View Full Version : PM45 break-in: still one issue

01-01-2010, 11:14 AM
This is my third report on my new PM45. I now have about 450 rounds through it. It has really loosened up a bit and functions very well. I have had no problems other than brass cases being ejected to my forehead about once every 15-20 rounds (and they sting and leave a small mark). Last 150 rounds have been Speer Lawman TMJ 230 gr. I feel that this is a small price to pay for a very powerful and concealable handgun, though I will call Kahr about it if it persists after an additional 200-300 rounds. I strip and clean my PM45 every 150 rounds max and feel that it operates better with slightly more lubrication than my Glock 19. I bought a Mitch Rosen belt slide holster (in the Kahr shop) and it is perfect for me - is totally concealable under an untucked shirt. The combination is so light that I barely remember that I have it on which is much different than my Glock 19 rig. My accuracy is getting better though sight recapture is slower than my 9mm due to a heavier recoil. All in all a keeper for outside carry.

01-01-2010, 12:18 PM
I sent my PM45 back to Kahr for a series of issues after 545 rounds. I got it back the other day - terrific 10 day turn around over the holidays - and Kahr did some great work to resolve the issues I had. It was dropping mags, stovepiping, and was inaccurate as hell, among a few other lesser problems.

I had one spent case in 100 or so yesterday that bonked me in the noggin too. Yes - they do sting.

01-06-2010, 06:03 AM
Are either or you left-handed ?

I've had a thus far unsolvable problem with my PM45 spitting cases into my forehead and even my eyes. The pistol has been returned to Kahr 3 times. The second time they replaced it and the third they finally old me that it seems more of a problem with left-handed shooters,and I am a lefty

Took my youngest son shooting last week. He's right-handed and relatively new to using pistols. The problem did not exist for him. Cases ejected further aft than I like but even the worst passed at least 4" to the right of his head.

For a while I thought it may be ammo related so I tested 230gr FMJ in various flavors, Win HST 230gr, Rem Golden Sabre 185 and even Corbon DPX. Some were better than others about ejecting to the side but all put at least one backwards.

I have a pair of PM9's, neither of which has ever ejected a case into my face.

Truth is , every so often a pistol comes along that doesn't work for some people. I had a similar experience with a G 36. I never could get it work right despite one replacement and 3 trips back for service.
Go figure

01-06-2010, 07:49 AM
Are either or you left-handed ?

I've had a thus far unsolvable problem with my PM45 spitting cases into my forehead and even my eyes. The pistol has been returned to Kahr 3 times. The second time they replaced it and the third they finally old me that it seems more of a problem with left-handed shooters,and I am a lefty

Took my youngest son shooting last week. He's right-handed and relatively new to using pistols. The problem did not exist for him. Cases ejected further aft than I like but even the worst passed at least 4" to the right of his head.

For a while I thought it may be ammo related so I tested 230gr FMJ in various flavors, Win HST 230gr, Rem Golden Sabre 185 and even Corbon DPX. Some were better than others about ejecting to the side but all put at least one backwards.

I have a pair of PM9's, neither of which has ever ejected a case into my face.

Truth is , every so often a pistol comes along that doesn't work for some people. I had a similar experience with a G 36. I never could get it work right despite one replacement and 3 trips back for service.
Go figure

I'll give you $50.00 for it right now...:D

01-06-2010, 08:26 AM
I'm a lefty and occasionally I will get a case back on my head from my PM9, not often and I sometimes attribute that to maybe my grip changing during a range shoot. My g19 does it more often then my kahr does and I do attribute that to stance and being a lefty...Still love um both..

01-06-2010, 07:06 PM
Interesting comment... I am a righty and each box of 50 (of different brands of mostly 230 gr FMJ) I get 2 or 3 rounds that either hit me directly in forehead or once in a while squarely in one of the lenses of my safety glasses or just grazes my scalp. Never had this problem with other guns though I used to mostly shoot only 9mm Glocks (17 and 19).
I let a buddy shoot a magazine and on the second round he was hit in the forehead by a casing. He shoots mostly Sigs and never happens to him.

01-07-2010, 07:25 AM
and from reports on this forum and on the AR15 forum, it seems that the most problematic kahr with the head stuff is the 45 cal. Guys are getting boinked with it far more often then others.????

01-07-2010, 09:20 AM
I just purchased my first P45 and can hopefully pick it up today. I'll get it out to the range this weekend and see if it does the same thing with the shells. I too am a lefty and hope it's not that big of a deal.

01-08-2010, 05:09 AM
The biggest problem with a pistol that spits cases into your forehead is the flinch factor.
If you are anticipating a spent case in the head or eye ( I had one that chipped my shooting glasses from my PM 45) you will never shoot well.

I believe that lefty's have it the worst, maybe because we hold a pistol left of center. As I said in my prior post I watched my son shoot the PM45 and saw the cases often pass close to his right temple but never hit him.

I think that some additional engineering of the ejector by Kahr would fix the problem. They are tuneable and could even be redesigned to vector more of the recoil energy to the side.
I have carried a weapon daily since 1971 and the PM 45 is the only one I have ever owned that is problematic in this way.
Currrently I'm waiting for Cylinder & Slide to try to solve the problem but they have a 10 month waitlist for work

01-08-2010, 06:38 AM
actually the extractor plays some part in where the brass goes to. You might be right about the flinching part, I shoot my PM9 all the time and I am a lefty and I flinch, I know I do. and occassionally I will get a brass in my head, but it just seems like we hear more of this brass thing from the 45 cal kahrs and that to me remains a "mystery" No doubt lefty's play a part of this as My enrtire head is actually to the right of the extraction process, where as a rightie, his head is to the left of the extraction process. No doubt this probably happens inother semi's also for lefty's and probably most mfg-ers never really pre test out a semi from a left handers standpoint, If a gun is designe dto clear a rightie'shead by 3 to 4 inches, then a lefty is in deep sh-t!!! YMMV.

I had to wait 7 months on C & S to get my kahr in. Had to pay half up front and then wait 7 months. biggest waste of money I have ever spent. they are IMO way way over rated

I willPM you.

01-08-2010, 10:58 AM
actually the extractor plays some part in where the brass goes to. You might be right about the flinching part, I shoot my PM9 all the time and I am a lefty and I flinch, I know I do. and occassionally I will get a brass in my head, but it just seems like we hear more of this brass thing from the 45 cal kahrs and that to me remains a "mystery" No doubt lefty's play a part of this as My enrtire head is actually to the right of the extraction process, where as a rightie, his head is to the left of the extraction process. No doubt this probably happens inother semi's also for lefty's and probably most mfg-ers never really pre test out a semi from a left handers standpoint, If a gun is designe dto clear a rightie'shead by 3 to 4 inches, then a lefty is in deep sh-t!!! YMMV.

I had to wait 7 months on C & S to get my kahr in. Had to pay half up front and then wait 7 months. biggest waste of money I have ever spent. they are IMO way way over rated

I willPM you.
I find it interesting that 95% of casings eject perfectly and then there is one odd-one-out that goes straight back. If I was a lefty, based on the trajectory of the 95% that go well, I would probably be hit by 2 or 3 out of 10. As for the flinch factor - knowing that even if I am hit it is not fatal - it does not enter my mind. Too many other issues in life to worry about stray hits to the forehead!!!!

01-08-2010, 01:21 PM
actually the extractor plays some part in where the brass goes to. You might be right about the flinching part, I shoot my PM9 all the time and I am a lefty and I flinch, I know I do. and occassionally I will get a brass in my head, but it just seems like we hear more of this brass thing from the 45 cal kahrs and that to me remains a "mystery" No doubt lefty's play a part of this as My enrtire head is actually to the right of the extraction process, where as a rightie, his head is to the left of the extraction process. No doubt this probably happens inother semi's also for lefty's and probably most mfg-ers never really pre test out a semi from a left handers standpoint, If a gun is designe dto clear a rightie'shead by 3 to 4 inches, then a lefty is in deep sh-t!!! YMMV.

I had to wait 7 months on C & S to get my kahr in. Had to pay half up front and then wait 7 months. biggest waste of money I have ever spent. they are IMO way way over rated

I willPM you.

Thank you for that advice.....

01-08-2010, 08:31 PM
Are either or you left-handed ?
