View Full Version : Indoor Shooting Ranges - The Rose and its Thorns

10-01-2011, 10:04 PM
I think indoor shooting ranges are a great idea. I am really grateful that we have several in our area. But, every rose has its thorns.

One thorn often found at indoor ranges is this:
Nearly every time I go to the range, there is someone there who feels compelled to compensate for the size of his manhood by shooting the biggest F-ing gun the place has for rent.

At NorPoint today, that was the Smith and Wesson 500 - a .50 caliber magnum revolver. That sucker is HUGE, the bullets it fires are HUGE, and the noise it makes is HUGE. It's not just the noise that is huge, it's also the shockwave that hits you, 4 lanes over, through the dividers. Also, the muzzle flash lights up the whole range for an instant, adding a visual element to the shock factor. That gun gets you three ways - audio, visual, tactile.

Fortunately, I was warned by the range master - so in addition to my earplugs, I also rented a set of mufflers, and doubled up.

When I first entered the range, the guy shooting the 500 was in his 50s, and he was taking his time between shots. He probably didn't want to deplete his bank account - those suckers go for $1.50/round when you buy them online. I expect they're more like $2 each if you buy them at the range. Of course, the fact that he was taking his time between shots meant that I never knew when the next one was going to happen.

Here is a portion of a target I was shooting at with a .22 rifle, four lanes to the left of the guy with the hand cannon. See if you can guess which shot I fired at the same moment the guy with the 500 cracked one off:


After a while, I noticed that it had been a long time since the last big boom, so I looked over and observed that he had left. Whew! But I was relieved too soon. Not 10 minutes went by before I overheard some 20-somethings a few lanes over (one lane closer than before) getting ready to fire the 500. One of them had the decency (or the vanity) to warn people, saying loudly "We're about to fire a 50 caliber!". I paused and braced myself. A few moments passed. One of them said "Nothing happened." The first one said "Put it down and let me see." A few more moments passed. Then "OK, you're good to go now." A few more moments.


Mad giggling broke out three lanes over, overlaid with "Dude, did you even hit the target?" (the target was only out to about 15 feet)


The good news is that their bank accounts didn't seem to be as deep as their desire to prove their manhood by firing a small cannon, and they didn't stick around long.

Now, remember how I compared the range with a rose? Well, we've just talked about the thorns. Let's talk about the petals now.

The lane to my left was occupied by two good looking women in blue jeans and caps. I am not sure if they were mother and daughter, friends, sisters, or what. I was unobtrusive, and therefore did not get a close look. But I know that they were firing .45 ACP. I know this because I was smitten, both figuratively and literally. A few of their casings vaulted the divider and impacted my shoulder on the way to the floor.

I also noticed that they had affixed a medium-sized spring clamp to the bottom of their paper target.


NorPoint has a great ventilation system that keeps the smoke and lead dust out of your face really well, but the down side is that the targets tend to sway in the breeze. Theirs was not swaying. I leaned over and told one of them that the clamp was an AWESOME idea, and I was going to have to do that next time. She was genuinely appreciative of the comment.

All in all, it was a good range visit. The S&W 500 Magnum wasn't optimal, but it could have been worse. There could have been someone in the lane to my right firing a .44 Magnum rapid fire the entire time.

10-01-2011, 11:05 PM
I always bring some large office binder clips. They also have them at the counter if you ask. I like to use theirs since once in awhile the target will just drop and I ain't going down there to get my clips back.

Gunshow in Monroe this weekend. Be there or be square.

10-01-2011, 11:53 PM
I always bring some large office binder clips. They also have them at the counter if you ask. I like to use theirs since once in awhile the target will just drop and I ain't going down there to get my clips back.

Gunshow in Monroe this weekend. Be there or be square.

I had to ask them to replace the binder clips on my target hanger today. One was sideways and the other was missing. Those things are pretty light though, aren't they? Do they stabilize the target anyway? I suppose 3 or 4 of them on there would do the job.

Gun show in Monroe, eh? I'm afraid. I have some extra money right now. What are the rules on carrying a loaded one in?

Edit: Scratch that question. Found this: http://www.washingtonarmscollectors.org/shows.htm

10-02-2011, 12:02 AM
Wait a second. I just read on their website that while the event is open to the public ($7 admission), "Firearm sales to — or purchases from — non-members or persons prohibited by law from firearms ownership/possession are totally forbidden. Violation will lead to immediate and permanent expulsion as a member of WAC."

So there's an automatic $42 price increase on any firearm I might want to buy there? No thank you. Unless the prices are crazy low or something, which I doubt. Or, is this like an RV show, where you go there to check out all of the RVs in one place, and then go find your good price on a model that interests you after the show is over?

10-02-2011, 12:23 AM
I save sturdy cardboard, cut it into roughly 17" by 17" squares and tape my targets... all 4 corners to the cardboard. I also use reinforced tape to put a wire tie on the top center of the target to tie over the clip and hold it in place should the cardboard slip free of the clip. We are not allowed to stop the shooting and retrieve fallen targets. I had that happen a few times and came up with my own solution.

I take my own targets and bring them back home with me. I re-use the cardboard, sometimes taping a half-sized piece over the shot away portion.

Ear plugs and muff just aren't enough for those super-sized magnum hand-cannons!

It's uncomfortable watching the laser dots playing about the entire inside of the range, knowing there's a weapon attached to it and I've seen one traversing the ceiling AND the shooter blowing a chunk out of the ceiling tiles!:eek:


10-02-2011, 05:56 AM
So far, I've been in the lobby whenever someone was shooting a .357, 44 mag, or .50 mag. It's interesting to watch how far fire comes out of the barrel.

10-02-2011, 06:00 AM
The range I use clamps cardboard to the target carrier and the shooters staple their targets to the cardboard. There is a bit of sway and bounce at the end of the carrier's travel down range but after a few seconds things settle down and I have a very stationary target to aim at and miss.:o

10-02-2011, 07:30 AM
Here is a portion of a target I was shooting at with a .22 rifle, four lanes to the left of the guy with the hand cannon. See if you can guess which shot I fired at the same moment the guy with the 500 cracked one off:


Good shoot'en. Nice little group there!!! BTW, this pic of the target is nice but hey be real. The next time you talk about pretty girls shooting guns, you need to supply pictures! :D

sas PM9
10-02-2011, 07:43 AM
Another way to look at it is that it is a great training exercise for defensive shooting.
There will probably be other guns going off whilst you are protecting yourself and your loved ones.


10-02-2011, 10:16 AM
The next time you talk about pretty girls shooting guns, you need to supply pictures! :D

I didn't want to seem like this guy:

But if you want to see girls with guns, there is always Google:
http://www.google.com/search?gcx=w&q=pretty+girls+shooting&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1920&bih=1019#um=1&hl=en&safe=off&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=girls+with+guns&pbx=1&oq=girls+with+guns&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=17774l19313l0l19463l15l11l0l0l0l0l285l2015l 0.9.2l11l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=12c3d8b89faff796&biw=1920&bih=1019
(Warning: NSFW)

10-02-2011, 11:28 AM
I really like my indoor range. It's cool in the 100* summer and warm in the 40* winter with good air circulation. They always give me a target, have muffs for free use (I bring my own) and members get free rentals. When I tried out the G36 they even gave me a mag of ammo that they normally require purchase.

Occasionally they have someone shooting a loud gun but I do pretty well with it. Of course I don't shoot 2" groups at 25yds either. I practice at 3 & 5 yards with a few at 10.

10-02-2011, 11:50 AM
I wish I could say the same for my indoor range. It's 100 in the summer [no A/C] and 40- in the winter. I can handle the 40, but at 100 my shooting glasses fog and my earmuffs fill up with water. Oh well, at least I don't pay for anything to shoot and only $1 for the targets.

They are divided for pistol and long guns, and the magnum guys have to use the rifle range, so noise isn't a problem on the pistol side. I did have a problem when I was sighting in the red dot on my 45 carbine and had to use the rifle side. I was shooting one handed and using the vertical foregrip for a rest. Some guy set up beside me with a 12 gauge and that thing was LOUD. Every time he fired my carbine would fall off the rest.

10-02-2011, 11:51 AM
Good shoot'en. Nice little group there!!!

Of course I don't shoot 2" groups at 25yds either. I practice at 3 & 5 yards with a few at 10.

It is important to note that this group was shot with a .22 rifle using a scope at 7x magnification after having dialed it in extensively.

It was also the best grouping on an 8.5x11" sheet of card stock that included 9 such 2" targets. I carefully photoshopped out the other 8 squares. :)

10-07-2011, 07:30 PM
Bawanna -

NorPoint has reinstated and is enforcing an old policy of theirs that they never bothered with before. They are now carefully checking ID against the name/signature on the waiver form, and holding your ID until you leave, even if you're not renting a gun.

It seems that an issue came up which brought this to the forefront. Apparently an ex-convict (murder) was coming in, writing a fake name on the sign-in sheet, and shooting there. I didn't ask whether he was renting a gun or bringing his own. Anyway, they found him out, and security is heightened now (for a while at least).

10-07-2011, 07:54 PM
The 75 yard indoor range I regularly use isn't the cheapest. But it's a well run, underground range built by folk with a professional HVAC background that doesn't advertise and caters to "real" shooters. Well controlled temps, well ventilated, no trolls.