View Full Version : no weak hand shootin for a few weeks

09-20-2011, 08:25 PM
Just got out of ER...

Stuck a nice inch long splinter thru the length of the pad of my index finger, and it just poked out from under the front of my nail. Of course it broke off just under the skin... so off to have it removed.

Now the shots wearin off and owwwwwie the throbbin. Didn't hurt as much when it happened.

!#!@#$@#$ and I didn't get to finish stainin the door I was working on either.

This is gonna take at least two weeks to heal... !#@!#@ was a good eighth inch fat most of the way too.

And... no gitfiddle playin either. I s'pose they'll have to wait to hear my cover of "Stand by your man"......

09-20-2011, 08:52 PM
Bummer! Here's hoping for a complete and reasonably painless recovery. :)

You made my finger hurt just thinking about it . . . not that I have ever done anything similar, of course. :rolleyes:

09-25-2011, 08:25 AM
Took a look at things now that the bandage is off. Three incisions to get the @#$@#$ thing out. One lengthwise, two crosscuts. I'd have been better off shooting a nail thru my finger.

On a brighter note, over to the Urgent Care place I remembered I had the PM45 in my front pocket. I was obviously "made", docs eyes left no doubt, cuz I got "that look" as I laid down on the table - backwards and upside down so he could get a clear reach on my finger.. Nobody said a thing.

09-25-2011, 08:32 AM
Sorry about your mishap. Hope it heals soon.

My doc has seen my gun several times and has never said a word about it. She did look like a deer in the headlights the first time though. :eek:

09-25-2011, 08:41 AM
Dang! That's painful to me just thinking WOODEN splinter! OWWW!

I hope it heals well and you can get back to normal shooting and other less important things.:rolleyes:

I have a dermatologist appointment tomorrow... new doctor... Spanish/Barthalonan(:)) and am going to take my briefcase-like bag for my P380 while I'm in the office. I usually carry a book and something to drink and eat for low-sugar while at the doctor or dentist, though I usually just wear my CCW at the dentist... have to disrobe at the dermatologist's. :eek:


09-25-2011, 08:45 AM
Sorry about your mishap. Hope it heals soon.

My doc has seen my gun several times and has never said a word about it. She did look like a deer in the headlights the first time though. :eek:

Yup, thats the look. That moment of hesitation. And the resolution that I was there for his help, not his wallet. @#$R@#$ he took MY wallet!!!