View Full Version : Range report

09-08-2011, 06:55 PM
I was finally able to take my CM9 to the range tonight to start breaking it in after doing the prep work in the two stickys. Great information!!!

I shot the following

50 round of Federal 115gr from Wally world
50 rounds of S&B 115gr
50 rounds Winchester Ranger 9mm Nato 124gr
15 rounds of Speer Lawman 115gr

All in all I was very pleased with the results. All of the ammo fed
great and I only had one instance of the slide failing to lock back.
Accuracy was pretty darn good and any problems are definitely user error.
The recoil was not all that bad in my opinion. I have a little arthritis in my hands and found the recoil to be pretty managable. After all this is primarily a CCW gun, not a range gun.


09-08-2011, 07:03 PM
165 rounds and one slide not locking back could definitely be a "tire" shooter. nice report, ur good to go. Now clean and lube it and shoot it like u stole it...

Michael W.
09-08-2011, 07:18 PM
Congrats on your new gun's first outing!

The PM9/CM9 is pretty remarkable at absorbing
and diffusing perceived recoil considering it's size and weight.

A lot has to do with the high grip angle high bore axis.
The recoil is more of a push than a snap
allowing your forearm to absorb more of the impulse than
your wrists.

My wife has a Ruger LC9 that while larger than the CM9
definitely has more muzzle flip than the CM9/PM9.
Coupled with the longer trigger travel makes it harder
to shoot well in my opinion. I'm trying to coax her into the
CM9 but she has a strong affinity and brand loyalty to Ruger.
(Whereas I tend to be much more promiscuous:)

I've shot the Diamondback DB9 and there's pretty big
difference in felt recoil than with the CM9.

For me, the Kahr's are the easiest to shoot fast and shoot well
of all the micro-9's I've tried. There is one that I have not
shot that I suspect would handle as well as the Kahr, that's
the Kimber Solo but there definitely seems to be some teething problems
with that gun (the Diamondback DB9 as well).

The CM9 represents kind a "sort of" Gen 2 PM9 and in the sense that
they've really seemed to have things dialed in a lot better and
for most part seems to have a much lower rate of issues than
when the PM9 first came out. (Not minimizing the experience of
the guys that ARE currently having issues with their CM9)

I'm really considering getting one as a companion to me PM9.


09-08-2011, 07:33 PM
Good report. Thanks

09-08-2011, 07:55 PM
165 rounds and one slide not locking back could definitely be a "tire" shooter. nice report, ur good to go. Now clean and lube it and shoot it like u stole it...

The slide locking back happened with the Federal ammo from Wally World, which was the second box I went through and I did have the same problem with that particular ammo when I first started breaking in my Beretta, but the "tired" shooter is probably closer to the truth as I had just shot 50 rounds through my XD45.

My biggest problem now is deciding which Kahr to buy next and if I should sell
one of my others to help fund the purchase!!!!