View Full Version : Was I wrong?

08-31-2011, 06:45 PM
I've been trying to sell my Colt Defender 9mm because I decided to use my Glocks for 9mm and my 1911s for .45. On another forum, someone offered to trade a brand new unfired G31 or G33 plus cash. Having never fired a .357 SIG, I headed to the range to try one out, but they didn't have one. My go-to guy told me that I wouldn't like it anyway since I don't like .40s. OK, no problem. So I'm standing there trying to decide what I want to shoot when this guy comes in and starts trying to trade for a Gen 4 G34 that the range apparently just got in. Since the range owner was not there, he couldn't do any trading, so he leaves. Now, the owner is expected back in a little while, so I don't know if this guy is coming back later or what. So what did I do? I bought the G34! Was I wrong for that? :D



08-31-2011, 06:50 PM
Hey you wanted it and you had the loot, how can that be wrong.

What is that on top of the slide some sort of tray for holding small items. I figured I'd see the barrel thru that hole but don't appear to be so.
I saw the one on Top Shot and thought it was cool but as you enlightened me it was apparently highly modified.

I kind of like it although I have yet to hold a Gen 4.

08-31-2011, 07:02 PM
I see Ms. Melissa likes her glocks. I know her PM9 us up for sale. You're not going to abandon us are you? You're the most sane one among us. Who would replace you if you left?

08-31-2011, 07:05 PM
You had the money.
Seller had something for sale.
You bought it.
You did no wrong.
Happy Glockin" ! :D

08-31-2011, 07:07 PM
I see Ms. Melissa likes her glocks. I know her PM9 us up for sale. You're not going to abandon us are you? You're the most sane one among us. Who would replace you if you left?
She ain't leaving us.
Were nicer than that lot over at GT. ;)

08-31-2011, 07:18 PM
What is that on top of the slide some sort of tray for holding small items. I figured I'd see the barrel thru that hole but don't appear to be so.
I saw the one on Top Shot and thought it was cool but as you enlightened me it was apparently highly modified.

I kind of like it although I have yet to hold a Gen 4.

That's not a tray, it's a cut out and you ARE seeing the barrel. I think the barrel on Top Shot was stainless wasn't it?

No, I'm not leaving you guys! Ya'll ARE a lot nicer than the GT crowd. :cheer2:

Here's a video of the g34 on Top Shot. Start around 1:40 unless you want to see a rundown of the Benelli M4 shotgun.


mr surveyor
08-31-2011, 07:35 PM
any thread, discussion, conversation started by an lady of the female persuasion with the first sentence "Was I wrong?", is one that most men of the male persuasion run away from like an egg suckin possum in a dog pen.

I was so traumatised by the thread title, I couldn't concentrate on the context:confused:

I do know that if a man, totally alone in the woods, miles away from the nearest female ear says anything that could possibly be conceived as being his opinion..... he's still wrong.

I wonder what Melissa's "lesser half" (I ain't about to say "better half"...and certainly no offense intended) has in answer to the "Was I wrong?" question:D

hunkered down in the bunker


08-31-2011, 07:51 PM
any thread, discussion, conversation started by an lady of the female persuasion with the first sentence "Was I wrong?", is one that most men of the male persuasion run away from like an egg suckin possum in a dog pen.

I was so traumatised by the thread title, I couldn't concentrate on the context:confused:

I do know that if a man, totally alone in the woods, miles away from the nearest female ear says anything that could possibly be conceived as being his opinion..... he's still wrong.

I wonder what Melissa's "lesser half" (I ain't about to say "better half"...and certainly no offense intended) has in answer to the "Was I wrong?" question:D

hunkered down in the bunker


Oh, no problem I said it was fine and dandy, I don't know what Dietrich said.

mr surveyor
08-31-2011, 07:59 PM
one afternoon at age 7 or 8, I was sitting on the front porch, minding my own business, when my Dad stormed out the front door all red-faced. He looked at me and said "Son, you can stand on the porch and pee on the ground..and you're wrong, or you can stand on the ground and pee on the porch... and you're wrong!" I always figured he had just made the mistake of trying to answer one of them trick questions. I never unlearned the old man's teachin:)

08-31-2011, 08:08 PM
Too bad they quit putting the ports in the barrel.... like they used to have.

08-31-2011, 09:53 PM
one afternoon at age 7 or 8, I was sitting on the front porch, minding my own business, when my Dad stormed out the front door all red-faced. He looked at me and said "Son, you can stand on the porch and pee on the ground..and you're wrong, or you can stand on the ground and pee on the porch... and you're wrong!" I always figured he had just made the mistake of trying to answer one of them trick questions. I never unlearned the old man's teachin:)

Been married almost 25 years and I've learned they are all trick questions. :7: Fortunately Mrs. YQT doesn't ask too many questions so I don't have to answer too many wrong. That's why it's almost 25 good years. I still answer wrong at least twice a year though.:confused:

08-31-2011, 10:31 PM
Heck you oughta do that in the first week of January and get the year's allotment over with!

08-31-2011, 10:33 PM
Melissa; Since no one here will tell you what they think, I will. I think you made a mistake. Just think that PM9 fits in your "special holster" nestled in with the girls, and now they must be in fright as you show them the cannon you brought home. I hope they don't decide to run away from home!

08-31-2011, 10:43 PM
I don't think you did wrong. He couldn't produce cash and you could. It's business after all. If I was the other guy, I don't think I'd be mad either.

Sent from Tapatalk

08-31-2011, 10:50 PM
There is no right or wrong it the issue... if you're good with it, then its right

09-01-2011, 03:27 AM
I can answer this one with no problem.No.You were not wrong.The gun was for sale and in a free market,there is no calling dibs.If that guy had really wanted it,he should have bought it outright.Once you walk away from a sale it`s open season on that item.
On another note,I`d like to address the issue of trick questions from women to men.I used to struggle with it as well but I found a cure.I just stopped giving a hoot if she got mad or not.When she asked for my opinion I would ask her,"Do you really want my opinion or do you just want me to agree with you?"If she insisted on hearing it,she got a truthful reply.When she got mad or wanted to argue I told her that in the future,if she didn`t want to hear my opinion,not to ask for it.It took a few times but she rarely asks anymore.

09-01-2011, 03:35 AM
On another note,I`d like to address the issue of trick questions from women to men.I used to struggle with it as well but I found a cure.I just stopped giving a hoot if she got mad or not.When she asked for my opinion I simply gave it.When she got mad or wanted to argue I told her that in the future,if she didn`t want to hear my opinion,not to ask for it.It took a few times but she no longer asks.

I taught the girlfriend early on that I don't do the mind games and trick questions. We hardly ever argue two years later. :D

09-01-2011, 10:10 AM
Hey, the guy could have put $50 down to hold the gun until he could pow-wow with the owner. That's a pretty gun! They put that gap in the slide on that long barreled gun to keep the slide from being too heavy. But you could port the barrel pretty cheap because the slide wouldn't have to be touched.

09-01-2011, 12:01 PM
Hey, the guy could have put $50 down to hold the gun until he could pow-wow with the owner. That's a pretty gun! They put that gap in the slide on that long barreled gun to keep the slide from being too heavy. But you could port the barrel pretty cheap because the slide wouldn't have to be touched.

I thought about that, but if Glock doesn't make/sell the part (except for night/fiber optic sights), I can't install it and still use the G34 in GSSF competition...at least in the civilian amateur division.

09-01-2011, 12:47 PM
Porting a 9mm in that size gun would be like putting a turbo charger on a Vespa. Whats the point. Love it as is and get in the game.

09-01-2011, 01:37 PM
Porting a 9mm in that size gun would be like putting a turbo charger on a Vespa. Whats the point. Love it as is and get in the game.

Don't let jocko hear you say that! :rolleyes: Actually, what I was envisioning, seeing as how it is a bit big for a carry gun, is put some nice adjustable target sights on it and use it to create 9 mm wide groups at the range. And porting it would help with quick follow ups and double taps. I know Glock offers some of the 9 mm guns with porting, and I think even the 34. So, Melissa could just buy the ported barrel and she's good to go with a sweet shooting range gun.

09-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Don't let jocko hear you say that! :rolleyes: Actually, what I was envisioning, seeing as how it is a bit big for a carry gun, is put some nice adjustable target sights on it and use it to create 9 mm wide groups at the range. And porting it would help with quick follow ups and double taps. I know Glock offers some of the 9 mm guns with porting, and I think even the 34. So, Melissa could just buy the ported barrel and she's good to go with a sweet shooting range gun.

I think the 34 comes with nice adjustable sights out of the box. I think Melissa said that also. Should be able to get a drop in ported barrel so she could put the stock one in for competition.

I was looking at them myself after seeing the one on top shot. It looked pretty cool with the slide all skeletonized and stuff. Not gonna put a bunch of money into doing that myself though.

09-01-2011, 01:46 PM
I taught the girlfriend early on that I don't do the mind games and trick questions. We hardly ever argue two years later. :D

Whenever I get the trick question from the missus I ask her to make it mulitple choice preferrably in order of the answers she'd prefer. Simplifies things immensely.

Since she does the clam thing, just don't speak when I provide the wrong answer, breath wrong, or sometimes do nothing at all I learned long ago to just go on with life. She'll speak again someday......or not.

09-01-2011, 02:10 PM
It looked pretty cool with the slide all skeletonized and stuff. Not gonna put a bunch of money into doing that myself though.

Whaddayamean? That slide is stock. That's the way the 34s are made.

Fiber Optic Sight


Ported Barrel


09-01-2011, 02:17 PM
The one on Top Shot had the same type holes in the side as well. 2 on each side I think. It was a cool looking rig.

The stock 34 looks pretty cool too but the Top Shot one was more like a race gun or something.

09-01-2011, 02:26 PM
Wrong no ,observant yes you apparently were observant enough to no the owner was coming back soon then pounced on something you wanted . First come first serve ,you snooze you loose kinda thing as far as I see it . Hope you enjoy the new toy I know I sure am enjoying my new Glock 19.

09-01-2011, 02:33 PM
You did the right thing... better to have buyer's remorse, than buyer's regret! You can always sell it if you don't like it, but may not have another opportunity like you had.


09-01-2011, 02:34 PM
Too bad they quit putting the ports in the barrel.... like they used to have.

They still port them......depends on which model you buy.:84:


09-01-2011, 02:38 PM
Dang! No light?? That's a nice setup. I guess, à la Silence of the Lambs, the 10mm will illuminate the area.


09-01-2011, 04:56 PM
Porting a 9mm in that size gun would be like putting a turbo charger on a Vespa. Whats the point. Love it as is and get in the game.

The original one's had ports, and I forget the reason they discontinued the ports....it wasn't technical... more like politics.

I've shot the old ported one next to my HiPower Competition model... the Glock is outrageously "steady on target". Just amazingly so, even with the weight on the HP. Of course the HP came with a 2-1/2lb clean trigger, right from FN... something Glock wont have, but the ports on the Glock were not a bad thing.

(looks for the waste gate adjustment control on his Vespa......)

09-01-2011, 05:01 PM
They still port them......depends on which model you buy.:84:

My bad then... I was informed that none of the long slides had porting anymore. FWIW, we used to "doctor" the factory ports a little with a thin white grinding wheel on the surface grinder. There was just enough room to recut the ports at a better angle, which seemed to overcome some issues with excessive flash.

09-01-2011, 05:29 PM
Porting would be great on a GSSF competition gun, but for my purposes, Glock would have to make the ported barrel.

The Top Shot G34 was customized by Salient Arms.