View Full Version : P380 Serial Numbers

09-28-2011, 09:07 AM
PLEASE, those of you that have had problems with your P380's, let us know the serial numbers.
For example if you sent it back and the Number was RA3xxx and you got a new one back and the number was RC4xxx, that would help some of us that might make a mistake and buy a RA3 series gun.
I have been following most of the threads and very little is stated about the numbers.
Also anyone with a good gun let us know the number and the opposite applies--bad one, the number.
Thanks. Tap

09-28-2011, 10:02 AM
My P380 is RA90xx. Born on date is 5-2010 and purchased 6-2010. It went back after 540 rnds. for a change of the extractor and recoil assembly. It's been perfect now for over 3500 rnds.

09-28-2011, 10:54 AM
Serial # RB6XXX purchased late March '11. Returned to Kahr where frame was replaced, striker block and extractor updated. New serial # RC4XXX.

09-28-2011, 05:55 PM
My P380 that needed frame replacement was bought on June 18, 2011, Serial # was RB5xxx. It was replaced with RC4xxx on Sept.22 2011.

09-28-2011, 06:18 PM
My P380 frame RC0xxxx has been replaced with RC1xxx on 9-20-11. Note it is the California version.

Great Lakes Shooters
09-28-2011, 06:44 PM
Replaced Frame:

09-28-2011, 11:04 PM
Interesting thread - I haven't been lurking long, but isn't the frame replacement a new phenomenon?

Odd that DJK had an RA and the frame wasn't replaced, but the RBs, and an early RC, were replaced. I hate to speculate from such a small sampling, but it seems like Kahr might have had a bad batch of frames in the RB and early RC runs. Anyone have any thoughts/insight on this?

Greatlakes - do you remember the original serial number of your gun?

09-29-2011, 09:24 AM
My P380 was returned after 540 rnds. after replacing the recoil springs a couple of times within 30 days. Of the 540 rnds. about 120 rnds. were various hollow point SD rounds with ZERO malfunctions. All problems were with FMJ.

A few months back I experimented with the older and new P380 recoil springs. Older springs measure:
Inner= 4.7 lb
Outer= 6.8 lb

New springs measure:
Inner= 8 lb
Outer= 7 lb

The new heavier spring helps the return to battery by overcoming the pre-set of the striker spring.

I like the feel of the recoil with the heavier spring BUT the last 1/4" of rear slide travel felt hard and gritty and low power rounds ejected straight up.

I mic. the springs, two sets of each.

Inner wire= .028, coil dia .300
Outer wire= = .035, coil dia .374

Inner wire= .033, coil dia .300
Outer wire= .035, coil dia .371

So, I used the older outer and new inner springs and that combination removed the hard, gritty feel and feels very smooth. The slide cycle is very smooth and all rounds eject consistently.

09-29-2011, 12:14 PM
Good post Tap - good analysis LMT42

Mine is RB1XXX

It's been sent back twice for poor/irregular ejection. It has over 1000 round through it between me and Kahr. They have replaced everything in the ejection/extraction area. It still beans me in the face over 50% of the time. And has ejected a round 90% to the LEFT when in my right hand. No way in hell that is right. I have had stovepipe jams with every FMJ and JHP load I've tried except Speer Gold Dot 90 grain JHP and the Corbon 90 Grain JHP I've just started trying.

I'm going to call Kahr right after this and see if my frame is up for replacement.

09-30-2011, 11:26 AM
Well, I'm (at least temporarily) on cloud 9.

I just got a call back from Kahr. I left the message yesterday. After a pleasant (you have to keep it cool) discussion of serial numbers, and the past 2 times the pistol was returned, I am being issued a RA, and am slated for frame replacement.

The person I spoke to did initially dismiss the notion that there was a range of P380 serial #'s with bad frames, but when he went back to talk to the gunsmith, he was quickly told mine would be eligible. They had my letters from the previous returns on file, and so we were able to quickly get past the "Are you holding it right? - What ammo are you using? - Do you know what the hell you're talking about?" stage.

I didn't really want to, and hadn't planned on it, but was forced into mentioning that my LCP and BG380 had very consistent and excellent ejection patterns. This was due to a "Do you have big hands?" and "These little pistols.............." conversation early on before they looked up my letters.

I am optimistic that with this 3rd trip back, the pistol might be fixable after all. I probably wouldn't have even tried if it weren't for this post.

Good to have fresh information and ideas posted.

The gentleman I spoke to, Rick, couldn't have been more congenial and receptive. One thing worth mentioning though, is that he indicated that he had not shot a P380. Keep that in mind when you're on the phone with them. You aren't talking to the gunsmith.

All I've ever wanted was for my P380 to eject like Hickock's on YouTube.

10-01-2011, 08:34 AM
RC frame here. Just a few issues within the first 100 rounds or so. After that, and now 400+ rounds later she is flawless..

10-03-2011, 09:48 AM
For no other reason than info to interested P380 parties:

At the monthly gun show this weekend, I saw 2 tables with P380's. I wasn't keying on them, so there might have been more at the show, but I checked at the dealer I bought mine at, and another who I have bought many from............

One high volume dealer had one RCXXXX laying on display. He may or may not have had others off the table. Forgot the 1st digit. I was interested in the "C"

A competitor, not quite as high a volume, had 2 on the table, one black, one silver, both serial numbers RB6XXX.

The volume statements are based on the number of people sitting there filling out 4473's at this and previous shows.

So IF any or all of the RBs are the problem range, they're still out there for sale.

Time will tell.

I know if I was buying one today, and knew what I know now, I'd seek one outside of the RBXXXX range just because.

I'm shipping my RB1XXX off with FedEx to the factory today. Hope third time is the charm.

10-03-2011, 03:52 PM
Thanks to all who posted . I wish we had more info, but seems that if I am to buy a P 380, it should be a serial number of RC4+++ or newer.
Thanks again, and good shooting.

10-03-2011, 09:10 PM
FWIW, I picked mine up on Saturday and it just came off the line - serial number is RC8. I doubt you'll have trouble finding an RC4 or higher.

Note that an earlier poster had his RC0 frame replaced with an RC1. I'm guessing the bad batch was RBs and very early RCs.

10-25-2011, 04:47 PM
Original #RA2152, trigger would not reset.
Replaced with #RA4339, light primer strikes and feed malfunctions.
Replaced with #RC52xx... report pending.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

10-28-2011, 06:02 PM
With the reports of New Frames coming back and not running, I am in a funk.
I really wanted one of these, as my PM9 is a Champ.
Now I think I will wait 'till after the Shot Show, hope something new ( 9MM)
comes along. Or New .380 of size and feel of the P380. ( Glock?), I doubt!
So, please keep posting Numbers, lets all stay informed, and thank you all
for you input and info.

10-28-2011, 06:09 PM
TAP. imo HOLD OFF. unless glock can make the gun in this country, it won't happen, so forget that. Hard to beat ur PM9--period but IMO hard NOT to beat a P380...

10-29-2011, 10:29 PM
Original frame: RB10xx

Last problem in a series of problems: Striker fails to reset
The slide was replaced on a previous return

New frame: RC43xx

Additional actions: "Updated striker block and extractor"

50 rounds consisting of WWB, American Eagle, Lawman, Federal Champion
Two slide locks
One failure of striker to reset leading to casing jamming on striker that is protruding from breech plate (approx 1/32" - 3/64") on manual loading of first round only, all other rounds striker reset upon automatic cycling.

What resets the striker?
Is it just recoil?

If the trigger is pulled and then the slide locked back to insert a mag the striker will always be protruding from the breech plate. If the trigger is not pulled the striker stays reset and does not stick out the breech plate. Easy fix would be to never pull the trigger when there is not a round in the chamber but that just doesn't sound right. What am I dealing with here?

I am satisfied with my first trip out. I am really running this thing very wet. This may be bad thinking but in a SD situation I only need to be concerned with getting 13 rounds through it.


10-29-2011, 11:39 PM
RB09xx black slide here, bought used in early 2011. Build date, round count and trips back to factory, if any - unknown.

I have not experienced any FTF or FTE issues. Maybe I got a good one....:)

11-03-2011, 10:19 AM
Mine RB27XX is back with light strikes after a broken striker. Most likely a new frame. Dan

11-06-2011, 07:12 PM
Can anyone tell us how to find out what numbers are being made now.???
I would like to know what number P380 was the latest made. I am going to buy one and I want one that is already fixed.

11-13-2011, 09:06 PM
mines ra4364.works well so far.never jammed,no fte's,or anything.

Zippo Guy
11-14-2011, 08:51 PM
Mine is RA XXXX and has never given me any problems.

11-15-2011, 08:16 PM
Problem frame; RB32XX
New frame; RC21XX

New frame seems to be working well after 150 rounds.


11-22-2011, 06:37 AM
RB6xxx here - bought used, so no idea of history runs fine - no problems. Not finicky at all.

11-22-2011, 07:35 AM
from what I have read, if u find a RC serial number on the shelf BUY IT.

11-30-2011, 07:25 PM
Hi; new member; my new never shot p380 is a RB2 purchased recently; had one of rear Trijicon sight not glowing; kahr had me send it to Trijicon ($8.50 shipping) on there new Night sight gun? what's up with that? So I haven't got to shot it yet; I hope I'm not in the bad batch. John

12-01-2011, 07:44 AM
John, sorry to say that the RBxxxx is in the BAD mix, yet there is hope that you got a good one--it happens.
As far as you having to send the part to another factory, saddens me. Kahr sold the pistol and should take care of it for you. To me that does not speak well for Kahr. I do not like that attitude.:eek:
Best of luck and let us know how it works out.

12-01-2011, 08:16 AM
According to the info I've collected so far (from Kahr employees, gun brokers/dealers), there is no fixed, sequential serial number. The serials are all random.
Why are most of the serial number starting with RBxxxx likely to be problem?
I have no idea.

12-27-2011, 10:08 PM
Hi guys; just got my new p380 back from trijicon; I paid $18 for lamp replacement rather than going back and fourth with Kahr over warranty. Like I said in above post; I had a RB2 s/n gun; finally got to run a 100 wwb rounds through it; not one incident! nice little shooter; maybe following Jocko's pre shoot prep helped make it run right!

12-28-2011, 06:27 AM
Old # RB27xx. Back 3 times (light strikes) and just recieved back with a new frame. RC60xx. have not shot yet, just picked it up last night.

12-29-2011, 10:25 AM
Both my RC frames shoot good - one RB was replaced with one of the RC's

01-15-2012, 09:30 AM
My first post here.
Mine is RB8xxx
( Also my first new gun purchase ever)
Had intermittent FTE and light strikes. After break in, and realizing one mag spring was backwards , made it through an entire box of 50 with no problems. Last 50 had one light strike, and one stove pipe. I think I was getting lazy with my grip though.

01-15-2012, 02:34 PM

01-15-2012, 03:05 PM
I have an RA4xxx that has run perfectly since break in save for a few bobbles due to fouling after a long session at the range.

04-07-2012, 03:48 PM
Hi All.

We have two P380's. My P380 was purchased in July 09. RA1xxx. Put 275 rounds thru it. I just got back from the range earlier. I had a few jams and a non fire. Click. Then no problems while putting 75 more rounds thru it. My wife has a Pink P380. Purchased March 12. RB4xxx. She now has 275 rounds thru it. A few FTF, FTE at first. But the more she shot it, the better. It was jamming consecutive at first. I said. Gimme that gun. I shot it. No jams. She was limp wristing that P380. I said grab that gun like your gonna strangle it. No jams for her after that. Thats a real shame with all the problems with the P380's. We will see what delvelops with our guns. Keep you posted.

Joe Flashman



04-07-2012, 04:17 PM
Mineis RA under 250. once back now seems very reliable. Last 75 roundswere perfect. I need to put some more through it, realy nice gun when it does what is is supposed to do. I wonder though how many P380's are sent back that nothig is wrong with them, other than shooter error. U flashman kinda proved that can happen especaly with a woman . probalby men no different either,

I kahr can make a pink P380 how about a camo green or sand color grip??

04-07-2012, 04:56 PM
Just bought a second P380... for my wife... RC89xx. That was the highest number out of 4 or 5 in the case. The others were RC36xx and RC6xxx.

"Impulse buy"... was on sale for $479.99 + tax + NIC = $518.59 out the door. Regular price was $599.99 at Shooters here in Jacksonville.

I haven't had a chance to take it apart and check it out yet. It came with one 6-round flush-fitting metal base plated mag and one 7-round extended grip mag. I hope that this one was made after any problems taht others have been having. I'll report on it after shooting it.

Ii went there looking for a CW9 to try, but it's too hard to rack for my wife.


04-07-2012, 05:00 PM
Mineis RA under 250. once back now seems very reliable. Last 75 roundswere perfect. I need to put some more through it, realy nice gun when it does what is is supposed to do. I wonder though how many P380's are sent back that nothig is wrong with them, other than shooter error. U flashman kinda proved that can happen especaly with a woman . probalby men no different either,

I kahr can make a pink P380 how about a camo green or sand color grip??

Ask them.

04-07-2012, 05:05 PM
My serial number is RA7XXX and was purchased in October 2010. Has been very reliable even through the break in period. About two months ago, I did begin to experience some light strikes and an occasional failure to return to battery, but changed the recoil springs and was back in business. It now has close to 1000 rounds through it. The only thing is that I do get failure to lock opens after last round is fired about 40% of the time, but I believe it is my grip contacting the slide release lever accidentally while firing.

04-07-2012, 11:59 PM
Mineis RA under 250. once back now seems very reliable. Last 75 roundswere perfect. I need to put some more through it, realy nice gun when it does what is is supposed to do. I wonder though how many P380's are sent back that nothig is wrong with them, other than shooter error. U flashman kinda proved that can happen especaly with a woman . probalby men no different either,

I kahr can make a pink P380 how about a camo green or sand color grip??

Thats a good idea. It would be nice to have a different color pistol. I was told that the Pink P380's are a limited edition. Not making them anymore. I was kinda worried about my wife having a Pink gun. If she has to draw it on a bad guy. The bad guy may laugh and think its a toy. Pink is not very intimidating. I told her she may have to use it to change his mind. I originally took her Black/stainless P380 so she got pink. The reason I got her the P380 is that she has a Glock 27. She carried it for a little while. But it ended up home and not on her person. Its too heavy for her. So, she carries the Kahr P380 everyday. Its a small gun for a woman to carry.

Joe Flashman

04-08-2012, 12:13 AM
Thats a good idea. It would be nice to have a different color pistol.

Who's good at photoshop here?

04-08-2012, 05:54 AM

04-08-2012, 06:47 AM

04-08-2012, 07:33 PM
That peach looks awesome! I'm gay? I like the surf green too! Looks like a Strat.


04-08-2012, 07:35 PM
Peach was actually supposed to be sand but peach works too.
Tried to do camo but I dunno how.
Can do any other color.

04-08-2012, 11:00 PM
When I bought my wife's P380 yesterday, I didn't notice but one other color... Black... didn't even notice if it had night sights, though, the price was $700... not on sale as the one I bought was... $480++~ $518 OTD for a "get-home" gun for my wife.

I did have a "fleeting" thought about upgrading mine to a DLC with NS, but I'm having the house Rhino Shielded and a new roof installed in the next two weeks. Moneys getting tighter with my "impulse buying"!

I've got the slide locked back and want to pre-shoot it... start breaking it in and make sure that it shoots reliably before she gets a chance with it.


04-19-2012, 01:56 AM
I have a RB7 pistol. Its runs great so far. a Little over 500 rounds.

Critical defense

It didn't like the hornady at fist but I polished the ramp and its good to go.

I guess I got lucky with a RB. I didn't realize there were so many bad p380s. I guess I better not let mine go.

04-19-2012, 07:55 AM
My P380 is S/N RA7xxx. It had one trip back to the factory, but not for the usual problems. The trigger pivot pin was backing out of the frame within the first 25 rounds. Kahr fixed it in 5 days by adding a second retaining pin.
Mine has not had any of the other typical problems, like light primer strikes, failure to return to battery, premature slide lockback, etc. About 300 total rounds so far.

04-20-2012, 02:20 PM
I picked up my P380 on Monday. It is serial # RC03xx, Black Slide with Nite Sights. I cleaned it and lubed it according to the diagram before I went to the range.

I fired 100 rounds, 50 round tip and 50 Hollow point. I had 2 FTF incidences in the 70-80 rd range, and they occurred with the round tip ammo.

I could not be happier. I will put another 100 rds thru it this weekend, to finish the recommended break in.

The gun was very accurate, and I don't mean accurate for a small gun. I was amazed at the groups that I was able to get with it at 7 yards.

I will say again how pleased I am at this point with the entire package.


04-20-2012, 02:24 PM

I shoot my P380 better than I do my PM9:19:

08-02-2012, 09:58 PM
I started looking this week for a decent deal on a new P380 and found one ($499), but unfortunately it is a RBxxxx series. Old stock I believe and that is why it is on sale.

Way too many posts for frame and light strikes in this serial range. :(

08-05-2012, 10:58 PM
I bought mine RC1xxx in May of last year and you can read my first post here "P380, junk to jewel" if you want to know my experiences with the little pistol before and after 1 trip back to Kahr. If it keeps shooting like at my last outing, they'll have to bury me with it because it's a keeper...Mark

11-08-2012, 09:56 AM
My black P380 ( KP3834 ) with S/N Rc 89XX is sitting in MA right now. Was told "frame is out of spec" and "gunsmith is waiting on a new frame to get machined". I had lots of issues including random magazine drops (recieved replacement mag release), failure to return to battery (recieved replacement springs) and failure to ejects (stove pipes mostly). Hopefully the next one will be better,

11-10-2012, 08:47 AM
I too had the frame replace..they said it was cracked...now a new extractor is in the works.hope this solves it..when it works it shoots great...trust my life to it???? not yet

11-10-2012, 08:57 AM
also have the black (kp3834) picked up last week s/n rc7xxx Have about 250 rounds through it . Have over 150 trouble free rounds.How did he tell the frame was out of spec?

12-29-2012, 03:38 PM
also have the black (kp3834) picked up last week s/n rc7xxx Have about 250 rounds through it . Have over 150 trouble free rounds.How did he tell the frame was out of spec?

I asked him if he could be more specific and he said "no"....haha I guess he really didn't know but the gun smith did. Fortunately my FFL didn't charge me again to call in the new frame.

Took it to the range today....ugh....tons of failures to return to battery and only 4 of the 10 mags (5 flush and 5 long) failed to lock back on last round. Near the end of the session the failures to return to battery were minimal which was a good sign.

My final mag was full of Hornady Critical Defense rounds...not a single failure.

10-07-2014, 03:32 PM
New to the forum,

I have a P380 with SN RB1XXX, I had few problems (normal) during break in. No real issues after that just the (very random) slide locking open due to operator error because my thumb was held up against the slide stop lever. I fixed that problem, no issues after that....... then I put the gun away for about 2 years, Recently I started shooting it again because I wanted to pocket carry it. I started having the slide not return to battery randomly after the gun got dirty (about 50 rounds) at the range. I read up on the issue, bought new recoil springs which turned out to be heavier. After that my P380 is 100%, absolutely love it!! I must have a good one in the RBXXXX series. lucky me!!!

10-07-2014, 03:57 PM
sometimes that hotter defense ammo will work the gun as it should be. also soetimes during breakin what I call range fodder which is usually lower priced fmj amo just doesnt hav ethe ump like a defense rounds, so be patient, it seems to me the gun is working its way out of those little picky issues. If it works with defense stuff, then IMO ur getting very close to GOOD TO GO. Its gonna be ur defense gun, not really ur range gun. I hope u did the pre prepo on ur kahr there just could be some litlte glitchs kthere that can be elevated beforew that bang thing happens..

10-07-2014, 04:03 PM
My original serial number of my P380 was RB7*** purchased 4/12/12. Frame replaced 2/17/14. New ser # RD5***. Once through the break-in period the gun was flawless until the frame failed. The gun is flawless again with the new frame.

10-07-2014, 07:09 PM
RD3??? Is the serial on my P380 purchased early 2014.

10-08-2014, 12:39 AM
Got my P380 yesterday.
Serial # RD7--- which Kahr told me was manufactured in September 2014

11-06-2014, 08:39 PM
I see this thread is an oldie but this is my P380's era. I have an RA74xx which has been a real headache for the first few years. My problem has been an ongoing issue with FTE. I thought the problem would go away after the 200 round "break in" period but didn't. Now I have well over 1300 rounds through it and I still have the problem but not as bad. It used to have a malfunction with just about every magazine and now just 3 to 4 per 100 rounds. I stuck it out because this was the gun I wanted for CC and didn't want it if the reliability was an issue. I never pursued to have it sent in to Kahr because of the hassle going through the FFL but in hindsight I wish I did.

I just purchased the PM9 (serial ID96xx) this week and now Im having an issue with it too. Today I finished the 200th round "break in" and this one is locking to the rear past the slide lock. The slide gets stuck in the back position. I have to forcefully push the slide forward with my palm to feed the next round. It also jams to the rear past the slide lock after the last round so when a new magazine is inserted, pushing the slide lock down does not work you have to jam the slide forward with the palm of your hand. Ive been looking throughout this forum and haven't found anything similar to my PM9's problem yet. If this is still an issue after my next range trip I think ill have to get the ball rolling to have it sent in.

11-06-2014, 11:08 PM

you may be in the wrong thread - there are several ones for problems with the Kahrs.

I feel for you - you can see my experiences in the other threads

Good luck.

11-23-2014, 04:53 PM
My RA37XX went back twice and still didn't work. The third time it was replaced with a RC02XX. It also didn't work, so I sent it back. Kahr replaced it with RC25XX in November 2011. This one is a keeper.

11-29-2014, 07:20 PM
My RA37XX went back twice and still didn't work. The third time it was replaced with a RC02XX. It also didn't work, so I sent it back. Kahr replaced it with RC25XX in November 2011. This one is a keeper.

Glad you were lucky the fourth time around.

I gave up after the 2nd repair and continued problems.
My new Glock 42 has performed flawlessly at the range, with over 500 rounds through it so far, including inexpensive Walmart rounds (Perfecta).

It was such a relief after my sad experience with a new Kahr P380 which had to be sent back twice for repairs and still wouldn't work right - clicks instead of 'bang', FTF, FTE, etc.
I could not trust such a fickle gun to protect me or my family, but the G42 is now my CCW.

06-17-2015, 10:58 PM
Got my P380 yesterday.
Serial # RD7--- which Kahr told me was manufactured in September 2014

I just got one today with the serial #RD78-- Took it apart to give it the initial cleaning and the feed ramp was already polished to a mirror finish. This is one of the California approved guns with the LCI. Came with 2 magazines, one 6, one 7, and the orange plastic mag. Chambered a few flat nose rounds with no problem, but I wont have a chance to shoot it until Friday.

Thank the powers above it didn't have a external safety!!

Wonder why Kahr doesn't include a spent cartridge like all the other manufacturers? That's usually how I determine the "born on" date of the guns I purchase.

06-18-2015, 05:46 PM
Mine is a RJ53xx bought from Buds, 2015 some issues with the first 100 or so rds , now seems ok. is this a good batch?

06-18-2015, 05:56 PM
Mine is a RJ53xx bought from Buds, 2015 some issues with the first 100 or so rds , now seems ok. is this a good batch?

I don't think there are any known 'bad batches'.