View Full Version : What to Carry Today
01-03-2010, 12:54 PM
So what else do you like to CC.
We all agree on our Kahrs but wondered what else you like?
I carry a Kimber UC on occasion and sometimes a Sig p239.
As I've said before, just too many good choices.
In my case it just causes undue stress--Think I'll carry this one today, or maybe that one for a change.
I'm great at over-analyzing situations though.
Anyone else with this affliction?
mr surveyor
01-03-2010, 04:29 PM
man... that's scary.... we have the same taste in carry guns.
I also occassionally carry a Kimber Compact Stainless (early series) or a Sig P239 in .40 cal., although my dedicated daily field carry in a S&W 637 revo.
I've gone through a lot of various handguns to settle down to the above three and my fairly recently acquired (and still flawless after 584 rounds) Kahr CW9. The CW9 has so far perfectly filled the thin, 9mm nitche for me.
01-03-2010, 04:42 PM
Nowadays,as the weather has turned colder,I bring a Glock 19,a Browning Hipower and a Rossi .357 mag snubbie into the rotation. At church,I have a S&W 642 in the zipper section of my bible cover.Too many people hugging to feel comfortable IWB or pocket carry. ;)
01-03-2010, 04:47 PM
man... that's scary.... we have the same taste in carry guns.
I also occassionally carry a Kimber Compact Stainless (early series) or a Sig P239 in .40 cal., although my dedicated daily field carry in a S&W 637 revo.
I've gone through a lot of various handguns to settle down to the above three and my fairly recently acquired (and still flawless after 584 rounds) Kahr CW9. The CW9 has so far perfectly filled the thin, 9mm nitche for me.
We must know what we're about surv..:D
My p239 is 357sig but I've got a .40cal barrel as well.
I get that-Kid in the candy store syndrome-when I start looking at the choices.
Hey Dietrich, right about the togetherness at church.
I carry an sp101 in an ankle holster and no one's the wiser.
01-03-2010, 05:13 PM
No PM9, then I will carry my Model 60, I do carry at times my P380 kahr . My son has my lcp now..
mr surveyor
01-03-2010, 05:18 PM
Yeah, I know what you're talking about with "church carry". Cooler weather I just IWB what I want to and don't worry about anyone "feeling" me up. Since I'm not much of a "hugger", I tend to turn my gun side away from the hugs anyway, But for several years during the summer "short sleeve" weather, I carried a KT P3AT in a thin IWB holster in the top of my right cowboy boot. The P3AT got traded a few months ago, and the CW9 has to do temporary duty on the boot carry, but it just doesn't fit right. I'm sure the PM9 would do the trick, and know without a doubt the P380 would, but I just hate to return to the days of searching for the ammunition. I've either got to quit wearing the studly tight fittin' jeans, or get a new deep conceal before the return of hot weather, and since I don't wear loose pants, I don't pocket carry either.
Oh, and 500KV, have you considered a Barsto or Dragon aftermarket 9mm barrel for your P239? I've been kicking that idea around for 2-3 years, but just havent convinced myself to do it.
01-03-2010, 05:40 PM
Oh, and 500KV, have you considered a Barsto or Dragon aftermarket 9mm barrel for your P239? I've been kicking that idea around for 2-3 years, but just havent convinced myself to do it.
I have seen good reports on the 9mm conversion barrels but, like you, just haven't gotten around to it.
Spend all my time lately playing with my Kahrs.
So many guns--So little time.
LW Colt 1911 in Galco NSA leather
01-03-2010, 05:54 PM
I mix it up with my G19 or Sig P250c.
01-03-2010, 06:49 PM
Heres a Kimber I made some grips for, a 45 usually goes near my waist, nearly always my bobtailed Para full size, occasionally my Glock 21SF. A K40 in a ankle holster in case the waist gun has to go away. I was surprised to find that a 1911 and my K40 and I imagine a K9 fit perfectly in the same Galco ankle holster. I sometimes swap the K40 for a Officers Model size Para. Kimber, they all fit.
I sometimes carry my little Colt just cause it was the first carry gun I ever bought, nice and light, still holds 6. I made the ebony handles on it so it fits me well.
Hope my doggie grips don't upset Mr. Dietrich, just thought they turned out pretty nice and probably just showing off. :crazy:
01-03-2010, 07:05 PM
My usual CCW is a HK P2000SK, which is a supurb firearm. I've carried it for several years in a very comfortable Galco Concealable holster. I also carry my long time tiny favorite friend, a Seecamp LWS32. It's been used for around twenty years. It rides in a Hedley holster (RIP).
lBecause I have a bad back, I sometime need to lose the gun belt and use a shoulder holster. In years past I've carried a Sig P232 in a Galco. Lately I've been experimenting with the Kahr TP9 or K9 in this role.
I love these two guns.
01-03-2010, 07:05 PM
Great looking pieces Bawanna.
Don't blame you for "showing them off". I never get tired of seeing good looking guns.
Like I say though...Just too many choices.
And yours as well Ripley. Those HKs are a thing of beauty to me.
mr surveyor
01-03-2010, 08:59 PM
I love the workmanship in the Seecamp pistols. I was only $400 short of buying a very slightly used Seecamp 332 last summer that was traded in to one of my local shops by an older gentleman that decided his best home defense now was a pump gun. The stainless Seecamp certainly fits with my color preference.
01-05-2010, 01:17 PM
If I'm not carrying my Kahr (1st choice) I carry my CZ100 .40 if size isn't a concern, otherwise I like my Astra A75 .40 and usually my KelTec P32 as a back-up.
01-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Great minds think alike. Just purchased my new P9 yesterday at the Dallas Gun Show. There was 1 stainless P9 in the whole show. I must say it is beautiful. Fit and finish is impeccable.
I too have a huggy church and specifically purchased the Kel-Tec PF-9 for ankle/pocket carry for that reason.
The P9 fits the slim, light weight, service caliber, IWB carry option.
The Kimber UC2 fits the compact .45 caliber IWB carry option. I do find it gets heavy on my belt after a couple of hours or so. I could probably help that by getting a higher quality belt.
Anyway, these are the three for me. I've owned and sold a bunch of others, ie (Glocks, M&P's, other Keltecs, Steyr, XD) and this is where I've landed.
I've only had one hard rule in choosing a gun. It must utilize a service caliber (9mm or larger). No mouse guns here.
I might actually be done looking for CCW guns for a while. Now, off to save for that Browning Maxus shotgun I want...hehe. (
01-10-2010, 03:10 PM
A good belt makes all the difference in the world. Hard to get people to understand that sometimes after they shell out big bucks for guns and accessories, then you ask for even more for a belt, kind of like a muffler on your car, you gotta have it but you hate to buy it. Although there are some very cool looking belts out there. Then again with CCW you rarely get to show it off which is sad.
As a side note I bought a model PS6 holster from Mernickle a couple years ago and it's the nicest thing. I don't use any of the others in the drawer anymore. Rides really high and I honestly forget it's there and I carry a full size 1911 everyday. That Kimber (which is just sweet by the way) would look dandy in a Mernickle on a good belt. Check em out.
For the last maybe 15 years all my high end dress belts, plus others, have been Galcos.
01-16-2010, 08:02 PM
Birds of a feather ... all flock together !
Is that how tha' saying goes ??
Love my CW40...
BUT ... at times ... I also carry a club, .... I mean, my Big Daddy XD .45 !!!
CW40 is carried in a Matrix MX7 holster. ( Light and tight )
XD.45 is carried in a Galco Sil. #446. ( High and tight )
ALSO... Ive been watching tha' History channel lately. Have you guys seen the ' GANGLAND " series !!??? Especially the Texas corridor, I-35 ! :eek:
Makes ya' think twice... about carrying enough gun, and some back up Ammo ...HUH !?
01-16-2010, 08:31 PM
If not my CW9, then definately my G36.
01-16-2010, 10:45 PM
My usual CCW is a HK P2000SK, which is a supurb firearm. I've carried it for several years in a very comfortable Galco Concealable holster. I also carry my long time tiny favorite friend, a Seecamp LWS32. It's been used for around twenty years. It rides in a Hedley holster (RIP).
lBecause I have a bad back, I sometime need to lose the gun belt and use a shoulder holster. In years past I've carried a Sig P232 in a Galco. Lately I've been experimenting with the Kahr TP9 or K9 in this role.
I love these two guns.
I have the same two handguns except my HK P2000SK is the DAO LEM. By the picture yours looks like the DA/SA with decocker. Awesome pair of pistols.
mr surveyor
01-16-2010, 11:35 PM
I wish y'all would quit posting those pictures of the LWS32 (not really)
I had a chance to pick one up last summer and had neither the cash or the trade fodder at the time. Those things are very rare in my neighborhood.
01-17-2010, 01:12 AM
If not my CW9, then definately my G36.
What he said! After a day or two with the Glock, I'm ready to pull the Kahr back out of the safe.
01-17-2010, 06:46 AM
What he said! After a day or two with the Glock, I'm ready to pull the Kahr back out of the safe.
Come on now...everybody likes a 7" piece of 2x4 in their waistband. Right? :)
01-17-2010, 11:14 AM
Winter is here so I am wearing heavier clothing, and switched to my cold weather carry 1911. It is a C-Bob from CZ-USA in 10mm. That and a couple extra mags gives me a bunch of hard hitting 10mm for whatever might come up. When I am dressed lighter I switch back to my K9 or P9. Typically most of the year I either have a Commander length 1911 or my K9 depending on how I am dressed.
Now if only Kahr made a K10......
01-17-2010, 03:13 PM
K10 might be a handful indeed and a flame thrower to boot but I'd love to take one for a test drive.
Come in Mx5, I just held a Dan Wesson Bobtail about half an hour ago at our local gun show. Thought of you the whole time I held it, probably 20 minutes, the dude kind of had to pry it out of my hands. I loved it to pieces and wanted it bad. The 1100 dollar price tag was a huge hurtle I couldn't quite clear. I consoled myself with the fact that it didn't have them pretty Buckeye handles like yours. Sure felt sweet in my hand though. Oh well back to reality. Working on the paint scheme on the hummer limo.:hurt:
01-19-2010, 08:29 AM
What to carry today is an interesting question. For me it is rather simple, I want to carry the same handgun all the time. I don't want to have to think while I draw, does this one have a safety, which side is the safety on is it on safe in the up position or the down position? Instead the only thing I need to be thinking about is where is the nearest cover and which bad guy do I address first. For me it was about having the largest handgun I felt that I would carry all the time. The K9 while a bit large for pocket carry works that way when I need it to (fact is I generally carry in a Bianchi 6D ATB clipped inside my pocket).
Ok that is a bit simplistic but I think you get the idea. I actually carry one of several different handguns nearly all the time. I have the Kahr K9 which is my primary carry piece. I sometimes switch with the wife and carry her Kahr CW9. Then on occasion I carry either an ROA or a Ruger GP 100 while hunting or scouting.
01-19-2010, 10:21 AM
+1 smart idea...keep it simple....By the way, what part of Georgia are you from...I'm from Atlanta....Next to shooting, NASCAR is my next favorite form of entertainment....Football is over by then and I dont enjoy basketball, or baseball that much but come Feb 14 I know what I'm gonna be doing....Lets see, Shooting, NASCAR, hunting, fishing, country music, pickup trucks and BEER!!!! Oh my God, I'm a REDNECK!!! :D
01-19-2010, 11:09 AM
+1 smart idea...keep it simple....By the way, what part of Georgia are you from...I'm from Atlanta....Next to shooting, NASCAR is my next favorite form of entertainment....Football is over by then and I dont enjoy basketball, or baseball that much but come Feb 14 I know what I'm gonna be doing....Lets see, Shooting, NASCAR, hunting, fishing, country music, pickup trucks and BEER!!!! Oh my God, I'm a REDNECK!!! :D
Dang, Getsome, wuz that you I saw at the store the other day?
Sorry, guys, I couldn't resist, but that reminded me of this picture.
No offense meant... just wanted to share this. I've spent most of my life in the South and I like stores like this. I stopped at Outpost Armory up in Tennessee on the way back from Illinois in October(married off my daughter & I hate IL -- no CCW there). They had tall signs like the motels on the way by and we stopped. It had gas, a cafe, I think, and one of the best gun shops that I've ever seen with weapons up to a just short of $10,000 Barrett 50 cal!
They had a hand lettered cardboard sign outside saying that .380 was in stock. Great pit stop -- got 4 boxes of Aguila 95gr FMJ at just under $100 including their dang 10% tax. That was to break in my as-yet-unreceived P380N. I just got a like-new PM9 DLC with NS, so I'm not so miserable waiting anymore.
Anyhow, good morning and I hope that you found the picture funny. I got a bunch of that stuff off Neil Boortz' Internet site. He has a section full of redneck joke pictures.
Neil's Redneck Scrapbook link: Enjoy!
01-19-2010, 11:43 AM
Yep, looks like ya got me....By the way, They also sell bait in the back next to the slim-jims, Red-Man and racin hats....I have been a boortz listener and big fan of his since about 1976...He started out a little station here in Atlanta called WRNG radio (long gone now) and he really got me interested in whats right and wrong in this country...He got me to read Atlas Shrugged at an early age and convinced me to become a Libertarian... If you google Neil Boortz Declaration of Individual Independence it is an interesting read....I still have a paper copy he was mailing out back in the late 70's...Its about to fall apart with age but it holds much truth....:cool:
01-19-2010, 11:43 AM
This is my primary. XDSC9 with combat package (night sights and trigger job) plus all metal parts and slide hardchromed. All work done by Springfield Armory. I would like to say my PM9, but it has spent more time at Kahr getting it to work, than with me. It is presently there, now, for a repeat problem.
01-19-2010, 11:54 AM
Yep, looks like ya got me....By the way, They also sell bait in the back next to the slim-jims, Red-Man and racin hats....I have been a boortz listener and big fan of his since about 1976...He started out a little station here in Atlanta called WRNG radio (long gone now) and he really got me interested in whats right and wrong in this country...He got me to read Atlas Shrugged at an early age and convinced me to become a Libertarian... If you google Neil Boortz Declaration of Individual Independence it is an interesting read....I still have a paper copy he was mailing out back in the late 70's...Its about to fall apart with age but it holds much truth....:cool:
I really like Boortz. He's not so self-centered as Rush, and he promotes the "Fair Tax", which could put this country into recovery very quickly as all of the off-shore money and manufacturing moves back here with the resultant boom in business and employment! BUT, that would take the power from Congress since they couldn't pick and choose who pays more taxes or gets the breaks.
I need to git crackin' and get out of the house. My wife is off for two nights and I have to cook tonight (I'm "Mr Mom" -- chief cook and bottle-washer, sort of, which sucks since the DW is awaiting parts!), but I need to do some shopping and go try out my new practice and carry ammo that I got from Cabela's. I want to carry the CorBon 125gr JHP +P, but try it out first. You guys have fun.
01-20-2010, 10:06 PM
I am just a few miles north of Atlanta myself. Just ordered myself a new to me flintlock and I am anxious as all get out.
I like Neal, heck some have even asked if I was Neal from my comments online...
01-23-2010, 05:37 PM
I decided to go "cannon" today and carried my EAA/Tanfoglio Full Size Steel Witness in 10mm with the Henning SAO straight-trigger retrofit. 16 rounds of 10MM DoubleTap single-action goodness, cocked and locked... Other days it might be a Glock 32C or Kahr P9.
But I think a loaded 10MM mag weights more than my P9 gun. I'll have to get out the scale.
Edit: Not too far off. Loaded 15rd 10mm mag weighs 12.6 oz.
Arch Angel
01-24-2010, 07:27 AM
I've been carrying an M4 (open carry) for the last 10 months as I get ready to leave Iraq in just a few days. It's fun to "open carry" an M4 in church so I'll miss that when I get back home. On a side note, the test fire pit is a couple hundred yards away from church. It's kind of cool hearing a .50 cal "sing" while you're in church singing.
Back to the subject - as John touched on, I carry the "biggest" weapon that my clothing choice (season) will allow. When I wear a jacket or coat or even larger shirt, I carry full size if at all possible. In order of choice for me, SIG 226 in a Galco Miami Vice shoulder rig - Glock 19C in an IWB - Kimber .45 in a OWB - and a Glock 17 in an Appendix holster when I'm going to be standing more than sitting.
The Kahr CW9 is my church gun but I too have a hugging church and it's tough. One time in the fall I had a larger flannel type shirt/jacket on with the SIG 226 in the shoulder rig. The preacher came up and said hello and half grabbed me and hugged me and in the awkward process he put his hand right on the weapon under my left arm pit. He knows me well enough and has no problem (actually encourages it) so we both looked at each other and just smiled. He just said, "Glad to have you both here!" To which I responded, "Amen!"
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