View Full Version : Never Surrender. Never forget.
09-11-2011, 07:29 AM
09-11-2011, 07:46 AM
I haven`t forgotten.Not for one minute have I forgotten....or forgiven.
09-11-2011, 07:57 AM
I will never forget the tragic events that happened 10 years ago ,it also hightened my sense of personal and family security and is one of the reasons I began to carry a gun daily. God Bless all the families who lost family and friends on 9/11 ..... Jason
9/11 is a primary reason I'm still working. Outwitting the animals is a core part of my business. I was in DC that Tuesday for a one day meeting with a pm flight home. Ended up getting home with my rental car Saturday afternoon. That unscheduled cross country drive gave me a lot of time to think, and for the animosity to build. It hasn't subsided.
I don't double post.....made an exception for this one.
Bill K
09-11-2011, 08:45 AM
I just don't know what to say... Express my anger and outrage? Mention my tears? I just don't know what to say.
09-11-2011, 09:13 AM
I haven`t forgotten.Not for one minute have I forgotten....or forgiven.
Dietrich's post hit the nail on the head and express my feelings completely:32:
09-11-2011, 09:56 AM
Let this be the official thread to post our 9/11 sentiments. I for one share Dietrich's. My kids have two godfathers, and one was an official in the Bush administration on 9/11. Fortunately he was not in his office in the Pentagon, rather on a plane headed to Moscow. A few other friends were similarly fortunate. Many I did not know were not so fortunate. I hold this one close to my heart, and take it personally. I will never forget, will never forgive, and anyone who says anything against that position had better stay far away from me.
From my family I express the sincere hope that the families of our 9/11 heroes have found some peace today, and that their suffering has eased somewhat over the years since. We will always hold the memory of the fallen in our hearts.
MW surveyor
09-11-2011, 09:59 AM
I work all over the world and it sure is hard for me to work in some of the places that I have to go to as I will never forget or forgive.
09-11-2011, 10:24 AM
Muslims...I really, really don't like them.
09-11-2011, 04:17 PM
Well, it's finally here... TEN YEARS... but it still seems just like yesterday that my son called and woke me up, telling me to turn on the TV... just before the towers started falling. He kept trying to talk and I was trying to watch with tears flowing and sobbing... just had to ask him to let me hang up... it was just too much... so surreal... like some science-fiction movie or something... easily the most gut-wrenching and horrifying thing I've ever witnessed... live on TV... people were dying... maybe by the tens of thousands.
At the time that was my thought, because I didn't know the sequence of events or the time elapsed... didn't know there had been a lot of people evacuated already.
What I DID know that we had been watching the firemen and first responders pouring into the towers up until the collapse.... That was one of the hardest things to contemplate or realize that all of those brave men and women were still in that building as it collapsed.
My son called this afternoon and I reminded him of that day... and his call. I hope the day continues to be peaceful... and about the remembrance of those who died or were injured... AND those who executed the dastardly act... AND those who rushed to aid the victims... many falling victim to the towers' collapse, as well.
We can all give thanks and wonder about the lives saved by the brave men and women on Flight 93... what target they had in mind. I believe the pentagon was a "target of opportunity" because those terrorists saw it first and decided to go for it rather than the White House. And we find out that a fifth plane was planned but got grounded or the window of opportunity closed before takeoff.
I hate the cost in lives for our Armed Forces and others, but they have kept the terrorists busy and kept them from OUR doorsteps, and I give thanks for them every day.
I hope we don't reduce our military or weaken it too much, so that other opportunists try to attack us... AND I hope our "Dear Leader and Great Teleprompter Reader" won't fetter us all with UN mandates and cede any of our liberties and freedoms, leaving us in the hands of UN "Peacekeepers"... controlled by a lot of our enemies and other corrupt politicians.
I pray that we continue to be the shining example of freedom and liberty for the whole world and that we remain strong and vigilant against all who would try to destroy our way of life... foreign and, especially domestic... those who would have us become another failing socialist utopia, as those in Europe that are now failing.
God Bless the U.S.A. and all of us... and our allies and friends.
Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" sure comes to mind:
09-11-2011, 04:48 PM
I remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing when my dad called to tell me of the events. My first thought was of my family. I guess that's how it should be. Figured based on where I was living at the time there was no immediate threat to us. If there would have been I had a plan in mind though. Then as I saw the towers fall, I even in that sad moment I knew that those repesponsible would be found and the USA would not rest untill there was some payback. I remember unity in the US being like I had never seen it before. later that day we had a state wide event where I work that made me think for a minute that things may have happened in the south land too but it was just a coincidence.
As we went out later the following weekend I remember how nervous everyone with a middle eastern decent seemed. They were overly friendly. I guess they had been confronted previously.
09-11-2011, 05:01 PM
I remember hearing about it on the radio going to work that morning, they didn't give a lot of info, so I thought it was like a Cessna or something until later, then I got to work and they had a TV set up, and saw the god awful damage and the 2nd plane hit. I remember this horrible feeling that this couldn't be happening. Then the first tower fell, then the 2nd one, and I had so many feelings all mixed up I wasn't sure what I was feeling, a mixure of disbelief, anger, hatred, outraged, I'm not sure what all. I remember being thankful that George W was at the helm and not Algore. Now I feel outraged that a man that was raised in the culture that brought this mayhem on us is President. God Bless the USA, and please help us make it through the next year and a half with our freedom intact.
09-11-2011, 05:45 PM
Just got this big news alert:
Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Sunday, September 11, 2011 -- 6:11 PM EDT
Samantha Stosur Wins the U.S. Open Women’s Title
I'm glad this is the only "newsworthy news" for now. :)
I remember that day turning on my VCR's and recording at least two major networks so I would have a real record of what went on and what was being reported. Last year I recorded them all on discs.
Within days the apologists and "PC" crowd were trying to stop any "troubling" footage from being broadcast. This made me so damn mad and it really looked like those scenes wouldn't be shown again for fear of psychological damage to the the viewers.
I'm glad that "they" aren't still tiptoeing around the subject like that. I can remember Peter Jennings (I believe) inviting Toby Keith to come on his show and perform his hot new hit "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (the Angry American)"... with the PC part about "put a boot in your ass" left out, of course. Jennings was STUNNED... really dumbfounded and stunned that Toby turned him down!
I was never more proud of a performer... as HE is a GREAT one and a Great American Patriot... quite unlike the "Dixie Twits" who plummeted in popularity after their European Apology for our President Bush. They joined the likes of Jane Fonda, Mass. Senator John Kerry (look it up), Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, and many more, who went abroad and criticized our country, its president, or our trying to help the rest of the world become more free and safe, giving support and aid to our enemies... even in time of war.:32:
09-11-2011, 05:46 PM
a day for me that I won't forget but I wish I could........ I wonder if the seal who gave osama a doube tap said anything like. This is for 911 a-shole..:behindsofa:
Heh I like that about the DIXIE TWITS. very good labeling..:32:
09-11-2011, 05:48 PM
Nice post, wyn! That song is one of my TK favorites.
I choose to forgive because if I don't the terrorist will have won. God bless America and the families and friends of 9/11/01 victims.
09-11-2011, 05:58 PM
naw, just can't do that!!
09-11-2011, 06:37 PM
Forgive whom!??
I don't forgive Bill Clinton... he turned the other cheek... several times... just couldn't act... except for a few cruise missiles tossed into the desert... well, he was busy with other things... his "intern". People tend to forget the FIRST attack on the World Trace Center and the attacks on our embassies in Africa... Al Qua'eda planned and executed!!
The most touching singing of the Star Bangled Banner EVER... EVER... to me... was that sung by the ROYAL FAMILY of GREAT BRITAIN and members of their Parliament!! I can't even discuss that without choking up. You didn't see much footage of that.
Imagine, Americans... especially the Obamas doing something like that in support of Great Britain... our staunchest ally since some time after the War of !812.:)
I'm trying to cook! Dinner's ready... for us!
09-11-2011, 06:54 PM
damn and u can cook to!!! what next??
09-11-2011, 08:31 PM
Note: This figurine is available for purchase, but is $125 (?!) and is being sold at a place called the "M.I.C. Store" which has some Chinese symbols next to the name (Made In China Store, perhaps?). I have to wonder if it's an elaborate scam to part fools with their money. It's DEFINITELY designed to part fools with their money. The remaining question is whether or not it's a scam.
09-11-2011, 08:48 PM
That's just wrong on many levels!
09-12-2011, 01:53 AM
I don't understand why we keep fighting these politically correct wars (fights). Look what Truman did in world war 2! Wipe them out! You can't educate people that are hundreds of years behind socially.
09-12-2011, 12:17 PM
Wynn, Clinton did a little more than lob some missiles. I got my trip to Bosnia because of him, and let me tell you now that the rules we had to live under were beyond horrible.
09-12-2011, 12:24 PM
Wynn, Clinton did a little more than lob some missiles. I got my trip to Bosnia because of him, and let me tell you now that the rules we had to live under were beyond horrible.
You mean like "No audible farting in the presence of a Muslim"?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=1da4617bb3453d18&biw=1496&bih=940
09-12-2011, 12:31 PM
That wasn't us but along the same kind of lines (my time precedes that BS by a little bit). I heard that and found a muslim just so I could cut a big juicy one on the elevator with them. This one just happened to be talking that up one day. Most everyone thought it was pretty funny once we got off the elevator (short hop, no lethal clouds).
09-12-2011, 05:15 PM
There were hours of shows on Directv yesterday about the terrorist's attachs on the towers. I have not seen this on the local stations. It still makes my blood run cold!:mad: I think it was a mistake not to show it over & over in the after math. I understand the sensitivity to those who lost friends & family, but we must never forget this atrocity.
09-12-2011, 05:38 PM
I had Fox News on all day Saturday and Sunday. There were lots of horrible scenes and even closeup stills of the jumpers from the towers. I don't know what the lame-stream media was doing... and I don't care. They lost any and all credibility with me a long time ago.
There's plenty of investigation that they could be doing about Obama and his cohorts, but they are deaf, DUMB, and blind when it comes to "their guy". It's one of those don't try to confuse me with FACTS deals.
09-26-2011, 01:44 AM
Still my favorite paper target "Osama"
I cut him in half the other day...:D
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