View Full Version : Hollywood anti gun hypocrites

01-04-2010, 07:57 AM
Most of the time I don’t give these ballistic-gel-for-brains Hollywood types the attention they deserve. They’re entertainers and when the lights and cameras come on, they advance their agenda. The more I look into Schwarzenegger, the more this guy pisses me off. We need to expose these knuckleheads for who and what they are: hypocritical, spineless media whorz. And how about the Hollywood stars that have bodyguards? Oh, it’s ok for Ms/Mr Oscar winner to have armed protection, but the average Joe can’t have a CCW! Who have you read about that should be in our Hollywood Hypocrites Hall of Shame?

01-04-2010, 08:19 AM
IMO the only difference between these bed-wetting liberals and a conservative is one good mugging.

Chief Joseph
01-04-2010, 08:42 AM
Their not the only ones. I used to spend time on a local state conceal carry forum and even there they have an attitude that if you're not trained like a cop, you've no business carrying. Average Joes, who've been defending themselves for centuries in this country, without expert training, need stay awake and fight for our rights from all sides.

01-04-2010, 09:09 AM
IMO the only difference between these bed-wetting liberals and a conservative is one good mugging.
That's a good quote. I've seen that somewhere before... in print or online. It's just like any of the liberal "elite" -- "do as I say, not as I do." They're so smart that they are exempt from the rules they impose on the poor people who need their benevolent guidance. This epitomizes the liberal left, or socialists... or Marxists, that we now have trying to destroy capitalism... pull everyone down to the same level but them... the benevolent elite who will take care of us poor ignorant peons.
Margaret Thatcher said, "The trouble with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money.":(
Once Capitalism is destroyed, where will wealth come from??? If you're old enough, remember the USSR of the 50's and 60's or even later -- where people stood in line all day for each and every item of their daily needs... like one roll of toilet paper... or a loaf of bread, etc. Capitalism beats the hell out of anything else in producing jobs, goods, and services on demand. If working ... or working harder, doesn't get you more stuff, then most people will slack off in a downward spiral until there's a shortage of everything. We've about reached the point already, where there are enough people to vote themselves whatever they want, based on politicians' promises... to take it away from the producers and give it to non-productive, but voting majority!
There I go again... politics... economics... AARRRGGHH!:p

01-04-2010, 09:27 AM
Their not the only ones. I used to spend time on a local state conceal carry forum and even there they have an attitude that if you're not trained like a cop, you've no business carrying. Average Joes, who've been defending themselves for centuries in this country, without expert training, need stay awake and fight for our rights from all sides.

Yes, Chief Joseph, although rare, I've heard that before but I think it just shows how narrow-minded some can be in our own ranks. I obtained my CCW when I was 22 many years ago. I understood the responsibility of a CCW but didnt have the funds for good training. Over the years we acquire the training and experience. When we pass this knowledge on to new permit holders, we strengthen our position and pretty much tell those elitist snobs to “shut their wet-holes”.