested. Cw9 is slated to become my EDC if it is not too testy. Nice to have all these options.

I have done the prep and lube that is listed in the tech section. You all seem to be a bunch of good folks here. I will come back tomorrow night and let you all know how it goes. I will try not to get too excited if I have problems.



08-26-2011, 07:16 PM
Welcome aboard Chuck. You have a sweet gun there and the CM9's have broken in well. Just run it a bit wet to start and all should be fine. Looking forward to your range feedback.

08-26-2011, 07:31 PM
Welome. I imagine you have a CM9. Just confused as you post CM and CW. These little pistols are a very nice concealable size and shoot well. Enjoy

08-26-2011, 09:15 PM
Welcome. I think you'll be satisfied with your purchase

08-27-2011, 06:56 PM
O.K. Went to the range today. I took the CM9 and my wife took her Glock 26 (which I love, too). I took 200 rounds of the Winchester White Box NATO (good stuff) and a 250 box of Remington for the Glock. I only had the one magazine the gun. The first hundred or so rounds were flawless. Was able to shoot quarter sized groups when I did my part at 10 to 12 yards. Just after the first 100 rounds I ran about five rounds of Speer 124 gr +P short barrel through it. Flawless. Shot a few more rounds and had one FTRB. Next to the last round in the mag. Bumped the slide and kept on going. Finished off the remainder of the 200 rounds and no other issues. I finished off with another mag full of the Gold Dots.

To say that I am pleased is an understatement. Wife shot probably five or six mags and a fellow at the range with a Kel Tec PF9 that laid down on him for the third time shot one mag. That NATO stuff was perfect for break in. The one FTRB does not bother me in the least. I now feel comfortable putting it in my Desantis Super Fly pocket holster. Going to church with me in the morning in place of the LC9.

I really appreciate all the information on prepping the gun before going to the range. This is a great forum you have here. Glad I came here before I bought the gun and especially before I took it to the range today. Might well have had different results.

I have two more mags on order from Ivanhoe Warehouse ($27.50 ea and $5.00 shipping). Once I get them, I will have to prove both of the new mags as well. Looking forward to that.



08-27-2011, 07:19 PM
Sounds like a good day! I wouldn't worry bout the FTRB either... just the gun parts mating together.

So you like the CW9 over the LC9 for carry?

08-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Sooo, is it a CW9 as in this post, or a CM9/CW9 as in your intro post?

08-27-2011, 07:30 PM
Dang I'm glad I had a hanky with me when I checked this thread. I just love happy endings and I'm not ashamed to admit a few tears of joy running down my cheeks. If anyone ask I'll tell em I was chopping onions, naw that won't work, make me look whooped, I'll think of something.

I think your new baby will do nothing but get even better and better as it and you come together.

You done us proud letting that fella with the kel tec shoot it too. Let him know what a quality gun feels like to shoot. Give him a standard to go by when he's shopping for his next gun.

I suspect your next issue will be getting one for the wife. The glocks a fine gun without question but that CW is slim, and slim is good.

08-27-2011, 09:03 PM
I now feel comfortable putting it in my Desantis Super Fly pocket holster. Going to church with me in the morning in place of the LC9.


That church must be in a rough area :)
Congrats on getting that Kahr running good!

08-28-2011, 03:45 PM
It is definitely a CM9. Sorry for the confusion. I edited the other two posts to correct the model designation. I appreciate all the nice comments.

I do like the CM9 better to carry. They do both fit in the same holster. The CM9 is shorter in length and height and makes for a better carry package. It has no external safeties and has a better trigger than the LC9. The LC9 is just as accurate and is definitely not a bad carry option. I would be carrying it right now if I had not been fortunate enough to make a very good trade for the CM9.

Bawanna, glad you were able to lubricate your eyes. I do not think that I will be able to pry the Glock 26 out of her hands.:)

Church is actually in a nice area. Unfortunately, any area can become rough very quickly sometimes. Hence the reason that we all carry.



08-28-2011, 04:21 PM
I guess O's statement about some of us clinging to our bibles and our guns wasn't too far off, huh? - just kidding! :angel: