View Full Version : PM9 6 Round Mag doesn't Fully Eject

09-11-2011, 03:16 PM
Just bought a new PM9 9094NS. Did the prep as described and noticed that my 6 round mag doesn't completely eject. The 7 round mag has no problem and falls free, but when I hit the mag release with the 6 round mag in, it drops out about 1/2 inch then hangs up. I have to strip it out the rest of the way. It feels like it's dragging on something. I can't see any marks on the mag where it looks like it's dragging on anything. I have disassembled it and cleaned it, and checked to make sure the spring is in the right way. Ideas?

09-11-2011, 03:29 PM

Take a look at this thread for some ideas. Many find cleaning up the inside of the mag well a bit helps immensely, failing that a careful pinch of the top section of the mag in a vise works.
If your 7 round drops, most likely the 6 rounder might need the pinch treatment.

09-11-2011, 03:52 PM
I just spent a little time to keep ejecting the 6 round mag to see if I could notice anything. It looks like a small scratch is forming on the left side just back from the front of the mag, the rounded side. I measured both mags and indeed the 7 round mag measures .473" thick at the front and the 6 round mag measures .480". They both measure about .480" at the back where the mag is squared off. The scratch is starting along the length of the mag in the front where the 6 rounder measures thicker! It's only .007" thicker on the 6 rounder but that may be all it takes to make it drag. Anyone else have this issue and measure the thickness of their mags?

Looks like a call to Kahr tomorrow may be in order. Sounds like it may be a QC issue on the mags. At $40 a pop I would hope they would be in tighter tolerance, especially if it causes a mag eject problem. We'll see what they say and if they offer to replace the mag. I know it's not a huge issue, but on my carry guns, especially one in this price range, I think this issue should not exist. All of my PD training spent a fair amount of time on mag changes and the importance of speed, and a mag that hangs up and makes you have to strip it out when it should fall free can cost important lost time.

09-11-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks Bawana for the reference to the other thread. Sounds like the size may indeed be the issue. I'll try the vice idea and hope I don't bugger up the mag. I would hope that you wouldn't have to work on a brand new item to get it to function properly, especially at this price point.

09-11-2011, 04:28 PM
fix it at home, all kahr is going to do is tell you if ur not happy with the magazine send it back and they will replace it and the next magazine might be the same way. Most all who want their magazines to fall cleanly follow the threads bawanna gave u.
My PM9 magazines never fell cleanly, and IMO I could care less, For me at least if I hit thgat mag button accidently in a panic situation the magazine is going to drop about half inch and stay there and not fly all over hell. Personally way to much to do about nothing but then many also do't feel like I might either, so follow Bawanna suggestion if you wanna get it done right. It is not rocket science..

09-11-2011, 04:59 PM
Thanks guys!

I went ahead and pinched the mag and it's falling free now. Now I need to go to the range and make sure it feeds OK.....sure don't want to create a different problem!

09-11-2011, 05:07 PM
if the follower is still free in movement, ur probalby good to go. u did well..
alittle wax job on the outside will also keep it doing the right thing..

09-11-2011, 06:14 PM
Seems OK. I also filled the mag and just hand cycled 12 rounds total and they all fed OK so I feel encouraged. I'm anxious to get out and put my first 200 rounds through it! I'm counting on this being my new all time carry gun. It fits nicely between my compact M&P .40 and my DB380.

I'm just going to have to be a little patient to break it in. Just had a motorcycle accident recently and am still recovering waiting to get back to shooting. At least I had some time to find this nice little 9MM. Had plenty of time to do research lately.....

09-11-2011, 06:17 PM
Seems OK. I also filled the mag and just hand cycled 12 rounds total and they all fed OK so I feel encouraged. I'm anxious to get out and put my first 200 rounds through it! I'm counting on this being my new all time carry gun. It fits nicely between my compact M&P .40 and my DB380.

I'm just going to have to be a little patient to break it in. Just had a motorcycle accident recently and am still recovering waiting to get back to shooting. At least I had some time to find this nice little 9MM. Had plenty of time to do research lately.....

Well you just stumbled onto your soul mate in ole Jocko. He's the King of recovering from motorcycle accidents. Just don't mention ice cream coated roadways to him. Seems to have a negative impact on him. You'll have a much more harmonious outcome if you leave ice cream unsaid.

Now extra large milkshake (chocolate I think?) and he'll sit up and beg............

09-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Ice cream can indeed have a down side if improperly distributed.....can have the same effect of someone making a left turn on a red light and not bothering to look to see if someone's coming.....ends up with a rider tumbling down the road. At least I managed to miss her and only hit the roadway. Sucks either way.....At least I had decided not to carry for some reason when I headed out that day on the bike, so I didn't have to do any explaining to the cop about a gun. Something went right that day!