View Full Version : Media Malpractice.
09-11-2011, 10:54 PM
I was cleaning and oiling some of my handguns up this evening and decided to watch or actually mostly listen to a documentary about the 2008 election. It's on the Netflix instant watch list, and is called Media Mapractice. It gave a great account of how the National New Media ramrodded Obama into the Whitehouse, ignoring anything remotely harmful to him, while focusing instead on such major issues as how much Sarah Palin spent on clothes, and that her daughter was unmarried and pregnant and other hit pieces on the McCain-Palin camp. I suggest if you have Netflix instant view that you give this documentary a view, and see how our "unbaised" major media news outlets suceeded in putting their candidate of choice into the Whitehouse. I thought this was worth mentioning because of that same media turning the attack dog loose on the Tea Party, and going to great lengths to demonize these patriotic, 2nd admendment supporting, freedom loving Americans. The same "sonsabitches" that Jimmy Hoffa wants to take out so bad, and Maxine Waters wants to send to hell. I think we all knew what was happening during the election, but this documentary really puts the spotlight on just how unfair and unethical they really were. Might want to have a trash can handy incase it makes you as sick to your stomach as it did me.
I'm not sure I understand this, but if you are a union member, I think that you can't be a Tea Party supporter? It seems that is getting pretty far into your personal life to tell you who and what you can and cannot support.
09-12-2011, 01:35 AM
I am a retired union member with a substantial pension from same & a staunch supporter of the Tea Party. As long as the liberals control the media & Hollywood, this pattern will not change.
09-12-2011, 02:11 AM
The media did a lot to influence the selection of "maverick" McCain as the Republican presidential nominee... then dropped him like a hot potato and carried Obama all the way to the White House... with their blinders firmly in place.
I'm sure they will use the same tactic in the next campaign... "help" the Republicans with their choice of candidate and then throw their usual enthusiastic support fully behind Obama.
09-12-2011, 05:04 AM
Thanks thetmanski. I either had not heard of that documentary or had forgotten it.
09-12-2011, 07:10 AM
The mainstream media will operate the same way in 2012 that they did in 2008. It will be the same song as before: "Obama is the new Savior",he can do no wrong,if you disagree with him you are a racist,yada,yada,yada.Standard Operating Procedure.
The sad truth is that if the Republican Party doesn`t get off its` ass and find itself a good, solid, candidate,we`ll be saddled with Hussein and his pals for another four years.
09-12-2011, 07:29 AM
I've been on a kick about the media since the 2000 election, when that turned into a circus because of the media. That election never had to be carried out the way it was, but in everyone's rush to be able to say, "you heard it here first", the media created a junk pile of irresponsible reporting. That's been over a decade ago and I'm still full of P&V when it comes to how the public was manhandled by the media in that election.
I believe Scripture teaches us that with great freedom comes great responsibility; I don't think anyone in the media has ever learned that lesson. And the truly unfortunate side-effect of the media's gamesmanship is that we, the people, have no opportunity to really gain the truth in any given situation any more.
Longitude Zero
09-12-2011, 08:28 AM
Hoffa needs to join his POS daddy with a matched pair of concrete galoshes. Sadly the media is SOOOO liberal that equal/fair/factual reporting is NOT going to happen on a regular basis. If it does happen it will be by accident.
09-12-2011, 10:35 AM
It's amazing. And the man doesn't even have the management skills to manage a hamburger joint, much less cash for clunkers.
09-12-2011, 12:09 PM
Wasn't it Chris Matthews, ultra-liberal on MSNBC, that described Obama as "sort of a God" and said he had to step down to accept the presidency. I don't use the word 'hate' often or without a lot of thought, but I think it applies to the media.
09-12-2011, 12:44 PM
The Tea Party alienating a large amount of their base with the attacks on the middle class such as WI and several other States.
Locally they have run their coarse but the spin off 9-12 seems to be hanging on. Some of the die hards still post comments to the local paper every time Emergency workers are in the news. They love to refer to Firefighters as welfare recipients living off of the sweat of the working man.
I see the TP as a rabid dog. They run around attacking with no real plan or forethought. Being a working class person Union or not and taking part in this misguided movement is like owning a gun shop and actively supporting the Brady bunch.
09-12-2011, 03:11 PM
The Tea Party alienating a large amount of their base with the attacks on the middle class such as WI and several other States.
Locally they have run their coarse but the spin off 9-12 seems to be hanging on. Some of the die hards still post comments to the local paper every time Emergency workers are in the news. They love to refer to Firefighters as welfare recipients living off of the sweat of the working man.
I see the TP as a rabid dog. They run around attacking with no real plan or forethought. Being a working class person Union or not and taking part in this misguided movement is like owning a gun shop and actively supporting the Brady bunch.
Totally disagree, but I've given my reason before and it obviously does no good.
09-12-2011, 03:37 PM
Spot on, O'Dell
09-12-2011, 03:55 PM
Hotpig, I've never heard that kind of rhetoric from any Tea Party members. I understand Wisconsin is going through some heated debate over workers rights, but that sounds more like someone posing as Tea Party just to try and give them a black eye. I've never heard of anything but respect for Police, Fire and other Emergancy personel from real Tea Party people. There are a lot of posers and plants that say things to try and make the Tea Party look like a bunch of dimwits and nut jobs.
By the way, your reaction is exactly what the big mainstream media are trying to accomplish when people hear "Tea Party". Looks like their doing a good job in Wisconsin. Also when you say "middle class" don't you mean middle class UNION workers? Not everyone in the middle class belongs to a union.
09-12-2011, 04:32 PM
Right on, Tman! Some people are buying into the media spin on the Tea Party!:eek:
09-12-2011, 04:42 PM
Those statements by Jimmy Hoffa and Maxine Waters really got my goat. If you've ever seen a Tea Party rally, you'll notice that probably half look to be retirement age or older, and first Maxine tells them to go to hell, and now Hoffa wants to "take the sonsabitches out". Real tough talk from asswads that have their own personal goon squads. Then you have the young talking heads like Jon Stewart and others taking pot shots at them just because many of them are senior citizens, a lot of whom fought for their right to say such idiot things on the air. The little bas tards otta have some repect, common sense, and some decency, knocked into them.
09-12-2011, 06:42 PM
I'm amazed by the naiveté here. WI started out after teachers and public service unions. I can not believe you guys think that stripping people of their rights and pensions will stop just with the public service unions.
Most of us realize s**t flows down hill. That is why all public and private unions sent representation because if one goes they all go. Without the political clout of unions all workers rights are at risk.
Using middle class really does not cover who gets hurt by the tea. All working classes Americans are at risk from these guys. I'm fully aware that this was not the intention of the tea from the beginning. However this is what they have become in some places.
09-12-2011, 08:05 PM
I thought that the teachers were forced to pay into their benefit package and lost collective bargaining. I don't believe any lost pensions.
mr surveyor
09-12-2011, 11:35 PM
the loonie left is on an all out blitz on the Tea Party and any other conservative movement or group. They have been infiltrating rallies, meetings and even internet websites to stir up hate and discontent in any way possible. There will be more lies and garbage talk than ever pertaining to the Tea Party over the coming months on the media as well as every internet outlet or website that allows any type of political chat.
Might as well get ready for the real nasty mud slinging, because the worst ain't happened yet.
I'm amazed by the naiveté here. WI started out after teachers and public service unions. I can not believe you guys think that stripping people of their rights and pensions will stop just with the public service unions.
Using middle class really does not cover who gets hurt by the tea. All working classes Americans are at risk from these guys. I'm fully aware that this was not the intention of the tea from the beginning. However this is what they have become in some places.
It's not naive at all. It's knowing the facts.
No one has stripped Wisconsin public service employees of their pensions. What they asked them to do was to contribute to those benefits. They did take away certain collective bargaining privileges.
Guess what? The Massachusetts House voted to do exactly the same thing on 4/27/11 and it passed by a margin of 111 to 42. It cleared the entire legislature and was signed into law. Democrats are firmly in control of that state so it can't be blamed on the Republicans or the bipartisan Tea Party.
Guess what? Other state and local governments are doing the same thing too all across the country. The old style guaranteed pension plans are unsustainable. Everyone is moving to a 401K sort of model.
Guess what? I'm a federal employee and even after Wisconsin changed the pensions and the health benefits, I'm still paying way more into my federal health benefits (FEHB) and pension (FERS) than the state workers are in Wisconsin. And I don't have collective bargaining either. Sorry, no sympathies from me because by their yardstick I have it way worse. But you won't hear me complaining.
I'm not trying to dump on you personally hotpig. The Lamestream Media hasn't done its job or it would have documented all of what I just wrote, and the controversy in that state would have been small potatoes. Do I detect an agenda on their part?
And I would absolutely disagree with your assertions on the Tea Party. I would consider myself in that line of thinking. I'm a normal middle class kinda guy. I've already stated I'm a public employee myself so obviously I'm not trying to "exploit the workers". Indeed I don't buy into this class warfare language at all. I just don't think that it is unreasonable to ask the government to live within its means - that when our family budgets shrink and our belts have to be tightened that it is asking too much of the government to do the same.
To spend at this rate, to pass the crushing debt onto our children and our children's children is fiscal child abuse in my book. That's what the Tea Party is about. Not that I speak for them or anything. Just my opinion.
09-13-2011, 01:03 AM
I am a retired union member with a substantial pension from same & a staunch supporter of the Tea Party. As long as the liberal Jews control the media & Hollywood, this pattern will not change.
Goodbye KahrTalk. As long as this is considered acceptable I'm gone. I have obviously been hanging out in the wrong forum.
PP (a Jew and proud)
Don't go. I disagree with that comment about Jewish control too. It certainly isn't acceptable to me and I trust most here.
I'm a Christian but I love our Jewish friends. I hope that comment was in haste & I'm sure it wasn't representative of all of kahrtalk.
MW surveyor
09-13-2011, 06:01 AM
I am a retired union member with a substantial pension from same & a staunch supporter of the Tea Party. As long as the liberal Jews control the media & Hollywood, this pattern will not change.
I really did not want to get into this discussion but this was uncalled for.
09-13-2011, 07:01 AM
Don't go. I disagree with that comment about Jewish control too. It certainly isn't acceptable to me and I trust most here.
I'm a Christian but I love our Jewish friends. I hope that comment was in haste & I'm sure it wasn't representative of all of kahrtalk.Aray, I share your exact sentiments.:israel:
Jeremiah, please do not conflate religion/ethnicity with red/blue politics. It would have been more than sufficient to say "As long as the liberals control the media & Hollywood, this pattern will not change."
The irony is that Israel and the Jewish diaspora is better supported by conservatives than their liberal opposites, as the current administration has shown of late.
09-13-2011, 07:12 AM
Aray, I share your exact sentiments.:israel:
Jeremiah, please do not conflate religion/ethnicity with red/blue politics. It would have been more than sufficient to say "As long as the liberals control the media & Hollywood, this pattern will not change."
The irony is that Israel and the Jewish diaspora is better supported by conservatives than their liberal opposites, as the current administration has shown of late.
+1, I support what these guys are saying. There's no place here for anti-semitism, anymore than racism. If people cannot make the distinction between good folks and bad folks without painting broad brush strokes and blaming it on race, then that needs to be their problem not everyone else's.
Jeremiah, I believe you were very wrong to say that.
les strat
09-13-2011, 10:11 AM
If there are two camps, I am with the Tea Party. Period. There has to be a reform in government spending. At this point, IMO, the stupidity of unions and there actions is counterproductive in the view of a nation that has a tremendously growing unemployment rate. It's like spoiled child syndrome. There are people who would take most union worker's jobs at 1/2 the pay or less. That is where we are at.
The fed govt has to downsize. I'd say by 50-75% for this nation to pull through this. Cut the BS out of Washington.
The middle class and working poor are at their breaking point. I just found out my retirement was going up, and of course, my actual retirement is not. I am at the point where I am one paycheck away from losing it all. This is where most of America is at. Anyone that thinks raising the debt ceiling and spending trillions more will solve anything has never had to worry about consequences. Or had credit card debt, college funds for children, car and house payments and the fear of losing all of it.
I believe in calling a turd a turd. I do not know if the liberal Jewish media are ramrodding anyone. But maybe it's no different that calling Tea Party members racist because of a handfull of extremists (that were probably planted anyway) that got some media coverage.
09-13-2011, 10:17 AM
I'm not sure how to do damage control here but lets separate religion and politics completely here. I can't effectively delete a post and make it right since everyone since has quoted that post. The thread would completely unravel with one deletion and maybe that's not a bad thing.
I apologize to Pataya, I read this thread and read the post but in it's context it didn't set me off. In rereading I should have caught that and nipped it in the bud. I can assure you I will be more vigilant in my duties as long as JohnH allows me to do so.
As you can see many other members here share your feelings so it will not be a recurring situation, you can count on that.
I can’t tell anyone else how to believe or think of course but here are my rules:
1. Comments about behavior are perfectly acceptable. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarian – all fair game.
2. Comments about race are inappropriate. We need to not only not do this ourselves, but call out others when we see it happening elsewhere.
3. Here’s the tricky part: when one particular demographic group holds predominantly one particular position. It’s tricky because if you want to comment in that venue, you have to chose your words very carefully. On the one hand sincere people can honestly misunderstand ill-chosen words. On the other hand non-sincere people can maliciously use ill-chosen words to demigod your true position. Hence the need to carefully think through how you say what you say. The more timid folks just stay away from such discussions altogether lest either outcome occur. I’m more bold, and believe avoiding such topics concede by default important policy and moral debates to the other side. A case in point of scenario/rule 3 was our long discussion with Speedy on immigration policy.
Just my two cents.
09-13-2011, 11:17 AM
Just in case you all missed the forum rules here you go.
Seems if these rules were followed this thread, and many like it would not even be allowed to be started, thus avoiding a lot of ill feelings among members who come here to discuss FIREARMS !!!!
Forum House Rules
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Forum members are welcome to post topics in the various areas of this forum. Some simple house rules must be followed at all times. Members should review these rules before posting. The moderators want to welcome everyone to the forum, and hope that it will be a fun place for fans of Kahr products!
All posts must be in some way firearms or shooting sports related.
Posts containing off topic, vulgar, insulting, inflammatory, or adult content will be removed.
Members are asked to treat one another with respect and civility at all times.
Posts containing verbal attacks on the moderators, employees of Kahr Arms, or the company itself will be removed.
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Commercial vendors wishing to post items for sale on the forums must seek moderator approval before posting. Once vendor sponsorships are in place, procedures will be outlined for proper posting of such for sale items.
Again thank you for joining us, and have great time!
09-13-2011, 11:59 AM
Thanks Beardog, kind of like reading the owners manual, it pays to reread from time to time. I think to condense and pick a key word, that word would be civility.
Good stuff from Aray, sometimes it's extremely difficult to call it like it is without using a name. I am not remotely politically correct and I think being so is the reason we're circling the drain like we are. But we need to apply that civility.
09-13-2011, 12:33 PM
Bawanna, I am sorry I opened this can of worms. I'll try and keep my outrages to myself in the future.
09-13-2011, 12:37 PM
Bawanna, I am sorry I opened this can of worms. I'll try and keep my outrages to myself in the future.
No wrong doing on your part. Feel free to open worm cans all you want. It's worthy of noting and hopefully people who actually believe what the media says may learn something here. You can't be responsible for others stepping over lines. That unfortunately is my job.
09-13-2011, 01:57 PM
Goodbye KahrTalk. As long as this is considered acceptable I'm gone. I have obviously been hanging out in the wrong forum.
PP (a Jew and proud)
Don't do that, please. That remark was completely uncalled for and very un-KahrTalk. I suppose politics are condoned, although it does create some contention, but religion, race, and ethnicity are totally out of place. I doubt that you will see anything like that again.
mr surveyor
09-13-2011, 08:41 PM
wow... there's a whole lot I would like to say in relation to the "late great unpleasantness" we just experienced here, but I'm gonna hold my tongue (well, at least my typing fingers) down to a minimum.
Mr. PattayaPistol
You have a 6000+ year heritage of family with the balls to stand up to anything and everything thrown at you. Don't let me down now.
09-13-2011, 09:01 PM
My apologies to all for my thoughtless remark. I certainly am not a bigot toward anyone or group. I have corrected my original post, but I cannot change the quotes, as Bawanna pointed out.
mr surveyor
09-13-2011, 09:12 PM
That post took some courage. Man Up Time. Good for you.
Maybe a bit of PM action would make things right.
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