View Full Version : What do you clean your Kahr with?
10-02-2011, 11:36 AM
I just bought my first Kahr, a PM9. I have quite a few other PD pistols, including several M&Ps. I have been using Hornady One Shot for most of my cleaning chores since it also provide a dry lube. I still use a little oil where directed as well. I haven't seen anyone mention a cleaner like this and was wondering if I shouldn't be using this on my PM9 for any reason.
10-02-2011, 12:27 PM
if it works ok anb du like it stick with it. they are all good. I doubt if Hornady puts out any junk products. Kahrs are like any othger polymer gun, so treat it the same and u shouldbe fine.
I like to use squib sperm on my PM9 slide but lately I have been having alot of trouble getting the squid to work with me on it, I have been told Stingray Poo works great to but we don't have them in the wabash river,
10-02-2011, 12:43 PM
if it works ok anb du like it stick with it. they are all good. I doubt if Hornady puts out any junk products. Kahrs are like any othger polymer gun, so treat it the same and u shouldbe fine.
I like to use squib sperm on my PM9 slide but lately I have been having alot of trouble getting the squid to work with me on it, I have been told Stingray Poo works great to but we don't have them in the wabash river,
jocko, i'm not sure but i think you have to find a 'male' squib. i'd say you might have had some luck with 'her' had you bought dinner and a movie first, repeat as necessary, listen to her concerns, show you're sensitive, hold hands, pay off her credit cards, etc. etc.......instead of going straight for the home run.
here's wishing 'you both' a happy ending.
10-02-2011, 12:53 PM
I clean with Gunzilla, use it for oil and use TW25 for grease. These are synthetic and have no real odor, but are very good.
10-02-2011, 12:53 PM
How about the striker channel? I've read several things on here saying do NOT lube it. I sprayed the One Shot using the straw into the hole to clean it and to leave a dry lube behind assuming it wouldn't gum things up.....I did NOT drop any oil in there. You think a little dry lube left behind would cause any issues? When I move the striker by hand it seems OK. I get the point that oil can attract and hold some crud that you wouldn't want in the striker channel, but thought the dry lube left behind from the One Shot wouldn't cause a problem and actually help a little......
10-02-2011, 01:32 PM
The first thing I do with a new gun is to treat it with Militec1. It takes a while but makes later use of the firearm and cleanup go better.
Hoppes Elite seems to do a better than average job on polygonal barrels, eliminating some of the streaking you get with other cleaners.
For the other areas of the gun I use Eezox which is an excellent general cleaner as well as a dry lube, (as is Militec1 of course). A drop of Eezox on a Q-Tip goes a long way toward cleaning hard to get to areas. The Eezox also is put on all my mags, not only as a dry lube, but Eezox is one of the best rust preventatives around.
The lubes I use are TW25b on the rails and cam and MC2500 on other lube spots. I coat the interior of the slide and the outside of the barrel with a thin coat of Militec1. I refrain from using any de-greasers. Normal cleaning seems to work well enough.
I've used many cleaners and lubes over the years and these are the ones I've settled on. They work well for me.
Bill K
10-02-2011, 01:40 PM
I use Breakfree CLP and some Tetra grease on a few metal to metal surfaces on re-assembly. Need to remember to hit that clean-out hole every now and then. Lots and lots of great gun cleaning products out there, find something that works for you and stick with it.... until the next latest and greatest product hits the market. :)
10-02-2011, 01:44 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice! I have some Hoppe's Elite that I use to clean barrels and will look for some of the TW25b as everyone seems to agree that it's a great grease. I have always used oil only, but it looks like most guys on this forum recommend using grease on some areas. I never really though about using grease before.....I always thought it would gum up the works, but obviously if you get the right one it does a good job!
10-02-2011, 02:54 PM
I use Breakfree CLP and some Tetra grease on a few metal to metal surfaces on re-assembly. Need to remember to hit that clean-out hole every now and then. Lots and lots of great gun cleaning products out there, find something that works for you and stick with it.... until the next latest and greatest product hits the market. :)
Add in a little gun butter inside the rail slots and I'm with you.
10-02-2011, 04:04 PM
I have been researching gun cleaning product reviews this afternoon after reading some more on this forum, and WOW, what a can of worms! There are more opinions on this than Carter's has little pills. You young guys might not get this reference but us old guys know.......One member asked about my experience so far with my new PM9, so here's what I have. I had no idea how many new "miracle" gun cleaning products are out there.....
I have only been through the break-in period so far of 200 using WWB and 25 rounds of Critical Defense. So far no issues. There is so much out there about cleaning and lube products with opinions on all seems to be one of those issues when there are so many opinions and vastly different "results" that there is no clear answer. I'm from the "simplest solution that works" camp. One thing for sure is that the One Shot is easy. I can spray it on the entire gun as it doesn't harm the polymer, seems to clean OK, and doesn't gum anything may not be the very best at cleaning, lubing and protecting, but I haven't seen any negative effects either. Since it's easy to use I tend to use it more often.
The other problem is the variations on the guns themselves. Just for the heck of it, after an initial cleaning with One Shot, I ran one of my M&P .40s for about 1500 rounds without cleaning it just to see how it performed. No issues! So was that just this gun? Maybe this gun just runs great no matter what...Since then I use Hornady One Shot to clean it, which it seemed to do good getting all the crud out after that many rounds, and have been using it on all my guns.
I understand the PM9 may be tighter to start with and need a little more breaking in initially, so it may be more sensitive to cleaning and lubing. I followed the recommendations on this forum for initial prep before shooting it. It was COVERED in oil when new so it got a good cleaning with One Shot, hand cycled 500-600 times as suggested, and the recommended parts polished a little first.
All guns have their unique characteristics and I expect different results and different maintenance requirements. Just like with my AR that I take extra care in cleaning more frequently same as my carry guns. It seems to be universally agreed this is the right thing to do. It also seems that when there is considerable disagreement on things, that facts and opinions are hard to separate, like all the info on gun cleaning products. That's what I think is great about these forums where people that actually use the stuff everyday can share their experiences instead of just the manufacturers sales hype.
I appreciate the time that the forum members take to share their experiences to help out those of us that don't have the experience with a specific issue. You can learn something new every day!
10-02-2011, 04:17 PM
I feel like I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm in the front and you're in the back. I've read all the posts and picked the brains of all the pros on this forum, and they all agree on the basics:
3. Any "brand name" cleaner (or non-chlorinated brake cleaner spray) will work.
4. Any "brand name" oil will work on select areas (see Lube Chart on this forum).
5. Quality gun grease like TW25b, Militec1, Pro-Gold are a must on the slides.
6. Go to the shooting range.
7. Come home to CLEAN & LUBE before you go to bed that night!
10-02-2011, 04:24 PM
And make sure your horse gets fed before you do. Very good weedhopper.
Take care of your gun and it'll take care of you. Simplification 101.
10-02-2011, 04:32 PM
Clean everytime after you fire it!! This means clean before you put away for next range day. If you use it for ccw make sure it is clean all the time!! There are several products out there, just use the one you like.
10-02-2011, 05:18 PM
sierrajb: u got all that right. I kinda like the feeding the horse before one eats to. makes sense, and from whom that statement came from--well u decide..
10-02-2011, 05:20 PM
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner spray. Was just on sale at the local auto parts store. Finish up with some gun butter.
10-02-2011, 05:35 PM
Hoppe's cleaner and lube followed by a Breakfree bath on the exterior.
Posted from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk.
10-02-2011, 08:03 PM
I feel like I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm in the front and you're in the back. I've read all the posts and picked the brains of all the pros on this forum, and they all agree on the basics:
3. Any "brand name" cleaner (or non-chlorinated brake cleaner spray) will work.
4. Any "brand name" oil will work on select areas (see Lube Chart on this forum).
5. Quality gun grease like TW25b, Militec1, Pro-Gold are a must on the slides.
6. Go to the shooting range.
7. Come home to CLEAN & LUBE before you go to bed that night!
The trick is to alternate paddling on both sides of the boat to keep going forward......if the guy in the front and the back keep paddling on the same side you just keep going in circles........
I assume you're still talking about the pistol to "clean and lube before going to bed" :D
10-02-2011, 09:07 PM
another suggestion as a cleaner that i haven't heard mentioned is good old isopropyl rubbing alcohol. next time you clean your gun with whatever your preferred cleaning solution is, dip a q-tip in rubbing alcohol and go at it again. you may be surprised how dirty the q-tip is.
10-02-2011, 09:18 PM
I've been using WeaponShield lately as a CLP and have been very pleased with it. Guns clean easily after a couple treatments. For degreaseing a gun it's hard to beat brake cleaner followed by compressed air.
10-03-2011, 02:09 PM
Saw some good reviews on Weapon Shield, Gunzilla and Ballistol. Looks like there has been some ongoing developments with CLP type products.
10-03-2011, 07:05 PM
I use G96 on all my stuff....never had an issue at all just my .02 cents
10-03-2011, 09:40 PM
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner spray. Was just on sale at the local auto parts store. Finish up with some gun butter.
I hate to sound like a girly man, but I've taken a greater interest in my health now that I've reached middle age. I've seen lots of posts re non-chlo break cleaner and intended to purchase some. However, when I got to the auto parts store and read all the warnings, which cover half the can, I decided to stick with good ole hoppes or something along those lines. That brake cleaner looks like very nasty/hazardous stuff IMO.
10-03-2011, 09:50 PM
another suggestion as a cleaner that i haven't heard mentioned is good old isopropyl rubbing alcohol. next time you clean your gun with whatever your preferred cleaning solution is, dip a q-tip in rubbing alcohol and go at it again. you may be surprised how dirty the q-tip is.
Rubbing alcohol is what I use. Seems to work just fine on my Kahr and Glock. I lubed my Kahr up with some 5W-30 G-Oil. The G-Oil is biodegradable motor oil that I got for free after a rebate. It seems slicker that Mobil1 and stays put better than expected for 5w-30.
10-04-2011, 12:21 AM
Hmmmm...yeah, there are tons of different cleaners and lubes out there. Most all of them work just fine and everyone has there favorites.
I like hoppes no.9 for cleaning the bore, it's good at getting out lead and copper. Non clorinated brake cleaner or QD electrical cleaner is good for removing cosmoline and other greases and won't harm plastics. Then I lube the gun up with some oil like hoppes, or even engine oil like straight 30 weight and some gun grease or wheel bearing grease with moly for the rails etc. My favorite CLP type product is G96 Guntreatment. It has a good smell.
10-04-2011, 07:06 AM
I hate to sound like a girly man, but I've taken a greater interest in my health now that I've reached middle age. I've seen lots of posts re non-chlo break cleaner and intended to purchase some. However, when I got to the auto parts store and read all the warnings, which cover half the can, I decided to stick with good ole hoppes or something along those lines. That brake cleaner looks like very nasty/hazardous stuff IMO.
not supposed to drink it:)
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