View Full Version : 2nd Trip to the range with the new CM9.... uh oh!!!

08-31-2011, 08:53 PM
I took the CM9 to the range today with the wife, to see if she liked shooting this better than her 642 (we both carried the 642 off and on). I also wanted to try out some new SD ammo I had to make sure it functioned in this gun. Up until today, I had taken it out once and shot a total of 250 rounds thru it.

Well... sad to say, the new gun caused some problems today. Yep, you guessed it.... the wife loved the dang thing and claimed it as "Her" new gun!? Huh??????? How does that happen!?!

I had to almost fight her for "MY" chance to shoot it! Sheeeesh!
So.... she ran about 100 rounds thru it with ball ammo and I ran 50-60 rounds of the 3 different types of SD thru it. I shot 124 +P HST, 124 HST and 124 Gold Dot +p thru it....

We did not have a single issue today (other than now i need to buy myself a new gun) And might i add.... I have yet to clean the thing! So.... this gun has 400 +/- Rounds though it since new.... running like a swiss watch!!

I'm afraid to buy another, for fear it might not be as perfect! I also just love how this one shoots. I can shoot it SO much better than the j frame of course, but way better than my old G23 too. Once I got the trigger figured out.... it's been a killer ever since. Love it a LOT!

Pics of her shooting.... you can see a smile if you look close, as she loads the mag and the 642 too. she loves to shoot.. I got lucky with this girl!


08-31-2011, 09:21 PM
Were you using Blazer Brass, Blazer Aluminum, American Eagle, and Federal? Which was for the 9mm CM9? I traded the trusty 642 (and a Glock) to purchase the CM9 and I am not feeling real good about the deal. I got one of the NoseDive-o-matic CM9s that is currently residing at Kahr repair shop. I am using Speer Lawman so I was curious as to which brand was working the best for you.

08-31-2011, 09:43 PM
I wish my wife would claim mine then I would have a good excuse to buy a new gun

08-31-2011, 09:48 PM
Today we used a box of Blazer Brass, a box of Fiocchi, a part box of Federal HST +P, a part box of HST non +P and a part box of Gold Dot +p.

All worked perfectly! I worried that she might limp wrist it but she did good.

As for an excuse to buy a new gun... yeah, got that now!! Im buying a new PM9 w/night sights cuz I got an unreal offer on one.....

09-01-2011, 08:56 PM
It sure makes life easy when the wife likes to shoot. I make sure that my wife's firearms are as nice as mine any she is always up for buying new ones.

09-02-2011, 04:27 AM
Relax pal,your wife has opened the door to a number of new opportunities for you.I wish I could get my wife to practice with my PM9 but she won`t even try it.Her 642 is the only thing she`ll shoot.Not that there`s anything wrong with a 642.The .38 special with good SD ammo is a formiddable combination.I just wish she was more open minded about expanding her options.

Bill K
09-02-2011, 08:22 AM
That would never happen to me! I'm the boss in my house. When its time for me to mop the kitchen floor and I tell my wife to leave she does so immediately.

Actually that's pretty cool, I'd be happy to give my wife any of my guns if she would be at all interested in shooting and eventually carrying.

09-02-2011, 08:45 AM
nice! but then again i used to work with a guy that always said, "i love my wife BUT the day she wanted to come fishing with me was the day i gave up fishing."

EDITED TO ADD: however to learn safe handling and firing techniques of a weapon is a good thing to know nowadays and doesn't apply at all to fishing.