View Full Version : CCW Permit holders - Internet Warning!

09-22-2011, 08:28 PM
This anecdote is making the Internet rounds...

"Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners...Thanks.

From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer:

I had a doctor’s appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out
something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going
through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions:

1. Did I feel stressed?
2. Did I feel threatened?
3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?

The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the
questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to
Homeland Security. Looks like they are going after the vets first.

Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then
when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have?
Be forewarned and be aware!

The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner veteran or not, you've been warned.

If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them.
Be very cautious about what you say and to whom."

09-22-2011, 11:59 PM
This anecdote is making the Internet rounds...

"Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners...Thanks.

From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer:

I had a doctor’s appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out
something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going
through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions:

1. Did I feel stressed?
2. Did I feel threatened?
3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?

The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the
questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to
Homeland Security. Looks like they are going after the vets first.

Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then
when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have?
Be forewarned and be aware!

The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner veteran or not, you've been warned.

If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them.
Be very cautious about what you say and to whom."Sorry to bust the bubble. This is no anecdote, it's an internet hoax and was already run up the flagpole here about three weeks ago.

09-23-2011, 02:53 AM
Sorry to bust the bubble. This is no anecdote, it's an internet hoax and was already run up the flagpole here about three weeks ago.

Rainman48314 -

I appreciate the correction.


09-25-2011, 09:15 PM
To add a little: the story about Obama considering veterans and gun owners "potential terrorists" (normally "Bible believing Christians" gets lumped in here too) is all based on a really twisted interpretation of a domestic terrorism threat assessment released just a few short weeks after Obama took office (which means it was largely drafted under the Bush administration). The assessment mentions that some pretty right wing, radical groups that are claiming authority from the Bible, are targeting veterans for membership, seeking to exploit any dissatisfaction with the US government the veterans might have, and taking advantage of their military training and weapons proficiency.

From that, certain conservative pundits spun the yarn that Obama has declared Bible-believing veterans as potential terrorists.

Disclosure: I am a retired Soldier, gun owner, and working on my Masters Degree in Christian Ministry. I'm not a supporter of the Obama administration, but I oppose misinformation in all its forms, particularly when it starts as a deliberate effort to mislead the public and rouse emotions. And while researching this misinformation, I did a little research on the groups mentioned-- I would submit to you that they're not Christians; in fact, one of the primary reasons I own firearms is to defend myself against nuts like them.

10-09-2011, 09:46 PM
I heard a lot about if you're a CHL holder and involve in a shooting, you will be drilled very deep by the prosecutors / or trial lawyers because you hold a lot more responsibilities when you have a CHL.
How true is this statement?

I also see some lawyers advertising about the "annual $99 fee" that they will defend you if you ever involve in a shooting?
Anyone uses this service and how good/reliable they are?
FYI, pre-paid legal is a rip-off service.

10-10-2011, 02:23 AM
I heard a lot about if you're a CHL holder and involve in a shooting, you will be drilled very deep by the prosecutors / or trial lawyers because you hold a lot more responsibilities when you have a CHL.
How true is this statement?

I also see some lawyers advertising about the "annual $99 fee" that they will defend you if you ever involve in a shooting?
Anyone uses this service and how good/reliable they are?
FYI, pre-paid legal is a rip-off service.Perhaps your question is asked 'tongue in cheek'. Perhaps not, therefore a question back to you.
Where did you "hear" this?

Bill K
10-10-2011, 07:23 AM
I heard a lot about if you're a CHL holder and involve in a shooting, you will be drilled very deep by the prosecutors / or trial lawyers because you hold a lot more responsibilities when you have a CHL.
How true is this statement?

I would have to say not very true. My reasoning is that most (certainly not all) CHL holders involved in a shooting will be found justified in using their firearm and will never go to trial.

10-10-2011, 07:26 AM
Perhaps your question is asked 'tongue in cheek'. Perhaps not, therefore a question back to you.
Where did you "hear" this?
From a LEO friend.

What about the "annual $99 fee" for those lawyers to defend you in case you involve in a shooting?

10-10-2011, 10:16 AM
I hate to break the news to you rainman, but my Doctor just asked me those questions on my last visit. And said it was from Obama care.

Bill K
10-10-2011, 10:47 AM
I did a keyword search of the latest PDF I could find of H.R. 3200. I found 0 occurrences of the word "stressed", 1 occurrence of the word "threatened" on page 183 and 19 occurrences of the word "harm". None of the word hits were in the context of those three questions! Could someone please tell me where in H.R. 3200 those questions appear even if worded differently?


10-10-2011, 11:17 AM
Bill, when a new bill is voted in, the bureaucracies start creating loads of rules to implement the new laws. That may be where such things are coming from. Not the original bill.

Bill K
10-10-2011, 12:14 PM
Bill, when a new bill is voted in, the bureaucracies start creating loads of rules to implement the new laws. That may be where such things are coming from. Not the original bill.

Wow! What a country... I think I heard that ~3K laws and statutes come out of the federal govt. each year and virtually none are repealed (or whatever the term is for rescinding a law and/or statute). Really, how can any person, business, company, police department, etc., etc. go through life without violating some law or statute without even knowing?

10-10-2011, 03:02 PM
I hate to break the news to you rainman, but my Doctor just asked me those questions on my last visit. And said it was from Obama care.I just had my annual physical on August 23rd 2011. No questions! Could it be a political agenda on the doctor's part? If it is a new mandate, is it, perhaps, only for those on Medicare?


10-10-2011, 03:04 PM
I heard a lot about if you're a CHL holder and involve in a shooting, you will be drilled very deep by the prosecutors / or trial lawyers because you hold a lot more responsibilities when you have a CHL.
How true is this statement?

I also see some lawyers advertising about the "annual $99 fee" that they will defend you if you ever involve in a shooting?
Anyone uses this service and how good/reliable they are?
FYI, pre-paid legal is a rip-off service.
I haven't seen any $99 ads from criminal lawyers.

10-10-2011, 05:52 PM
Hey, when the doctor asks those 3 questions, lie if you have to. Problem solved.

Bill K
10-10-2011, 06:09 PM
I just had my annual physical on August 23rd 2011. No questions! Could it be a political agenda on the doctor's part? If it is a new mandate, is it, perhaps, only for those on Medicare?


Nope. On Medicare and recently had major surgery (Aug. 9th) and physical with my PCP about to weeks ago. No such questions were by asked by any of the 3-4 Docs I've come in contact with over the past several months.

10-10-2011, 07:00 PM
It could be a medicare thing. They've asked me those questions 3 times now, twice on office visits, and once through their website's email program.

10-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Years ago while living in New York, Doctors were required to ask their patients if they had "any guns in the house."
My surgeon asked told me of this requirement and then said "If you own a gun, practice with it and use it wisely."
I miss that doctor. :D

New York has chased many of us to a better life in other states. I love Indy.

10-11-2011, 12:23 PM
Hey, KahrLover! I just noticed you comment. :eek:

Can you back that up with any details? Thanks!
Just google with "prepaid legal scam" and you will see a lot of examples :)

Anyway, it's off-topic

10-11-2011, 12:32 PM
screw um, lie. I think I would have to ask my doctor if he ever had sex with a dog???

10-11-2011, 04:09 PM
I did a keyword search of the latest PDF I could find of H.R. 3200. I found 0 occurrences of the word "stressed", 1 occurrence of the word "threatened" on page 183 and 19 occurrences of the word "harm". None of the word hits were in the context of those three questions! Could someone please tell me where in H.R. 3200 those questions appear even if worded differently?

Thanks...Until I involuntarily retired last August, I was an Exec. with a major health insurance company. We had many a briefing re "ObamaCare". Our agent partners and independent consultants shared the legal dept. synopsis from other companies with us. NOT A SINGLE reference to any mandatory questioning of patients. In my 35 years as either an Insur. Company employee or as a HC Consultant, never once has this come up. My experience also included Medicare Advantage products.

Four things come to mind. (1) The doctor has a political agenda and is twisting something or outright making it up (2) this is a very, very new item coming from VA and only for vets covered by VA plans. (3) The Doctor's lawyer suggested it for liability reasons and helped make up a story to cover his real intent. (3) a State requirement for a malpractice coverage risk pool.

Tom, do you have dual coverage with Champus, TriCare or a VA plan?

10-12-2011, 11:18 PM
screw um, lie. I think I would have to ask my doctor if he ever had sex with a dog???

Just before your prostate exam??
