View Full Version : Ordered the night sights

MW surveyor
09-20-2011, 09:03 AM
Been reading all of the night sight threads for the CW and the CM. Sure hope that replacing the stock front sight will help me out. Since my range went with a cover over the firing line, the lack of direct sunlight on my front sight plus my old eyes really started making obtaining any kind of real sight alignment difficult.

Not saying that I can't hit the target as the majority of the rounds tend to group about the bullseye and with one or two flyers keep them in a hand size (small hand :p) group. Just want to get the CW9 shooting as good as my SP101 and my 45 1911. I know, not gonna happen. I can dream anyway.

So, hopefully will have the sights by the end of the week. If I get better results I'll let you know. If not, may just have to keep this to myself.

09-20-2011, 09:33 AM
Good luck as my eyes get older I find any help is a good thing!!!!!!


MW surveyor
09-20-2011, 09:59 AM
What gets me is that I shoot about the same with the CW9 whether I'm using my contacts, glasses or without any vision correction. Maybe there's something to this muscle memory thing after all! LOL

09-20-2011, 10:24 AM
I've been thinking about a gold bead, fiber optic, or another night sight... all of my CCW guns have NS, including the S.A. Champion.

While fiddling with the P40 I notcied the dot looked kind of dingy... some crud in the center. I got a wooden toothpick and clean the dot... much better. It had a depression in the center and I got some white appliance paint... kind of old, but still wet... and used the toothpick to put some in the center. Dang! It worked and built up the area so that it's smooth and raised. It dried and looks great... white, with a bit of shininess. I'll try that after I get the chamber smooth and the FTF to stop, but I still want to upgrade the sights when I figure out which option I want... and want to pay for. The gold bead will be very expensive, as milling will be required... at least for my rear sight choice.


MW surveyor
09-20-2011, 11:01 AM

I'm kinda cheap (as SHMBO says, no Jim you are cheap) so I've painted just about all of my hand gun sights either florescent orange or green. Does work for me but the price of the trijicon night sight was too good to pass up!

Also made a fiber optic sight for my little P22. Actually came out real well and can now see this sight plain as day. Used the zero insert and installed a short shotgun screw in sight on it. Total expenditure $ 9.27 all told. Had been thinking about getting a few of the plastic sights from Kahr and drilling out the center dot and inserting a fiber optic rod but for now, the trijicon has won out.

Wouldn't mind having a gold bead on the 1911 but can't go the price!

MW surveyor
10-08-2011, 02:29 PM

Well the sight came in as expected on the 25th of September but I was in Malaysia at the time. Came back on the 5th of October and immediately installed the night sight. Can't believe how easy the original sight broke off from the CW9. Anyway, installed it on the 5th and took it out shooting today.

I think it was just one of those days when everything goes right. Shot 50 rounds through the CW9 and had the best grouping with it since getting the pistol (over 2500 rounds through it to date). Majority of the bullets were within a 2" diameter bull. OK, a few flyers but even those were only about 3" out of the center. Could have been the sights as I believe that I can now see them better. (Or purely physiological, since I had to spend money on the sights).

Of course the 1911 just kept do'n what it has since the start. Tearing out the bull. But it was also shooting better today than the majority of the trips.

10-08-2011, 04:36 PM
Also made a fiber optic sight for my little P22. Actually came out real well and can now see this sight plain as day. Used the zero insert and installed a short shotgun screw in sight on it. Total expenditure $ 9.27 all told. Had been thinking about getting a few of the plastic sights from Kahr and drilling out the center dot and inserting a fiber optic rod but for now, the trijicon has won out.

Can you tell me more about making the fiber optic sight? What is a zero insert? Shotgun screw? I saw fiber optic rods at Brownells. Is it a matter of simply drilling a hole through the plastic front sight and glueing a rod in it?

MW surveyor
10-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Can you tell me more about making the fiber optic sight? What is a zero insert? Shotgun screw? I saw fiber optic rods at Brownells. Is it a matter of simply drilling a hole through the plastic front sight and glueing a rod in it?


The Walther P22 comes with three front sights of varying heights as the rear sight is not adjustable for up/down. It also comes with one "0" insert which is basically a flush sight that covers the hole in the slide. What I did was to get a HiViz short (in length) screw in type fiber optic sight made for a shot gun from the local sporting goods store, drilled a hole in the center of this insert and then screwed and epoxied the shot gun sight to the insert.

I believe that you could drill out the dot in the plastic front sight of the CW or any of the plastic sights, insert a fiber optic rod of your choice of color. And viola! New fiber optic sight for less than 10 bucks. I have seen this done on another forum (KelTec for a PF9) Seems to work pretty good.

When I ordered the night sights, I forgot to order a couple of the replacement sights for the CW9 to experiment. The only real downside that I can see is that the attachment of the CW9 front sight is permanent that is until you break it off!

10-08-2011, 10:35 PM
Thanks Surv. I've been laser practicing off and on all day with my "custom" big dot I put on my PM9. It looks silly but works better than expected.



MW surveyor
10-09-2011, 03:09 AM
Is that a bead and what type? I guess it is. How did you attach it? Hot melt glue or other?

10-09-2011, 12:06 PM
That's a 5mm rhinestone with French White fingernail polish. I superglued it. I did the same with a 3mm but it wasn't large enough. I shot the 3mm but haven't got to the range yet with the 5mm.

The more I laser practice with it the better I like it. I did try it in very low light and it's a bust there, but my shots were still hitting well. I love my LaserLite cartridge. It gives a 200ms light true to the barrel and has improved my actual shooting a lot. My wife kind of raised her eyebrow at the targets taped up around the house but she prefers that to me shooting up our grocery money. She must love me.

MW surveyor
10-09-2011, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'll post a picture of my Bubba'd front sight when I get a chance. Can't believe that I'm working today :(. Gotta catch up from the "vacation" in Malaysia.

10-10-2011, 06:05 PM
Well, Phooey!! I shot my new 5mm front sight today and shot better than ever before. First time with my new glasses and the new sight. I was nailing the circle at 7 yards and really felt good. Then on the third mag the sight just flew off the gun never to be seen again. I was so bummed I just packed it in and came home.

Guess I'll try another one and see if I can get more glue on it. It works much better than the 3mm I hate to go back to that. If it won't stick I may just paint my own larger white dot with the nail polish.

MW surveyor
10-10-2011, 07:08 PM
I hope it was just the rhinestone! Try putting it on with epoxy glue after cleaning the sight with acetone or alcohol. Good to read that it did work out even for a little time.

10-10-2011, 11:08 PM
Well, it was the rhinestone, but the acrylic popped off the backing. I superglued the snot out of it this time so we'll see. If this fails I take the backing off. Problem is I'm screwing up the sight base and a little of the slide trying to make this work.

Shooting today was encouraging though. First time since I started up again 3 years ago that I can see the sights with my everyday glasses. Gotta say that does make a difference. Now I can hit a bad guy that's only 1 foot wide, down from 3 feet.