View Full Version : First range trip CW9

09-22-2011, 07:50 PM
Ok cleaned the new CW9 then took it for first trip to range. 100 rounds no malfunctions. A pleasure to shoot. Then back home clean and lube.

09-22-2011, 08:31 PM
Sounds like you're on track to have a great CCW. I've had a CW9 for several years now, and it's never missed a beat.

09-22-2011, 08:33 PM
Glad you had a good range trip with your CW9. Hope it continues to perform flawlessly.

09-22-2011, 09:38 PM
Mine is a few mo's old with about 350 rounds and gets better each time I shoot it. I had a few hiccups first time out but have 2 flawless range trips after that. Great gun and fun to shoot for such a small gun. The people here are great and have really helped me make the most out of my range time.

09-23-2011, 03:11 PM
Put 130 rounds through it today with another nice clean and lube job afterwards. Flawless performance. I'm not accurate with it yet. I think I'm having issue with the extremely long trigger. I'm used to a short 2 lb pull on my goldcup and a somewhat shorter pull on my XD. Is it possible the sight is off right out of the box. Anybody here use a bore sight at all.

09-23-2011, 04:05 PM
If the sight looks like its centered up on the slide it's probably ok.

If your right handed and your shooting low and left, your probably normal and just getting use to the trigger.

mr surveyor
09-23-2011, 05:35 PM
Bench rest with sandbags or other steady rest under your wrists and test the sights at 7-10 yards. slow steady press on the trigger with a solid rest should prove the accuracy of the sights,

It took me fewer rounds to adjust to the CW9 than many folks as I had been shooting kel tecs for 5-6 years prior, as well as da/sa revolvers. I do understand the difficulty of going from a nice, clean break 1911 trigger to the long press of a DA pistol. My Kimber trigger breaks at about 2.5 lbs and Sig at less than 4 lbs (in SA). It took a lot of adjustment for me to shoot the kel-tecs, then when the CW9 came to me a couple of years ago I was already adjusted to that trigger style, and the smoooooth trigger of the Kahr was a dream come true.

Prove the sights first before you start beating them with a punch:). If the sights proof out, you will adjust to the platform.


Bill K
09-23-2011, 06:18 PM
Ok cleaned the new CW9 then took it for first trip to range. 100 rounds no malfunctions. A pleasure to shoot. Then back home clean and lube.

Sounds like you got a good one. That's great!

09-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Well i was extremely frustrated today because I know I'm a better shooter than that I couldn't figure it out but I am still having trouble with the trigger pull I think I
Overthinking it. I find myself saying in my head okay any minute noe it's gonna fire okay okay oops there it was.

mr surveyor
09-24-2011, 11:28 AM
if you can prove POI=POA from the bench, and you're still not on the mark, you just need more trigger time to build up the muscle memory for that platform.

Lots of dry fire in an exercise such as the "wall drill" is cheap and effective.

09-24-2011, 12:31 PM
What's the wall drill?

mr surveyor
09-24-2011, 03:10 PM
wall drill basics (the way I learned)

determine whether or not rour firearm needs snap caps in order to dry fire... some do, although most modern centerfire handguns do not.

if you're not loading a snap cap for the drill, make sure the gun is unloaded, then check again.

for the drill, you can be seated, standing, laying down, or hanging by your ankles - doesn't matter.

fix a small (thumb tack sized) target to a wall, post, tree or any other surface that youo can effectively point the handgun at from a distance of 6 to 8 inches while in your desired shooting position. If standing, take youor best, most stable shooting stance (establish your best shooting posture for all other positions as well), and point the target..... press the trigger all the way through the break and watch for any movement, including after the trigger break.

do this over and over and you will improve trigger control with any handgun you can efficiently handle.

09-24-2011, 03:19 PM

mr surveyor
09-24-2011, 06:06 PM
you're welcome. I hope you can find some use for it.

the wall drill won't help avoid recoil anticipation problems, but it will certainly help develop the muscle memory you need for a given trigger style.

given the various platforms you have listed in your sig line, you have quite a few different trigger style/handgun platforms to work with. I don't know if you carry routinely (I'm betting you do though), you know how difficult it can be to flip your mental switch to a different platform/handgun if you change your daily carry. It's just not a good idea to spend all your range budget shooting the 1911 if you carry the snubbie every day. Either finish the range trip with a load or two in the daily carry, or do the wall drill (or equivalent) afterwards to re-align your muscle memory to the daily carry.

just my opinions


09-24-2011, 07:09 PM
Thanks much.