View Full Version : CCW and wallets

09-10-2011, 11:12 PM
I don't think this question has been asked before so here goes:

I don't get a chance to CCW very much, living in Maryland and all. The few times I can, when I leave the state, the same situation has come up that I'd like to ask about to those of you fortunate enough to carry every day.

I CCW my CW9 in an IWB holster at my 4 o'clock position. I conceal the weapon with my shirt tail untucked, which is how I prefer to dress anyway.

Here's my problem: it's tough getting my wallet out because when I pull it up, it strikes the bottom of my IWB holster.

And no, my wallet isn't too fat - I'm married after all! :D

How do the rest of ya'll deal with that situation, at least those of you who chose to carry in a similar configuration?


09-10-2011, 11:41 PM
My wallet is usually in a weak side front pocket along with my car keys. No worries when pocket carrying or with in the waist band carrying on the strong side. YMMV

http://www.all-ett.com/images/P4040075.JPG (http://www.all-ett.com/leather-front-pocket-wallet-black-sport_20201.html)
My favorite wallet from ALL-ETT is make of nylon sail cloth so it's really thin.

Bill K
09-11-2011, 04:26 AM
It would be uncomfortable for awhile but you could adjust to wallet carry in your weak side front pocket.

NYC born and raised and can't remember my wallet being carried anyplace other than my left front pocket. Purpose was, as you might guess, make it harder to pick-pocket. Left is my weak hand side leaving my right front pocket for PM9 and P3AT pocket carry. I also appendix carry but that wouldn't be impacted a wallet in the back pocket.

09-11-2011, 04:33 AM
I carry CCW the same, but I've always... always carried my wallet in the left rear pocket, so I don't have that problem. I do have a problem trying to get the comb out of my right rear pocket, though. :)

I think it's because I expect to be holding something in my right hand and getting the wallet out with my left... that has always made sense to me. I know that would be a major change for most people, though.

When I buy shorts, or pants, there has to be two back pockets. If there's only one pocket, I think it's usually on the right rear, but wrong for me. I used to think flaps and buttons were nice, but I don't use them and have to fold flaps inside the pockets... and I have a couple of pairs of shorts that have Velcro on the pockets that cause them to seal every time you remove your hand... a PITA, sometimes.

My wallet is an ancient blue nylon one... tri-fold, with ID window in the middle... and Velcro to hold the folds together. I can't find anything better to replace it. It's not particularly thick and I can't see how guys stick something the size of a Big Mac in their rear pocket and sit on it!


09-11-2011, 05:34 AM
Perhaps you could seek a holster that holds the gun a little higher.

Somtimes when I have pants on that are especially hard to dig the wallet from or there's a crowd, I'll remove my wallet early so as to not have an accidental flash.

Sometimes I'll carry a money clip in a front pocket so I don't need my wallet at all. This works well when I know I'll be needing money often such as at a gun show, county fair, flea market, etc.

09-11-2011, 08:25 AM
I got rid of the over-sized uncomfortable wallet many years ago and now carry everything I need in a magnetic money clip in my left front pocket. I love it, easy to get to, ID and CPL are together as well as it small and compact.


09-11-2011, 09:36 AM
Those thin wallets are nice if you don't have much to carry. Seems everybody has their own card you must carry, I have 8 must cards, and 3 convenient cards and a picture or two.

Someday people will "get-over" the freaked out conspiracy stuff and you can carry one citizen card that the computers reference for all your stuff. Proof of citizenship, driving, medical, credit, memberships, etc. in one card. Might not need cash or checks.

I know, I know, then they'll want to embed the chip so you don't loose or forget it. Then everybody will go to hell, right? I don't believe an ID chip is the same thing as "the mark of the beast" so I'll be first in line. "They" already have your fingerprints, photo ID, likely have your DNA, so why get all goosey over a convenient ID mechanism.

09-11-2011, 10:17 AM
OK, since I can't get my all-in-one-id-chip implanted any time soon, I will order one of the All-Ett nylon wallets for now. My current leather wallet is about an inch thick and has caused sciatic nerve issues in the past.

As for the IWB carry, I switched my wallet to the left rear when I got the holster and got used to it in about a week. I could get my wallet out from the right back, but was concerned about flashing when lifting my shirt up. When my Sciatic was pained I carried it in the left front. I prefer left back as it's easier to pull out. When in crowds like at a county fair I move it to left front.

09-11-2011, 10:51 AM
One thing that I'll do depending on where I'm headed is to carry a thin wallet (cash, single CC and Drivers License and CCW permit) in my front pocket like everyone else and then carry my normal wallet with everything else in my back pocket.This way I have everything else that I might need but I don't normally don't have to pull it out.

09-11-2011, 10:56 AM
Small leather ID wallet in my left font pocket.
DL, CCW, debit card, credit card and a $50 bill is all I roll with.

09-11-2011, 04:07 PM
When I 4 o'clock carried the wallet was on the left/weak side.

Off track, I think I have a hole on my left backside where my wallet fits. I cant even feel it on the left side but if I put it in the right I notice it right away.

09-11-2011, 05:22 PM
Same as Tony here--I carry a money clip/credit card holder in my front right pocket. For me it's always been about dressing around the gun! I also carry at the 4 with shirt tail out.

09-11-2011, 07:49 PM
Off track, I think I have a hole on my left backside where my wallet fits.

Is your wallet round by any chance? :eek:


MW surveyor
09-12-2011, 08:50 AM
Is your wallet round by any chance? :eek:


Rim shot! Good one!

09-12-2011, 09:07 AM
Chiropractors will tell you to carry that wallet in your front pocket. A lot of people don't realize that when you sit on that wallet all of the time, it doesn't allow you to sit straight and contributes to lower back problems.

At my chiropractor's suggestion, I switched my wallet to my left front pocket and it was a remarkably easy transition.

09-12-2011, 11:25 AM
I carry my pistol behind my billfold. I have the multi-tool over it, since I don't need to get it out often, both are very secure. To eliminate the back problem from sitting on the billfold, I carry my two extra magazines in the left rear pocket, and billfold on the right side.

09-12-2011, 11:48 AM
I carry my pistol behind my billfold. I have the multi-tool over it, since I don't need to get it out often, both are very secure. To eliminate the back problem from sitting on the billfold, I carry my two extra magazines in the left rear pocket, and billfold on the right side.

I want to see a picture of that. :photo: No mano-a-mano thing. I just wonder how THICK all that is in one pocket. :001_huh:

09-12-2011, 11:59 AM
Multi-tool is in a sheath on the belt over the billfold. Magazines are about as thick as the billfold and both are in separate pockets. Pictures would make my butt look big.

09-12-2011, 12:07 PM
I use a small Saddleback Leather wallet that I carry in my front pocket.

09-12-2011, 12:38 PM
I use a womans bifold checkbook size wallet. It holds about 20 credit cards and a book of checks, has places for lots of pictures. I've looked all over but I don't see anyplace to store cash. Not a problem, I seldom encounter that.
I keep it in a back pack, actually a front pack since its on the front where somebody can't sneak up on me and pick pack me.

Back in my walking days I always carried my wallet in my left back pocket, weak side. Never gave it a thought, maybe my dad did it that way so I followed suit. Never did like anything in my front pockets except a little change and a small pocket knife. Back in those days I also frequently carried cross draw so I experienced the same issue. Clearing a garment to access the wallet usually exposed the gun as well. Had to just pull up in back and not sweep.

Sitting full time I carry nothing in pants pockets, just falls out.

09-12-2011, 01:58 PM
I moved my wallet to my left front pocket so it's harder for pickpockets to reach. It's a little easier to get it out when sitting down, like in the car at a drive through.

Can't quite bring myself to carry a clip-style wallet. I seem to accumulate too much crap in my wallet, despite all efforts to slim it down.

09-12-2011, 02:08 PM
Wallets are there to prevent men from carrying purses:

09-12-2011, 02:31 PM
It's not a man purse it's a satchel.

It's not a man purse, it's a European shoulder bag.

Ok, I give up, it's a man purse.

slick slidestop
09-24-2011, 09:40 PM
Another Left rear pocket carrier here.

11-07-2011, 07:57 PM
I got rid of the over-sized uncomfortable wallet many years ago and now carry everything I need in a magnetic money clip in my left front pocket. I love it, easy to get to, ID and CPL are together as well as it small and compact.


I carry something very much like this left front pocket. I just tonight found a new love for pleated pants, which give enough room for the CM9 and pocketknife right front and my wallet, flashlight and keys left front. I quit carrying anything in my back pockets years ago because of the back/hip pain it caused.