View Full Version : my cheap IWB/Pocket PM9 holster experience

08-27-2011, 07:00 PM
this is my review of cheaper holster options available for concealed carry of pm9.

at this time i have no digital camera and my phone camera sucks so you'll have to take my word till i can get my camera back.

my PM9 needed a holster, 1st i tried the Desantis Superfly($27.00). this is a very quality made peice that does not come out of the pocket when pistol is drawn, includes an extra removable flap that helps hide print. after carrying with this holster for 10 minutes i stopped. for me 5'11 165lbs i find this combo is just too big and obvious and decided then pocket carry was no longer an option.

next i purchased a desantis "the insider"($26.00). this is a quality no frills thin leather IWB holster. this holster was a bad choice for me because it is designed for extreme concealment and the pistol sits very far down the beltline thus hard to grip well for a defense situation. the material used would make for a good draw and reholster if placed properly with another clip design.

next came the desantis "sof-tuck"(19.99), quality IWB made from suede with leather top support. i like the idea of the adjustable cant angle clip design but it makes the holster thicker than it needs to be. the clip itself holds well but once again way too much bulk, its managable but could lose 1/4 inch with the nonadjustable cant clip. once broken-in i'm sure the suede is very comfortable and this holster does not colapse when the pistol is drawn. for 19.99 it is very very good quality and i was impressed.

finally i purchased a blackhawk nylon IWB size 8 (9.99). this is my favorite holster so far. its soft, its thin, it covers the pistol well and the mag release button but still leaves the grip well exposed. it draws easily but colapses totally upon draw. i completely forget i am wearing my gun it is so comfortable. but its cheap, who knows how long the plastic single stitched clip will last. for 9.99 its the winner in my book.

08-27-2011, 07:36 PM
Sometimes it's not the most expensive rig but just the one that works for a person. I'm not nuts about the holster collapsing when you draw but it's also not a huge deal in my opinion. For a law man it would be a big deal not being able to put the gun away one handed quickly.
The price you pay for non collapsing is bulk and bulk usually equals discomfort and inconvenience.
You might have saved a bunch of folks a drawer full of cheap holsters, too late for me but thanks for posting it anyhow.

08-27-2011, 07:53 PM
i was very close to ordering the blackhawk from the get go. as i type i cant feel my gun at all in this blackhawk and i've been out enjoying my saturday eve with the family wearing it for several hours. by now with the leathers i was gettin irritated pinch points. i'm probably gona order a minituck soon here too though because "i'm doing everything i can to help the economy".

Bill K
08-27-2011, 08:09 PM
"next i purchased a desantis "the insider"($26.00). this is a quality no frills thin leather IWB holster. this holster was a bad choice for me because it is designed for extreme concealment and the pistol sits very far down the beltline thus hard to grip well for a defense situation. the material used would make for a good draw and reholster if placed properly with another clip design."

I've use this holster and have for years to carry my Glock 26. Made mods... Re-stiched the clip position to get the ride I wanted. Cut some belly side leather so that it would not cover the Glock thumb dimple in which I have skateboard tape to facilitate my draw.

08-27-2011, 09:09 PM
i was very close to ordering the blackhawk from the get go. as i type i cant feel my gun at all in this blackhawk and i've been out enjoying my saturday eve with the family wearing it for several hours. by now with the leathers i was gettin irritated pinch points. i'm probably gona order a minituck soon here too though because "i'm doing everything i can to help the economy".

Oops, getting a little away from cheap with the Mini-Tuck, but a good holster for sure. Getting back to the cheap premise of the thread, have you thought of trying a Remora?

I just bought a Super Fly. It was on sale at MidwayUSA. I had the same reaction as you: good quality, stays put, but adds to the bulk of my CM9 in a noticeable way—with or without the panel. I have skinny legs, and that's part of the problem. I'm sure it would (and does) work great for a lot of folks. Just not me. I am going to sell it. ($25 shipped. Anybody?)

I don't know why I bought the Super Fly anyhow. Heard so many good comments about it. I already have a pocket holster that works surprisingly well at minimizing the bulk and printing. It looks large in the pic, but it is very thin because it is horsehide, and the way it comes together to a thin edge front and back really smooths the outline. It won't stay in place as well as the Super Fly, but it doesn't come out of the pocket when I draw, either, so I have learned to ignore the movement. It is the El Paso Pocket Max and I got a real good price on it at Holsters Unlimited (http://gunholstersunlimited.com/el-paso-pocket-max-pocket-holster-ambidextrous-natural-kahr-pm9-pm40-mk9-mk40-pmpm9-1.html?cat_id=79). Here it is...


There is no printing at all in my jeans when I'm standing. There's a bulge there when I'm sitting, but not too distinguishable as a gun. It's very comfortable and pretty easy to draw from, even when sitting. It is also easy to re-holster the gun, too, because the stiff horsehide stays open.

08-27-2011, 09:12 PM
this is my review of cheaper holster options available for concealed carry of pm9.

at this time i have no digital camera and my phone camera sucks so you'll have to take my word till i can get my camera back.

my PM9 needed a holster, 1st i tried the Desantis Superfly($27.00). this is a very quality made peice that does not come out of the pocket when pistol is drawn, includes an extra removable flap that helps hide print. after carrying with this holster for 10 minutes i stopped. for me 5'11 165lbs i find this combo is just too big and obvious and decided then pocket carry was no longer an option.

next i purchased a desantis "the insider"($26.00). this is a quality no frills thin leather IWB holster. this holster was a bad choice for me because it is designed for extreme concealment and the pistol sits very far down the beltline thus hard to grip well for a defense situation. the material used would make for a good draw and reholster if placed properly with another clip design.

next came the desantis "sof-tuck"(19.99), quality IWB made from suede with leather top support. i like the idea of the adjustable cant angle clip design but it makes the holster thicker than it needs to be. the clip itself holds well but once again way too much bulk, its managable but could lose 1/4 inch with the nonadjustable cant clip. once broken-in i'm sure the suede is very comfortable and this holster does not colapse when the pistol is drawn. for 19.99 it is very very good quality and i was impressed.

finally i purchased a blackhawk nylon IWB size 8 (9.99). this is my favorite holster so far. its soft, its thin, it covers the pistol well and the mag release button but still leaves the grip well exposed. it draws easily but colapses totally upon draw. i completely forget i am wearing my gun it is so comfortable. but its cheap, who knows how long the plastic single stitched clip will last. for 9.99 its the winner in my book.
Of the holsters in the price range you're reviewing, I have two which worked for me. The first is a Remora clipless, the second is a Tagua OPH-450...both under $25. These are for a Sig P238 380 Auto weighing about 15 oz. My preference, when the gun weighs more, is a Theis IWB. With its form fitting horsehide and wide clips, it's comfortable and very stable. You can adjust ride height and also cant. It is also tuckable. A great value at $65 delivered and world class service from Tommy Theis.

08-28-2011, 06:42 AM
good add-ons guys, maybe i'l give the remora a whirl, pocket carry is out for me. yeah the minituck is pricey but i've been happy with the crossbreed for my xdm. i was gonna try stayin away from a kydex w dual clips but the clips spread to the sides really does help eliminate bulk.