View Full Version : NRA. Made in China?

09-12-2011, 02:45 PM
I joined the NRA a couple of weeks ago. The membership came with a free promotional gift. It was supposed to be a pen made from .45 casings. Well, it arrived today. Looks as much like it's made from .45 casings as every BIC pen I've ever seen. The worst part is that the wrapper is boldly stamped "Made in China". Thanks, Wayne.

09-12-2011, 02:55 PM
I'd send it back.

NRA seems so commercialized, it's one reason I haven't bothered to join.

09-12-2011, 03:10 PM
If you join for the free gift, you're joining for the wrong reason.

But I see your point nonetheless. The free bag is nothing to write home about either, but again, I didn't join for the bag. The NRA is very active in protecting/getting back our rights, and THAT is why I joined.

Would be nice if the gift was made in the good old USA, but then our membership dues would have to go up to afford such a gift.

Bill K
09-12-2011, 03:14 PM
Yeah, something made in the USA or just forget the promotional "gift". But hey, your joining might make the difference in something like H.R. 822 getting past.

09-12-2011, 03:21 PM
join the world folks, we don';t make anything here anymore.

09-12-2011, 03:31 PM
join the world folks, we don';t make anything here anymore.

I agree, it's like saying I won't support a business that is anti gun. Pretty soon you will be running out of stuff :eek:

09-12-2011, 03:39 PM
If you join for the free gift, you're joining for the wrong reason.

But I see your point nonetheless. The free bag is nothing to write home about either, but again, I didn't join for the bag. The NRA is very active in protecting/getting back our rights, and THAT is why I joined.

Would be nice if the gift was made in the good old USA, but then our membership dues would have to go up to afford such a gift.
There are cheaper ways to get a pen.

09-12-2011, 03:40 PM
I joined an alternative group Gun Owners of America, after the NRA caved in on something that was important to me. the GOA is a pit bull compared to the NRA's watchdog. You can check em out at http://gunowners.org/
They don't compromise, they don't cave in, they stand and fight. They don't win em all, but at least they go down swinging. And if you do join, they don't call you every 2 weeks with some new crisis they need to raise money for. I think that was another reason I switched, I got tired of all the phone calls. I'd love to be able to give to them to fight every fight, but it's just not possible for me.

09-12-2011, 03:47 PM
a shame but ur right. I have zero probems wirth global trading BUT IT HAS TO BE FAIR BOTH WAYS. and we have a president with no balls to make it that way. Pretty soon we are gonna be called the united States of China. I have no problems with those squint eyed people and we haven't the balls to stand up to them. indeed one has to be very careful when he says I won't buy anythng not made in america. u might just be walking around NAKED. GO into ANY STORE and go through the clothing lines. I have seen labels of places I never heard of, let alone wonder how in the how these merchant buyers find out about them. Sri Lanka, basndalash, comes to mind, Taiwan. Hell if its made in Japan today it is very expensive, so u do';t see to much *** cloths anynmore. I still have my pair of FLORSHEIM loafers that I bought 25 yearsd ago, for 99 bucks, still looks like new and yup MADE IN THE USA. Now look inside of a florsheim shoe and see where the fokkers are made. Those bastards caved in to. Just a real cryin shame. Take all the foreign crap out of a Target store, Walmart, K-Mart and u could put ll the American made stuff in a 15 by 15 building.

U know what though, most of our condoms are still made here--humm

09-12-2011, 03:52 PM
I've been a Life Member since 1969 because I believe in what they have and will continue to do for my and your guns rights.

My NRA Life Member hat is "Made in the USA" and also has an American flag embossed on the side. Many of their hats and other articles are "Made in the USA".

I believe their cups, etc. and not USA mfg. :(

If you look at the NRA Store catalog, many of the items "Made in the USA" are marked as such.

09-12-2011, 04:07 PM
Good for you JimC. I think the NRA has done a pretty good job of fending off the gun grabbers. I just switched support a few years ago for reasons I stated. It's like once they get a $20 out of you for something or another, then the phone calls come way too often wanting money for this or that. I'd love to be able to support everything they ask for, but I just don't have the means. GOA on the otherhand, sends emails that you can act on or not as you see fit, and you don't have deal with someone trying to guilt you into donating.

09-12-2011, 04:42 PM
I have been an annual member of the NRA since 1960. I know the postage for the junk mail they send me is more than my $35 membership fee!:confused:

09-12-2011, 04:43 PM
My free gift, a shiny shotgun shell knife, was made in China too. Every magazine I get from NRA has a two-page Harbor Freight ad in it. Who are we kidding? China owns the NRA too.

I should send NRA a letter saying I'll become a life member if they actually remove my e- mail from their list server like they keep saying they will do when I click the unsubscribe link, and promise to NEVER AGAIN ask me for any more money.

Of course that will never happen.

I created an e-mail alias specifically for NRA when I signed up. I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I'm about to pull the e-mail address off of my server to stop the flow of junk from them.

But I will probably keep my membership active so that they can fight for my gun rights. I just wonder how much of my money is going to lawyers to fight for gun rights, and how much of it is buying gas for the yachts owned by the elite rich white men who run it.

I'll go check out the GOA. Maybe I can give them some money too, and shoot two fewer boxes of 9mm at the range next year.

09-12-2011, 05:00 PM
You might check out and see if your state has a 2nd Admendment Society like Kansas does, and send your money to them to help with local issues. I think GOA dues are $20 a year, but they never bug you for more except in emails, I do get an email weekly, but it has a lot of news in it, as well as a contribution request. I know the Kansas 2nd Admendment Society was instrumental in getting Kansas a concealed carry law, OVER Gov Kathleen Sebelius's veto. In recognition of her being a good little liberal, Obama chose her as his Sectretary of Health and Human Services, after her term of Governer ran out.

09-12-2011, 05:10 PM
A weekly e-mail that has useful/interesting stuff in it, plus an unobtrusive donation request wouldn't bother me. It's the alarmist stuff, the insults to my intelligence, and the attempts to trick/guilt me into buying stuff that bother me. See http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=91285&postcount=9 for a recap.

I just signed up for a year with GOA (and made an e-mail address just for them to send to). We'll see what they do with it.

09-12-2011, 05:13 PM
Only problem is that the small organizations have little power. Kinda like supporting Ross Perot, had some good ideas but would never win......oh wait I mean Ron Paul.:o

I will stick with the NRA, they may not be perfect but good in the big scale of things. D.C. don't just blow them off.

09-12-2011, 05:14 PM
Scoundrel, I think you'll be pleased with the limited amounts of email. They do contain useful information. I can't say I've ever got a phone call from them. If I did I don't remember it. Anyways, welcome to the club. I received emails from them on 9/9, 8/24, 8/16, 8/5, 7/28, so usually about once a week. And most of them instead of asking for money, ask you to contact your congress man. If you'd (or anyone else) like to see some examples of their emails, shoot me a PM with an email address and I'll forward a few of their emails.

09-12-2011, 05:45 PM
I HAVE done some of the emailing congressmen supporting 2A/CCW bill support, etc... adding my own personal messages, not just copy and paste. I don't send any of those "money alerts" my address or money, though.

I DO make monthly contributions to the Wounded Warriors by CC. That's a very worthwhile cause.


09-12-2011, 06:05 PM
Pretty soon we are gonna be called the united States of China.

Actually, I believe they're called "Provinces" over there. The United Provinces of America?

09-12-2011, 06:09 PM
I will still supporet the NRA. i DON'T AGREE WITH EVERYTHIG THEY DO BUT THEY ARE OUR NATIONAL REPRESENTATION. We're only spiting ourselves b y boycotting them IMO.

Bill K
09-12-2011, 06:25 PM
I joined an alternative group Gun Owners of America, after the NRA caved in on something that was important to me. the GOA is a pit bull compared to the NRA's watchdog. You can check em out at http://gunowners.org/
They don't compromise, they don't cave in, they stand and fight. They don't win em all, but at least they go down swinging. And if you do join, they don't call you every 2 weeks with some new crisis they need to raise money for. I think that was another reason I switched, I got tired of all the phone calls. I'd love to be able to give to them to fight every fight, but it's just not possible for me.

Thanks, followed your link to the site. Looks very interesting. For now I've just joined the email list.

09-12-2011, 06:34 PM
I don't boycott the NRA, still contact my congressmen when they ask me too, I just decided to join the other organization because of all the phone calls, even after I explained my situation and asked them to stop. The NRA does a very good job on most things, but they've comprimised on a couple of things when I thought they should have held their gound. I'd be a life member of both organizations, plus my state organization if money was more plentiful around my house. My problem is that I spend too much money on guns and ammo, rather than on the right to keep said items. I wouldn't think having another Gun Lobby organization should hurt anything, they both support the same platforms 99% of the time. I hope belonging to one doesn't take away from the other. Other groups have multiple lobby groups, why not 2nd Admendment supporters?