View Full Version : Bloomberg writer admits to perjury in FL CCW

09-13-2011, 10:47 AM

Gee, I wonder if he will be actually criminally charged with perjury? Should be an open & shut case since he admitted to it.

09-13-2011, 11:15 AM
In 1997 when I got my permit, we didn't need actual hands-on training...just a 2-hour class at a gun show. There was a clerk from the Sheriff's Dept. to take fingerprints so we could mail in our applications immediately. I didn't really need the class since I was trained in the Air Force and had been honorably discharged... actually have three of those DD Form 214s... enlisted, one from OTS, and then my retirement.

It's nice for law-abiding citizens to be able to get a license that way, but it's easy for unscrupulous people to LIE and get one, too.


09-13-2011, 11:39 AM
he should be prosecuted. Just not sure one can break the law to prove a law is not right, being a reporter doesn't give you that right. He lied under oath,FOKK HIM. Let BUBBA have two hours with him and I bet he thinks about even doing that crap again, if he is ever able tocrap again.:boink: course I should say we let illegals get drivers licenses all the time and never do a damn thing about when they lie either, nor can we really qeustion their status. Oh THATS RIGHT they are illegals, they have different rights than us U. S. Citizens. :israel:

09-13-2011, 12:51 PM
He absolutely should be prosecuted, he broke the law.

Unfortunately, in doing this he also does make their arguments easier. One of the easiest things to do on a Florida permit app is to lie about your state of mental health.

09-13-2011, 01:18 PM
If he is NOT prosecutes the reporter proves his case! If he IS prosecuted, the CCW law is upheld. Our society is based on a presumption that people will tell the truth. Lying should be considered inappropriate behavior in our society in general but has become accepted. Problem these days is perjurers aren't prosecuted, AND not ostracized by society. That's a very serious issue in courtrooms as witnesses are expected to lie so how can our system work? It doesn't.

I read in the Orient it is polite and acceptable to lie, especially in business. They've established their culture way longer than we have ours, but we're getting there.

09-13-2011, 07:18 PM
It was a stupid test to begin with. What did he expect to prove? That if you lie about something you can often get away with it? And the surprise in that is ... where?