View Full Version : Picked up a "Fun Gun" last week

09-28-2011, 09:52 AM
I attended the local gun show last week, more as a way to fondle and drool than buy to anything. I really didn't have a yen for a particular gun, but when I saw this Bersa Thunder 22, I thought it looked like a great way to have some .22 fun. For some reason it felt and operated much nicer than the Firestorm I owned but really didn't like because it just felt so cheap and poorly made.


I took it to the range with a couple other "fun" .22s to see how the new addition compared. The Bersa worked, fed, fired and was sort of accurate. The sights are off but I didn't fiddle with them. After shooting the other guns I had along; a Walther PPK/S, a Daewoo DP52, and a Beretta 948, I came to realize how much I had missed having a slide release lever. The Bersa has one, whereas the other guns do not, and I ended up the session wishing they all had one.

I took some Aquila Hyper Velocity 30 gr HP to see if they would deform in the air and punch a wadcutter type hole in the target.:eek: This ammo does this in my Walther TPH. Alas it didn't happen in the Bersa or the other guns for that matter.

The most fun ammo has to be the Stinger, which produces a discernible recoil as well as a respectable, (read that as huge), fireball. Almost sounds, feels and looks like a real gun.;) The couple other brands I shot all worked as well but without the drama.

The Bersa lived up to my expectation... it was indeed a fun gun. It fed and fired with each round attempted. The sights are easy to pick up, much better than the tiny, useless sights on the Beretta. :( I've never liked the Bersa takedown method but what do you want for a $250 gun?

Bill K
09-28-2011, 10:02 AM
Nice find in my opinion...

I think you can use the Bersa for more than just fun - which is wroth it alone. I'm thinking about some pretty inexpensive training and practice can be done with that .22. Might also be a nice gun with which to introduce new folks to hand gunning.