View Full Version : PM9 will not release the slide
09-22-2011, 01:59 PM
I just bought a PM9 from some individual a month ago and I did strip it down to 4 pieces (frame, slide, barrel, guide rod) to inspect it. Everything looked good so I put the parts back together. Yesterday, I tried to strip it again but this time, I could not get the pin release open for the slide to come off.
I use finger, screw driver to push that pin out but it did not buzz.
Was it something wrong when I put it back the last time?
I'm fairly new to Kahr and it was the first time I stripped down and put back a Kahr.
Your help is appreciated.
09-22-2011, 02:24 PM
Here is what I think u did wrongt, I think you got the take down pin in front of the barrel lug kand it seems locked up. Here is what I would recomment. get a wooden dowel or gbrass punch. On the right side where that pin is sticking out, give that dowel now restingon that take down pin a good rap with a hammer. and that pin will probab;ly pop loose. I am doubting if u can also rack the slide either, which if so indicates what I just6 stated. Ur not the first to do it. Have u noticed on the left side by the front portion of the slide and also at thefront portion of the pol;ymer grip a very small what looks like a nick???Line the nick on the slide up with the nick onthe polmer front portion and then you will never have any issues. Smallt o see but theya re there.
09-22-2011, 04:22 PM
Jocko, does the slide release lever have a backside inside the slide. Wow that's hard to write let alone follow.... I'm talking about the piece inside the frame that comes up to actually hold the slide open. If he doesn't have the notch on the slide lined up, how will the pin budge?
09-22-2011, 05:13 PM
Yes, you definitely need to line up the witness marks to ensure that slide lock will have room to exit the slide.
Check out the Kahr take down video. They line up the marks and use a small hammer to get the slide lock out! :eek:
Edited to add: Here is the link to the take down videos
09-22-2011, 05:27 PM
I see ur point and yes that half moon has to line up with the part of th sslide lock lever actually inside the frame, so therefore that slide MUST move backward at least a 1/2" TO line up in order for that pin to be knocked out. The slide even with the pin in front of the barrel lug, should move backwards a tad, as he had to have it at one time in that position to insert the pin. Now also I am not sure this is what is happening either.
He has not answered back to any of my questions, so at this timer I don't know alot either.
09-22-2011, 06:32 PM
This has come up before but I don't remember the fix. It does seem that working the trigger as effort is made to lock back the slide would make it all happen. Thinking is the Kocking lugs are hanging up the slide. Otherwise, I would try taping the front of the slide with hammer and wood dowel, if it moves back some try the trigger thing again, repeat as necessary.
09-22-2011, 06:52 PM
well for damn sure until he tells us more, I at least am not sure if the pin is in front of the lug or if the something in the rear of the slide, like the cocking cam is interferring with the action. If he can't line up that two witness marks, then no hammer will remove the pin as u so well stated... He seems to have dissappeared since his post..:popcorn:
09-22-2011, 10:17 PM
In my best Arnold voice.... "He will be back!" At least I hope so, I'm really curious now.
09-24-2011, 12:19 PM
Wasn't there another thread a month or so back which included an alternative to whacking it with a hammer? I think it involved removing a back plate and reaching into the slide with a paper clip hook to pull the trigger cam or something?
09-24-2011, 03:53 PM
Yeah, that sounds more like what I was trying to remember. If I recall right, after all the hit it harder stuff, he stuck a hook in there and it slid right off. May need to add that to our hot tips section.
09-24-2011, 04:04 PM
Here's the thread start:
...and here is GB's post with the fix:
Now if the OP ever comes back, we'll be prepared.
09-24-2011, 04:07 PM
Note: CJB suggested the fix first. GB documented it with pictures.
Also, the OP of this thread may be interested in seeing the results of that other guy's issue:
09-24-2011, 05:51 PM
You guys are great! I surely hope he sees this thread. :cheer2:
09-24-2011, 07:13 PM
...and here is GB's post with the fix:
Scoundrel, how did you do that single post display?
EDIT: I figured it out myself! You click on the post number in the upper right.
09-25-2011, 07:54 AM
You guys are great help.
Sorry for the late update/reply. I just got my car stolen on Friday :(
Anyway, I finally got the slide open. I oiled it real good and put everything back.
Another wierd thing happened.
The slide did not want to go back to the frame. (Anyone has any idea why?)
I had to spend about a good 5 min to "jack around" with it and it finally went in.
My weekend trip to the ranch is cancelled and I have not had chance to fire this PM9 yet. Hopefully I don't have any issue at the ranch.
Again, thanks a lot for all your help.
09-25-2011, 08:30 AM
Have you watched the Take Down Video at
It's very helpful. The slide should go on easily, just don't try to bang it on... lightly work the trigger and the impediments will get out of the way. Be careful and get the slide lock pin started into the hole and into the hole in the lug under the barrel, then start the final push of the slide lock pin with the actuator part at the lowest spot of the hole to let the free end of the spring ride up and into the "ledge" so it can keep the lever down until the empty magazine follower pushes it up to lock the slide back.
A good test for this is without a magazine, hold the slide at the position that is necessary for the slide lock to slide up and engage the notch on the slide, but just test that the slide lock lever springs back down... showing that the spring is engaged in the "actuator ledge" and holding the lever down until the magazine follower rises and pushes the lever up for slide lock on empty magazine.
09-25-2011, 08:48 PM
Well, I tried again today with two other friends (one with CM9 and one with PM9).
I do not have problem take down and put back with the other two.
My PM9 still gives me the hesitation to push out the pin to take the slide off and also little problem to put the slide back in. I have not had much time to dig it down (we have kids running around the house). My friends have no clue why mine does that. They suggest me send it back to Kahr but I refuse to do that. I would like to find the problem myself :D
09-25-2011, 08:54 PM
That sounds like the slide lock retention spring is too tight. I just saw another thread a week or so ago with a spring that was too loose. The guy removed the spring, tweaked it a bit with pliers, and put it back on. Yours probably needs to be tweaked the other direction. I suspect someone with more experience with this than me can give you a better explanation.
09-25-2011, 09:23 PM
The little spring behind the slide lock on all three of my Kahr .40 cal pistols was tight as hdqq at first, but loosened up nicely after a couple hundred rounds. It is now very easy to remove the slide lock.
You could bend it, but I would just shoot it. I think you will like the results. :)
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