View Full Version : Riots scheduled for September 17th.

08-30-2011, 03:06 PM
According to an email I got from AmeriPAC, the organizations that took over from ACORN and SEIU (Service Employees International Union.), are scheduling socialist riots to take place on September 17th on Wall Street, some major Banks, and in all of the state capitol cities. They are calling it the "Day of Rage". You might want to take extra precautions that day if you live in or near your states Capitol.
Might want to carry a BUG that day or something or spare mags or whatever. I guess they are going to try and duplicate what recently happened in Britain. More info can be found from the organizers at: http://www.usdayofrage.org/
It's kind of strange, it sounds like they are inviting Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party members, and people from all walks of life to join in. It's supposed to be non-violent, but they have a lot of info posted for what to do if you get arrested.

08-30-2011, 03:49 PM
Sounds like a good day to hang around the house.

Bill K
08-30-2011, 04:05 PM
Billed as non-violent but if it does get violent they're already saying it will because of police placed provocateurs. Most Americans will see right through this and will properly place the violence on the radical left.

08-30-2011, 04:45 PM
I don't get it. What are they protesting? Wasn't ACORN about registering illegal voters?:confused:

08-30-2011, 05:05 PM
Billed as non-violent but if it does get violent they're already saying it will because of police placed provocateurs. Most Americans will see right through this and will properly place the violence on the radical left.

Thanks for ratting me out Bill. I was so looking forward to provocateering. Guess I'll just stay home now. It's a 2 hour drive to the capital and I didn't really want to go anyhow. My element of surprise is gone now.

Frankly I doubt anyone will show up anyhow. The libs and left are pretty lazy anyhow. If they weren't they wouldn't be libs and left I guess.

MW surveyor
08-30-2011, 05:42 PM
I see that the 17 of September is on a Saturday. Don't these people know that? Don't they know that there will be no government people within the capital buildings?

I did not know that you are supposed to schedule a riot in advance.

BTW - with the recent heat that we have been having here in Texas, I don't think that there will be too many people standing outside the capitol in Austin.

08-30-2011, 06:17 PM
I'm in...could be fun, I have no life anyways.

08-30-2011, 07:33 PM
I don't get it either, are they protesting the O'dummy hasn't been leaning left enough? That we aren't a totally Marxist state yet? Or is this supposed to be a fun time or something? Who knows, I sure don't know what to make of it, just thought I'd get the word out that it might be a good day to stay home or pack an extra mag or two.

les strat
08-30-2011, 07:50 PM
My fear would be that other radical groups might show up and make it a violent event for sure.
Thanks for the warning, and yes, I will have a BUG and a little extra ammo. Hmmm. That Mossy tactical persuader will fit behind the truck seat nicley on the 17th.

08-30-2011, 07:56 PM
I will drive the RAPTOR.....


08-30-2011, 08:02 PM
I will drive the RAPTOR.....



08-30-2011, 08:05 PM
Wall street isn't open on a Saturday. No one will be around.

But it is nice for them to them to let the cops know that they need to be around. I think I would schedule road work that day on Wall street. Lots of noise with jack hammers and hot blacktop and tar.

les strat
08-30-2011, 08:10 PM
I will drive the RAPTOR.....


Holy moly!!! :eek:

08-30-2011, 09:38 PM
It's kind of strange, it sounds like they are inviting Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party members, and people from all walks of life to join in. It's supposed to be non-violent, but they have a lot of info posted for what to do if you get arrested.

As always, history is subject to interpretation. I suspect this group might be protesting the way many countries appear to have been sold out to the Rothchilds and similar central bankers, possibly including our own. :eek:

You can Google it for details, but central banks have been in the business of financing wars since before the time of Napoleon. The resulting debt may be partly responsible for our current economic woes. Needless to say, the central banks support the UN initiatives to disarm the general populace of the US as they have much of Europe.

I'm not sure these protesters are necessarily bad guys. That may be why they are appealing to all political groups for support, not just "liberals".

Certainly, they have a tough row to hoe, given that our Supreme Court has just made it perfectly legal for big money to buy elections. :rolleyes:

08-30-2011, 10:01 PM
If everyone who is not on the far left stays home, this will be a minor event without violence. Government Offices, bank HQs, and Wall Street firms are CLOSED that day. Using Google, I skimmed some blogs and forums that lean to the Right, a bit too far in my opinion, and there are folks looking for trouble and reading stuff into this announcement that just isn't there. I hope the gun owners here have more sense than to play Sheriff that day.

Change comes at the ballot box. It also requires a comittment of longer than one day. Volunteering at the campaign office of your favorite candidate will do a lot more good for the country then any chest thumping about this.

I find the title given to this topic unnecessarily inflamatory and bordering on dishonest.

08-30-2011, 10:03 PM

As always, history is subject to interpretation. I suspect this group might be protesting the way many countries appear to have been sold out to the Rothchilds and similar central bankers, possibly including our own. :eek:

You can Google it for details, but central banks have been in the business of financing wars since before the time of Napoleon. The resulting debt may be partly responsible for our current economic woes. Needless to say, the central banks support the UN initiatives to disarm the general populace of the US as they have much of Europe.

I'm not sure these protesters are necessarily bad guys. That may be why they are appealing to all political groups for support, not just "liberals".

Certainly, they have a tough row to hoe, given that our Supreme Court has just made it perfectly legal for big money to buy elections. :rolleyes:
I tend to agree with you. The 95% of this country making under $150,000 per year have a lot more in common than the Right vs. Left rhetoric would have you believe.

08-30-2011, 10:14 PM
I don't get it either, are they protesting the O'dummy hasn't been leaning left enough? That we aren't a totally Marxist state yet? Or is this supposed to be a fun time or something? Who knows, I sure don't know what to make of it, just thought I'd get the word out that it might be a good day to stay home or pack an extra mag or two.
Those who believe Obama to be a Marxist need to explain why he maintained the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Why sign the Patriot Act? Why keep GITMO open? Notice the military-industrial complex still getting richer thanks to 2.5 wars? Obama acts more like Bush. I hope to hear some arguments about Bush being a Leftist. Just saying

... and I will not be voting for Obama in 2012 but I will have reasons which will not include the trivial (his half uncle was stopped for a DUI, he uses a teleprompter, he misspoke about how many States he visited etc). It won't be because I think he's a Kenyan, the new Chairman Mao, or the center of any other off the wall theories. He's just not delivered on many promises and he is as clueless as McCain was/is about the economy.

08-30-2011, 10:16 PM
Have a great night.

08-30-2011, 11:53 PM
I didn't mean to sound dishonest of inflammatory in my title, that just the way it was put to me in an email. Maybe I should have said demonstrations planned for....
My guess is they picked a saturday so more working people could attend.
I did not say that O'Dummy was a Marxist, but large numbers of his supporters are. As for his personal beliefs, I'd suggest reading "The Roots of Obama's Rage" which puts forth many theories about how O'bama really feels about this country and wants to "punish" us for our past behaviour.
Maintaining the Bush tax cuts, was just politics as usual and a wise move. I think keeping Gitmo open was his only logical choice. No state wanted those people on their hands. I'm not real keen on the Patriot act, it allows too much invasion of privacy. I disagreed with Republicans on a lot of stuff they did while they had control of both houses and the Presidency, they wasted a great opportunity to get this country back on track.
After 9/11 the public demanded "justice" hence 2 of the wars, I think Iraq has a possibility of a reasonable outcome, but no one has ever conquered Afghanistan, and I wish we could find a way to get out of there. Artificial withdraw dates play right into the Taliban's hands, all they have to do is lay low until we leave then swoop in and retake the country.
At least Bush supported our troops and was a real Commander-in-Chief. I don't think everything he did was right, but he is a basically honest and decent man. I think O'bama has a real dislike for soldiers and police and others serving our country. I didn't agree with most of O'bamas campain promises, except he was going to give the public 2 weeks to read up and comment on any bill before it was voted on, and promised a lot more transparency to the actions of congress, both of which were thrown out the window as soon as he took office. I can't think of one campaign promise he did keep, which is mostly a good thing in my opinion.
As for the warning, I believe anything that ACORN or it's successors cooks up cannot be in the best interest of conservative Americans, and who knows what their true agenda is. I think they are hoping for trouble and clashes with conservatives in order to make the news. I think they'd really like to see it get out of control and turn into something like the riots that England recently went through, perhaps forcing Martial Law to be declared so the govt. could reall trample our rights. That's just my gut feeling about this. As was mentioned earlier, I hope no one decides to play sheriff that day, and provide the sparks they need to turn demonstrations into riots. People are already angry and disillusioned with the way things are going, and it wouldn't take much to push many of them over the edge.
I actually agree with some of their stated objectives, such as pointing out how Wall Street and the Big Banks and Federal Reserve are largely responsible for this finanacial mess we are in. I just don't believe that's what this is all about. It's being billed as a "Day of Rage" which just doesn't sit well with me. To me that sounds more like riots, than a peaceful protest. I just see where more harm than good could come from this. But then again, I'm just a dumb ole hick from Kansas who couldn't possibly survive without the government intervening in every aspect of my life.

Chief Joseph
08-31-2011, 12:45 AM
My fear would be that other radical groups might show up and make it a violent event for sure.
Thanks for the warning, and yes, I will have a BUG and a little extra ammo. Hmmm. That Mossy tactical persuader will fit behind the truck seat nicley on the 17th.

"other"? radical groups, as though acorn and the seiu aren't the most violent radicals there are right now? These clowns are violent enough just by their lonesome. Funny how Conservatives make holders "watch" list, yet these scum are free to pummel America day in and day out.

08-31-2011, 12:49 AM
I didn't mean to sound dishonest of inflammatory in my title, that just the way it was put to me in an email. Maybe I should have said demonstrations planned for....
My guess is they picked a saturday so more working people could attend.
I did not say that O'Dummy was a Marxist, but large numbers of his supporters are. As for his personal beliefs, I'd suggest reading "The Roots of Obama's Rage" which puts forth many theories about how O'bama really feels about this country and wants to "punish" us for our past behaviour.
Maintaining the Bush tax cuts, was just politics as usual and a wise move. I think keeping Gitmo open was his only logical choice. No state wanted those people on their hands. I'm not real keen on the Patriot act, it allows too much invasion of privacy. I disagreed with Republicans on a lot of stuff they did while they had control of both houses and the Presidency, they wasted a great opportunity to get this country back on track.
After 9/11 the public demanded "justice" hence 2 of the wars, I think Iraq has a possibility of a reasonable outcome, but no one has ever conquered Afghanistan, and I wish we could find a way to get out of there. Artificial withdraw dates play right into the Taliban's hands, all they have to do is lay low until we leave then swoop in and retake the country.
At least Bush supported our troops and was a real Commander-in-Chief. I don't think everything he did was right, but he is a basically honest and decent man. I think O'bama has a real dislike for soldiers and police and others serving our country. I didn't agree with most of O'bamas campain promises, except he was going to give the public 2 weeks to read up and comment on any bill before it was voted on, and promised a lot more transparency to the actions of congress, both of which were thrown out the window as soon as he took office. I can't think of one campaign promise he did keep, which is mostly a good thing in my opinion.
As for the warning, I believe anything that ACORN or it's successors cooks up cannot be in the best interest of conservative Americans, and who knows what their true agenda is. I think they are hoping for trouble and clashes with conservatives in order to make the news. I think they'd really like to see it get out of control and turn into something like the riots that England recently went through, perhaps forcing Martial Law to be declared so the govt. could reall trample our rights. That's just my gut feeling about this. As was mentioned earlier, I hope no one decides to play sheriff that day, and provide the sparks they need to turn demonstrations into riots. People are already angry and disillusioned with the way things are going, and it wouldn't take much to push many of them over the edge.
I actually agree with some of their stated objectives, such as pointing out how Wall Street and the Big Banks and Federal Reserve are largely responsible for this finanacial mess we are in. I just don't believe that's what this is all about. It's being billed as a "Day of Rage" which just doesn't sit well with me. To me that sounds more like riots, than a peaceful protest. I just see where more harm than good could come from this. But then again, I'm just a dumb ole hick from Kansas who couldn't possibly survive without the government intervening in every aspect of my life.My take on this "Marxist" stuff is that it is just a lazy attempt to demonize a guy you (not you personally) disagree with. I seriously doubt that any significant percentage of Americans are Marxists, therefore, there can't be a significant number of Obama's supporters who are either. No one has ever taken a poll or survey.

In reference to the "Rage" book, let me quote a review from GetReligion.org, "Seldom have 3,500 words conveyed so little real information." http://www.getreligion.org/2011/08/b-level-story-on-christian-a-team/

Talk of martial law, at this stage especially, is pure paranoia.

I think we agree on the futility of the Afghan War, the intrussion of the gov't into our lives, and the view of big Banks.

Hopefull a few candidates will yet emerge who are more centrist.

Chief Joseph
08-31-2011, 12:59 AM
Those who believe Obama to be a Marxist need to explain why he maintained the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Why sign the Patriot Act? Why keep GITMO open? Notice the military-industrial complex still getting richer thanks to 2.5 wars? Obama acts more like Bush. I hope to hear some arguments about Bush being a Leftist. Just saying

... and I will not be voting for Obama in 2012 but I will have reasons which will not include the trivial (his half uncle was stopped for a DUI, he uses a teleprompter, he misspoke about how many States he visited etc). It won't be because I think he's a Kenyan, the new Chairman Mao, or the center of any other off the wall theories. He's just not delivered on many promises and he is as clueless as McCain was/is about the economy.

First of all, comparing Bush to nobama is not proof that nobama is not a marxist. Bush was a progressive. He believed in big gov just like democrats. Using him as your right of the left right benchmark is wrong. Conservatives were not happy with him either. If you want our benchmark, look at the Tea Party, limited gov, low taxes, gov out of our lives and following the Constitution. As far as him keeping the policies of Bush, even after constantly attacking them while in the Senate voting "here" all the time instead of yes or no, that's more an issue of hyprocrisy than beliefs. Don't worry, as soon as they figure out how to hide NOT taxing the super rich like buffet, soros and the other super rich lefty's and only taxing the Conservative rich, the tax cuts will end.

Chief Joseph
08-31-2011, 01:03 AM
My take on this "Marxist" stuff is that it is just a lazy attempt to demonize a guy you (not you personally) disagree with. I seriously doubt that any significant percentage of Americans are Marxists, therefore, there can't be a significant number of Obama's supporters who are either. No one has ever taken a poll or survey.

In reference to the "Rage" book, let me quote a review from GetReligion.org, "Seldom have 3,500 words conveyed so little real information." http://www.getreligion.org/2011/08/b-level-story-on-christian-a-team/

Talk of martial law, at this stage especially, is pure paranoia.

I think we agree on the futility of the Afghan War, the intrussion of the gov't into our lives, and the view of big Banks.

Hopefull a few candidates will yet emerge who are more centrist.

Only those with their eyes closed could state that it's "lazy" to assume nobama's a marxist.


08-31-2011, 01:48 AM
How can you be too far right? The biggest mistake the right ever made was to get into the abortion thing, which is not a political subject & never should have been!:mad: Religion does not fit there either!:mad: Whatever your thoughts are on these 2 subjects , they do not belong in the political arena!:eek:

les strat
08-31-2011, 09:17 AM
"other"? radical groups, as though acorn and the seiu aren't the most violent radicals there are right now? These clowns are violent enough just by their lonesome. Funny how Conservatives make holders "watch" list, yet these scum are free to pummel America day in and day out.

I agree, but was just refering to any other people that might show up just to destroy and loot for the heck of it. Plenty of people in our country just waiting for that opportunity.

les strat
08-31-2011, 09:36 AM
How can you be too far right? The biggest mistake the right ever made was to get into the abortion thing, which is not a political subject & never should have been!:mad: Religion does not fit there either!:mad: Whatever your thoughts are on these 2 subjects , they do not belong in the political arena!:eek:

As a Christian, I do believe and will vote for or against anyone that goes harshly against my moral as well as political beliefs. I am not saying the politician should be an activist in either area, but when he/she attacks something I hold dear, you can bet your life my beliefs will affect my vote.

08-31-2011, 11:14 AM
Wall street isn't open on a Saturday. No one will be around.

But it is nice for them to them to let the cops know that they need to be around. I think I would schedule road work that day on Wall street. Lots of noise with jack hammers and hot blacktop and tar.

They don't want to impact their 401K by protesting on a weekday. :D

08-31-2011, 11:25 AM
I didn't mean to sound dishonest of inflammatory in my title, that just the way it was put to me in an email. Maybe I should have said demonstrations planned for....
My guess is they picked a saturday so more working people could attend.
I did not say that O'Dummy was a Marxist, but large numbers of his supporters are. As for his personal beliefs, I'd suggest reading "The Roots of Obama's Rage" which puts forth many theories about how O'bama really feels about this country and wants to "punish" us for our past behaviour.
Maintaining the Bush tax cuts, was just politics as usual and a wise move. I think keeping Gitmo open was his only logical choice. No state wanted those people on their hands. I'm not real keen on the Patriot act, it allows too much invasion of privacy. I disagreed with Republicans on a lot of stuff they did while they had control of both houses and the Presidency, they wasted a great opportunity to get this country back on track.
After 9/11 the public demanded "justice" hence 2 of the wars, I think Iraq has a possibility of a reasonable outcome, but no one has ever conquered Afghanistan, and I wish we could find a way to get out of there. Artificial withdraw dates play right into the Taliban's hands, all they have to do is lay low until we leave then swoop in and retake the country.
At least Bush supported our troops and was a real Commander-in-Chief. I don't think everything he did was right, but he is a basically honest and decent man. I think O'bama has a real dislike for soldiers and police and others serving our country. I didn't agree with most of O'bamas campain promises, except he was going to give the public 2 weeks to read up and comment on any bill before it was voted on, and promised a lot more transparency to the actions of congress, both of which were thrown out the window as soon as he took office. I can't think of one campaign promise he did keep, which is mostly a good thing in my opinion.
As for the warning, I believe anything that ACORN or it's successors cooks up cannot be in the best interest of conservative Americans, and who knows what their true agenda is. I think they are hoping for trouble and clashes with conservatives in order to make the news. I think they'd really like to see it get out of control and turn into something like the riots that England recently went through, perhaps forcing Martial Law to be declared so the govt. could reall trample our rights. That's just my gut feeling about this. As was mentioned earlier, I hope no one decides to play sheriff that day, and provide the sparks they need to turn demonstrations into riots. People are already angry and disillusioned with the way things are going, and it wouldn't take much to push many of them over the edge.
I actually agree with some of their stated objectives, such as pointing out how Wall Street and the Big Banks and Federal Reserve are largely responsible for this finanacial mess we are in. I just don't believe that's what this is all about. It's being billed as a "Day of Rage" which just doesn't sit well with me. To me that sounds more like riots, than a peaceful protest. I just see where more harm than good could come from this. But then again, I'm just a dumb ole hick from Kansas who couldn't possibly survive without the government intervening in every aspect of my life.

Thanks, you just saved me from typing cramps. Right on point and exactly right!

08-31-2011, 11:43 AM
My take on this "Marxist" stuff is that it is just a lazy attempt to demonize a guy you (not you personally) disagree with. I seriously doubt that any significant percentage of Americans are Marxists, therefore, there can't be a significant number of Obama's supporters who are either. No one has ever taken a poll or survey.

In reference to the "Rage" book, let me quote a review from GetReligion.org, "Seldom have 3,500 words conveyed so little real information." http://www.getreligion.org/2011/08/b-level-story-on-christian-a-team/

Talk of martial law, at this stage especially, is pure paranoia.

I think we agree on the futility of the Afghan War, the intrussion of the gov't into our lives, and the view of big Banks.

Hopefull a few candidates will yet emerge who are more centrist.

Well, let's see. His mother was a dedicated Marxist; his father was a dedicated Marxist; his college professors say he was a dedicated Marxist; his activities in college were with Communist Organizations, and he said he only felt comfortable with them; he announced his entry into politics at a reception in the home of a dedicated Marxist and domestic terrorist [Bill Ayers], and the attendees were all dedicated Marxist except for the press.

Either you are pulling our leg big time or you can't see what's right in front of you!!!!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, and only associates with ducks, I'm calling it a DUCK!

08-31-2011, 11:52 AM
I had a sick computer and went to a local man for help. He seems to be a genius, with tendencies toward being an Autistic Savant. He is not very good interacting with people. He used to work among the geniuses at Bell Labs. As I was breaking the ice and getting to know him, I let a couple of conservative opinions slip out. He suddenly got very angry and threatened to throw me and my computer out of his shop! It turns out he is a way left wing lunatic! Subscribes to "The Nation," the most Liberal rag in print! Told me I was an irresponsible American citizen because I hadn't read Marx! (I haven't read "Mein Kampf" either. Doesn't make me a bad citizen.)

There are plenty of Marxists in America. Plenty of Saul Alinsky disciples, including O and Hillary, who wrote her senior thesis at Wellesley College in support of his views. Anyone who cannot see clearly how O is following the Alinsky Method, which he taught to other Marxists for 3 years in Chicago, to destroy our economy and republic, is being too lazy to exercise their mind and see through the fog. Union leadership in America and the entire world are Marxists. Acorn and many other radical left organizations are Marxists. The education system is corrupted with Marxism. The news media are seriously corrupted. All of these people, such as Hillary, who proudly identify themselves as Progressives are actually Socialists—Marxists! They just adopted a different name for themselves almost a century ago because the Socialist moniker brought too much negative attention to them.

08-31-2011, 12:58 PM
In reference to the "Rage" book, let me quote a review from GetReligion.org, "Seldom have 3,500 words conveyed so little real information." http://www.getreligion.org/2011/08/b...istian-a-team/ (http://www.getreligion.org/2011/08/b-level-story-on-christian-a-team/)

Talk of martial law, at this stage especially, is pure paranoia.

I think we agree on the futility of the Afghan War, the intrussion of the gov't into our lives, and the view of big Banks.

Hopefull a few candidates will yet emerge who are more centrist.

You offer one site that says the book is nonsense, I can show you many that say it's required reading. (Too lazy to look them up right now)

I suppose if I'd had said they were going to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens after Katrina that I'd been paranoid.

I hope we get more right leaning candidates than centrists. Candidates the Tea party will back. Right now none of them really appeal to me. I wish Rand Paul would run, but I don't think he'll run against his father. The centrists always want to compromise too much and do things half assed.

I simply gave a heads up, I see no reason to politicize it to death.

08-31-2011, 02:10 PM
You offer one site that says the book is nonsense, I can show you many that say it's required reading. (Too lazy to look them up right now)

I suppose if I'd had said they were going to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens after Katrina that I'd been paranoid.

I hope we get more right leaning candidates than centrists. Candidates the Tea party will back. Right now none of them really appeal to me. I wish Rand Paul would run, but I don't think he'll run against his father. The centrists always want to compromise too much and do things half assed.

I simply gave a heads up, I see no reason to politicize it to death.

Don't forget that the centrists or moderate Republican also lose while the conservative ones win when it comes to presidential politics.

08-31-2011, 04:02 PM
Those who believe Obama to be a Marxist need to explain why he maintained the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Why sign the Patriot Act? Why keep GITMO open? Notice the military-industrial complex still getting richer thanks to 2.5 wars? Obama acts more like Bush. I hope to hear some arguments about Bush being a Leftist. Just saying

... and I will not be voting for Obama in 2012 but I will have reasons which will not include the trivial (his half uncle was stopped for a DUI, he uses a teleprompter, he misspoke about how many States he visited etc). It won't be because I think he's a Kenyan, the new Chairman Mao, or the center of any other off the wall theories. He's just not delivered on many promises and he is as clueless as McCain was/is about the economy.

O- does what he has done so far because he wants to get re-elected in 2012, all things to all people to get any vote possible from people who listen to the news and may not investigate for themselves. He is not making his base happy either. I also think he is a smart guy and knows he can't get what he would like by going straight after it. He'll take a back door. I also think he cares more about himself and his image than anything else, thus the show he is always putting on. I don't trust his leadership. I'm sure I can say he is a leader either. God forbid he wins in 2012. I hope there is a REAL winner to run against him and really lead the country along with all the other jokers in congress.

Now that I have reached my frustration level for the day let me end on a lighter note and revive a post from the past.


Also we can add to the list he said he doesn't want to get involved in politics I believe.

08-31-2011, 04:23 PM
O'dell you're right on that one. I guess I'm looking for a fiscally conservative candidate that will reduce spending, aim for a balanced budget, and help bring jobs back to America. But also one that will bring our personal freedoms back, and back the 2nd admendment. I guess I lean towards libertarian views on social issues, but conservative on fiscal matters. I'd like to see a candidate that will put and end to the BATF's abuse of power and keep them from running the little guys out of business, while at the same time letting guns flow across the border into drug lord's hands in some half baked scheme that I'm not even sure of what they were trying to accomplish. And reign in the DEA and quit pulling b.s. like spending 12 million dollars to arrest Tommy Chong for selling pipes that could be used for smoking illegal substances. To me that was just a way for some low level federal prosecuter to make a big name for herself and get a nice big raise and grab more power. It didn't do a damn thing to keep anyone from smoking the sh*t. As a child of the 60's, I think if someone wants to smoke an herb in the privacy of their own home, let em, I guess it's practically legal in some parts of the country anyway. Go after the animals making and distributing meth and heroin and other dangerous stuff. I'm sick of the way the "War on Drugs" is being run, seems like it's more of a get rich scheme for some communities, like the case here where they confiscated a guys new Corvette because they found the butt of a marijauna cigarette in his ashtray. Then you have that Iran/Contra fiasco. I think there is way too much money involved in that "War" and too many corrupt officials for it to be effective. Just my opinion on that.
I wonder how many of us would be law breakers if prohibition was still in force? Would a law keep you from having a beer or drink if you wanted one? Probably not. Would you think it's right that they confiscated your new car because they found a liquor bottle with a couple drops in it? I doubt it.
I just try to be a good Christian, and live and let live, treat others how I would be treated, and not be a social policman that tells you what you can and can't do, unless you're infringing on my rights. I can read for myself and determine what is right and wrong. I don't need some church or preacher interpreting phrases to fit their views. People can do some pretty twisted things with the bible, like that church in Topeka that pickets at the funerals of our fallen heros, They are the "God hates f@gs" bunch, I'm sure you've heard of them. I was led to believe God hated no one, only their choices or actions. I'd like to find a candidate with similiar views to mine, but that is slim pickings.
Dang, I wrote another book, I got to quit doing that.

08-31-2011, 04:28 PM
I have nothing to say. Black helicopters have been following me around like a black cloud for the past 6 weeks. I'm happy and I know it. I need a new tin foil hat though, this ones plumb wore out. Other than that I want for nothing the government can give me and in return I have nothing to offer my government or lack there of.

My spidey senses tell me to prepare for 4 more years of this piece of....I can't go on. The choppers are zooming in and I just couldn't possibly ban myself for speaking the truth.

I can't wait to get home and work on my reacquisition of acquired taste for good Scotch. Last night was my second session and it was already getting pretty good.

08-31-2011, 04:35 PM
I have nothing to say. Black helicopters have been following me around like a black cloud for the past 6 weeks. I'm happy and I know it. I need a new tin foil hat though, this ones plumb wore out. Other than that I want for nothing the government can give me and in return I have nothing to offer my government or lack there of.

My spidey senses tell me to prepare for 4 more years of this piece of....I can't go on. The choppers are zooming in and I just couldn't possibly ban myself for speaking the truth.

I can't wait to get home and work on my reacquisition of acquired taste for good Scotch. Last night was my second session and it was already getting pretty good.

I'll drink to that. :cheer2: (The scotch, not the for more years)

After a little of that those helicopters won't even matter anymore..

08-31-2011, 04:39 PM
Dang, I wrote another book, I got to quit doing that.
Keep up the good work. It restores my faith that I am not the only optimist alive and saves wear and tear on my keyboard. :angel:

08-31-2011, 04:57 PM
I have nothing to say. Black helicopters have been following me around like a black cloud for the past 6 weeks. I'm happy and I know it. I need a new tin foil hat though, this ones plumb wore out. Other than that I want for nothing the government can give me and in return I have nothing to offer my government or lack there of.

My spidey senses tell me to prepare for 4 more years of this piece of....I can't go on. The choppers are zooming in and I just couldn't possibly ban myself for speaking the truth.

I can't wait to get home and work on my reacquisition of acquired taste for good Scotch. Last night was my second session and it was already getting pretty good.

They are coming for you....:eek:

08-31-2011, 05:00 PM
O'dell you're right on that one. I guess I'm looking for a fiscally conservative candidate that will reduce spending, aim for a balanced budget, and help bring jobs back to America. But also one that will bring our personal freedoms back, and back the 2nd admendment. I guess I lean towards libertarian views on social issues, but conservative on fiscal matters. I'd like to see a candidate that will put and end to the BATF's abuse of power and keep them from running the little guys out of business, while at the same time letting guns flow across the border into drug lord's hands in some half baked scheme that I'm not even sure of what they were trying to accomplish. And reign in the DEA and quit pulling b.s. like spending 12 million dollars to arrest Tommy Chong for selling pipes that could be used for smoking illegal substances. To me that was just a way for some low level federal prosecuter to make a big name for herself and get a nice big raise and grab more power. It didn't do a damn thing to keep anyone from smoking the sh*t. As a child of the 60's, I think if someone wants to smoke an herb in the privacy of their own home, let em, I guess it's practically legal in some parts of the country anyway. Go after the animals making and distributing meth and heroin and other dangerous stuff. I'm sick of the way the "War on Drugs" is being run, seems like it's more of a get rich scheme for some communities, like the case here where they confiscated a guys new Corvette because they found the butt of a marijauna cigarette in his ashtray. Then you have that Iran/Contra fiasco. I think there is way too much money involved in that "War" and too many corrupt officials for it to be effective. Just my opinion on that.
I wonder how many of us would be law breakers if prohibition was still in force? Would a law keep you from having a beer or drink if you wanted one? Probably not. Would you think it's right that they confiscated your new car because they found a liquor bottle with a couple drops in it? I doubt it.
I just try to be a good Christian, and live and let live, treat others how I would be treated, and not be a social policman that tells you what you can and can't do, unless you're infringing on my rights. I can read for myself and determine what is right and wrong. I don't need some church or preacher interpreting phrases to fit their views. People can do some pretty twisted things with the bible, like that church in Topeka that pickets at the funerals of our fallen heros, They are the "God hates f@gs" bunch, I'm sure you've heard of them. I was led to believe God hated no one, only their choices or actions. I'd like to find a candidate with similiar views to mine, but that is slim pickings.
Dang, I wrote another book, I got to quit doing that.

Reminds me of a song from my youth by Charlie Daniels. I think it was called "Long Haired Country Boy." The main part chorus was "I ain't asking nobody for nothin if I can't get it on my own. If you don't like the way I'm living then just leave this long haired country boy alone."

I heard that again recently and realized that chorus probably impacted my life. Or that was just how I was brought up.

08-31-2011, 05:01 PM
They are coming for you....:eek:

:eek:... EEkkkkkk..... Aliens!!!!!!!!! ....:eek:

08-31-2011, 05:05 PM
They are coming for you....:eek:

Ah jeez jeepster, give us a break will ya? It's been a perfectly dreadful day at the sweat shop and then you post that picture. Now the day totally sucks and I gotta go hose the vomit out of my relatively new keyboard. I think it's relatively new because or one of your earlier pictures and my efforts to hose it down unsuccessfully.

Oh dang, the helicopters are coming in close.

08-31-2011, 05:28 PM
Bawann your tinfoil hat is ok you just got to change the battery and then turn on your microwave and put the hat outside the machine for a minute or two and it will recharge again...On a serious note I tend to agree with you about presbObama having a better than average chance to be elected to a 2nd term and finish the destruction he has only started...I work in a union shop and almost everyone here still thinks the guy walks on water and wouldn't think of voting Republican which drives me insane...I hope that Rick Perry can come through and win the nomination and I would love to see Herman Cain as his running mate but other than those two I can't see any of the others being able to pull it off...The problem I have with Obummer is that he just doesn't have a clue about the economy and thinks that only Government can create jobs which is the crux of the problem, no jobs = no tax base = record deficits = downfall of America...I am more of a Libertarian about some things and very conservative about the economy...Last night I watched a show about the Cocaine trade from Mexico and how over 22 thousand people have been killed in the so called drug wars...I say make the stuff legal along with pot and tax it...No more mafia, lots more tax revenue and no more DEA to waste money on and if people want to do that stuff in their private homes so be it...I would also like to see severe penalties in the form of taxes placed on companies who off shore work to increase profits at the cost of tax paying Americans jobs that are never replaced...I would like to see the EPA done away with and stop their strangle hold on business with stupid expensive laws and rules along with OSHA...The best thing we could ever do is get rid of the IRS and replace it with the Fair Tax which would be more fair across the board to both the ultra rich and the middle class....I hope and pray Presbo doesn't take the election because if he does you can bet your bottom dollar that this time he will go after our right to own and carry firearms but my gut feeling is that he will win again because there are just as many if not more left wing loonies from the gimmie mine class to boost him over the top again I fear....:confused:

08-31-2011, 05:32 PM
Whew, I read all that and I'm still goin'
I have no life and I know it will be fun.

08-31-2011, 05:44 PM
Thats it. I'm going home early and working on that scotch. Black helicopter be damned.

08-31-2011, 05:45 PM
Whew, I read all that and I'm still goin'
I have no life and I know it will be fun.
Cool! Take pictures. I am hoping for a first hand report from the KahrTalk investigative news team . . . that would be you. :D

08-31-2011, 05:45 PM
Somebody needs to hide my soapbox so I'll quit getting on that damn thing and spouting off.

08-31-2011, 09:11 PM
Bawann your tinfoil hat is ok you just got to change the battery and then turn on your microwave and put the hat outside the machine for a minute or two and it will recharge again...On a serious note I tend to agree with you about presbObama having a better than average chance to be elected to a 2nd term and finish the destruction he has only started...I work in a union shop and almost everyone here still thinks the guy walks on water and wouldn't think of voting Republican which drives me insane...I hope that Rick Perry can come through and win the nomination and I would love to see Herman Cain as his running mate but other than those two I can't see any of the others being able to pull it off...The problem I have with Obummer is that he just doesn't have a clue about the economy and thinks that only Government can create jobs which is the crux of the problem, no jobs = no tax base = record deficits = downfall of America...I am more of a Libertarian about some things and very conservative about the economy...Last night I watched a show about the Cocaine trade from Mexico and how over 22 thousand people have been killed in the so called drug wars...I say make the stuff legal along with pot and tax it...No more mafia, lots more tax revenue and no more DEA to waste money on and if people want to do that stuff in their private homes so be it...I would also like to see severe penalties in the form of taxes placed on companies who off shore work to increase profits at the cost of tax paying Americans jobs that are never replaced...I would like to see the EPA done away with and stop their strangle hold on business with stupid expensive laws and rules along with OSHA...The best thing we could ever do is get rid of the IRS and replace it with the Fair Tax which would be more fair across the board to both the ultra rich and the middle class....I hope and pray Presbo doesn't take the election because if he does you can bet your bottom dollar that this time he will go after our right to own and carry firearms but my gut feeling is that he will win again because there are just as many if not more left wing loonies from the gimmie mine class to boost him over the top again I fear....:confused:

I doubt that Obama will be re-elected - I hope that not just wishful thinking. It only took us ten years to pull out of Viet Nam. We've been fighting the drug war for over fifty years - when will someone realize they we lost that one too? If Rick Perry does get the nomination, which in certainly not a sure thing, I doubt that he would choose Herman - more like Robio or Giuliani. Or maybe Giuliani for Attorney General and Herman for Sec. of Commerce. If Romney gets it, he'll lose and I may be buying that one way ticket to New Zealand.

I agree with eliminating the EPA and OSHA. I'd also throw in the Corp of Engineers, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Transportation, and probably a few more. Of course everyone knows how I feel about the FairTax and that would throw the IRS to the dogs. [sorry if you like dogs.]

I'm gonna stop now - I beginning to sound like thetmanski.

08-31-2011, 09:28 PM
Well, let's see. His mother was a dedicated Marxist; his father was a dedicated Marxist; his college professors say he was a dedicated Marxist; his activities in college were with Communist Organizations, and he said he only felt comfortable with them; he announced his entry into politics at a reception in the home of a dedicated Marxist and domestic terrorist [Bill Ayers], and the attendees were all dedicated Marxist except for the press.

Either you are pulling our leg big time or you can't see what's right in front of you!!!!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, and only associates with ducks, I'm calling it a DUCK!
O'Dell, perhaps the difference between you and me is that there is a diversity of thought and behavior in my circle of friends. I have friends in the Tea Party movement, I am far removed. I have friends who drink, I don't. I believe in the 2A, many friends don't care. I have friends who act like Senator Joe McCarthy is ready for sainthood, I think he was despicable. I play golf three or four times per week, most of my friends don't play at all. I don't find any credibility in blogs such as the one cited above [ http://obamaism.blogspot.com/ (http://obamaism.blogspot.com/) ], some think its fact.

I don't think that Obama, any supporter of his, or myself (a non-supporter), need to prove a negative. What seems to be offered as proof is weak and mostly guilt by association (thank you Senator McCarthy).

With your indulgence, I am going to refrain from any long political discourse on this gun forum. Its too nice a place and I've gone farther than I intended. Have a great evening.

Chief Joseph
08-31-2011, 10:34 PM
O'Dell, perhaps the difference between you and me is that there is a diversity of thought and behavior in my circle of friends. I have friends in the Tea Party movement, I am far removed. I have friends who drink, I don't. I believe in the 2A, many friends don't care. I have friends who act like Senator Joe McCarthy is ready for sainthood, I think he was despicable. I play golf three or four times per week, most of my friends don't play at all. I don't find any credibility in blogs such as the one cited above [ http://obamaism.blogspot.com/ (http://obamaism.blogspot.com/) ], some think its fact.

I don't think that Obama, any supporter of his, or myself (a non-supporter), need to prove a negative. What seems to be offered as proof is weak and mostly guilt by association (thank you Senator McCarthy).

With your indulgence, I am going to refrain from any long political discourse on this gun forum. Its too nice a place and I've gone farther than I intended. Have a great evening.

The problem with "diversity of thought" you refer to is that the left in this country is hell bent on shoving their policy down OUR throat, at the expense of our Constitutional rights. I'm fine with a socialist so long as their not in office ignoring the Constitution. It's funny you bring up McCarthy when today, the blackballing and intolerance that seems to offend you is coming from the left, NOT the right. And it's been proven that McCarthy was mostly right, they were communists. The documents released from the old ussr proved that. The black caucus and everyone else screaming racism at the Tea Party when it's an outright lie. The worker celebration in WI wanting to exclude Republicans and how about hollyweird? Conservatives need not apply, they're not welcome. Intolerance in this country is on the left, not the right. We already have examples of where we are headed with nobama and his entire party by merely looking at what's happening in europe. You can dismiss http://obamaism.blogspot.com all you want, but they at least post their sources as proof unlike the lies from the left and their media that's exposed routinely. It all boils down to socialism/communism, any form of keynesian model is a failure. Hiding the facts of this that the lame stream media does now will not last. Even the perpetual stupid will wake up when it's finally THEIR pocket that has to pay.

09-01-2011, 12:22 AM
Well, let's see. His mother was a dedicated Marxist; his father was a dedicated Marxist; his college professors say he was a dedicated Marxist; his activities in college were with Communist Organizations, and he said he only felt comfortable with them; he announced his entry into politics at a reception in the home of a dedicated Marxist and domestic terrorist [Bill Ayers], and the attendees were all dedicated Marxist except for the press.

Either you are pulling our leg big time or you can't see what's right in front of you!!!!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck, and only associates with ducks, I'm calling it a DUCK!

Way to go, O'Dell! You put it so simply that even an imbecile can understand it. The only ones who can't understand it are the ones who proudly identify themselves as 'liberal' or 'progressive', who still proudly display the Obama/Biden bumper sticker on their Volvos. Oh, and ALL of the liberal news media.

09-01-2011, 06:19 AM
I resemble that remark O'dell! :D

09-01-2011, 10:18 AM
I resemble that remark O'dell! :D

I knew it, I knew it. the minute I hit Submit Replay, I knew I was going to be in trouble. Sorry Man - my only excuse is that I hadn't slept in two days. A good friend died Tuesday and I sat up all Tuesday night with his wife.

When I wrote it what I meant was that, I wasn't going to do a long post. I didn't mean that you ramble like I was starting to do. :o

09-01-2011, 12:33 PM
It's all good O'dell, I can take a joke. I thought that was a pretty good one. Lord knows I do get to rambling on and on. I was glad to see a little bit of humour in this thread. It's got awful serious.

09-17-2011, 09:04 PM
It's all good O'dell, I can take a joke. I thought that was a pretty good one. Lord knows I do get to rambling on and on. I was glad to see a little bit of humour in this thread. It's got awful serious.
Tom, I'm quite disappointed in the Day of Rage Riots. Detroit was awfully quiet. Two hours left to raise hell. What do you suppose happened? I heard Wall Street was quiet too. Odd. :tongue:

Can we get this rescheduled? I'm bored, the Tigers cinched the AL Central Title the other night, I'm waiting for the MLB Playoffs.

mr surveyor
09-17-2011, 10:20 PM
.............. I'm waiting for the MLB Playoffs.


Hoping my Rangers (actually mrs surv's Rangers) continue to hang on to the Western Division lead.

MW surveyor
09-17-2011, 10:34 PM
Man! I completely forgot to go down to the courthouse/fbi/BATF/bank/etc.

09-18-2011, 12:01 AM
Sure wish I'd have known about this in advance. All I had on me all day was a PM40 and 2 extra mags full of Speer 155 GDHP, and my P380 and 2 extra mags full of Corbon 90 grain JHP. And I did a rare drive through downtown early this morning.

It could have been a close thing fighting my way back to my Mini-14's. If I'd have known, I'd have already had them in the truck. But I guess the local rioters didn't get the memo either.

09-18-2011, 07:25 AM
So, nothing happened on the 17th? I forgot all about it...guess they did too. :p

09-18-2011, 08:36 AM
Was the story just a hoax?

09-18-2011, 11:04 AM
I just went to http://usdayofrage.org/ and they sure weren't bragging about anything, maybe we don't have as many dedicated socialists as I thought we did.
GOOD!!! I'm glad nothing happened, shows they have no power to organize anything of consequence.

09-18-2011, 11:22 AM
Oh I did find a couple of stories like this one from Eywitnessnews.co.za:

"Protesters have gathered on Wall Street in New York for a demonstration against what organisers call "corporate dominance".
There has been an online campaign for a number of months to garner support for the demonstration in the city’s financial district.
“Contemporary society is commodified society, as the market swiftly works on ways to monetize those few things which stubbornly remain untouched,” said organizers on the website occupywallst.org
Actress Roseanne Barr reportedly joined the action Saturday. Tweeting from her verified account, Barr said “Their greed and hoarding end today.”
It’s unclear how many people turned up but a live stream on the website showed many people gathered in the street."

Some "day of rage" huh? ROFL
They may talk about protests and stuff, but when it comes down to it looks like they'd rather stay home and play X-Box.

I think I've figured out what happened. There was no looting planned. If there had been looting then everyone would have shown up to get free TV or whatever they could grab.

Anyway, I'd rather be prepared and something not happen, rather than have something happen and not be prepared.

09-18-2011, 07:29 PM
Was the story just a hoax?
Nope, a few showed up in New York. Hundreds, rather than 20,000.

09-20-2011, 11:07 AM
Wow, the left is really powerful. What a giant turn out. More like "day of slightly upset". ;)

09-20-2011, 11:09 AM
ROFL, good one John!

09-20-2011, 11:24 AM
Maybe the rest of them realized that mission is a fool's errand on so many levels, and that this country won't play nice when people show up to rape pillage and loot.

09-20-2011, 11:38 AM
The Day of Rage turned out to be a Day of Fail. A really funny write-up and first hand account of the event is here:


09-20-2011, 11:53 AM
Funny! Thanks for the link. There wasn't much in the news.


09-20-2011, 04:28 PM
Funny! Thanks for the link. There wasn't much in the news.

Wynn:)Only the die hards remain.

From MSNBC online....

By John Schoen
A protest called “Occupy Wall Street (https://occupywallst.org/)” entered its fourth day Tuesday as a loosely organized group of activists converged on lower Manhattan and clashed with police.
The protest began Saturday when several thousand people gathered in front of the New York Stock Exchange holding signs saying "We must end corporate tyranny and corruption" and "Debt is slavery." By Tuesday, the crowd had dwindled to several hundred.
New York police have made a handful of arrests -- two on Saturday when protesters tried to enter a Bank of America office and six more on Monday. At least four on Monday were held for wearing masks, which is illegal for groups of two or more, police said. A video posted on YouTube (http://youtu.be/jYaA-34c-vI)Monday appears to show police arresting at least one protester.
"The elite corporate power have hijacked democracy," Alexander Penley, an international lawyer from New York, told Reuters. "The economic depression we are experiencing today has something to do with how Wall Street is run."
Demonstrators have displayed other signs including "Commodity inflation causes starvation" and "I can't afford a lobbyist."
The idea for the protest apparently originated with a Vancouver-based magazine called Adbusters, which describes itself as “a not-for-profit, reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine concerned about the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.”
In a July 13 blog post (http://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/occupywallstreet.html), the magazine called on readers to emulate the "Arab Spring" uprisings that began in Tahrir Square in Cairo in January. The magazine called on readers to “flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months.” The purpose of the protest, according to the post, is to end “the influence money has over our representatives in Washington.”
“It's time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY,” the post proclaimed. “We're doomed without it.”
On Tuesday, police maintained a heavy presence in the Financial District, partitioning off areas of the sidewalk and slowing pedestrian traffic in a neighborhood that typically attracts heavy tourist traffic.
The demonstrators have vowed to stay for months.