View Full Version : First and second time to range with new CM9

09-12-2011, 12:04 AM
Ok, so I pulled the trigger an picked up a CM9 to fill the gap between my LCP and EMP for carry use. I've been reading this forum, and tried to bring to bear all the tips and tricks I've read. I started with a good thorough cleaning, worked to tweak the magazines a bit (still don't have a clean drop on any of my 3 mags...will work more on that later), and loaded up 200 rounds of FMJ to head to the range. For good measure, I threw on a Hogue grip sleeve and trimmed it for fit.

First 6 magazines fired cleanly. As I continued through the rounds, I started getting some strange failure to return to battery issues. When these occurred, I was unable to get the gun to return to batter or fully rack the slide. Turns out, putting a little pressure on the slide stop resolved the issue. This happened 4-5 times through the 200 rounds.

Getting home, I field stripped the pistol and lightly cleaned it. Inserting the slide stop into the frame with the slide off, I noticed there was really no "catch" of the stop when fully inserted that prevented it from coming out. The loop part of the slide stop spring was not engaging. I removed the spring, and after several attempts of tweaking and re-trying, I was able to get what I feel is an ok retention on the slide stop.

I went out to the farm today along with another 100 rounds of FMJ and some mixed JHP's. The 100 rounds of FMJ went without a hickup and no sign whatsoever that the slide stop was loosening. The JHP's also went without issue. For good measure, I mixed-and-matched ammo within the same magazine, and the gun performed flawlessly. The trigger pull is so much nicer than my LCP, and it's easy to begin getting the feel of when the trigger breaks so you can begin to draw up slack while re-setting on target after a shot.

Overall, though it required a bit of tweaking, I'm very pleased with this little pistol. FTF's weren't an issue for me with this small 9mm, and they have been in the past with other sub compact pistols. I'll have to keep an eye on the slide stop spring to see how it holds up with more rounds down range, but it's working well for now. I will say the Hogue grip sleeve made this little gun with it's two-finger grip so much more controllable and comfortable than others I've fired in the past. I've very pleased with how it felt, and the gun is a pleasure to shoot even with its small size.

I've got a Silent Thunder IWB coming in, and now I just need some night-sights. :)


09-12-2011, 08:19 AM
Welcome to Kahrtalk! Another winner! Talking about you, Nathan! You made a very wise choice with the CM9. The CM9 Front Trijicon Sight (http://www.kahr.com/Sights/Kahr-CWCM-Front-Trijicon-Night-Sight.asp) on the Kahr website is what you want for the front sight. A lot of folks buy that one and leave the rear sight unchanged (its a real bear to change).

Bill K
09-12-2011, 10:43 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk!

All's well that ends well I've heard said but I'd give Khar a call to get a new spring. It'd be good to have on hand - just in case. A different tweak but my new PM9 also needed some work before becoming 100%. The "gods" are not just picking on you. :)

09-12-2011, 11:28 AM
if u go to the kahr tech section ad hit on the sticky by GB called cw45 fixes, u willsee a picture tutorial on how that little spring should look and how to adjust it. simple and the pictures are superr, the explanation even simpler.. GB wrote it that way so Bawanna could understand it..!!

09-12-2011, 12:22 PM
jocko, I've looked through that sticky and tried to use the pictures as a help. However, with the way my spring was positioned/shaped, I had to remove it and actually tweak the shape a bit in order to get some retention on the slide stop. Changing the screw tension wasn't enough.

Basically, instead of a smooth curve to the "loop" portion of the spring which retains the slide stop, I had a slight indentation in the curve. This allowed for less/no pressure on the stop pin to hold it in. In fact, at first, there was absolutely no engagement of the spring to the slide stop at the pin (the slide stop depressor side of the spring worked just fine). After some tweaking of the spring shape, I now have some actual engagement of the spring to the stop pin.

It's a good idea to pick up a spare spring in case I continue to have issues. I'll check into to getting one.


09-12-2011, 12:39 PM
still call kahr and get a new spring, if it is working now, just keep the new spring for down the road, if needed. U fixed it right. I just wanted u to see the photo tutorial. If u noticed on that slide stop lever by the flat portion kthere is a full groove around the pin, that is where that back side of that little springhy must go in order to keep the slide stop from moving outward... Sometimes that litle screw is over tightened and that spring must have some free play, besides that tyhe less u fokk with that little screw the better u will be as it is so so easy to strip the threads out of the polymer grip.. so if all is well leave it along and just shoot it like u stole it.

09-12-2011, 12:58 PM
what size hogue grip did you get for the CM 9 ?? I have recently bought one also and was thinking of getting a grip for it. Are there many different grips out there ?

09-12-2011, 11:16 PM
Jason, I used the Hogue Handall Junior size which is rated to fit most .380 pocket pistols as well as the PPKS, Colt Mustang, Seacamp, etc. I figured this would be the best fit for the 9mm CM9.

It was a tight fit, but didn't take too much wrestling to get it on. You just have to work it up one side at a time, pushing the front up, then pushing the back up while keeping the front from slipping down. Once it's started, it goes pretty easily. After you get it as high as you'd like (try different heights while gripping the pistol to find the sweet spot), use a razor blade to evenly trim off the excess at the bottom. I removed several millimeters of excess.

Here are some not-so-great ********* pics of my CM9 with the grip sleeve in place and after about 350 rounds down range:




09-13-2011, 02:37 AM
I got that asme grip sleeve for my CM9 and it's working really well too. I didn't even have to do any trimming just kinda manipulated it and it fits like a dream.

09-13-2011, 03:36 AM
Dang! You guys talk about saving money by getting a CM9, THEN you go and spend money on those expensive grip covers! :boink: :D

I've saved a lot of money with my one-size-fits-all 1.75" bike tube grip covers. Four in use now... on all of my "Tupperware". AND FREE... had unused tube in my garage.

Yours does look nice, though.:)


09-13-2011, 08:04 AM
I had to do the same spring tweak to my CM9 slide lock/retaining spring when I first got my CM9 as well.(I wrote about this mod some place on here) My slide actually got jammed back hard as mine worked out during firing. Mine has been working fine since I worked on it.Though, I did call and get a new spring and new slide lock sent from Kahr CS for a back-up.

09-13-2011, 08:40 AM
I could have worked the sleeve up higher to avoid trimming, but it didn't fit my hand as nicely that high up as it tended to not leave enough room form my middle finger in the created groove.

Beardog, I'm glad to know it's not just me. I'll definitely order a new spring, slide stop, and probably a recoil spring assembly while I'm at it to have some backups.


09-13-2011, 09:11 AM
Great thank you silver pilate , that helps, I think I will also pick one up. I haven't fired the gun yet and I am sure it will feel more comfortable with the grip . Thanks again.

09-13-2011, 04:46 PM
I was honestly surprised at the difference it made. Even just holding it in hand was significantly improved for me. And the little finger bolster helps me with control as well as achieving and maintaining a consistent grip.


09-13-2011, 09:14 PM
glad you got your cm9 working. not trying to rub anything in your face but i picked one up on thursday of last week and put 700 trouble free rounds through it this weekend. i know at this point people are probably sick of hearing about my enthusiasm but i honestly never thought i could be so excited about a new gun purchase. my cm9 hasn't left my side since it passed the 500 round mark, has my trusty g19 sitting in a safe unused and feeling abused, and i just can't get enough of this little gun. i went with the 1.25" universal bike inner tube grip from walmart, it is serving its purpose for now but i may go with one of the qwik grips or give the rubber talon grips a try. i also have the triji front sight on the way from kahr along with another 6 round magazine.

i'll help you out since you let us all down and failed to post a picture!

i love the pjholster kydex IWB i got, keeps the intent of the cm9 pistol true, SLIM!


09-13-2011, 09:49 PM
Ummm...two pics posted in post 8 yesterday. :D
