View Full Version : MK9 fit in a P9 holster?

09-13-2011, 05:35 PM
Hi all,

I should receive the MK9 Elite that I ordered any day now. I have primarily been carrying a P9 and have a number of very nice holsters for it. Two of which are from High Noon. One being a pancake and the other a nice IWB. Will my new Mk9 fit these? I hate to have to reinvest in more holsters.

09-13-2011, 06:39 PM
I routinely swap a P9, TP9, K9 and T9 in and out of the same holster. The MK may be just a smidgeon loose, but for practical purposes, it should work.

That holster also holds my HK P7 pretty well too. :cool:

10-08-2011, 01:43 AM
[QUOTE=ORSalesRep;95079]Hi all,

I should receive the MK9 Elite that I ordered any day now. I have primarily been carrying a P9 and have a number of very nice holsters for it. Two of which are from High Noon. One being a pancake and the other a nice IWB. Will my new Mk9 fit these? I hate to have to reinvest in more holsters.[/QUOTE

I purchased and returned 3 Ruger LC9's that were defective. I then bought a MK9. I discovered that the two holsters I purchased for the Ruger fit my MK9 perfectly.

They are;

Galco F119 L The IWB holster with that great J hook clip
Galco Pro 460 a pocket holster that stays in the pocket when you draw the MK9. Both are inexpensive $19 and $23.