View Full Version : Should I carry one in the chamber?

09-21-2011, 01:47 PM
This should answer once and for all the age old question of whether to carry one in the chamber.


09-21-2011, 01:52 PM
There is no yes or no answer, each individual has their own reasons for carrying - and their own beliefs as to what is right for them.

Nevermind, note to self - watch the video first next time.

09-21-2011, 02:10 PM
I'm dieing here. I don't even have speakers but just watching and see the flash up words has me in tears. I love that guy. My shorts are moist too.

Fight the urge to run in fear of your own loaded gun. There's a message there someplace.

MW surveyor
09-21-2011, 02:21 PM
ROFLMAO - Condition Butterscotch! Couple of more steps in this one if you have a Kahr!

Make sure you line up the match marks and insert the pin.

May have to start with the threat at 150 yards.

09-21-2011, 02:32 PM
I've always carried one in the pipe and always will. I don't want to be racking the slide when I should be going Bang

09-21-2011, 02:57 PM
I wonder if u would need a ccw permit if u carried that way?????

09-21-2011, 02:59 PM
Oh My God, Operation Butterscotch. That is to funny.

09-21-2011, 03:04 PM
u know I wonder how much this has been discussed and then re-discussed and then put to bed for a week and out it pops again and again, on this forum and every forum I have even been on.
and every answer is exactly te same...

09-21-2011, 03:07 PM
There is no answer.......only the search.

Bill K
09-21-2011, 03:33 PM
Enjoyed the vid.

Touchy subject for me. Had I not had one in the chamber I would have probably wound up in Yale New Haven hospital and my assailant would have gotten to go home. Thankfully for me it was the other way around.

If you find you can't for whatever reason carry one in the chamber train, train, train, train [you get the picture] racking that slide to chamber a round and pray that you've got both hands free when it comes down OR better yet carry a revolver. I think carrying a revolver would make much more sense unless you could train like some Israeli Commando.

09-21-2011, 03:55 PM
Yep, one in the chamber (of a Kahr of course) or carry a revolver. Bought my kahr because of the long revolver like trigger.

09-22-2011, 09:32 AM
One reason I purchased a Kahr was the long trigger pull and the internal safety. I pocket pack in a holster that covers the entire trigger covered and my hand keys etc never goes into that pocket.

I must admit I felt very uncomfortable packing hot and to gain the confidence I carried for several days with the trigger ready for fire without a shell clambered and at the conclusion of the day I would dry fire in a safe manner.

I have carried enough now hot that I don't get stressed out.

09-22-2011, 10:02 AM
not sure today than any semi doesn'thave a drop safety built into it and a hammer/sriker block also. . even those that have an external safety like the one model PM9 it has all of the above also. IT IS ALL ABOUT LIABILITY TODAY MY FREIND.. U put out a gun today with no safety's features in it and u won't be in business to long.. Many otrher pocket guns have loooong triggers but mosty all are crappy as hell. nothig like kahrs that is for sure. I just don't think u can beat the smoothness of the kahr trigger system. Whether one likes the loooooonbg part or not is immaterail.

09-22-2011, 11:54 AM
With the Kahr trigger, I carry with one in the chamber all the time with complete peace of mind. Even with the 5 lb striker spring installed, there is just no risk of an AD while handling the gun. The Kahr gun is designed that way and I use it that way.

09-22-2011, 12:14 PM
one in the hole here.

09-22-2011, 12:25 PM
Always chambered here.

09-22-2011, 12:40 PM
Hint: Watch the video.

09-22-2011, 02:57 PM
Hint: Watch the video.

Good Point. I started this because I thought the video was clever, not to start a discussion about carry methods. That one has been talked to death everywhere, and I doubt that many minds will be changed. It's probably my fault because I should have chosen a better title.

09-22-2011, 07:24 PM
Yep, one in the chamber (of a Kahr of course) or carry a revolver. Bought my kahr because of the long revolver like trigger.
Amen +1+

I feel safe, perfectly safe, with a Kahr PM in my front pocket. I'd NEVER do that with a BLOCK

09-22-2011, 07:50 PM

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

09-22-2011, 08:31 PM

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

You done us proud Thunder, you fought the good fight. Some you just can't win. You wear a black hat by any chance?

09-23-2011, 04:09 AM

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

09-23-2011, 05:30 AM
IMO,The answer is and always will be if your not comfortable or experienced enough with pistols to carry having a round in the chamber, then please do not carry one in the chamber for your own safety and the safety of others around you. As you get more experienced with carrying your pistol and comfortable with knowing that as long as you keep your booger hook off the trigger and carried in a holster it will not go off by itself. Some people never get comfortable carrying with one in the chamber and it's a chance they take if they should ever need to use there gun in a hurry. It's sure a chance I'm not willing to take, but to each there own.

That video is riot.:D

09-23-2011, 06:14 AM
well said popeye , IMO even an unloaded gun but CLOSE to ready to go on a person is far better than NOTHING. As u stated and many others, we are giving most people ouir opinions and they should be taken as that. For u know what Melissa says about opinions??????

09-23-2011, 07:52 AM
As most of us know this topic has been beat to death many times over on gun sites. Sometimes we hear people more or less imply that a person is stupid if they do not carry one in the chamber. I think this is a dangerous/reckless thing to imply as the person asking the question is more than likely a nubbie to the gun world with little to no experience with hand guns.

My advice to someone who is having trouble getting comfortable with carrying hot, would be to drop the mag make sure the pistol is empty.(check three times) Rack the side so the hammer/stricker is cocked. If the pistols have safeties make sure they're in the on position. Carry it around your home all day as if it were loaded and check it at the end of each day to see if it dry fired. Do this for a period of time and they'll see that as long as they use proper gun handling the gun will not go off and they have nothing to worry about as long as they do there part. We all know or should know the best safety is between our ears.

09-23-2011, 07:59 AM
Hint: Watch the video.

LOL! I just watched the video. Duh! :9:

09-23-2011, 08:02 AM

09-23-2011, 09:24 AM
Very funny video!!!! I split a gut! :D

On the topic of one in the chamber or not.... If you are not comfortable carrying a gun with one in the chamber, perhaps, you should not carry a gun! ;) You need to have confidence in the gun you carry. Taking the time to rack the slide significantly increases the odds of you getting seriously hurt or killed.

I got into a "spirited" discussion with a guy who did not want to carry one in the barrel of his Kahr and suggested he should trade it in for a revolver which he deemed to be much more safe to carry with all chambers loaded. I tried to explain to him that a Kahr is a DAO gun and works on the same principle as a revolver. Conceptually, there is no difference. If you feel OK ccarrying a revolver with a full cylinder, then you should feel OK carrying a Kahr with one in the pipe.

I could not convince him. Oh well..... :D

09-23-2011, 10:14 AM
Hi WMD. I'm fairly new around here, but it looks like you have some friends around here. I feel the way that guy did about carrying a gun "cocked and locked." Take off the safety (or knock it off while drawing or something) and you are just a short, light SA trigger pull from discharge. The idea of that hammer sitting there fully cocked and ready to drop should put anyone on high alert. That guy might have been thinking that way, not realizing that the striker in the Kahr is only partly cocked and won't be fully cocked or able to strike until that long trigger is pulled.

09-23-2011, 01:50 PM
WMD; u can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

09-23-2011, 02:25 PM
WMD; u can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

Of course you can but lift his head a little bit, he seems to be sucking mud.

09-23-2011, 02:32 PM

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

Me too! It seems that no one reads my posts. This could go on forever and never have a resolution. IT WAS ALWAYS AND ONLY ABOUT THE VIDEO - NOTHING ELSE. I just thought it was funny. I have no issues about my carry condition. Oh well, I'll know better the next time.

09-23-2011, 02:51 PM
Me too! It seems that no one reads my posts. This could go on forever and never have a resolution. IT WAS ALWAYS AND ONLY ABOUT THE VIDEO - NOTHING ELSE. I just thought it was funny. I have no issues about my carry condition. Oh well, I'll know better the next time.

Hold your head up buddy, you done good. It was a killer funny video and the whole thread makes a ton more sense if you watch it before commenting.

I had a carry condition once but after awhile it just went away, I didn't have to have an operation or anything. Sometimes mother nature is your friend, sometimes not.

After watching though I'm much more confident, I starting carrying today with the slide already on the gun. I'll do some drills this weekend and maybe get comfy with bullets in the bullet holder thingy you stick in the gun, we're talking scary stuff now Toto.

I think I'll call it condition chartreuse, or green light.

09-23-2011, 02:57 PM
To think I used to only carry with rubber bands in my pocket... I miss my bubble.

09-23-2011, 03:17 PM
Hold your head up buddy, you done good. It was a killer funny video and the whole thread makes a ton more sense if you watch it before commenting.

I had a carry condition once but after awhile it just went away, I didn't have to have an operation or anything. Sometimes mother nature is your friend, sometimes not.

After watching though I'm much more confident, I starting carrying today with the slide already on the gun. I'll do some drills this weekend and maybe get comfy with bullets in the bullet holder thingy you stick in the gun, we're talking scary stuff now Toto.

I think I'll call it condition chartreuse, or green light.

For my next trick, I think I'll start a caliber war. Those are always fun.

Anyway, note to everyone - smoke em if you got em, to each his own, everybody loves a lover, whatever!!!

09-23-2011, 03:27 PM
.22, it's all about shot placement and follow up shots.

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

09-23-2011, 03:27 PM
Hi WMD. I'm fairly new around here, but it looks like you have some friends around here. I feel the way that guy did about carrying a gun "cocked and locked." Take off the safety (or knock it off while drawing or something) and you are just a short, light SA trigger pull from discharge. The idea of that hammer sitting there fully cocked and ready to drop should put anyone on high alert. That guy might have been thinking that way, not realizing that the striker in the Kahr is only partly cocked and won't be fully cocked or able to strike until that long trigger is pulled.

I hear ya! I tried to explain it to him but he just didn't get it. Oh well.... As a result, Someone bought a nice used PM9 from him. His loss! (Do not get me wrong, I do like my wheelguns as well!;))

09-23-2011, 03:28 PM
WMD; u can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

That is so true!!!!!

09-23-2011, 03:30 PM
Me too! It seems that no one reads my posts. This could go on forever and never have a resolution. IT WAS ALWAYS AND ONLY ABOUT THE VIDEO - NOTHING ELSE. I just thought it was funny. I have no issues about my carry condition. Oh well, I'll know better the next time.

Come on O'Dell....., you know you just started this to get everybody riled up about carrying one in the pipe! Admit it! This whole thing was a set up! :D

Longitude Zero
09-23-2011, 03:51 PM
If you do not carry one in the pipe please commit suicide as you are not worthy of living!!!

09-23-2011, 04:16 PM
Man I've never cried so much from laughter LOL

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

09-23-2011, 04:21 PM
.22, it's all about shot placement and follow up shots.

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

So true but I hate to take chances, I think I'm gonna man up and try a 25 if I can handle the atrocious recoil. I kind of like it, I can carry about 100 bullets in the same size and weight as 6 45's. More is better, shot placement is everything.

If it bucks too much I'll definitely go back to 22 or maybe even 17.

09-23-2011, 04:34 PM
Come on O'Dell....., you know you just started this to get everybody riled up about carrying one in the pipe! Admit it! This whole thing was a set up! :D

Okay, here goes. A carry gun is useless unless it's cal starts with 4, I hate revolvers, there hasn't been a decent song written since 1964, I hate dogs, in it's day, the P-38 was the greatest fighter plane ever, the 1968 GTO was the last great car, I refuse to shoot an animal even a dog, a person, maybe, the smart phone is the silliest invention ever, the last great movie was made in 1966, and last but not least, Obama is the greatest president in my lifetime.

BTW, I need some help. Since it's my most accurate gun, one inch groups at 25 yards, I have decided to start carrying my 45 carbine. So if anyone knows a good IWB holster, let me know. Keep in mind it's 32 inches long, weighs 7 pounds empty, and I'm considering a 50 round drum mag.

09-23-2011, 05:23 PM
ur a ery sick man O';dell not much help for u. Glad to see another person that loves the GREAT ONE. I love dogs, no more killing of animals for this ol timer either. been there done that, just can't do it anymore. By the way THE GREAT ONE isw looking for some campaing organizersl, can I give him ur name to contact?????????

09-24-2011, 01:41 PM
I have chosen to not carry one in the chamber for the last 8 months since I aquired my CCW. Oh careful, your blood pressure is rising. You want to instruct me on what a fool I am for doing so. Let's see, I should commit suicide, I'm not worthy of living, I should get more confidence in my gun, I should let you guys pressure me into doing something I've carefully considered and chosen not to do at this time, I should forget about carrying semi automatics and go with a revolver, in fact I should reconsider carrying at all because if I don't carry with one in the chamber not only am I endangering myself but those around me as well. I must not really understand the built in safety mechanisms in Kahr pistols. You've led me to the holy water but I just won't drink, in fact it's koolaid I'm drinking while sucking the mud. In fact, because I don't carry one in the chamber, I am an embarrassment to the gun carrying community and should immediately eat Tiger ***** soup and take extra testosterone pills to come back into chambered compliance. OK guys, I'll start my therapy. I'm planning a gunsite 250 course in the spring. I'll also figure out a way to not have the gun flip up and point at me while holstered when I'm on the can. I'll also figure out how to not drop the weapon when I attempt to holster it. Until then, I am your greatest disappointment. But until then you'll have to live with that and turn your "one in the chamber" wrath onto someone with a little weaker personality.

09-24-2011, 01:52 PM
Oh my I think a buttons been pushed. Did you happen to watch the video my new best friend?

If not, go back and watch it. Its a joke son. On the off chance that you give the slightest damn about my opinion I'm perfectly fine with you walking around with an empty chamber. I'm completely filled with joy.

If your preferred weapon is a 380 with an empty chamber even better yet.

Gotta go my tiger *******soup is getting cold.

We don't put people down or chastise them because they prefer not to do what most here think is right. It don't happen, it won't happen so do what you want.

If the gunsite class is a real plan and not a joke, let us know how that goes. Many might have an interest is that and benefit from your experience.

09-24-2011, 02:09 PM
Sorry Bawanna, didn't mean to upset you. Thought the video was boring after first 2 minutes and shut it off.

09-24-2011, 02:15 PM
.22, it's all about shot placement and follow up shots.

Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.

Forget 22,I think I will just be safe and go with airsoft.
O'Dell: Funny post, been laughing thru it all.

09-24-2011, 02:40 PM
After thinking some more about what bugs me about the whole "you're worthless unless you carry one in the chamber" schtick is that one of our brothers out there may be compelled to go with condition one motivated by this ego thing involved with it instead of when he is ready. I know the community has no mal intent with the "one in the chamber" advice, but you have to know that some do things to be part of the boys club before they are ready. Someone will. I think most know that one in the chamber provides a more ready condition but some may not realize the added risk (don't kid yourself) of an unintended discharge. Anyone who has started carrying knows that there is a learning curve to the system and sometimes, as careful as we are, stupid things happen like dropping the weapon etc (yes I am aware of the safeties involved with a dropped weapon). You want to educate your brothers about the benefits of one in the chamber, do it. It is much appreciated. But leave out the insults, ego etc that may get someone killed.

09-24-2011, 03:50 PM
Has anyone here done any of those things insults, ego, etc. I'm not upset at all, you sound upset.

Did you get mixed up and think your on that Gtalk forum. I hear thats the place to be if you have an ego.

I'm not sparing with you in the least, I'm trying to find out where your coming from here. I haven't seen any conversation where anyone was putting you down for not carrying round in the chamber. Nothing at all.

Tell me if I'm missing something. We don't do the ego attitude, put people down thing here. It's live and let live in these parts.

I fwiw often carry a new gun empty around the house for several days before I ever load the thing at all, just a familiarization period, don't mean a thing to nobody but me.

It's all really really good if you let it be.

09-24-2011, 04:17 PM
Has anyone here done any of those things insults, ego, etc. I'm not upset at all, you sound upset.

Did you get mixed up and think your on that Gtalk forum. I hear thats the place to be if you have an ego.

I'm not sparing with you in the least, I'm trying to find out where your coming from here. I haven't seen any conversation where anyone was putting you down for not carrying round in the chamber. Nothing at all.

Tell me if I'm missing something. We don't do the ego attitude, put people down thing here. It's live and let live in these parts.

I fwiw often carry a new gun empty around the house for several days before I ever load the thing at all, just a familiarization period, don't mean a thing to nobody but me.

It's all really really good if you let it be.

Bawanna, I've got to know - what the heck is fwiw?

09-24-2011, 04:21 PM
for what its worth, I believe

09-24-2011, 04:25 PM
for what its worth, I believe

aaah, that makes more sense than most of the posts on this thread.

09-24-2011, 04:45 PM
So true but I hate to take chances, I think I'm gonna man up and try a 25 if I can handle the atrocious recoil. I kind of like it, I can carry about 100 bullets in the same size and weight as 6 45's. More is better, shot placement is everything.

If it bucks too much I'll definitely go back to 22 or maybe even 17.
Those .17 Mach 2s I shoot in my Kimber Target are really cool. They are very pointy, even compared to a .22LR. That's gotta hurt.

09-24-2011, 05:21 PM
We don't put people down or chastise them because they prefer not to do what most here think is right. It don't happen, it won't happen so do what you want.

Truer words were never spoken. I hope what I said was not taken out of context in reguards to Kahr Talk and it's members. This is one of the few sites where members are more respectful of each other and especially new members with questions.

09-24-2011, 05:55 PM
for what its worth, I believe

Give the man a cupie doll, thats one of the few abbreviated sentences I remember. I was trying to impress, apparently not very successfully.

09-25-2011, 12:35 PM
Thought this would be interesting: http://www.news10.net/news/article/156062/2/Flying-bullets-not-only-on-the-big-screen

09-25-2011, 04:24 PM
Sounds like he didn't have it in a holster properly, if at all. What's the saying? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.;)