View Full Version : Herman Cain

09-30-2011, 04:47 PM
Presidential candidate Herman Cain is to be a guest on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" at 11:30 eastern this evening if you are a night owl and this will be an excellent time to listen to his message if all you know about him is from the so called debates...

The debate questions are mostly generic and the format turns into a b!tch slap fight between two or more candidates and they aren't given enough time to finish a complete thought....

I really like what Mr Cain has to say and he is the most down to earth and real person I have heard so far as well as being a very successful business man in the private sector and nothing like the other career politicians on the ticket....

The man is very wise and experienced but humble and to me is the one to lead us out of Obummerville and get this country back on track and get the economy moving again...He is a big supporter of the Fair Tax and will explain his 9-9-9 plan in plain english and if you listen to the idea it really makes sense...

If you're up give him a listen, It may change your mind and your vote...

09-30-2011, 04:49 PM
I like him also but IMO he has a snowballs chance of winning the rep. nomination..

09-30-2011, 04:53 PM
I agree... I have liked him for a LONG time.

Jimmy Carter has "endorsed" Romney and says he hopes Romney is nominated as the Republican candidate... doesn't necessarily want him to win, though. Is this a kiss of death??

Wow! Endorsed by the Second Worst President ever!


09-30-2011, 05:00 PM
This Republican nomination process reminds the Republican Fratricide of past campaigns... by the time the candidates get through "pointing out flaws" and so forth, everyone will be sick of the eventual "tainted" nominee and stay at home... or worse... vote for the other guy/gal.

It's going to be tough if people vote against a candidate because he doesn't favor abortion or some other SINGLE issue... forgetting that you should vote for whomever will most likely do you the least harm... or continue this "march" toward a socialist "Utopia" where everything is dictated by our glorious ELITE <arrogant> Teleprompter Reader-Leader... er RULER... in his own mind.


09-30-2011, 05:19 PM
carter is a twit!! his endorsement means nadda as u well know. He has the respect and admiration of a piss ant! He should have stuck to habitat home building.. Peanut farmer my ass. He is a twit..

09-30-2011, 05:36 PM
I'm just glad that Sarah Palin hasn't jumped in the race...I like Sarah ok but I think her entry into the race would give a big leg up to the Obamanator... I also wish Jimmy Carter would just sit down and shut up...He had his chance once before and as bad as he screwed it up I just don't see why he thinks his opinion matters in the least...He is a very good man but was a very bad leader....

09-30-2011, 05:41 PM
his opinion doesn't matter. those that can remember 16%inflation back in his reigh won't forget him. Sarah won't run, she hasnit it in her to do it and her popularity is nadda. She should stick to moose hunting or shooting wolves out of helicopters.

mr surveyor
09-30-2011, 05:56 PM
I like Mr. Cain's ideas too, but he has very poor skills with communication. Not much chance of wooing the masses with the typical BS needed for the general election. I could see him with a high level cabinet position though.

09-30-2011, 06:22 PM
if there is one thing obama has it is communication skills. He is one of the best at this crapola, hopefully now the public has him figure dout to be just that an orator and not a producer.

I can understand why Chrisie is hesitant to run, he knows he is going to get hammered by his own party for the next 4 months, and then obama team will take over and hammer him like a carpenter, and if christe has just one skeleton in his closet it will surface and mabye he just dowsnt want to put his familyt thorugh this crapola. After allit is all about tearing down the candidate and obama people are good at it. they have the money behind them and obama can go on TV any damn timne he wants and fart and it will be televised. Christe is certainly not pro gun either, The NRA will go after him if his stance stays the way it has been in the past..

09-30-2011, 06:25 PM
surv: u mean, u really mean what all these candidates are saying is B.S.???? OH my what next!!!!

U mean if I told you all here that I was hitting metal plates at 75 yards 9 out of 10 shots, with my PM9 would u call that B.S.!!!!!

09-30-2011, 06:29 PM
Cain/Rubio ticket. I could go for that.

Cain/Paul (the younger). I could go for that as well.

Bill K
09-30-2011, 06:53 PM
Mr. Cain has not yet passed my litmus test concerning the 2nd Amendment. He does not appear TO ME to be very articulate on the subject.

BLITZER: How about gun control?
CAIN: I support the 2nd amendment.
B: So what’s the answer on gun control?
C: The answer is I support, strongly support, the 2nd amendment. I don’t support onerous legislation that’s going to restrict people’s rights in order to be able to protect themselves as guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.
B: Should states or local government be allowed to control guns, the gun situation, or should…
C: Yes
B: Yes?
C: Yes.
B: So the answer is yes?
C: The answer is yes, that should be a state’s decision.

09-30-2011, 06:56 PM
I think I should throw my hat in the ring. I could fix this.

Some of my platform.

No tax on guns.

No shipping requirements with proof of CCW and Driver License.

Person to person shipment A OK with above.

All California and Mass gun control laws abolished forthwith.

Has to be a negative in here so how about no more than 100 guns a month per person.

Profiling is allowed and encouraged in all levels of government.

The constitution shall not be messed with and shall be the last word.

Lets see we gotta have a party of the first part and party of the second part to sound like bottom feeding lawyers so how about party of the first part on Wednesdays' and Party of the second part on Saturdays.
Any parties in between these shall be referred to as social gatherings.

The first lady shall not be allowed on television except in the presence of the president which shall be a man born naturally and not converted by a team of medical professionals performing unnatural procedures on humans that should be let down the drain in the first place.

She shall not be entitled to taxpayer provided "Staff".

As far as meeting requirements to be president see the area on profiling. If in doubt assume its just horribly wrong.

President has the power to send congressMEN and Senators packing if they act stupid or dumb in anyway. Maybe thats too all powerful. The vice pres and the speaker of the house has to agree then they are sent packing unless the speaker of the house is dumb then only vice pres approval required.
Naw, that ain't right, JohnH has to agree with the pres and the VIP and he just bans em from Washington.

More later, all this heavy thinking is making my headache really big.

09-30-2011, 07:35 PM
Dennis Miller has endorsed Cain and coined a bumper sticker for him, for the election.

Cain vs Unable

just sayin'

09-30-2011, 08:08 PM
Herman Cain / Allen West

09-30-2011, 08:52 PM
I have not made up my mind who I would like to win the Rep nomination. But whoever it is, I would be willing to crawl through a rattlesnake pit to vote for them and give Obama a pink slip.

09-30-2011, 09:20 PM
Carter... hmmm... went to North Korea... gave them a nuclear reactor! The Clintons allowed technology transfer to RED China, enabling them to be able hit something with their ICBMs. The RED Chinese contributed to Clinton's campaign fund!

Just listen to the people complaining about the two "American-Jihadists" were targeted Americans... those a$$wipes were killing Americans!

Another thing... B.O.A. is going to charge fees for using Debit Cards... Democrat Durbin listened to his cash-contributing Special Interests... businesses complaining about being charged 44¢ a transaction and proposed and got a law passed to limit the fees charged to businesses for accepting bank debit cards... the result... higher fees to the consumers! He wasn't listening to the little people... his un-represented constituents... without well-paid lobbyists and large political contributions.


09-30-2011, 11:36 PM
I don't agree that Herman Cain can't get the nomination. Bochman is falling, Perry is rapidly losing support. Cain is now in third place and gaining. Nearly everyone who hears Cain speak is impressed with him - believe me, he can communicate and is brilliant when it comes to solving problems. Right now the Georgia connection, Newt and Herman, have more support than Romney or Perry, and they are pretty close. I don't see that a deal is out of the question. Personally, I would like a Cain-Gingrich ticket, but that won't happen. Ribio is almost a shoo-in for the second spot on the ticket.

I've also heard some interesting rumors floating around from more than one source. If things don't measurably improve by the first of the year, the DNC may insist that Obama pull out of the race. He cost them control of the House last year and could very well lose them the Senate in 2012, not to mention the Presidency. I can't see them accepting that. He could put forth any number of reasons and promise to come back and run for a second term when conditions improve. It's certainly not a sure thing or even a probability right now, but it is interesting. It's still a long time until November 2012, and any number of things could happen.

10-01-2011, 01:00 AM
Might be B.S. but at least your pro 2nd amendment.
Herman Cain would be good for the country, a lot better than we have now!
I'd vote for him.


10-01-2011, 02:12 AM
I think Cain can win the nomination and the general election. I think people would welcome a leader with a proven business track record of success & of generating jobs and someone who is not a career politician.

10-01-2011, 06:05 AM
I think Cain can win the nomination and the general election. I think people would welcome a leader with a proven business track record of success & of generating jobs and someone who is not a career politician.

I agree Cain can win the general election, I'm just sure the political establishment won't give him or any real conservative candidate the chance for fear of being too conservative.

I will go on record as saying I lke Cain, I like Palin, I like Perry, I like Bauchman and I like Gingrich. I could easily support any of these. Christie doesn't want to run and needs to learn how to say it in swalheli for the press to get it!

Mitt Mouse Romney is just toooo slick and quick for me. Just a flippin and a floppin. Look at the liberal state of Mass to see where he is coming from and going to. Gay marriage, strick gun control, socialist programs.

Huntsman is a IMHO a liberal plant. Pawlenty already pulled out, why is he even in the debates except to be Romney's attach dog on Perry or any other challenger to Romney. Ron Paul is a isolationist, and in this world now that will destroy us.

10-01-2011, 06:18 AM
The question about Cain that is yet to be answered is this; Can he hold up under the viscious, racist, unrelenting personal attacks underwhich the media and the liberals will shower him? How thick is his skin? Is his family prepared for the hatred and foulness the Palin family endured?

10-01-2011, 06:23 AM
The question about Cain that is yet to be answered is this; Can he hold up under the viscious, racist, unrelenting personal attacks underwhich the media and the liberals will shower him? How thick is his skin? Is his family prepared for the hatred and foulness the Palin family endured?

That is a question to ask about all the candidates, as the lame steam liberal media will be vicious in their attack on any conservative in order to shelter and protect their liberal progressive politicain.

10-01-2011, 06:26 AM
This is a web site I'm copying from another forum on the topic of Presidential candidates.

I hope this gets spread around so everyone can make an informed decision.

2012 Republican Presidential Candidates (http://2012.republican-candidates.org/)

Herman Cain is PRO 2nd Amendment he is for Individual and states rights.
Good enough for me . . :cheer2:

10-01-2011, 07:16 AM
no love for ron paul? i expected better on a gun forum.

think cain can speak? put him in a 1 on 1 debate with paul and watch him squirm and dodge questions that are out of his league.

10-01-2011, 07:21 AM
This Republican nomination process reminds the Republican Fratricide of past campaigns... by the time the candidates get through "pointing out flaws" and so forth, everyone will be sick of the eventual "tainted" nominee and stay at home... or worse... vote for the other guy/gal.

It's going to be tough if people vote against a candidate because he doesn't favor abortion or some other SINGLE issue... forgetting that you should vote for whomever will most likely do you the least harm... or continue this "march" toward a socialist "Utopia" where everything is dictated by our glorious ELITE <arrogant> Teleprompter Reader-Leader... er RULER... in his own mind.

Wynn:)When there is so much in the way of substantial specific criticism of Obama possible, I don't get the fascination Republicans have with telepromptors. EVERY President has used them since they were invented. Before that, Presidents, yes, even the Great Communicator, Ronald Regan, used a written copy of their speech.

10-01-2011, 07:30 AM
Might be B.S. but at least your pro 2nd amendment.
Herman Cain would be good for the country, a lot better than we have now!
I'd vote for him.

nunnyaCain sounds like a direct, plain talking, problem solver. He seems open to new ideas. I like his business orientation. I have a concern about his 9-9-9 plan. My sales tax in Michigan would jump to a total of 15%. That's bad in a consumer economy (70% of our GDP is consumer buying). It also taxes me twice, once when I got my paycheck, again when I spend it.

Bill K
10-01-2011, 08:25 AM
This is a web site I'm copying from another forum on the topic of Presidential candidates.

I hope this gets spread around so everyone can make an informed decision.

2012 Republican Presidential Candidates (http://2012.republican-candidates.org/)

Herman Cain is PRO 2nd Amendment he is for Individual and states rights.
Good enough for me . . :cheer2:

Thanks... Very good quick reference site.

10-01-2011, 09:29 AM
People are critical of Obama as the teleprompter reader, because that's all he can do. When he's off the prompter he stutters like Mel Tillis and usually ends up off the reservation.

10-01-2011, 09:32 AM
Like the Fair Tax, I believe his plan REPLACES our current Federal Tax System, so the payroll tax would go down. My marginal rate is 25%. I would like 9% FIT max. Prices on goods and services (9% CorporateTax) would go down compensating for the addition of a VAT of 9%.

I would prefer the Fair Tax. Opponents cry that it would go on top of all of the taxes now... +23% increase... but that's just scare-mongering by opponents of the FT... just like the Dems crying that the Reps will destroy Medicare when THEY are the ones taking half a trillion bucks out of Medicare for Obama Care.

Just imagine a single page tax form instead of all of the crap we have now, that takes experts that aren't even available because tests have shown that even the IRS can't figure out the taxes correctly... usually!

As for the teleprompter use... most everybody but Obama could speak from notes or off the cuff with intelligence. Obama hides behind his teleprompters because without them... he can't speak intelligently. He's NOT a great orator... certainly not without his teleprompters.


10-01-2011, 09:50 AM
he just looks that way compared to bush, who was so brain dead from cocaine he couldn't form a coherant sentence even with the prompters.

10-01-2011, 10:40 AM
he just looks that way compared to bush, who was so brain dead from cocaine he couldn't form a coherant(sic.) sentence even with the prompters.

Ah... I'm noticing a trend here... you've obviously had too great a drink of the Kool Aid and have given too much thought to the "social justice and wealth redistribution" espoused by Obama and his "Progressive" Marxist/Socialist/Communist/60's radical pals who want to tear down our country and rebuild it in their glorious idea of a Utopian World presided over by him and his "elite-in-their-own-minds" buddies who will become our rulers... in the footsteps of other greats like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, and wannabe Chavez... those guys just weren't as smart as Obama and his buddies and didn't get it right... like they will.

Yep, been there, had that discussion... gets nowhere with those sitting on their butts demanding the producers work THEIR butts off to provide the unproductive with all of these new "rights" to stuff that comes from the sweat of others' brows. Yep... going nowhere. BYE!


10-01-2011, 10:40 AM
he just looks that way compared to bush, who was so brain dead from cocaine he couldn't form a coherant sentence even with the prompters.

Bush was an excellent speaker, when he was on the campaign trail he spoke extemporaneously, without notes or teleprompters. Had you ever seen him, you would know this. As President he was stiff and formal, but as citizen George, he is far, far superior to Obama's trite, cliche laden verbosity.

10-01-2011, 11:54 AM
From GunOwnersofAmerica.com:

According to a new Zogby poll this week, Herman Cain has soared into the lead and now sits atop the Republican field. Here are the latest results:

Herman Cain (28%)
Rick Perry (18%)
Mitt Romney (17%)
Ron Paul (11%)\
Newt Gingrich (6%)
Jon Huntsman, Jr. (5%)
Michele Bachmann (4%)
Rick Santorum (2%)
Gary Johnson (1%)

mr surveyor
10-01-2011, 12:12 PM
he just looks that way compared to bush, who was so brain dead from cocaine he couldn't form a coherant sentence even with the prompters.

that is one of only a very few totally ignorant, uninformed statements I've seen on KahrTalk lately.

Maybe I shouldn't add my two cents....

10-01-2011, 12:38 PM
The question about Cain that is yet to be answered is this; Can he hold up under the viscious, racist, unrelenting personal attacks underwhich the media and the liberals will shower him? How thick is his skin? Is his family prepared for the hatred and foulness the Palin family endured?

As for Herman, the answer is yes. He grew up rather poor and black in Atlanta, unlike Obama who grew up privileged and black in Indonesia. I have only met his wife once, so I can't speak for her, but she appears to be a strong woman. A line from "Desiderata" comes to mind about Herman.

"As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit."

10-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Cain sounds like a direct, plain talking, problem solver. He seems open to new ideas. I like his business orientation. I have a concern about his 9-9-9 plan. My sales tax in Michigan would jump to a total of 15%. That's bad in a consumer economy (70% of our GDP is consumer buying). It also taxes me twice, once when I got my paycheck, again when I spend it.

Cain is a big supporter of the FairTax, although he realizes that to run on that platform would be political suicide. Until the public is educated on the FT, it is far too easy to demagogue. The 9-9-9 Plan is a transition from our current federal taxes to the FT because it contains a consumption tax factor. Keep in mind that while the total sales tax will go up, other federal taxes will go down. It is well thought out and is revenue neutral.

10-01-2011, 12:54 PM
that is one of only a very few totally ignorant, uninformed statements I've seen on KahrTalk lately.

Maybe I shouldn't add my two cents....

Make that four cents. Maybe I shouldn't name names [apheod], but someone has put his ignorance on public display.

10-01-2011, 01:17 PM
I often wonder about the lefty sheeple who don't even have a clue what it is they support:
From someone within:



10-01-2011, 01:18 PM
No one has really struck me as the one I want to support, each one is a compromise, they all have week and strong points. I've listened to Herman Cain quite a bit on talk radio and he seems to be a pretty down to earth conservative man with a lot of good ideas. Whoever said he wasn't articulate hasn't heard him on the radio I guess. Maybe we should run a black man against a black man this time. That should cut out a lot of racial B.S. I like Michelle Bachman's Tea Party platform, but I don't think she has a chance. I'd really like to see Rand Paul run, but he won't run against his father. I'll just see how things shake out.

10-01-2011, 01:49 PM
Make that four cents. Maybe I shouldn't name names [apheod], but someone has put his ignorance on public display.

I try to stay clear of these political discussions, they just tick me off but I'll add my 2 cents also, we're up to 6 cents which is far more than that off the wall comment was worth.

All I want is anybody but what we got, I can't have what I really want which is a complete house cleaning of White House, House, and Senate. Every last man jack of em. Start completely fresh.

Call me sexist, I put woman on a pedestal in general but I got no use for one in the White House in any position. Good bye Hillary, Pelosci and the whole bunch.

Damn I'm a rebel.

10-01-2011, 03:42 PM
All I want is anybody but what we got, I can't have what I really want which is a complete house cleaning of White House, House, and Senate. Every last man jack of em. Start completely fresh.

Call me sexist, I put woman on a pedestal in general but I got no use for one in the White House in any position. Good bye Hillary, Pelosci and the whole bunch.

Damn I'm a rebel.

Well, changing the president is fairly easy. We can do that every four years, and it will happen in 2012 if enough right-thinking [pun intended] people get off their lazy behinds and VOTE. The congress is another story. I don't mean to be critical here, but just how in the heck are we going to do that? Term limits come to mind, but there is the problem. The very people who will be term limited [thrown out of office and striped of their power] are also the same people who have to vote to pass it. That seems unlikely unless the people get off their duffs and drag the unwilling participants, kicking and screaming, to the vote. With the current makeup of the voters in this country, I don't see that happening either.

The only viable alternative would be bypassing the congress completely and calling a Constitutional Convention. That is a long and time consuming process, and since I see no way to limit it once convened, that opens up a whole new bag of worms.

Okay, I'll call you sexist. :) I can see a woman in the White House, but certainly not one of the two you mentioned. I wonder if there's a clone of Margaret Thatcher wondering around the streets of the US.

10-01-2011, 04:46 PM
Amen to Lady Thatcher. She was a lady not to be trifled with, when she was in office... a great Lady and friend to the U.S. The Obamas being vehemently anti-colonialists or anti-imperialists don't care for or respect the Brits. Then go around the world apologizing for the U.S.A.'s actions... what fools... bowing to the Saudi King or Prince... stumbled my ass... NO EXECUTIVE experience.


10-01-2011, 05:02 PM
no love for ron paul? i expected better on a gun forum

Ron Paul is extremely articulate & intelligent. His command of the Constitution is impressive. There is a lot about him to admire. But like most libertarians, I part company with him.

Unlike him I don't think all drugs should be legalized up to and including heroin. I've seen the destruction drug addition does on families up close. They are a devastating scourge on society.

And, unlike him, I'm not cool with Iran getting nuclear weapons. That's a fast slippery slope down to Armageddon in my opinion.

No way I could support him in the primary; there are better choices.

10-01-2011, 05:31 PM
he just looks that way compared to bush, who was so brain dead from cocaine he couldn't form a coherant sentence even with the prompters.

Been watching too much SNL or the Daily Show for our "news", have we? :) Really, we shouldn't have the media define our "knowledge".

I wasn't a big fan of Bush 41 but I also recall he was stereotyped by the media. Remember "The Wimp Factor"? Goodness when Bush 41 first went to war he was the youngest naval aviator in the war at that time. He flew 58 combat missions and won the Distinguished Flying Cross. Shot down in the Pacific, he was rescued by a submarine and then immediately went back to war.

By contrast, his opponent was ... a draft dodger.

And yet the media tagged "The Wimp Factor" on ... Bush?

Similar things could be said about Bush 43, only now the charge was that he was stupid, that Chaney or Rove was his brain. Again, there is no substance to those false charges, only the media trying to shape public opinion. Bet you didn't know that Bush 43's GPA was higher at Yale than was Senator Kerry's GPA, as one example, eh? No, and you'd never learn that by listening to Letterman, or Leno, or Katie Couric, or ...

Final comment - when Bush 43 had only two weeks left in his Administration he spent a great deal of that going around and visiting various Agencies, thanking them for their support. Mine was one of them. He came out and had lunch with us in the cafeteria. Ate the same food, sat at the same tables, etc. After 30-45 minutes of lunch like a regular guy, he got up to speak to the larger audience. No teleprompter, no notes, just from his heart. It was intelligent, articulate, and passionate. He was well informed, clearly had understood and treasured our product, and spoke with great authority.

As an aside, VP Cheney was there too. I found the difference between the two striking. Although Cheney was very impressive in his own right, you could tell that Cheney was acting in a way that made it clear he knew who was in charge. He was very careful not to detract from the POTUS, was very deferential, and tried very much to stay out of the limelight.

I was honored to be there, and thanked them both for keeping our country safe since 9/11. It was and is for me a treasured memory.

FYI I got both of their autographs on my invitation. I also got my photo with the POTUS, shown below (although that signature was auto-penned). I'm the dorky looking guy on the left.

10-01-2011, 05:56 PM
that is one of only a very few totally ignorant, uninformed statements I've seen on KahrTalk lately.

Maybe I shouldn't add my two cents....

I'll add $20 to your 2¢! So totally 1000% untrue! George Bush matriculated at Harvard and Yale, and was a very successful governor before serving as President. I wonder how apheod's education and accomplishments measure up when compared to George Bush's?

10-01-2011, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the personal recollections. Neither Bush was my favorite president, but your experience with 43 mirrors what others have said when meeting him. Everyone goes away impressed that he is a genuine and feeling person.

10-01-2011, 06:10 PM
Maybe we should run a black man against a black man this time. That should cut out a lot of racial B.S.

I have already seen a liberal reporter put a microphone in front of a black woman as she called Herman Cain "an Oreo - black on the outside and white on the inside." This and worse is what we will see from the left if Herman continues to surge and gets the nomination.

mr surveyor
10-01-2011, 06:21 PM
as a black conservative, Herman Cain will have to endure the same "Uncle Tom" garbage thrown by the left that Clarence Thomas went through. Even Condie Rice was a target for the same.

10-01-2011, 06:22 PM
yes I heard that same balck woman make that statement. fokk her...