View Full Version : Not going to give up on my PM9 & Range Report (Pics)

01-05-2010, 01:16 AM
I've been having trouble getting acceptable accuracy from my Kahr PM9, my fault, not the gun's. Well, it seems that things are getting better as I've adjusted my grip and have practiced dryfiring at the TV for quite some time. Basically, I just gave up trying to get used to the extended 7 round mag. My first two fingers barely fit on grip, but I can get a good grasp on the gun with a two handed hold and my pinky dangling. I was having trouble maintaining 12" x 12" groups at 7 yards before, but now I'm building up to acceptable combat accuracy.

Here's my Kahr PM9 target at 7 yards, fast fire starting from a low ready.

And for comparison's sake, here's my CZ-75, same conditions.

And my Glock 17...

But with the 7 rounder my pinky and hand seem to transfer the recoil to the bottom of the mag extension, causing the gun to flip a whole lot more.

Add to that the fact that the only failures I've ever had with the Kahr have occured when using the extended mag.

Anyone want to trade a 7 round kahr mag for one of the flush fit 6 rounders??

01-05-2010, 06:11 AM
Strikefire,it looks like you`re zeroing in on the target nicely.Congratulations on figuring out a solution to the problem you were having. Good to know you are getting more comfortable with your handgun.

01-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Here are my range reports http://kahrtalk.com/pm-series-pistols/444-accuracy-pm9.html

It started out bad and got better.