View Full Version : Hello...New guy here!!

slick slidestop
09-23-2011, 08:37 PM
Just introducing myself.

Just ordered a PM9 9094. should be here in a couple of days. :D
This will be my first Kahr.

I also own Glock 27, Glock 30, Walther PPk(interarms), Ruger LCP, Ruger MK II KMK512,Bushmaster Ar15, numerous deer rifles, shotguns and 22 rifles.

Hope to learn a lot from you guys and maybe I can share some of my experiences with you also.

09-23-2011, 09:11 PM

Bawanna will be along any minute now to teach you the secret hand shake and Jocko will not be far behind to remind you about the lube chart and preparation guide in the technical area.

09-23-2011, 09:16 PM
Welcom Slick SlideStop! You're gonna lover you new Kahr and what a stable for it to join. Don't know if you've seen it or not but be sure to peruse the Kahr Tech forum for the New Kahr Prep and Lube chart.

As for shooting the Kahr, it's a bit different than some being very short coupled. It's sensitive to the grip and doesn't like weak. Also it comes with gobs of grease and needs a thourough scrun before ever shooting as per the prep thread.

Be sure to run it wet and slick up lube point 6 well as that's a major drag area during break-in. I polished mine nice and shiny and lube it well still.

Gotta ask you about your handle. I like it and can't help but chuckle think it's a great name for a porn star. PLEASE don't be offended!!!! I don't intend any disrespect and kinda wish I had thought of it myself. Kinda takes me back to the 60's. :)

Again, welcome!

09-23-2011, 09:38 PM
welcome, i don't have a pm9 but if you enjoy yours half as much as i do my cm9 you are in for a real treat.

09-23-2011, 10:30 PM
Welcome from a relatively new newbie to Kahr...:)

09-23-2011, 10:43 PM
Welcome. Read the stickies, prep accordingly, shoot it much, and enjoy the Kahr experience.

slick slidestop
09-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Gotta ask you about your handle. I like it and can't help but chuckle think it's a great name for a porn star. PLEASE don't be offended!!!! I don't intend any disrespect and kinda wish I had thought of it myself. Kinda takes me back to the 60's. :)

Again, welcome!

Well, actually I am a porn star:D

No just kidding and no offense taken. I just came up with it when I joined my first Gun forum. I figured it was gun related and use that name most of the gun boards I belong to.

I have read the prep guide in the tech forum and will follow the advice for sure. I did some of the things mentioned(initial cleaning,racking slide,polishing feed ramp etc) when I got my LCP and never had any hiccups with that pistol.

Thanks for the warm welcome!!

09-24-2011, 12:00 AM
Darn it. Got my hopes all wound up. We never had a porn star here before least ways that admitted it in front of all present.

Well welcome any how. I think you'll find us a cut above the usual every day gun forum.

09-24-2011, 12:47 AM
The best thing you can do while waiting is go to the Kahr-Tech section and find the take-down and assembly video(link below) for your type of pistol in the first Sticky, and watch that... very informative. Then there's the manual to read online or download the pdf file. There's lots of info and reviews, etc, on the Kahr site.


(The PM9 can be changed to whatever Kahr you have to get the closest video)

There's a product information video there, too.

Welcome aboard!:yo:


Bill K
09-24-2011, 07:24 AM

Best of luck with your new Kahr when it arrives.

I'll take you up on sharing experiences... Would you post as to what was behind your decision to get the PM9? I got the PM9 as a pocket pistol (works in ~80% of my pockets) to fit between my Kel-Tec P3AT (pocket) and Glock 26 (AIWB) n my carry system/rotation. My PM9 now gets the most carry, mostly pocket and occasional AIWB (Remora holster). Cooler weather will likely have me carrying the Glock more.

09-24-2011, 08:15 AM
welcome, looks like you have a great gun lineup! glad you made some room for a kahr pm9 all black in your collection.

slick slidestop
09-24-2011, 07:33 PM

Best of luck with your new Kahr when it arrives.

I'll take you up on sharing experiences... Would you post as to what was behind your decision to get the PM9? I got the PM9 as a pocket pistol (works in ~80% of my pockets) to fit between my Kel-Tec P3AT (pocket) and Glock 26 (AIWB) n my carry system/rotation. My PM9 now gets the most carry, mostly pocket and occasional AIWB (Remora holster). Cooler weather will likely have me carrying the Glock more.

I have had my CHL for about 15 years now. I carried the walther PpK for a while and decided it was a little big for a 380, heavy, and too purty to carry daily so I threw it in the safe, and got the glock 27....awesome gun but a little heavy and harder to conceal in the summer in Texas wearing shorts and t shirt. Bought an LCP with a Crimson Trace and love it for pocket carry but feel it is a borderline cartridge. Started looking at the Mini- 9's and almost bought the LC9 but it was a little larger than the Kahr, and I have read good things about the Kahr so I decided to give it a try....but the shorter answer to your question is I am a gun addict and eventually want one of everything:D.....there I said it!!!

09-24-2011, 07:54 PM
Just introducing myself.

Just ordered a PM9 9094. should be here in a couple of days. :D
This will be my first Kahr.

I also own Glock 27, Glock 30, Walther PPk(interarms), Ruger LCP, Ruger MK II KMK512,Bushmaster Ar15, numerous deer rifles, shotguns and 22 rifles.

Hope to learn a lot from you guys and maybe I can share some of my experiences with you also.

I'll add my WELCOME! to KahrTalk as well. There's lots of good information and a great group of folks here. BTW, where are you located on the Texas gulf coast? I'm in Corpus Christi.

09-24-2011, 08:00 PM
Welcome, Welcome! You won't find a better group of Kahr Krazies on the planet. These guys really know their stuff, and they'll help you get the most out of your new PM9. I'm going on my 4th week as a PM9 owner, recently finished the notorious "break-in" period, listened to the wisdom on this forum, and now I'm saving pennies to buy ammo and range visits just to shoot my Kahr. Enjoy the journey!!!

slick slidestop
09-24-2011, 09:55 PM
I'll add my WELCOME! to KahrTalk as well. There's lots of good information and a great group of folks here. BTW, where are you located on the Texas gulf coast? I'm in Corpus Christi.

As ZZ Top would say...."down at the Ballinese".....or what's left of it:(

09-25-2011, 01:00 AM
Welcome to the Kahr Talk Forums. There's real support here if you run into any issues. We also have a dedicated folder for holsters. Good info there on choices that may be new to you.

Oh, when you buy the Kimber Solo you must have, tell me how it does at the first range session.

09-25-2011, 08:48 PM
Welcome from New Mexico and you will love your new Kahr!

slick slidestop
09-30-2011, 09:18 PM
Oh, when you buy the Kimber Solo you must have, tell me how it does at the first range session.

Don't laugh, but I have been eyeballing them....bad initial press and availability issues have been the only deterrent....Told you I have the sickness :w00t:

slick slidestop
09-30-2011, 09:24 PM
Well, it looks like there has been a bit of a snafu...my buddy accidentally ordered the PM9 9093 instead of the 9094. It came in today. He offered to re-order the right one, but the more I looked at it the more I liked it and told him I'm gonna keep this one.
It will break up the trend of all the other Black guns I have.

Problem is, my wife is gonna notice the 2 tone gun real quick, I cant BS her with this one:D...Now I have to go and shoot it this weekend.

09-30-2011, 09:54 PM
An upside is that you can smooth surfaces and not mess up the black finish!

Welcome aboard the Kahr Social Club.


09-30-2011, 10:10 PM
Well, it looks like there has been a bit of a snafu...my buddy accidentally ordered the PM9 9093 instead of the 9094. It came in today. He offered to re-order the right one, but the more I looked at it the more I liked it and told him I'm gonna keep this one.
It will break up the trend of all the other Black guns I have.

Problem is, my wife is gonna notice the 2 tone gun real quick, I cant BS her with this one:D...Now I have to go and shoot it this weekend.

i've never been a huge fan of two tone guns, but since the cm9 is only offered in that flavor i didn't have a choice. it's grown on me in the last 3 weeks.

slick slidestop
10-01-2011, 05:10 PM
An upside is that you can smooth surfaces and not mess up the black finish!

Welcome aboard the Kahr Social Club.


Honestly, my friend that ordered mine has an all black version for a BUG and it is about 4 years old, and it doesn't look so hot anymore. It may have been a blessing in disguise to have ended up with the 2 tone. Mine is gonna get carried a lot, and even though it is a tool, I'm the kinda guy that really obsesses over keeping the finish nice looking. I racks the slide about 600 times last night. And just gave it the good cleaning described in the tech forum, and will hit the range 1st thing in the morning.