View Full Version : Kahr PM9 - One handed rack.

09-16-2011, 08:14 AM
I didn't think it could be done, but I had to try it and prove myself wrong.

I posted a video in another thread, but wanted to make another addressing the PM9 as well.

In this video I show how I rack the slide one handed, first using my strong side to rack my XDM compact, then weak hand racking my PM9 using the same method, this way you can see both sides to get a better idea how it works.

Takes some practice, but it's a handy technique to have in your mental arsenal. Once you get the hang of it you can actually do it pretty quick, I slowed it down here so you could see it better (harder to do slow by the way).


Bill K
09-16-2011, 08:28 AM
That's pretty cool and I can see where it would have a practical application. Me, I'd perfect the technique using snap caps before going live. Looks like for some guns it'd work better than rear sight against belt or shoe leather. Thanks for sharing.

09-16-2011, 08:37 AM

I was going to use snap caps, but knew someone would comment with something like "sure, with snap caps, they are lighter and feed easier!"

No humans or cats were harmed in the filming of this video.


Also, keep in mind that I practiced this technique regularly when I carried without one in the hole. It was part of my draw, and you can actually become quite good at it - and back then I did practice with snap caps until I was at the range to make sure I could do it with live ammo just as well.

09-16-2011, 09:54 AM
I tried it and after a few minutes of practice I could do it fairly well. Thanks for sharing.

09-16-2011, 10:01 AM
Good to hear Gary!

09-16-2011, 11:00 AM
Nice cat. I gotta play with your concept. Never seen it done like that. Usually see hanging the rear sight on your belt or holster or a curb and pushing the gun, your style is alot easier on the gun finish by a long shot.

09-16-2011, 11:15 AM
Yes it is... plus, once you get the hang of it it's not difficult either. I hope I never need to do this in real life, but at least I know I can and will continue to practice it.

09-16-2011, 11:31 AM
We all know you can do it, I just seen it with my own eyes. Least ways I guess it was you, never saw nothing but hands, you wouldn't pull a fast one like ole Scoundrel would ya. I think you got it mastered. Now the 20 bajillion dollar question is can I do it?

I'll be giving it a go this weekend, home alone. Probably not good to practice at my desk in a PD. Probably frowned upon if something went awry. That's my middle name Awry, or sometimes Murphy depending on the day and mishap.

09-16-2011, 11:45 AM
Haha, yeah good idea. Hope it works for you! And yes, it was me. I'm not much of a videographer as I am a photographer and either way prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it :)

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

09-16-2011, 11:52 AM
Thunderbolt! I think I seen a commercial on TV for one of them the other night. Kid goes in the barn and opens the box and a thunderbolt grows out of it. Must work like a boomerang or something he took it right outside and threw it and the whole country lit up. Wonder if I could do that?

09-16-2011, 01:17 PM
I haven't been able to recreate that action... maybe I need a bigger barn?

I bet you could do it, you have a much more sparkling personality than I :D

09-16-2011, 01:31 PM
I haven't been able to recreate that action... maybe I need a bigger barn?

I bet you could do it, you have a much more sparkling personality than I :D

Wish I shared your confidence, I never been very good with electricity. The fellas I work with here know I'd much prefer to be shot than tased. Do something bad and getting sentenced to old Sparky would kill me on the spot long before I ever sat down. Guess that would really have a negative impact on my sparkling personality too huh? Not good I think.

09-16-2011, 01:34 PM
Reminds me of the guy (Red) on The Great Outdoors who was hit by lightning 66 times. :D


09-16-2011, 01:35 PM
I just watched the video again in preparation for my forthcoming personal attempt. I note that when you did the XD you did it left handed and the Kahr you did right handed. Other than knowing that your ambidextrous was there any other reason for that?
I also watched again to make sure the trigger guard wasn't a leverage point which of course it wasn't. Good for you. I hope my hands and fingers are big enough.

09-16-2011, 01:42 PM
Only reason was to show both sides of how it's held, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do the Kahr with my weak side since it's my main carry gun.

Some tips:
Your thumb is a key component, mostly the lower (longer portion), most of the movement is there, but you'll need your top fingers to hold it strong and as far forward as possible for maximum movement (just don't put your fingers in front of the muzzle, it's not just a bad idea it's counter productive).

Hope that helps.

09-16-2011, 01:47 PM
OMG!:eek: And your cursed with left handedness too! You are gifted. I'm not holding much of hope of doing that with my left hand I'll tell ya that. Good idea though, I'll surely give it a try iffen I don't blow that hand off trying it with my good hand.
Chief always tells me he's afraid I'll shoot myself in the eye, I think he watches too many old movies myself but that's a genuine concern in this endeavor as well.
Maybe I'll wear my vest just for grins too. Guess I'm lucky, if I shoot myself in the leg it won't matter much, some cool scars to show the chicks.....yeah right.

09-16-2011, 01:55 PM
Try it empty first... then snap caps if you have some. There's very little danger with this method if you do it right, you're never near the trigger for one thing but I guess if you don't have a good grip I could see a poorly placed slippage of the hand end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

09-16-2011, 02:24 PM
Well the cat seems flippin' perplexed. Probably figures you're in overkill mode, and should just jump with claws and teeth, or run away.

09-16-2011, 02:25 PM
That's my third middle name, wrong place at the wrong time. I'll for sure do the empty thing first. Try to orient my hand so I don't slip to the trigger for traction. When/If I master that I'll graduate to snap caps and then live ammo with no stunt man.
Actually a stand in double wouldn't be a bad idea, hhmmm who looks like me, Fabio, naw, too much hair, Howie Mandell, maybe not enough hair, bingo, Willie Nelson be da man. I'll see if he's available with the Willie Bus.

09-16-2011, 02:28 PM
Ahh yes, 'the cat'. I did this before heading to work this morning so I'm sure they were thinking 'come on man, leave already so we can get our attack on'. The other cat 'Abby' was hiding somewhere, so I know there was a plan of some sort, Bella was keeping watch.

09-16-2011, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the link, something to work on for sure.
Just a question that I could answer by trying it...
Would it be harder to do if you had pulled the trigger on the empty chamber, before inserting the mag and racking the slide?
I'll probably be back to answer my own question.
just askin'

09-16-2011, 04:55 PM
Shouldn't make any difference, hope it works for ya!

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

09-16-2011, 09:46 PM
Well I'm somewhat ashamed to say I can't do it. I'm close but I just can't quite make the full cycle. There is a huge advantage to doing it left handed, when you don't make it and the mouse trap chamber goes to close it loves, and I mean absolutely loves to grab flesh and try to chamber it. Ask me how I know. I have a hard time getting past the end of the barrel, need to refine my technique. If the barrel wasn't in it would be easier but what would be the point you know?
Large hands and long fingers would be a plus.

Definitely debur that rough corner on the back of the chamber hood or you'll be bleeding. I'm thankful that I had done so. No blood but it does look a little like dracula bit me in the hand.

I got one of them hand exercisers I keep on my desk, I'm gonna hit that a little more and keep trying. I didn't try any of my other autos to see if I could do it but I"m sure the Kahr would be the hardest of all of them. If I can get it, the others will be a cake walk.

02-02-2012, 01:16 AM
I didn't think it could be done, but I had to try it and prove myself wrong.

I posted a video in another thread, but wanted to make another addressing the PM9 as well.

In this video I show how I rack the slide one handed, first using my strong side to rack my XDM compact, then weak hand racking my PM9 using the same method, this way you can see both sides to get a better idea how it works.

Takes some practice, but it's a handy technique to have in your mental arsenal. Once you get the hang of it you can actually do it pretty quick, I slowed it down here so you could see it better (harder to do slow by the way).


wow that's impressive!!!