View Full Version : No good deed goes unpunished

09-29-2011, 12:31 PM
One of my co-workers was looking for some UGA tickets and my cousin was selling some. So, I'm on my to pick up the tickets after work. Driving on a road that I don't normally travel and I get a speeding ticket. Are those things even constitutional???? I should have just kept my mouth shut about my cousin having tickets to sell. :31:

09-29-2011, 01:28 PM
I've often thought of writing a book with the title "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

I've taken a beating so many many times doing stuff for free or as favors and such only to have the truck blow up or flat tire or some stupid thing that wouldn't have happened if I'd stayed on the front porch and watched the world go by.

If you want to talk about unconstitutional, lets talk red light and school zone cameras. All that got dumped in my lap a couple months ago and what a nightmare it is. It's amazing how many people run red lights though, I had no idea.
Now I don't care either, hope they make them take em out. I hate em.

How fast was ya going and what was the fine?

09-29-2011, 01:50 PM
How fast was ya going and what was the fine?

I was going 56 in a 35 out in the country. It wasn't a school zone. Thank God! I don't remember seeing a speed limit sign and plan to go back and look. That dirty, rotten patrolman was tucked into a nice little hidey hole with his radar gun. Don't know about the fine yet. It says to wait about 4 days before calling or logging on to their web site to check. Can you believe they have a web site called jeffersontix.com. Dang speed trap!

I was wearing my G26 OWB, but the guy didn't ask and I didn't tell.

09-29-2011, 01:59 PM
Here that would be a 200 dollar fine. I've been got for about the same several times, rural back roads easy to do 50 or so on with a posted 35 limit ain't right.

Try to console yourself with the fact that the cop didn't make the speed limit and a law that isn't enforced is merely a suggestion.

Didn't help me one bit, I was still ticked but maybe it will help you.

He/She is probably a real nice person without the uniform, badge, gun, handcuffs, duty obligations, and sugar high from all the donuts.

Cops need love too, ya know?

09-29-2011, 02:39 PM
$200 is a lot of ammo :(

I used to drive much different than I do now... I find myself less frustrated being the 'slow driver' than I ever did being the left lane 'in a hurry for no reason' driver.

That said, I've often caught myself in situations where I just flat don't know what the speed limit is, you'd think it would be mandatory to put a sign shortly after any major off ramp or intersection though.

09-29-2011, 02:47 PM
People commonly mentally block speed signs. I've driven the same route to work every day for 17 years and I couldn't tell ya where a single speed sign is by memory. I'd have to pay attention and look to find one.

One ticket I got I tried the I don't see any signs story, I have no trouble grovelling or begging to get out of a ticket. Didn't work that time as my front bumper was less than 25 ft from the speed sign. Oooops. Still don't remember exactly where that sign is but I know it's with in a mile of the house.

Bill K
09-29-2011, 03:11 PM
Time and chance... There isn't likely a connection between the two. Besides, how do you know that some dire event would not have happened to you had you not been making that trip?

09-29-2011, 03:33 PM
My GPS generally shows the speed limit and confirms the speed on my speedo.

Might try asking the Officer if he has any "breaks" left today, that you sure could use one.........try to smile while asking.

09-29-2011, 04:51 PM
If you want to talk about unconstitutional, lets talk red light and school zone cameras. All that got dumped in my lap a couple months ago and what a nightmare it is.

When I was still living in Atlanta, they installed a red light camera at an intersection along Jimmy Carter Blvd. (Yes, they named roads after the, until recently, worst president ever, down there in Georgia.) While they were installing it, they took about 2 seconds off the duration of the yellow lights. Now, what other purpose, other than catching innocent drivers off guard, would they have for doing that? The duration was so short that you could not stop, even if going at or below the speed limit. If you ask me, that kind of behavior is criminal! No matter if it is the government doing it, it is criminal!

09-29-2011, 04:54 PM
My workplace building overlooks I-85 and I'm on the 10th floor with a good view and at least 2 times a week Dekalb county sets up a speed trap on the access road beside the interstate...the posted limit is 35 mph with very few signs most covered by overhanging vines and tree limbs but the interstate signs are visible from the access road and say 55 mph and I can't tell you how many times I have seen a driver point to the 55 mph sign and the motorcycle officer shake his head no while continuing to write out another $200.00 ticket...

I don't think this is right because it is confusing and they are using it to collect tax money for the county...The access road is wide and nobody lives off it so there is really no reason for the much lower limit...

As for red light cameras don't get me started on that crap but I do remember a story about some high school kids stealing the tag off one of those radar gun trailers on the side of the road and placing the plate on their cars and then running the light causing the city cops to send the red light camera tickets to the county...:D

Longitude Zero
09-29-2011, 05:09 PM
At 21 over the limit even I would have written the cite. That is way to high for the driver to discuss on a county road. How is a speeding ticket even rise to the thought of a Constitutional issue. Driveing is a privilege, not a right, that is granted by the state when you meet certain legal/mandated requirements.

09-29-2011, 06:04 PM
He/She is probably a real nice person without the uniform, badge, gun, handcuffs, duty obligations, and sugar high from all the donuts.

Cops need love too, ya know?

Actually he was very nice and just doing his job. He didn't mark on the ticket that it was a two lane road and marked it as a local ticket so that it won't go to the state. He said this would prevent it from going on my insurance or points on my license.

I just disagree with the practice of finding a hiding spot and using a radar gun.

09-29-2011, 06:06 PM
$200 is a lot of ammo :(

I used to drive much different than I do now... I find myself less frustrated being the 'slow driver' than I ever did being the left lane 'in a hurry for no reason' driver.

That said, I've often caught myself in situations where I just flat don't know what the speed limit is, you'd think it would be mandatory to put a sign shortly after any major off ramp or intersection though.

I have slowed down A LOT in the last few years. I would have been going about 70 a few years ago. :eek:

09-29-2011, 06:09 PM
Here in Indianapolis, there's no speed limits, red lights are optional, stop signs mean "slow down a little", and double yellow lines mean pass as fast as you can.
AND, that's just for cop cars. We civilians have even fewer traffic laws to obey.

09-29-2011, 06:14 PM
That is way to high for the driver to discuss on a county road.

I didn't try to talk him out of it. I just smiled, gave him my license, and signed the ticket.

09-29-2011, 07:00 PM
... I can't tell you how many times I have seen a driver point to the 55 mph sign and the motorcycle officer shake his head no while continuing to write out another $200.00 ticket ...

Yeah, I am familiar with that thin, white haired Highway Patrolman that stalks the north side of 285. A BAAD attitude on that one! Just say 'yes, sir', 'no, sir' and keep your mouth shut. Oh, and don't dare try reciting excuses! I don't know what kind of big political faux pas that got him stuck out by himself on that crappy old motorcycle doing radar intercepts on the 285 loop for many years, now. But he is a terror with that radar gun and that crappy attitude! He got me once. But lots of people do like to fly like jets on 285, so I guess he serves a purpose.

I used to commute south on 85 in the morning and north in the afternoon. Two or three times during the years that I did that commute, this same thing happened... I would be going as fast as I could go in the leftmost regular lane when I would hear a growing scream from behind. In a total of about 3 or 4 seconds, a super high performance motorcycle doing about 140mph would ZOOM by in the H.O.V. lane and disappear around a curve or over the horizon! You know how big the curves are on Interstate highways? Well, this guy was going so fast that he was almost dragging his foot peg he was leaning over so far! What is crazy is that, with traffic slowed in the regular lanes, a car could move over into the H.O.V. lane at 45mph. This guy had a death wish! :eek:

09-29-2011, 08:17 PM
Here in Minnesota, if I am remembering correctly, they no longer enforce the speed camera's. I beleave it went to court and was thrown out for being ill-legal. I think they even had to refund people whom allready paid their fines.

09-29-2011, 09:10 PM
OK...I need some help here. I found a couple of GA statutes about being visible for 500ft and a 7% grade on a hill. My problem is how do I measure either one and get them into evidence. I know I can take pictures and video.

O.C.G.A. § 40-14-7 (2011)

§ 40-14-7. Visibility of vehicle from which device is operated

No stationary speed detection device shall be employed by county, municipal, college, or university law enforcement officers where the vehicle from which the device is operated is obstructed from the view of approaching motorists or is otherwise not visible for a distance of at least 500 feet.

O.C.G.A. § 40-14-9 (2011)

§ 40-14-9. Evidence obtained in certain areas inadmissible; use of device on hill

Evidence obtained by county or municipal law enforcement officers in using speed detection devices within 300 feet of a reduction of a speed limit inside an incorporated municipality or within 600 feet of a reduction of a speed limit outside an incorporated municipality or consolidated city-county government shall be inadmissible in the prosecution of a violation of any municipal ordinance, county ordinance, or state law regulating speed; nor shall such evidence be admissible in the prosecution of a violation as aforesaid when such violation has occurred within 30 days following a reduction of the speed limit in the area where the violation took place, except that this 30 day limitation shall not apply to a speeding violation within a highway work zone, as defined in Code Section 40-6-188, or in an area with variable speed limits, as defined in Code Section 40-6-182. No speed detection device shall be employed by county, municipal, or campus law enforcement officers on any portion of any highway which has a grade in excess of 7 percent

09-29-2011, 09:34 PM
On my way from Florida to NJ, I got pulled over for going 90 in a 70 zone, about 1 hour into my 20 hour drive. When the police officer saw my carry permit he said, "You're one of the good guys. Just slow it down from now on." and let me off. Then wanted to check out my gun. :D At that time it was an LCP. He like it and told me to be careful on my drive. Shwoooooo!

09-30-2011, 06:37 AM
There is a reason that they say "Nice guys finish last..." as I have discovered to my detriment on numerous occasions.

les strat
09-30-2011, 09:29 AM
2 words: radar detector!
That is if you live in a free state that allows them.

09-30-2011, 10:11 AM
2 words: radar detector!
That is if you live in a free state that allows them.

radar detectors and laser jammers are legal in GA

09-30-2011, 10:25 AM
radar detectors and laser jammers are legal in GA

what isn't legal in georgia, they tell me slavery is till legal there:blah:

les strat
09-30-2011, 10:30 AM
radar detectors and laser jammers are legal in GA

Hey Melissa, I shoulda looked at your location. I live in eastern Bama, so I drive through GA a lot.

ROll Tide! ;)

09-30-2011, 02:13 PM
2 words: radar detector!
That is if you live in a free state that allows them.

And one word back at ya.....LASERS
Detectors are worthless against them and most departments use them instead of radar :40:

09-30-2011, 02:23 PM
And they are far more accurate and eliminate possibility of picking up the wrong vehicle.

09-30-2011, 02:51 PM
I went back today and got the GPS coordinates from where he was parked and where the reduced speed limit sign was. He was only 289 ft away from the sign when he should have been at least 300 ft.

09-30-2011, 02:55 PM
Darn he's pretty good guessing a distance of 300 ft within 11 feet. Not many people can judge distance that accurately.

How do you know exactly where he got you on radar by the way, he may have picked you up long before he pulled you over?

09-30-2011, 03:01 PM
Darn he's pretty good guessing a distance of 300 ft within 11 feet. Not many people can judge distance that accurately.

How do you know exactly where he got you on radar by the way, he may have picked you up long before he pulled you over?

Well, he got me before the 25 MPH sign that he was too close to. For me, that's all that matters. He was in a location where any evidence gathered with his radar is inadmissible.

09-30-2011, 04:00 PM
Well, he got me before the 25 MPH sign that he was too close to. For me, that's all that matters. He was in a location where any evidence gathered with his radar is inadmissible.

Way to go, Melissa! Let us know when your case is dismissed.

09-30-2011, 04:21 PM
Good luck fighting it Melissa...:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:...If you know you are in the right and have the time to fight it then by all means go for it....In a previous post I mentioned about how the DeKalb County Police were unfairly using a lack of speed limit signs on an interstate access road to cash in on drivers not sure of the limit...

Some people don't have the time to fight a ticket and just pay it through the mail and thats what they are counting on...Another favorite trick DeKalb uses is to book all traffic cases for the month into a short time frame and if your case doesn't get into court on your date they close the doors and say sorry, come back tomorrow and wait all day again....Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

The hope is for people to give up and pay up whether right or wrong... I hope you win your case and if you are lucky the Police Officer won't show up for court and they will throw it out...You were admittedly over the limit but nowhere near the reckless driving range so maybe you will get lucky but do slow down and be more careful...It's a whole lot less stressful!...:)

09-30-2011, 04:30 PM
Thanks! I might have to physically measure the distance somehow in case they won't take the GPS coordinates. Not sure how I'm gonna do that.

09-30-2011, 04:32 PM
Well, he got me before the 25 MPH sign that he was too close to. For me, that's all that matters. He was in a location where any evidence gathered with his radar is inadmissible.

Good luck on that......if the Judge even allows you to use your info. Kinda like many years ago I got a ticket near airport and law clearly stated radar had to be "free of any outside interferance". I brought all the data from the FAA showing that the radar projected a strong beam in a 25 mile radius from the Vortex Radar covering the area I was in and the Judge looked at me and said "I am not allowing your data, you can hire an attorney and appeal it or pay the fine".
Hey it's worth a try though. When you go to court telling the Prosocuting Attorney that you are planning on pleading not guilty because of.......show him your data, he may decide to dissmiss rather than fight you.:confused:

09-30-2011, 04:39 PM
I've had friends try to fight tickets before, and one thing I learned is that a lot if times it pisses the judge off if you don't have a lawyer. They hate messing with "civilians". And those county judges may just ignore any laws that may prove you were in the right, and say appeal it if you don't like the verdict. Your best hope is that the cop doesn't show for the hearing.

09-30-2011, 04:44 PM
Good luck on that......if the Judge even allows you to use your info. Kinda like many years ago I got a ticket near airport and law clearly stated radar had to be "free of any outside interferance". I brought all the data from the FAA showing that the radar projected a strong beam in a 25 mile radius from the Vortex Radar covering the area I was in and the Judge looked at me and said "I am not allowing your data, you can hire an attorney and appeal it or pay the fine".
Hey it's worth a try though. When you go to court telling the Prosocuting Attorney that you are planning on pleading not guilty because of.......show him your data, he may decide to dissmiss rather than fight you.:confused:
I would not show the prosecutor anything. It will be better if the first time he hears your information is during the hearing. This will give him less time to develop a counter. Play dumb until your time comes. Then, shock him with your case. Before the hearing he my try to pry info out of you. Don't fall for it.

09-30-2011, 04:50 PM
I would not show the prosecutor anything. It will be better if the first time he hears your information is during the hearing. This will give him less time to develop a counter. Play dumb until your time comes. Then, shock him with your case. Before the hearing he my try to pry info out of you. Don't fall for it.

As a matter of fact, they might consider that an attempt at ex parte communication with the prosecutor. I had a prosecutor slam their office door in my face one time.

09-30-2011, 04:54 PM
Around here cops no longer go to ticket courts. The judge goes off their narrative on the ticket.

If you ask for a hearing it's usually an automatic 50% reduction in the fine just for saying it's a financial hardship, I'd leave out the part that it's a hardship cause you just bought 10,000 rounds of 45.

I've never wasted a single minute fighting a ticket even for the 50% off thing. Had a buddy that went every time. Not worth it to me. I mail the check and move on .

I don't have too many tickets and if a cop wants to cite you for something he'll find something. You can find something in a few blocks on anybody.

I don't like it much, seems the ones that deserve the tickets the most never get em.

I'm usually completely ticked for a few days after I get caught, then the anger fades some and I think to myself I was in fact speeding, so wheres the trap? part of the speed trap.

Too many rules, too many fences, too many people. Do you know theres only 5 people per square mile in Wyoming. That's the average state wide. That means I should be able to find a square mile someplace and only have to fight off 4 other people. Sounds devine to me.

09-30-2011, 05:07 PM
In the past, I've just paid them and moved on, but this one seems wrong to me. If I have to pay the fine, it will be $182...found out today.

09-30-2011, 05:11 PM
Around here cops no longer go to ticket courts. The judge goes off their narrative on the ticket.

If you ask for a hearing it's usually an automatic 50% reduction in the fine just for saying it's a financial hardship, I'd leave out the part that it's a hardship cause you just bought 10,000 rounds of 45.

I've never wasted a single minute fighting a ticket even for the 50% off thing. Had a buddy that went every time. Not worth it to me. I mail the check and move on .

I don't have too many tickets and if a cop wants to cite you for something he'll find something. You can find something in a few blocks on anybody.

I don't like it much, seems the ones that deserve the tickets the most never get em.

I'm usually completely ticked for a few days after I get caught, then the anger fades some and I think to myself I was in fact speeding, so wheres the trap? part of the speed trap.

Too many rules, too many fences, too many people. Do you know theres only 5 people per square mile in Wyoming. That's the average state wide. That means I should be able to find a square mile someplace and only have to fight off 4 other people. Sounds devine to me.

Oh.... in todays world any ticket is worth fighting. If you don't, you ending up paying over and over increased insurance premium cost.
Here in Minnesota if you fight it, the first court appearance is only to say not guilty and set a court date. If you go to court to plead guilty no date neccessary and judge just reads you the fine and narrative off ticket and true no cop on first date. If you plead not guilty the cop must be at next hearing. He may not show and you win by default. A typical lawyer trick is to ask for a date change due to conflict in scheduling as a way to hopefully get cop to miss showing up. Cops rarely miss the first scheduled date because all the tickets written usually get the same date. Some times they will also offer you a reduced fine and agree to keep it off your record as part of a plea bargan. Soooo yes fight it to save higher insurance premiums, if it was just the cost of the ticket I would agree and just say pay it. The insurance companies all use your driving record as part of setting rates for you.

09-30-2011, 05:29 PM
Hi Jeep, Man are you ever right about the blood sucking insurance companies...Almost 5 years ago I came over a hill one morning on the way to work and there was a garbage truck coming right up the dead MIDDLE of a narrow two lane road and it was either hit him head on or go off road...

I chose the later and hit a pole which totaled my truck but thank God I walked away without a scratch...I am still paying a jacked up rate due to that accident which wasn't my fault and to add insult to injury the cop wrote me a ticket for failure to maintain lane and crossing a yellow center line that cost me $280.00....Some days you just can't win...:mad:

09-30-2011, 05:59 PM
nice thing here in Indiana and maybe other stares is deferred prosecution. U normally pay twice the fine cost but the ticket is just put in the prosecutors drawer for 6 months and if u get no tickets in that 6 months it is torn up like it never happened. The insurace company and bmv never even know about it. county the ticket was written in gets the bulk of the money. supposably u are only allowed one ticket like this at a time but I have had 3 in thge styate of Indiana allin different counties and no one ever knew or could check on it even. after 6 mnonths they just wnet away like it never happened. To me beats paying some attoney to TRY to fight it. Doesnt' work for DUI'S but works for speeding tickets and most other violations, except if your going 15 miles over the liit then it is considered reckless driving but most cops will keep the ticket speet under 15 mph so as to not get a person that reckless driving thing. One of my tickets was failure to pull ino the next lane when and emergency vehicle was along side with lights on. I was on my motorcycle. OUr state signs state. " u must pull over to the next lane OR SLOW DOWN. i DID THE SECOND and the cop said NOPE. $67 times 2 for deferred, they made out like a fokking bandit.

10-29-2011, 10:37 AM
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

11-02-2011, 06:57 AM
2 words: radar detector!
That is if you live in a free state that allows them.

The cops in Ohio have radar detector detectors. :)

11-02-2011, 09:23 AM
The cops in Ohio have radar detector detectors. :)

I went ahead and paid the darn ticket a few days ago. It wasn't worth stressing out over.

11-02-2011, 10:09 AM
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

I know I'm going to put a turd into someone's punchbowl...but I have the same attitude.

I see so many people pushing and shoving to get to the head of the line by driving up medians and break-down lanes, running stop signs and red lights, that my attitude is that the States should use LOTS of red light and speed cameras to modify behavior and balance their budgets. Keep my taxes low, and let the scofflaws pay the difference.


11-02-2011, 06:27 PM
Had you considered moving to the UK? That would get you instant gratification. 'Course, you'd have to get rid of your guns, but that would be a small price to pay.