View Full Version : Any CW45 love ?

joe d
09-28-2011, 09:01 AM
Looking to pick up a 45 for alternate carry w/ my flawless CM9...After much researching of the threads it's got me thinking of the many problems stated here...I know every purchase of any piece is a crap shoot,but I like my CM9 so much I'll probably take the plunge anyway...Is the CW45 that much less of a gun than the PM45 ? Is it worth the extra 2-300 bucks ? I don't want to skimp when it comes to my life...any info appreciated...

09-28-2011, 10:06 AM
The CW's a fine gun and has many many fans. If it fits your needs I'd not hesitate to get one. We only hear issues on very few around here and we hear similar issues on the PM45 as well so its not model specific.

If it runs which most likely it will, we're in hog heaven, if it don't there are lots of good folks around here to help make it run and failing all else Kahr will take care of it. Step to the end of the diving board and jump, I think you'll be pleased.

Bill K
09-28-2011, 10:07 AM
I don't have one but I have handled the CW45. I did not like it because of the grip height which did not allow for pinky under and how the grip height added to AIWB printing compared to my G26 and PM9. I've decided that if I go Kahr .45 ACP it'd have to be the PM45.

09-28-2011, 11:09 AM
I have a CW45 and love it. Shoots like a dream for me. Small and lightweight, yet recoil is minimal. It does have a full, fairly thin grip but I use a Limsaver only because the ?bumps? on the grip are a little sharp. The same Kahr quality as in any Kahr pistol. I want a CM9 even though I have a wonderful CW9. Whatever you choose, you won"t be sorry.

09-28-2011, 11:09 AM
I had always wanted a Kahr .45 since I got my K9 in early '98... wanted one just like that in .45. I ordered a P380 with NS when the P380 first came out. During my long 11 month wait for that to replace my tiny .22 stainless TPH for CCW, I read all about the PM9 that everyone had or wanted and wound up picking a LNIB at a gun show. I loved it and within a month and a half I just had to have a .45. They still didn't make the K45 and I had never seen or handled... or even considered the polymer Kahrs. I couldn't find what I wanted locally or gun shows, so I figured I would still be ordering one online. I read and compared the specs and everything at Kahr, including all of the reviews from magazines, then made an informed decision to buy the smallest, most compact model... DLC with night sights. I didn't want the CW because I wanted all of the "bells and whistles"... and the P45 was a bit bigger... tiny bit more barrel and grip. The PM45 with the "flush-fitting" polymer grips is just right for my hand, but I would prefer to have real flush-fitting metal bases on the mags and let my pinkie fend for itself... better for CCW. As it is, though, the PM45 is a perfect fit for my hand and the 1.75" bike tire tube grip made it really perfect... feels great and gives me all of the control I want... on all of my polymer Kahrs. When I pick up one at the shows, they just don't feel right with the slick, cheese-grater grips.

I still think about getting a P45 because it's a nice size, too, but I had been thinking about a Magna-Ported K40, and jumped on that P40 when I thought about it too much... even though I had to start accumulating a new caliber of ammo.$$$$:eek:

I'm still fascinated by the size and power of the PM45 and will carry that when we go to SW Colorado to see my wife's folks. I can't wait for us to have a family shoot and do some show and tell with that.


Longitude Zero
09-28-2011, 11:27 AM
I really LOVE my CW45. It is my daily off-duty CCW carry piece. With even a light shirt or jacket and a Yaqui slide holster at 4 o'clock is perfect for me.

09-28-2011, 01:44 PM
I own three Kahrs now. The CW45 was the only one that really gave me any real trouble. I was able to work through those issues on my own (well Kahr did quickly send me a magazine latch). Now, beaucoup rounds down range hence, I've had nary a hiccup with it. If I had to trim down to one Kahr today it would be my CW45 that I keep. It might be be my choice if I could have only one centerfire pistol.
Two magazines at 10 and one magazine at 25 yds. standing:
With a flush fit magazine, grip length is just about perfect for me:
Size comparison with some other small pistols;
Yeah, I have some love for the CW45:)

09-28-2011, 02:05 PM
I really like my CW45. It had a few problems, but Kahr fixed it up and had it back to me a week later. I added the Crimson Trace laserguard, and it's one of carry pieces now. I have small hands, so the the grip fits me perfectly. I did add a Handall Jr for a nicer feel to the grip.

09-28-2011, 02:41 PM
I have large hands and luv my cw45 it and my cw40 are everyday carry guns thin light and feels great and shoots great

09-28-2011, 05:23 PM
CW45 love... well as Jim Morrison sang "Build me a woman, make her ten feet tall..."

joe d
09-28-2011, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the info and replies...Decided to take the plunge...Got one on order from Buds'...I'll keep you posted...If it performs anything like my CM9,I'll be good to go...

09-28-2011, 07:35 PM
I've had my cw45 for about a year now. The only issue I had with it was the mag drop issue, but that was quickly resolved with Kahr sending me new magazine catch. Since replacing that, it's been flawless. Great gun, and is my usual off duty weapon.

10-03-2011, 04:44 PM
I have small hands but this fits like a glove. It is now my everyday pocket carry - it conceals quite well. Eats anything I feed it and have not had an issue yet.

10-03-2011, 05:36 PM
I love my CW45...and with an AGrip its a real pleasure to hold.

10-04-2011, 12:01 PM
My wife has the CW45 with the limbsaver grips, and loves it. I have the P45 (same size instead of the PM45's smaller size), and love it too. My wife got her CW45 because she like my P45 so much and I told her to go to hell if she thought I would give up that gun.