View Full Version : Bank Robbery on my street 3 hours ago!

09-12-2011, 07:15 PM
Wow a bank robbery took place this afternoon while I was yakking on the computer! Didn't hear any sirens or anything, had no idea it was going on. I can see this bank looking out my apartment window. It's just 2 blocks away where my street intersects the other main street running through town. That's the first armed robbery I've heard about in our small town in ages.

Wish they had a better picture of him. Damn, he could be a neighbor. Glad I don't venture outside unarmed.
Wow, my little safe haven small town doesn't seem so safe anymore.

mr surveyor
09-12-2011, 11:20 PM
Wow... with this bit of news maybe some folks will re-think their strategy when it comes to rarely feeling the need to carry in their peace and love community where absolutely nothing violent ever happens. Well it can, and it does!

09-13-2011, 12:45 PM
Wow... with this bit of news maybe some folks will re-think their strategy when it comes to rarely feeling the need to carry in their peace and love community where absolutely nothing violent ever happens. Well it can, and it does!

I live in a very nice community and I feel very safe .

But if they don't have a metal detector , I carry 100% of the time .

Even where the regs say not to .

Let me see , regs say not to = slap on the wrist ( first time caught )
Nutcase starts blasting away in a restricted area and I'm unarmed

Simple choice .................

Bill K
09-13-2011, 01:33 PM
Unless it is fake that's some pretty unique facial hair with which to get a make on the guy.

One never knows. The attempted mugging on me took place in one of the "nicest" neighborhoods of New Haven, CT and in broad daylight during the noon hour. To many folks weigh risk only the the probability of an incident tasking place; one should also weigh the worst consequences should the incident happen.