View Full Version : P380 In For Warranty Repair 10+ Weeks

09-06-2011, 08:34 PM
I returned my P380 to Kahr Arms for repair, and it was received by them June 20, 2011. They acknowledged it's a 'warranty' issue.

My question is, has anyone else had a P380 at Kahr this long, for repair? Or, has anyone else had any Kahr weapon at the factory so long, for warranty work?

I'm trying to determine exactly what I'm dealing with.

Thanks for your insights...


09-06-2011, 08:46 PM
Kahr is generally a quick turn around I hear. My CM9 and CW9 have been flawless so I have no personal experience. I also remember seeing on a post around here saying that they had a parts issue they were waiting for on P380's. Just my memory so I may be incorrect. I'm sure someone else will chime in shortly. Hang in there. Kahr does want to make it right for you.

09-07-2011, 04:15 PM
My P380 has been in their possession for 28 days now and it's really old.

09-07-2011, 04:28 PM
Have either of you called or emailed to ask what the status is? I sent my K40 in long ago and they had it a long time. First it was lost, the lady, can't remember her name but nice lady was frantic. Turns out I'd sent it in via my police dept and she logged it in as such, when I emailed it was under my name and she didn't make the connection, so it was found.

It turns out they were waiting for a new slide, it was black and they didn't have any. I asked about a stainless slide upgrade and she said they had those and it would be fitted and sent out that day. I got it the next day.
No charge. I thought stainless was an upgrade, now I know that black is the upgrade, oh well I liked the stainless better.

So there could be a good explanation or you might be lost in the system. Be worth checking in a very nice manner I would suggest.

09-07-2011, 05:05 PM
I returned my P380 to Kahr Arms for repair, and it was received by them June 20, 2011. They acknowledged it's a 'warranty' issue.

My question is, has anyone else had a P380 at Kahr this long, for repair? Or, has anyone else had any Kahr weapon at the factory so long, for warranty work?

I'm trying to determine exactly what I'm dealing with.

Thanks for your insights...


I think kahr has found a serious quality issue with those that are out there and they are in the process of making some kind of change, we may not see it when we get it but I would bet they are on to something that has been causing the P3809 to be such a problem child. I have no basis for saying this other than kahrs turn around time has been fantastic inb the past. I am sure they are not going to say oneway or the other either, so my post is just my opihionh based on nadda, zero, nothing.. I feel ur pain but I guess in ur case your only hope is thgat the wait was worth it when u get it back..

09-07-2011, 05:41 PM
Have either of you called or emailed to ask what the status is?

I emailed them 8 days ago and they said it has been inspected and is awaiting a new frame.

09-07-2011, 05:47 PM
I emailed them 8 days ago and they said it has been inspected and is awaiting a new frame.

That's a major component huh? I think that was the deal with my slide also. They were waiting for one to come off the line to replace it.

Doesn't help having to wait so long but its comforting that they are replacing a major piece in hopes that it will run good when you get it back. I'll cross my fingers (about all I can do) and hope you don't have to wait much longer.

09-07-2011, 06:53 PM
My P380 was a total dog before it was sent back home. It came back six weeks later with a new frame, then malfunctioned a few times during the next 50 rounds, but after that has been 100% reliable after a few hundred subsequent shots.

Just add the cost of about eight boxes of .380 (at least $200) to the initial price (four boxes of FMJ to break it in, four more to test your preferred carry load (I prefer FMJ in .380)). Double that if you have to return it to its birthplace for a couple of months.

09-08-2011, 07:48 PM
As recently as two weeks ago, I was told my gun was being repaired and I'd be receiving a call with return tracking/shipping information shortly. Happy to hear it, I asked when they estimated they'd have the repair completed. (this was all via e-mail). They never replied. I've gotten no calls. It seems whomever I was communicating with had inaccurate information...

I have no issues if in fact Kahr has some type of engineering challenge to overcome. I can wait another month, or two...or six...whatever it takes to have a good gun out of it.

But I've run out of patience with the poor communication Kahr's shown me. Twice I've gotten the old "your check's in the mail" type of excuse as outlined in the first paragraph. Essentially, these excuses have come to have the same effect as outright lies.


09-08-2011, 08:09 PM
I'll step out and call a spade a spade. AlanS, if your situation is as you've stated and described it, it absolutely sucks and is not right on many levels. Kahr CS has definitely done you wrong, particularly in the communication department. I feel for you, and I absolutely understand your anger and disappointment. I think i would be of the same mind. I wish that there was something that I can do to help, but I don't think there is. I'm hoping they fix it and make it an absolute winner, and make up for it in some other considerable fashion (I'm talking magazines, holster, and maybe a discount on your next Kahr). Here's to hoping they get it right....eventually. About all I can say other than hang in there!!

09-08-2011, 08:33 PM
Mine took 6 weeks to be repaired. I also did not receive great communication other than it was in line to be fixed and later that they were waiting for a part. It came back fixed, so I no longer complain and am very happy with it now.

09-08-2011, 11:53 PM
Hey AlanS, I'm in the same boat. My P380 Cali version went in July 12. Last I heard from Kahr, it will need a new frame. Still waiting.......

09-09-2011, 06:42 AM
Mine took 6 weeks to be repaired. I also did not receive great communication other than it was in line to be fixed and later that they were waiting for a part. It came back fixed, so I no longer complain and am very happy with it now.

report what kahr did to your P380 when at the warranty station? Kinda gives us members a memory data base .

09-09-2011, 08:21 AM
Just keep in mind, they are not going to ship you back a gun that is not working. So if Kahr is still holding them, they are making it right and taking time to do so. If there is any significant change being made to the frames, it will be a little more time consuming than just swapping out from existing stock. I have not heard anything on my end, just speaking from experience in dealing with a company that tries very hard to make sure anything fixed is fixed right. I know, it is hard to wait on something. Personally I would rather do that than get something back partly corrected. Been there with other companies, done that. :(

09-09-2011, 09:20 AM
It seems excessively long too me.
Even Diamondback generally has a one week turn around time on their repairs.
Too me if it is going to take two weeks or longer they ought to just replace it with a new pistol.

09-09-2011, 11:54 AM
Here I go again, Mr. Pollyanna is in the building.

Seems a few 380's need new frames recently. Could it be Kahr discovered the design of the frame that needs a tweak? Just think, they are replacing something that doesn't work very well for some, with an improved design that takes time to get from the discovery through design engineering, through milling setup, and into production. Then of course comes testing to prove the corrected design.

Even Jocko has said Kahr seems to have a problem with 380's and just maybe they have figured it out. This takes time and we all wish it had been right the first time or they could loan you a CM9 or something in between. If it were me I'd want them to do the right job rather than patch something that isn't designed right to begin with.

Now, before you jump on "why didn't they design it right to begin with?" let me say, they were pretty darn sure they had designed it right. Ever hear of recalls for faulty designs? They aren't cheap and harm reputations but sometimes it's just the right thing to do. Maybe this isn't a full recall and maybe not all are affected, but I believe they are trying to make it right.

09-10-2011, 06:26 PM
Hmmm, I remember, back in the 1970's, if you wanted to own a Jaguar, you bought 2, one to drive while the other was in for repairs. Maybe 2 P380's is the answer? LOL
I am in agreement with others, better to be patient, they will send it back to us when it is working correctly, no matter how long it takes. Patience, Patience,.........

09-10-2011, 07:24 PM
I owned 3 kel tecks (1 32 and 2 380';s) sent those 3 back 17 times . yet there are some who buy one and never had an issue, so go figure. No excuses here for kahr but it happens and why we don't get it back in a week or 2 is certainly not something that kahrs is just letting it lie on the work table unattended to . They like most allgun companies don't make most of their parts, they design them, then find the vendor who is set up to make the stuff. There is a vendor problem here IMO, no doubt about it. Any change to a polymer frame might require complete new molding dies etc, retooling, and then once retooled make the part and then RETESTING to see if the change worked etc. It takes time, kahr is not happy about it either. More than likely they have 380';s pilling up more than they want, but I do think they might juyst be on to a good fix for these little guns. They are not gonna replace ones gun becuase it takes 4 to 6 weeks etc, just not how it works, especially in the gun industry. I do think they also do not want to send a gun out either that is just half assed fixed. I think some have already went through that process withg some of their kahrs going back and back and back.

I only relate my kel tec fiasco's as an example of what can happen sometimes will indeed happen... I have not put my P380 through any of the crapola my PM9 has been through, I guess because of ammo cost and also because I just don't desire to carry a 380 when I have such a small gun as the PM9. IO seriously doubt If I could report 32K out of my P380 without a blimp. Why I say that is also I have no proof of that statement either, but I don't intend to find out...

09-10-2011, 11:19 PM
Mine has been in since 8/18. Sent jay an email hesaid its waiting in to be fixed. He also told me 3 to 4 weeks to fix. Just waiting for it to come back. I dont mind waiting if it is really fixed. I didnt start to have problems until after 8 hundred to 1000 rds. I really like the little gun hope they can make it right.

09-14-2011, 09:05 AM
Just keep in mind, they are not going to ship you back a gun that is not working.

Sorry, but I can't let that go unchallenged, as it's just not true. My P380, and other's on this site alone, have been returned not working any better than when they left. Mine has been returned TWICE, and still does not eject properly.

They will not discuss how they are tested, or give you any specific idea what load is used. My pure-assed guess, as that's all I'm left with, is that they are chucked up in a test fixture for test firing that does not emulate the human hand. May or may not be true, but not much else could explain a pistol returned not working right for YOU or ME, with that stupid "Shoots Good" on the return ticket.

09-14-2011, 09:19 AM
Maybe the reason they kept sending back guns that still didnt work is they were trying to figure it out and couldnt but now they did and as much as they hate holding all those 380's its the only thing they can do to fix them right. In which case I say hooray and now onto designing a better mag and a better extended mag. Then I would like them to work on a K45. now thats dreaming. Really I know it sucks but hang in there, thats why I buy more than one.

09-14-2011, 09:22 AM
Good thought Wayne. I may give them a call today and see if I get a sense that a third trip back may do some good for mine.

09-14-2011, 11:30 AM
lot of speculation there wayneo1. hope ur right..

09-14-2011, 11:36 AM
mine is headed back today .... (2) minutes phone conversation got my RMA # and fedex label and that was that.

Lets hope I get her back by Christmas! Or perhaps by Oct 15th when the iPhone 5 is released. You know them pesky Mac lines can be DANGEROUS!!!!

09-14-2011, 05:47 PM
I emailed them 8 days ago and they said it has been inspected and is awaiting a new frame.

Don't they inspect their frame parts before they ship them as completed pistols?

Also, it sounds to me like a lot of P380's are needing their frames replaced. And that they have to wait for this part to arrive? (from China maybe?).


09-14-2011, 06:57 PM
they don't make their polymer frames. Not really reading of ALOT of P380 frames being replaced, . Itr happens and for reasons we don't know why. My thoughts are that they have tried everythng to make thegun work but finally ha d to say, lets try a new frame and bingo it works. It problaby doesnt' take much for a frame to be out of spec enough to cause mjajor issues but still in looking at the frame, it looks like all others.

Do I think kahr has issues withgt he 380 YUP I do but I can't prove it one wayt or the other, They probalby have 50K of those 380's out there maybe even more, so we don't know the preecentages of returns either. WE JUST SURISE and normmally we SURMISE for the worst to. When these gu get his damn small and like kahr who is squeezing now into that little P380 a cocking indicator, magazine disconnet, slide lock etc, we are seeing more issues than we want. They can't behappy abot the rturns on the P:380, it IMO has to be the highest of all models of kahrs "combined" IMO, again I am just shooting from the hip on this to. Hoefully soon we will see theP380 issues well behind us and start reading more positives. Right now for me the jury is out..

09-14-2011, 07:06 PM
My P380 had the frame replaced and still suffers from light primer strikes and weak lockup.
Since I rarely carry it, maybe I'll send it back to Kahr for another try at fixing it.
Not like I'd miss it if it was gone for 3 months.

09-14-2011, 07:15 PM
The frame being replaced on my P380 is what finally fixed it. Good luck gents.

09-14-2011, 07:52 PM
I have another thread open on this matter. I'm going to continue on in that thread... Thanks of all who've responded in this one.


09-15-2011, 07:39 PM
well i emailed jay at kahr last night asking about my 380. got a reply this morning said i needed a new frame, they were waiting for it. sent another email and asked about how long before it would be ready, if he had any idea. got back to me and side that a frame came in and they would call me for information? dont know what kind of info they need. well i missed the phone call and when i returned it got a voice mail for Ian. They could not have been any nicer. there customer service has been great for me. if i read anyone has a problem with them, i would not believe it. just wanted all to know how well i was treated. thank you kahr. (hope its fixed)

09-20-2011, 12:54 PM
So.. my P380 went off to Kahr at the end of last week.

My suspicion is that mine needs a new frame and a new barrel (my P380 barrel has a visible bump inside the bore about midway and between two of the rifling grooves - something that I have never seen before in any barrel).

About what is the turnaround time for Kahr repairs?

Just curious although I have gone back to shooting my 9mm SIG X5 so I am not in any hurry to get that P380 back soon. It was very refreshing to go back to shooting something that has NEVER failed - not even once (and it makes a single ragged hole in the bullseye at 15 yards to boot).
