View Full Version : +P+ use in a P9

01-01-2010, 10:41 AM
I have person willing to trade Winchester LE Ranger 115g HP +P+ for some of the .40 I have. He states the Kahr LE rep says it is fine run but they recommend a recoil spring change after every 1000 rounds of the this ammo.
Further more he's been running it in his PM9 without issue.

Anyone have personal experience with this or similar rounds in these pistols?
I also want to hear opinions on using hot loads...
Any real benefit to such a hot round?
If I was to get some of these +P+ I'd likely trade for 700-800rounds 500 to keep "in reserve" if SHTF, the rest to shoot for testing and practice, it wouldn't be ammo I run consistently, I have a supply of regular old PMC and WWB 115g FMJ for that.

01-01-2010, 03:07 PM
The Ranger ammo is very good quality and the suggestion to increase the spring weight is a good one. The P9 would feel substancially different with this ammo...you will notice a decided increase in recoil.

This ammo is generally meant for larger, heavier duty weapons. Personally, I'd pass, or save it for a different pistol some time later. I value quickness in follow up shots more than the hottest, fastest round available... but that's me, you may feel different.

01-01-2010, 03:15 PM
If +P+ really excites one in a 9mm, then why not just go to a P40, same size and far more firepower than any +P+, which I don't think I have ever read where kahr says +P+ is ok to use..

I would agree with ripley 16. other than him stating going to a 40 cal, I think he mentioned larger weapons...

01-01-2010, 03:57 PM
You're on the far right, 3 sigma, edge of the design curve. If you're intent on using this stuff get a stiffer recoil spring and use it specifically for this ammo. Since you asked....no, I don't see any real benefit. You're beating the hell out of your gun for, at best, a marginal gain in theoretical performance. Fine ammo for something like a SIG....in a polymer Kahr it's a bad idea.

01-01-2010, 05:54 PM
Thank you for the replies
First, I did not buy a 9mm with the intention of shooting anything but regular old 9mm...even, my carry ammo is SV 115g Winchester Silvertip HPs. I could have bought a P40 since I'm sitting on almost 1500 rounds of the .40S&W stuff, but I didn't. This offer on the +P+ came not from me but from some wanting my .40
Anyway, I'm of the same mind set as you guys, I guess I just wanted to hear it :)

01-01-2010, 06:01 PM
Thank you for the replies
First, I did not buy a 9mm with the intention of shooting anything but regular old 9mm...even, my carry ammo is SV 115g Winchester Silvertip HPs. I could have bought a P40 since I'm sitting on almost 1500 rounds of the .40S&W stuff, but I didn't. This offer on the +P+ came not from me but from some wanting my .40
Anyway, I'm of the same mind set as you guys, I guess I just wanted to hear it :)

no foul, I personally think the kahr will take +P+ with no problems. Not like ur gonna shoot 5000 rounds of it either. cost wise would prohibit that. Just that you see alot more of +P 9mm and 40 cal than every +P+. I think that is because mfg-ers don't recommend +P+ so why mfg-er it and also +P+ makes that second shot as someone metioned not near as good as +p or standard hp defense ammo.

The P9 kahr is just one hell of a semi auto. I have never read of one ever going k-boom with any ammo to date. The upper slide is built like a brick sh-thouse...and the lothar barrels are in a class of their own, IMO.

01-01-2010, 06:12 PM
What kind of offer was made? The Winchester Ranger ammo is fairly expensive when/if you can find it, running about $30 per box. It is very good ammo, one of the few that fullfils most all of the police agency requirements for penetration of various materials.

The Kahr was originally designed for +P+ and with a heavy spring it would operate fine. If you have no need for the .40, you may want to think about obtaining at least some of the Ranger.

Your Winchester Silver Tip is also no shirker... a fine round for any CCW.

01-01-2010, 06:26 PM
Oh, it won't blow up or anything with this ammo. I just don't see the point and have limited interest, for PD use, in shooting through car glass or sheet metal at an angle. I view my PM9, and other carry guns, as a long term companion and see no need to abuse it unnecessarily any more than I would my, current, wife. I use quality, current bullet design, standard pressure ammunition which is at least 95% as effective as anything else I could torture the gun with. And when you factor in reliability and controlability I'm certainly well ahead of the game.

02-28-2010, 01:12 PM
Get the Cor-Bon DPX +P 115 gr, velocity is 1250 at 399ft/lbs . These are all copper bullets and the pressure is below the dreaded 425 and up. The penetration and expansion are fantastic and you won't be putting the wear and tear as you would with +P+

02-28-2010, 01:41 PM
kahr states no +P+. Plus P is ok. Not sure Ihave ever read where +P+ was OK in kahrs. Probably would be ok for carry use and a magazine here and there, but not a steady diet. Never heard of a kahr going K-boom either..