View Full Version : Party at the ATF

09-03-2011, 01:00 PM
This burned my biscuits this morning. It's an email from nationalgurights.org

I’d love to tell you that I’m inviting you to a party in your honor, but unfortunately, I’m not.
There was a party in Washington, DC last week to celebrate...
...taking your gun rights away.
No, I wasn’t invited. And neither were you.
Just federal bureaucrats celebrating gun control.
You are reading that right. Whistle-blowers at CleanUpthe ATF.org tell us there was an actual party at the ATF to celebrate gun control.
Just to add a little salt to our wounds, the party was thrown with our tax dollars.
After months of opposition and resistance from grassroots gun rights activists like you, Eric Holder and the ATF decided by executive fiat that individuals purchasing multiple types of long guns in southern border states would be reported to the government.
Yes, that’s right. Gun owners data-based. Put in a system. Tracked.
Sure, they say this is to prevent “drug cartels” and “terrorists” from conducting their business, but I think you and I know the real reason for this new anti-gun program.
Eric Holder, Barack Obama and the rest of this left-wing gun-grabbing administration are out to restrict your gun rights any way they can.
After all, remember the last time the ATF tried to implement a program to stop the “drug cartels” -- “Fast and Furious” -- the ATF was actually smuggling weapons to them, all in an attempt to get public support for the passage of the anti-gun UN “Small Arms Treaty.”
These anti-gunners tell us that their gun control agenda is “reasonable,” but just wait, you and I will wake up one morning, read the paper and find out that they want to implement gun control on the rest of the country.
I know these guys like the back of my hand -- they have to pay back Barack Obama’s gun control pals like billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Time is getting short on this administration. I would expect more of this in the weeks and months to come.
Now is as good a time as any to remind ourselves of the type of gun control “ideas” Obama’s administration and left-wing allies in Congress have come up with recently:
*** BANNING the private sales of ALL firearms between American citizens;
*** BANNING certain types of hunting and self-defense ammunition that meet arbitrary conditions;
*** BANNING standard magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
I guarantee you that these bans are just the tip of the iceberg.
With anti-gun allies Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Fienstein and the Brady Campaign in positions of power plodding around Washington, gun control is actively being worked on as I write this.
I've even heard anti-gun Republican Senator John McCain pipe up recently -- calling for more gun control. Of course, he calls his gun grabs "reasonable restrictions."
Gun owners took one on the chin with this bureaucratic dictate from Eric Holder and the ATF.
I’m not surprised the ATF is celebrating gun control.
I spend all my waking hours working to fight these gun controllers in every corner of this country.
It’s that passion for defending our liberties and freedoms that you and I share.
I despise seeing people like Barack Obama and Eric Holder get what they want -- but, if you and I stay active and recruit more grassroots gun rights activists into the fold, we will see far fewer of these gun control parties.
Stay active and involved in the gun rights movement.
You are needed in this battle to protect our Second Amendment rights more than ever.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
P.S. The gun controllers in Washington are planning parties to celebrate their gun control victories. I hope you agree with me that they need to be stopped.

By "Executive Fiat" no going through congress or anything, just a bunch of appointed beurocrats forcing their rules down our throats. What a bunch of crap. :mad:

09-03-2011, 03:29 PM
Time for a revolution, maybe?

09-03-2011, 05:21 PM
a revolution? although armed we have no balls

09-03-2011, 08:20 PM
Sparks, I'd be careful what I say. Hope you're using one of those anonymous web surfing utilities. Otherwise, I have no doubt the Feds could get your IP address and track it to your front door. After some of the thing's I've said here, I wonder if I'm up for a tax audit or some other unpleasant treatment by the current administration. That statement could get you on the terrorist watch list, if we're not already. I've often wonderd if the ATF has gone the membership rolls on gun forums and already have the information they want on file. Call me paranoid if you want, but better paranoid than being taken by surprise.

09-03-2011, 08:22 PM
a revolution? although armed we have no balls
So true!

09-04-2011, 04:12 AM
Sparks, I'd be careful what I say... Call me paranoid if you want, but better paranoid than being taken by surprise.

Thanks for the advice, there is a chance we are probably being watched. So much for first amendment rights, eh? :mad:

09-04-2011, 06:11 AM
I`m sure that Sparks meant a revolution at the polls in the next presidential election when we "revolt" against the current administration by voting in a new one.

09-04-2011, 07:24 AM
Last election was a wake up call for those in charge. I say let's just keep riding that wave like Deitrich was talking about and we'll all be better off.

Also, everyone be careful with those grills this holiday while having that last summer cookout.

Longitude Zero
09-04-2011, 09:44 AM
Hopefully the Obamanation will be so busy loosing the next election, along with all the "D's" in congress that they wil have no time to be bothered with doing this.

As to the First Amendment it does not prohibit the "G" from monitoring only from infringing.

09-04-2011, 10:02 AM
Censorship and gun confiscation are the first steps towards despotism. They don't need censorship on the major media, their all lapdogs waiting for a tidbit of news here and there, what color dress did Queen Michelle wear to the latest socialist fundraiser. What's O'dummy's wonderful wisdom for this week? They tried to muzzle alternative points of view with their "fairness doctrine". Anyone that doesn't see things the elitist press's view, your just an ignorant hick clinging to your gun and bible. The enlightened one can do no wrong, if Bush had done the things he's got away with the left would be howling bloody murder. I sure hope there's a revolution at the voting booths across the country, and some new blood is sent up to DC to straighten things out. Again, call me paranoid, but most places have these electronic voting machines? How easy are they to tamper with. Won't make much difference here, they'd know something was up if Kansas votes Democrat, but what about the swing districts where a few hundred votes make a lot of difference. Then you go the guys like Al Franken, that don't like the results and sue and sue until he gets his way with some liberal judge. A freaking comedian from Saturday Night Live serving in the Senate. I have to admit, I did sign some petition he sent out that made a lot of sense, I was very surprised, but now he sends me all kinds of crap and I can't get it turned off.

09-04-2011, 10:24 AM
There are quite a few comedians in the Senate. Even more in the house. The Guam tipping over statement really proved it.


09-04-2011, 10:40 AM
Sparks, I'd be careful what I say. Hope you're using one of those anonymous web surfing utilities. Otherwise, I have no doubt the Feds could get your IP address and track it to your front door. After some of the thing's I've said here, I wonder if I'm up for a tax audit or some other unpleasant treatment by the current administration. That statement could get you on the terrorist watch list, if we're not already. I've often wonderd if the ATF has gone the membership rolls on gun forums and already have the information they want on file. Call me paranoid if you want, but better paranoid than being taken by surprise.

It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you. Any doubts about that? :mad:

09-04-2011, 10:52 AM
After all, remember the last time the ATF tried to implement a program to stop the “drug cartels” -- “Fast and Furious” -- the ATF was actually smuggling weapons to them, all in an attempt to get public support for the passage of the anti-gun UN “Small Arms Treaty.”. :mad:
And Brian Terry was killed with one of those guns while he was armed with "required" rubber bullets. :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-04-2011, 12:07 PM
Yeah slowpoke, you'd expect people to lose jobs, but instead they get promoted! I'd bet a paycheck that our Attorney General knew all about it, but he's damn good at playing dumb and passing the buck and shutting people up.

09-04-2011, 12:12 PM
But all is well cuz Janet Napolitano went down there and said the border states are safer than they used to be.

09-04-2011, 12:53 PM
re-elect no one

09-04-2011, 12:57 PM
Woo Hoo! I feel better already. I bet if that trail of trash they leave ran through Arlington, or wherever they live the few days they have to "work", it'd be fixed pretty damn quick.

09-05-2011, 03:49 PM
Go over to this weeks open carry thread and you will understand why the gubmint is allowed to get away with this sort of thing.

The 2A community can not stick together. The majority of the posts in that thread are so full of misinformation it isn't even funny and these are the people that we are supposed to call allies.

Elected officials thrive on that sort of division to push what they want. The anti gunners read these threads of that nature and figure if the "gun community" wrote it it must be true.

Makes me sick to my stomach.

09-05-2011, 04:34 PM
What exactly are you objecting to on the open carry thread .45fan? I see some are for it, and some are against it, but not sure what misinformation you are talking about. Just curious, not trying to start an argument. I just want to see where you are coming from is all. The second admendment supporters should stick together, but we are all going to have views, like on open carry, that we disagree on. It's a lot like the abortion issue, some are against it in all cases, some are against except in cases of rape or incest and medical necessity but both claim to be Pro-Life. Oh please lets not open that can of worms.

09-06-2011, 10:26 PM
pm sent

09-07-2011, 01:31 AM
I'll bet all of those brown-skinned, "undocumented immigrants" weren't just humping backpacks of drugs across the border. September 11th could be a lot noisier than usual this year. :eek: There could be thousands of terrorists getting ready for payback.


09-07-2011, 07:36 AM
Pure luck that has not happened yet. That and the language barrier keeping terrorists from blending in south of the border. I suspect they are working on that... :(

09-07-2011, 08:11 AM
Pure luck that has not happened yet. That and the language barrier keeping terrorists from blending in south of the border. I suspect they are working on that... :(

I remember a story I heard a few years ago when I was still living in Atlanta. The story came from a Christian ministry team who specialized in reaching out to poor unwed mothers or something. They were visiting in a trailer park and encountered a group of middle eastern men living there, trying to pass themselves off as Mexicans. Most of them didn't speak at all, but there was one who knew some Spanish and acted as their spokesman. One of the ministers was fluent in Spanish, so he tried to engage the spokesperson in conversation. But he found that the man's Spanish was very limited. None of these men had jobs, yet they had money to live on. The ministers tried to report this to a law enforcement sergeant of some sort, but were told "We can't do anything until they break the law." (Seems to me like Homeland Security would be very interested in them.) Now what, other than being staged for some terrorist activity, would middle eastern men posing as Mexicans be up to?

I am glad that I no longer live in Atlanta or any other major metropolis.

09-07-2011, 10:40 AM
5 minutes of coaching a few Spanish phrases would get them past a lot of your usual Americans who don't go out of their way to learn them furrin' languages.

I've been seeing some info about drug cartels aiding Al Qua'ida terrorists in getting across the border for help with weapon training and obtaining weapons... and the ATF lets... or MAKES U.S. dealers sell firearms to "questionable" buyers so the ATF can prove that weapons are going South from the U.S.


09-11-2011, 07:14 AM
The current administration has proven many times that they feel above the law and don't have to operate within the Constitution.

In a previous life; I worked criminal intelligence matters concerning the mexican cartels and I can state that the percentage of guns going to cartels from the US is very small. The percentage coming from licensed gun dealers is even smaller.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room is that a high percentage of the arms that wind up in cartel hands come from corrupt US allies that our government gives the weapons to in aid packages.

Hmmmm; sounds like the 800 pound gorilla in room when "entitlements" are discussed. One only hears Social Security and Medicare; (which working folks paid into all of their lives). Notice that you don't hear medicaid, welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing and all of the other government give away programs because to end them would make the politicians unelectable.

Makes one wonder where the problem is-NOT!

09-11-2011, 04:28 PM
None of these men had jobs, yet they had money to live on.

Let me tell you. I know for a fact that there are many middle easterners living in this country with no working source of income because they are supported by middle eastern organizations in Saudi or some other oil rich nation using our gas money we spend going back and forth to work. I lived in a southern city 25 years just ago 2 hours west of Atlanta working and going to school where I met this palestinean guy (and his brother too) who had spent the last 8 years in the USA trying to get a 2 year degree. He spent all of his time hanging around and chasing american women of all races. Everytime he would wreck his car or whatever he would write them for some more money. The way I know he was supported by a Saudi Organization was they were even getting tired of his foolishness and were getting ready to pull his support. He wanted me to help him study so that he could report back to them that he had a tutor and was getting serious. I told him I didn't have time. It was about 4 months later when they pulled his support and he couldn't even hold down his new job at Pizza Hut that he was deported. He also told me that he had spent 6 months in an Israeli prison. He said it was because he wouldn't join the army but I have my doubts. Then right before the first gulf war he tried some crap like saying Saddam Hussien was a great man. That didn't go over too well in the south either. He was very PRO ARAB.

So now, who were the 9/11 bombers supported by??????? This stuff has been going on for a long time now.

One more thing, we better get our energy needs under control too because we are supporting those who are against us.