View Full Version : Slide striker reassembly question

12-31-2009, 08:27 PM
I just cleaned the striker channel on my PM9 and I reassembled my gun as per a PDF file that shows how to take the slide apart (with photos) - However, I have 2 questions to make sure its working right now...

1. Does it matter which way the striker spring is inserted? (it does on the recoils pring, but both ends of the striker spring looked the same.

2. When I pull the trigger and then manually pull the slide back immediately afterwards - the firing pin seems to stay exposed from the breach face. Then, as the slide comes back closed, the firing pin withdraws right before the slide completely closes (I guess it hits the disconnector?). Is this the way it is supposed to be? Is it not supposed to go back in the slide right after the trigger is pulled?

I didn't think to check that before I did this (I did check the operation of the striker and striker block beforehand, but didn't think to try to pull the trigger and watch what the striker did before I took it all apart).

01-01-2010, 02:48 AM
striker spring can go in eithe r direction. It sounds to me like you got it allback together correctly. . Your striker pin is also OK. Now thatyou have cleaned that channel, just use that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide for cleaning from now on. really no need to do what you did IMO. that clean out hole with a spray nozzle inserted there will blow any stuff out both ends with ease. DO NOT OIL that striker channel, leave it dry, spray clean through that hole every tiime you clean the gun and it will never build up in the channel.

You did good by not reporting that you tore the sldie down and lost some springs...If it ain't broke, don't fix it ......holds true with stripping the slide down alot..

01-01-2010, 06:21 AM
Well, I read on another site about people having metal shavings and gunk in the channel. So, I took it apart to see.

Anyway - thanks for the help. I was concerned that the striker did not retreat when the slide is pulled back - so that is why I asked - to make sure this is the way it works (so I didn't mess it up and put it together wrong)

01-01-2010, 07:18 AM
DO NOT OIL that striker channel, leave it dry, spray clean through that hole every tiime you clean the gun and it will never build up in the channel.

Yea, I knew that. I use CLP on the gun, and there was a lot of oil in the striker area. I have never oiled the striker, but it seems to pick up oil in there thru use. So, I dried everything out and did not re-oil.

IMHO, it wasn't really necessary yet - but now that I know how, I could see myself doing this every 1k or so.

Anyway, thanks for the help, and maybe I'll try the other method you described as well.

01-02-2010, 05:23 PM
It is my understanding that one shouldn't pull the striker back manually and let it go (when the slide is off) on any striker fired gun.

I tried the gun today at the range - it worked fine. And as I thought - I checked it after every shot. The firing pin does not protrude after 1 shot when the gun is actually firing - the force of the recoil must throw the striker back in place. As per info online, I noticed last night that if I tapped the back of the slide, the firing pin would often retreat.

So, it seems the gun is functioning okay.

01-03-2010, 07:56 PM
One key thing about the pin protruding is that as soon as the cocking cam engages the striker, the block re-activates into the safe position. I have watched this while slowly moving the slide into battery by hand, just to see. So in battery, the cam holds the striker back a bit (partially cocked), and will not let it move forward prior to a trigger pull. At the same time, the block is blocking until the trigger pull. For me this is two safeties, makes me happy. :)


01-04-2010, 01:44 AM
It is my understanding that one shouldn't pull the striker back manually and let it go (when the slide is off) on any striker fired gun.

I tried the gun today at the range - it worked fine. And as I thought - I checked it after every shot. The firing pin does not protrude after 1 shot when the gun is actually firing - the force of the recoil must throw the striker back in place. As per info online, I noticed last night that if I tapped the back of the slide, the firing pin would often retreat.

So, it seems the gun is functioning okay.

probably would not hurt anything but what your actually doing is pulling back the striker and releasing it and the striker block is still activated, where as in pulling the trigger it is doing both at the same time. So the striker is now just hitting itself agaisnt the striker block, which probably over time is not a good thing to do, as it is not designed to be done that way. They do recommend when cleaning the slide to push in on the striker block to see if it release the striker in its very low set position. this tests ouo the striker block.

nice informative post, thank you.

01-04-2010, 03:00 AM
My striker block works fine. Its just that my other striker fired guns I have owned in the past fire - and the the striker goes back into the slide immediately.

This is new to me. When I hand cycle it, I was just surprised to see the striker still protruding when I open the slide manually - and it stays that way until the slide is almost closed again.

01-04-2010, 08:47 AM
I got an email back from Kahr today - how I described the striker remaining out is how it is supposed to work:

Correct the striker will stay foward until the slide it racked and the trigger is reset. Please email me back if you have any other questions.

Ian Burr

Joseph Mayo/Saeilo
01/04/2010 08:35 AM