View Full Version : Operation Successful

09-23-2011, 11:14 AM
Hi All,

I received my front night sight for my CM9 from Kahr this morning. I must say that I'm soooo happy I changed it out, considering how easy it was to snap off the stock sight. Anyway, this installation was easy. I used brake cleaner to clean the top, holes, and underside of the slide. I also used it to clean the bottom of the sight, the threaded hole, and the screw. Plus used it to remove the ugly lettering on the top of the night sight. I used the red Loctite and put a drop on the bottom of the sight, the threaded hole, and the screw. I had one tiny issue. During the dry fit I noticed the sight was not 100% flush with the slide. Upon close inspection, I saw a small burr or such on the top side of the slide that must have been created when the holes in the slide were originally cut. The sight was not raised that much. I couldn't slide a piece of paper in there. But, I saw light. I used my Dremel with a cone shaped fine stone to smooth out the holes. Next dry fit, no light. 100% flush. I installed the sight in the above described manner. Now to wait 24 hours for the loctite to dry and go shooting!! Thanks to everyone for your tips and suggestions. You aided in my decision to change out the sight and added to my success of the switch.


09-23-2011, 11:32 AM
Very good, Mark. Congrats! It's always a good idea to check the mating surfaces for anything like that... much easier before than after.


Bill K
09-23-2011, 12:17 PM
Way to go! Nice rebound from that not flush issue. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRavjFxYXiftn_W9m3Dn_KrYyNk-tnIQ6RXy7Yz4Y7icv-einnP

09-23-2011, 12:38 PM
Glad it worked out well, Mark.