View Full Version : Not incredibly detailed CM9 range report - (aka zero issues)

08-27-2011, 09:34 PM
New CM9, followed the prep/lube advice, always loaded first round via slide stop, bike innertube added as a grip (not overly fond of the Kahr cheese grater grips). Shot a total of 150 or so rounds through it, WWB, some Horandy Critical Defense, and some random 9mm's that my friend at the adhesive company made the adhesive on for an unnamed ammo manufacturer.

Using 2 mags gave me zero problems, no FTF, no stovepipes, and a very pleasant small gun to shoot. The mag that came with the gun doesn't drop cleanly but the secondary one I picked up does. That's the one I'll carry in it and leave the other one as the backup. I figure once I'm through the 2 mags if I still needed some lead to shoot I'm already SOL so they've gotta be good enough.

08-27-2011, 10:04 PM
Good deal. Exactly what we like to hear and can't hear enough of it.

There's a thread here someplace about doing a gentle squeeze on that mag that don't jump out, quick little fix. Check for rough spots in the mag well too. But your plan is sound so no worries.

08-28-2011, 01:38 AM
I usually wind up with 10 or so mags per gun and I mark the ones that are most reliable and use them for CCW. I tinker with the others to improve function and use them for the range. As long as the one in the gun drops okay, you're good to go.

Reloading practice at the range is good if you try to rush it a bit and think through how you orient the reload for CCW and how to grasp it and orient it as needed for reloading. It's something that takes thought and training as well as shooting and taking cover as needed, unless you're just "training" to shoot paper targets that don't shoot back. We had this really pointed out by a young Marine who found this out the hard way. This is a link to my link to the links about the Marine.


It's a good read for a lot of reasons and points out some of the things you have to contend with in combat or tense situations where the adrenaline is pumping... tunnel vision and loss of fine motor skills as your body prepares for fight or flight.


08-28-2011, 10:10 AM
I like to hear those good CM9 reports. Makes me feel even better about my 350 trouble free rounds.

08-29-2011, 09:20 AM
Sounds good!

If I am going to shoot a lot, I'll wear gloves. I like the Mechanix Original. They're thin enough to allow for good dextarity loading magazines as well maintaining good trigger feel.

08-29-2011, 09:51 AM
Good to see another successful range report for a CM9! I'm glad you are having perfect success with your CM9!

08-29-2011, 10:01 AM
I still haven't seen one of those at the gun show! I did see a few Kahrs and looked at a few just to see the prices. The best prices I saw were $379.99 for a CW9 or CW40. Then I saw several used Kahrs at higher than new prices.:D
I'm kind of thinking about a K40 for a project gun... add compensated barrel and my CT LGs, + night sights for a TV chair-side quick response gun. I have the K9 like that now... but no ported barrel.
I really want a 5" 1911 in stainless... a Kimber Stainless TLE II came close to coming home with me, but I still can't find what I'm looking for for about $1K or less. The Hurricane Fund came home with me again.
