View Full Version : Jocko's Custom PM9

01-03-2010, 03:43 PM
Some photos of my custom PM9 with 25K+ rounds.

Photo#1 Shows left side plus 360 degree stipple work and mag well cut outs plus Magna-Port slide and barrel.
Photo #2 Shows Right side with grip stippling and thumb pads plus trigger contour work done by Cylinder and Slide and Portng work by Magna-Port, kand a better view of my xs big dot sights..
Photo#3 Shows xs24/7 Big Dot Night sights plus heavy slide melt by accurate-iron and titanium/flake finish. Big dot sights photo did not show as goodas I wanted...
Photo #4 Shows slide lock lever reduction and 360 degree countour to lever, done by yours truly with help of my trusty dremel.
Photo#5 Shows right side slide lock pin, after shortening and countouring with dremel to be flush with right side of the grip. Lever still comes out easily.
Some work by cylinder and slide, Most work done by Accurate Iron. Mag well cut out and side lock lever done by owner.I had another photo of the front of the barrel counter bored by Magna-port but it did not come out well..

This is my 24/7 carry peace . I shoot it like I stole it, best defense gun i have ever owned. Most fun gun I have ever owned. I will say I do not shoot it as well as my G19 but it ain't the guns fault either..

thank you for the opportunity to show this gun on this great forum also.

You can click on the photos to enlarge and see far more. Thank you.


Zippo Guy
01-03-2010, 04:29 PM
Very nice! How does the grip stippling feel? I like the looks. How long from start to finish with C & S?

01-03-2010, 04:48 PM
Very nice! How does the grip stippling feel? I like the looks. How long from start to finish with C & S?

grip stippling. I would not recommend C & S for the way over charge for so little done. Now Accurate Iron is another story. he is good, he is fast and he is reasonabe. I did not come onto him until after I had some of the work done by C & S.

accurate-iron.com. he can give you a better time of turn around. What you see, he can do it all. He is one super action man also and did an outstanding job on my g19 for me. He is a LEO and a competition shooter and one hell of a smitty.. I have over a grand in all of the work stated, Magna port with barrel recessing was total over $200......

01-03-2010, 05:05 PM

Your PM9 looks great, a nice setup indeed!

01-05-2010, 08:44 PM
Looks great.

Can I ask how you carry? Holster (pocket/IWB/OWB)?

Do you mind taking a couple of pics of your setup?

01-06-2010, 01:40 AM
front pocket carry in a desantis..

Wayne's World
01-06-2010, 05:46 AM
Well done on the photos and well done on the PM9.
If you could, I would like to see more detail of the "Magna-Port".
Barrel and slide, please.

01-06-2010, 08:54 AM
oh my, my son did this photos stuff for me and he is now gone back to engineering school, so can't help you there Wayne's world, but if you go to the magna-port webb site, you can see the same thing, just not on my PM9..

01-06-2010, 10:28 AM
Love the gun, but not a big fan of the fuchsia couch cover. ;)

01-06-2010, 10:54 AM
Love the gun, but not a big fan of the fuchsia couch cover. ;)

the background is a bathroom towel:9:

01-15-2010, 06:28 AM

Looks sweet! Is there any issue with NIGHT FLASH with the Magnaport? Would you do the Magnaporting again? In all the posts I have read on porting no one address's the flash question.:confused:

01-17-2010, 12:17 AM

Looks sweet! Is there any issue with NIGHT FLASH with the Magnaport? Would you do the Magnaporting again? In all the posts I have read on porting no one address's the flash question.:confused:

Hi there Jeepster,

I myself have treated several of my pistols to the Mag-na-port process and am a true believer of their work.

From my experience and IMO (especially with the PM40) there is so much muzzle flash from only having a 3" pipe to begin with that i had not noticed any difference after the port job was performed.

One thing i did seem to notice was that the noise level increased quite a bit. All in all the main benifit of reduced muzzle flip and a quicker follow up shot make the port job worth it's weight in gold. The PM40 is now very user friendly and enjoyable to shoot.

I highly recomend this process to anyone...you'll love it!!

Jocko please chime in and share your experience:)

01-17-2010, 11:20 PM

I to would like to see a few close up shots of your PM9 with the Mag-Na-Ports. I am seriously considering having the same port work done on my PM9. Thanks.


01-18-2010, 12:39 AM
Nice PM9 right there! Can you rank the mods in order of bang for the buck?

01-18-2010, 03:26 PM
Now that's one beautiful and unique PM9 right there Jacko.:)

I'm also a fan of custom mods and making my firearms owner unique. One thing that really catches my eye and i've thought about having done to my Kahr Pm's is the heavy melt job. Besides aesthetics and being less succeptable to a snag while drawing from a pocket holster can you tell me any other reasons that one would/could expect to benifit from this type of procedure? I'm very impressed with the craftsmanship that Accurate Iron has performed on the slide, the coating they applied looks very nice.

How does the grip stippling feel in the hand?... was that also done by AI or C&S? If you dont mind me asking what was the cost of the heavy melt job and re-finish?

Thanks for all you contributions on this site you're very helpful:)

02-18-2010, 03:02 PM
Nice PM9 right there! Can you rank the mods in order of bang for the buck?

#1 Porting by magna port
#2 grip stippling by accurate Iron
#3 slide lock lever reduction by yours truly
#4 xs big dot sights by accurate Iron
#5 slide melt and refinish by accurate Iron
#6 action work by cylinder and Slide and trigger countour

which one would I now skip.?? #6

02-18-2010, 03:12 PM
That is a nice weapon. I really like to see what guys do to their guns to make them special. Nice work.


04-28-2010, 07:20 AM
I'm more concerned that you know what the color fuschia is KP...;)

04-28-2010, 07:38 AM
Nice gun, specially like the sights.

05-30-2010, 11:34 AM
am i missing something? to me the gun looks horrible.
i would never butcher my beautiful "factory kahr" like that.
sorry man. just my 2 cents.

05-30-2010, 11:47 AM
am i missing something? to me the gun looks horrible.
i would never butcher my beautiful "factory kahr" like that.
sorry man. just my 2 cents.

To each his own I guess and beauty is to the eye of the beholder. I commend your swimming against the current and voicing your opinion. I at first was not totally knocked over by it myself but I think mostly because it was different. Often times new things take awhile to soak in so to speak.
The more I look at it and I look at it often, the more I like it. The functionality of it especially being pocket carried constantly as Jocko does can't be beat.
I wish now I'd looked at these pics again before I filed away on my take down lever yesterday. I see some things on his that look better than what I did, might not be too late. I'm ashamed to be a copycat but its truely the best form of flattery or something to that effect.

05-30-2010, 02:31 PM
am i missing something? to me the gun looks horrible.
i would never butcher my beautiful "factory kahr" like that.
sorry man. just my 2 cents.

ur opinion,but the nice thing about it is,,, It is my gun, not yours:19: so we tend to do things that pleases the owner and not the viewers...

05-30-2010, 03:14 PM
Well said jocko, I was thinking about sticking up for you but then I remembered that you can handle your own too. Personally, I like variety as well, it is interesting to see what other people have done to their toys. I may not like it but it's still cool to see. I think it's kind of like 1911's, and Harley's no two are alike, and the differences are why we come back.

05-30-2010, 03:25 PM
Well said jocko, I was thinking about sticking up for you but then I remembered that you can handle your own too. Personally, I like variety as well, it is interesting to see what other people have done to their toys. I may not like it but it's still cool to see. I think it's kind of like 1911's, and Harley's no two are alike, and the differences are why we come back.

I hope Predestned takes no offense to my comment. u know opinions are like a--holes, we all have one:blah:

glad I didn't post a photo of my stippled P380 with mag well cut outs:photo:

05-30-2010, 03:31 PM
It's all good. how bout this... I'd like to see it.

05-30-2010, 04:12 PM
ur opinion,but the nice thing about it is,,, It is my gun, not yours:19: so we tend to do things that pleases the owner and not the viewers...
true. and it probably fits your hand like a glove . and extremely reliable. kinda like that old honda that doesnt look so good but you would have no problem driving cross country cause you know what its made out of..its one of those type of deals.
it isnt for me thats all. i do admire your courage. i personally couldnt to take a dremmel to my beloved pm9. maybe years from now when she's had a few miles on her.:rolleyes:

05-30-2010, 04:17 PM
I hope Predestned takes no offense to my comment. u know opinions are like a--holes, we all have one:blah:

glad I didn't post a photo of my stippled P380 with mag well cut outs:photo:
no offense
actually the more i see it the better it looks.
not near as bad second time around.

05-30-2010, 04:39 PM
no offense
actually the more i see it the better it looks.
not near as bad second time around.

look at it 10X and report back:der::der:

05-30-2010, 04:55 PM
no offense
actually the more i see it the better it looks.
not near as bad second time around.

Did I say this very thing or what? It kind of grows on you don't it? I too feel your fear of taking the dremel tool to your new gun but I've done it to the last couple I got and while it doesn't seem to get any easier I really so far have no remorse.

05-30-2010, 11:56 PM
look at it 10X and report back:der::der:
sorry man, even tried alcohol. it only goes so far to fixin that mug:D reminds me of Bette Midler on a hangover(me with the hangover) lol

05-31-2010, 04:47 AM
sorry man, even tried alcohol. it only goes so far to fixin that mug:D reminds me of Bette Midler on a hangover(me with the hangover) lol

now u done it, those are fightin words when u compare a kahr to Bette Midler:D:D

I'm on my harley and I don't know where you live either but like Bawanna, I am in no hurry either, I WILL FIND YOU:target::target:

05-31-2010, 12:11 PM
now u done it, those are fightin words when u compare a kahr to Bette Midler:D:D

I'm on my harley and I don't know where you live either but like Bawanna, I am in no hurry either, I WILL FIND YOU:target::target:

Predestyned, thanks a million man, this is bound to take some of the pressure off me. Everytime I see a biker around here I nearly soil myself. I contacted the feds and I'm applying for the witless protection plan with high probability of success. Apparently this isn't anything new, the feds know this guy.
I would not want to be in your shoes. Good luck and I mean that.

11-14-2010, 08:58 AM
Just curious, have you fired this one at night since having it Magna-Ported?

11-14-2010, 09:17 AM
Just curious, have you fired this one at night since having it Magna-Ported?

not totally at night but I have fired it both ways in evening light. Let no one tell you that you get no flash fire from a short barrelled gun. I got alot of flash fire from just standard non ported and after porting, to be honest, I can't tell much difference. there isjust alot of fire coming out the end of my PM9 PERIOD. Guarantee you the BG is not going to know one way or tghe other either, he won't know if you have a 9mmor a 50 cal or flame thrower.

I love my ported guns but not all do, most though never owned and shot a ported gun, but just passed on others hersay. I am not an authority on ported guns but I can say I have shot them since 1972 and probably 25 ported guns have been through my hands.My K9, PM9, G19 and model 60 are all ported by magna port.. So I can speak from experience. But I don't do much night shooting. Just have not the real desire to do it. Where I go to shoot normally that a night type shoot might just bring about people to see what the hell is going on.. I am kinda private in my shooting. less people know about me around my area the better I feel to...

If u look at my custom PM9, one and some will say oh my BUTT UGLY peace, I did some stuff to it that most would not, why, because it is my gun and I wanted it that way. I was not looking down the road for resale value to be better either, quite the contrary, I knew that money spent on some of my customizing was down the toilet but that is what ol jocko wanted, so in the eyes of the beholder it is a peace of work for me, but for some a POS...I can assure u I have for more in the custom work than 2 PM9's, some of which today, hindsight is 20-20 for I wasted alot of "cabbage" on work done by Cylinder and Slide..

11-14-2010, 02:27 PM
Hey jocko, I never thought of this before - I know you have some accuracy issues with the PM9 compared to your G19 and others. Did you notice a change in accuracy after all of the work done on your PM9? Or was is the same pre- and post-"cabbage"?

11-14-2010, 02:53 PM
all the work I did, helped NADDA!! Kahr wants to buy my custom PM9, for they told me that anyone who spends that kind of money and still shoots as poorly as that doesn't deserve to have such a gun!!!!!!!!

11-14-2010, 03:36 PM
what kinda dremmel attachment did you use to do the work on the slide release and the pin on the other side? I keep wanting to do some work on mine but I've been too busy lately to mess with it.

11-14-2010, 03:43 PM
You can use stones or sand paper drums. Just remember to keep a light touch, and work up through the grits. Get the rough shape done, then you can hand shape and polish the rest. Takes all of twenty minutes to do, most of it is spent changing bits, and sand paper.

11-14-2010, 04:03 PM
what kinda dremmel attachment did you use to do the work on the slide release and the pin on the other side? I keep wanting to do some work on mine but I've been too busy lately to mess with it.

used those little dremel drum type sanders to work the slide release lever itself and also the same thing to reduce the right side pin sticking out so far. Not really a hard thing to do for at the worst one can merely just ruin his slide stop and then has to buy another one. about what jlottmc stated to. .

11-16-2010, 09:28 AM
You still have more guts than I do ..... guess I'm just not ready to commit my trusty little friend to my ever-wavering skills. Good job though, it does grow on you, and the magna port, slide lock lever and mag well cuts are all customizations I'd consider for mine.

11-16-2010, 09:31 AM
It's not only nice looking but functional too. I hit the slide lock from time to time with my thumb as many do even though many won't admit it, it's easy to do. Haven't hit it since I did mine. Cured that issue lickety split.

12-29-2010, 07:14 AM
Does porting the barrel void the warranty? I have a new PM40 and would probably get it done if the warranty stays in effect.

12-29-2010, 09:18 AM
I suspect it would if you had an issue directly related to the porting. such as possable a crack appearing where the port is etc. being that some gun companies port their guns even, I would not think it would effect warranty. I have never read of any company denying warranty work due to porting but again I don't see all that stuff either. I do know that magna port will not port any gun that they feel should not be ported, They won't port any 380's to my knowledge, I had ask them once about porting my Kahr P380 and they said no.

I also think most gun companies respect Magna ports work to.

02-06-2011, 11:52 AM

02-06-2011, 04:29 PM

I have a question or two. During your 25,000+ rounds how many parts have you had to change out? Also what SN range is your pistol? I have one in the VA(under 4000). I never sent the barrel back to Kahr ..... just been watching for any signs of peening.

I have lost track of how many rounds have been through it,but it has functioned flawlessly with everything I have fed it.

Mine is still box stock I have been afraid to mess with it since it seems to be near perfect for me.

I do have a set of Big Dot sights on a Glock G19 and don't think I would care for them on my little gun....they are fast but I'm not as accurate with them.

02-06-2011, 04:56 PM
two cracked magazine followers, only thing besides recoil springs I have had to change. There is virtually no wear anywhere on this PM9. It looks new. Actually I would think the big dots would be far better on the PM9 ovef the G19 as the G19 is just one hell of a great shooter out at 25 yards even were as I feel the PM9 is just a close up personal gun that is made for 10 yards and under and that is where the xs sights really come into paly. they ain't target sights, they are fast acquisition sights. I have dawson fiber optic adjustable sights on my G19 . but I love my xs on the PM9 for what it is designed for. Kahr peening issues are behind them. your VA is older than mine..

to top it off those two cracked magazine followers never gave an issue.I didn't even know they were cracke duntilI took my magazines down for periodic cleaning and then they fell apart..

High Altitude
03-01-2011, 09:59 AM
Now that is what I would call a POCKET ROCKET!!

Very nice pistol.

The Habernatho
03-11-2011, 11:45 AM
Looks like Kimber copied your PM9 for the Solo.

03-11-2011, 12:06 PM
thank you, for the compliment.It was a great gun before all that work,it just now more personal. In a basket of 1000 PM9.Icould find mine blindfolded.. and it did take away alittle more weight even, It loaded with corbon powerball weights 18 ounce+- n my wifes food scales.

03-13-2011, 10:58 AM
It's slick. I like it.
I really like the XS Big Dots too. To be honest, they are nowhere near as bright as TFO's (which aren't available for the PM9 anyway), but they are built for speed in up close, personal engagements, as you know. The ultimate defensive sight, for me, would be a TFO with a big white dot (like the XS) around it.

03-24-2011, 04:57 PM
Sweet gun Jocko!

Question about porting....Do you have the Kahr 4" ported barrel that they sell? or have you ever shot one? How does it compare to Magna Port?

03-24-2011, 05:03 PM
this is the factory barrel and the only barrel I have had. can't answer the last question..

03-25-2011, 07:02 PM
It's a nice piece. I love custom firearms.

03-25-2011, 07:41 PM
that little custom firearm put another 175 rounds out the barrel today without a hiccup. I did have a strange occurance with my pM9 today, Haven't had this happen since I had it. I HAD A SHOT GROUP OF 3 AT 7 YARDS THAT I COULD COVER WITH A HALF DOLLAR!!
I'm wondering if I should send it back for inspection?????

Pa Kahr
03-25-2011, 08:14 PM

03-25-2011, 08:16 PM
And I thought you'd get to 50,000 without a hiccup. I'd give Jay a call and ask for an RMA. PM sent. :cool:

03-25-2011, 08:38 PM
Unless you mean a dollar bill torn in half. But you could chalk it up to random misses all to the same area of the target. Maybe not enough caffeine or too much meds?

Anyway, I hope your accuracy problem clears up or becomes a habit. Just so you can sleep better at night.

04-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Some photos of my custom PM9 with 25K+ rounds.

Photo#1 Shows left side plus 360 degree stipple work and mag well cut outs plus Magna-Port slide and barrel.
Photo #2 Shows Right side with grip stippling and thumb pads plus trigger contour work done by Cylinder and Slide and Portng work by Magna-Port, kand a better view of my xs big dot sights..
Photo#3 Shows xs24/7 Big Dot Night sights plus heavy slide melt by accurate-iron and titanium/flake finish. Big dot sights photo did not show as goodas I wanted...
Photo #4 Shows slide lock lever reduction and 360 degree countour to lever, done by yours truly with help of my trusty dremel.
Photo#5 Shows right side slide lock pin, after shortening and countouring with dremel to be flush with right side of the grip. Lever still comes out easily.
Some work by cylinder and slide, Most work done by Accurate Iron. Mag well cut out and side lock lever done by owner.I had another photo of the front of the barrel counter bored by Magna-port but it did not come out well..

This is my 24/7 carry peace . I shoot it like I stole it, best defense gun i have ever owned. Most fun gun I have ever owned. I will say I do not shoot it as well as my G19 but it ain't the guns fault either..

thank you for the opportunity to show this gun on this great forum also.

You can click on the photos to enlarge and see far more. Thank you.


04-09-2011, 11:05 AM
Man! More than 30,000 rounds through that puppy. I've wondered what the service life of a Kahr might be, that's encouraging.


08-05-2012, 03:04 PM
Did you list the Action Job from C&S as the item to eliminate on your list because of the price or because you did not feel much difference in the action? I have read reports by some saying complete action jobs including total disasseble of pistol and hand stoning, fitting and polishing of all rubbing parts makes it much smoother and other that reported no difference. What did you notice price excluded?

08-05-2012, 05:44 PM
Jocko, I've often said that the only opinion that matters is your own opinion. Having said that, I think that the big dot sight covers too much of the target to allow for much accuracy. Of course if you can't see the standard sights they wouldn't be of much help either. As long as you can keep 'em all on a man's chest at 7 yds you should be ok. I practice point shooting myself and only use my sights when I want to impress someone. Lately the only one I've impress is myself. I see a gun as a tool. Your gun is a work of art.

deputy tom
11-18-2012, 06:38 AM
Words don't describe how much I like that pistol.tom.:cool:

11-18-2012, 07:51 AM
Did you list the Action Job from C&S as the item to eliminate on your list because of the price or because you did not feel much difference in the action? I have read reports by some saying complete action jobs including total disasseble of pistol and hand stoning, fitting and polishing of all rubbing parts makes it much smoother and other that reported no difference. What did you notice price excluded?

for me anyways, I would not pay any moneyt for C & S to do a job on a kahr. This hand stoning stuff is b.s. . kahrs actions are so so smooth that IMO they can't do any more for it. The thing that pissed me off with the work of C & s was thatI had towait 7 months togetit in there, had to pay a big down paymet up front and then wait 7 months to have it called for. Now I knew that in advance so that wasmy error to, not theirs. Then the work IMO was shoddy. When I got the gun back, IT WOULDNOT WORK. I called and they picked it up to see what happened, when I got it back the second time IT WOLDNOT WORK. I then sent it to kahr with the full C & S work order showing what they did and what I paid. Kahr put the gun back together correctly. It was not put back together correctly according to kahr. So that even reenforced my thoughs that C & S doesn't know kahrs. All of the slide meltingt, grip stippling was doneby accurate Iron, who does know kahrs, course the porting was done by magna port.:behindsofa:

I can only relate my issues with C & S. Probably they do great work, some guns will show the results of good work, I seriously think kahrs are so smooth of an action that anything they do to it, is not noticeable. Just sayin

11-18-2012, 07:53 AM
Words don't describe how much I like that pistol.tom.:cool:

for me and that is all that matters, I did it my way. I have no doubts what I have in the gun will never come ever close to recouping it back either but I don't intend to ever sell/trade the gun either, so the cost factor was a mute point. It ain't attrractive by some shooters standards but it is functional and it goes bang every time..:behindsofa:

01-03-2013, 12:05 AM
Accurate Iron comes up 404... any idea if he's still doing work?

01-03-2013, 06:16 AM
Accurate Iron comes up 404... any idea if he's still doing work?

he sure is. Mike cwyrus is the owner/cop and super guy. tell him bernie sent u. He is also a genius with glocks to. He did a super job onmy GH19.

01-03-2013, 06:21 AM

01-03-2013, 06:35 AM
Right "nasty" lookin' piece!:)

02-27-2013, 11:43 PM
I've seen you mention your PM9 quite a few a times in threads, but now I am finally seeing it! It's awesome! You've really made it your own. If I wasn't about to buy another Kahr, I'd be sending my barrel and slide to magna-port.

02-28-2013, 01:06 AM
It might not be purdy buy most standards BUT THE FOKKER IS ALL MINE TO.
U outta seen my first wife!!!!

02-28-2013, 03:21 AM
I read this entire thread, from start to finish, for the first time.

Predestyned seems to have vanished. Should we report this? ;)

08-15-2014, 06:00 PM
I also just read this entire thread for the first time...and loved it! Any have any current contact info for Accurate Iron??

08-15-2014, 09:24 PM
I enjoy looking over Jocko's PM9 ever time I see it. It is well done and a thing of beauty and function.

Speaking of Jocko, we ain't heard from him in some time, hope he's OK!

08-15-2014, 10:19 PM
It's summer time and the old goat is probably cruising around on his Harley, hopefully avoiding ice cream spills and slippery surfaces. Hope he don't get hit helping box turtles across the highway neither.

He was having some issues with the forum since the renovation too. If anyone is as computer challenged as me it's old jocko.

I do miss him though. Sort of like a bad rash after it's cured, you wake up one morning and it's gone and you go what the heck.

08-16-2014, 07:19 PM
It's not only nice looking but functional too. I hit the slide lock from time to time with my thumb as many do even though many won't admit it, it's easy to do. Haven't hit it since I did mine. Cured that issue lickety split.

I had that issue while using a Pachmyr grip sleeve. I shed the sleeve, and the issue as well.

08-16-2014, 11:20 PM
Jocko, that Mag-na-port on a PM9 is the most fascinating piece of work to me. What's it like to shoot? I mean what's the effect on the muzzle rise or jump? Slight, or a big difference?
Also, about the stippling, that must also make the little bugger more comfortable to shoot, no? Besides, as I realized after reading a ways through this thread, that rougher factory-original grip isn't nearly as friendly in your front pocket as the more subtle stippling, for sure...
P.S.: I've gone to the BIG DOT night sight system too, and my impression is the same, a bit simpler and quicker to acquire as a sight picture, especially in the dark, but maybe not quite as accurate in daylight...