View Full Version : wife wants a LC9 now, cn't rack the slide
10-03-2011, 11:09 AM
Ok guys, I need your help. As you all may remember, we had a break in, and her gun was stolen.
Well, it's time for the insurance to pay up. She is getting a new gun. She wanted a safety, as she said she understands the long trigger pull, but for her own peace of mind, she wants a safety. I have no argument, it's her gun to carry.
I suggested a PM9 with safety, Bud's has one for $710. Sounds great to me. She said no, flat out no. She refuses to carry a pistol she can't rack, which is great. She can rack the Kahr 380, Ruger's LCP and LC9, the kimber solo, Springfield EMP, my S&W M&P .45, all of these, except for her PM9. We shot 500 rounds through it. It NEVER loosened up. As in, it was hard for me, and I am BIG strong guy (6'0", 260lbs, 420lb dead lift for sets, 240 bench press for sets). I am not bragging about my fitness level, as my waist line would betray it anyway :)
It's just illustrate a point that the PM9 was juts too damn hard to rack.
What can we change to be able to pull this slide back? I feel like the PM9 is the superior concealed micro 9 out of the field. She doesn't want to touch .380. I can't see shooting 1000 rounds to loosen it up, as after 500, it was just as tough to rack as after 100 rounds.
Any suggestions?
Bill K
10-03-2011, 11:21 AM
Much more knowledgeable folks here than I and just a guess on my part... Lighter recoil springs and shoot a soft round like a 115 standard pressure?
10-03-2011, 12:07 PM
I would buy my wife the gun she wants.
It is for her and the LC9 is not a bad weapon nor does it have reputation of failure or misfire. I bought my wife the gun she picked out for herself, my only stipulation was no KT's. She uses it and is happy. I forgot what I suggested she get because it doesn't matter anymore and the gun was for her.
That's my suggestion. Don't try to make the gun you like into the gun she likes get her the gun she likes.
10-03-2011, 12:26 PM
^^^ +1 You can't make them want something they don't. If she doesn't want it she won't carry it, and will blame you.
10-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Well, I can't dead lift 420 or bench 240, but I can rack the slide of a PM9 one handed, and by the way I'm a lefty.
XDM strong hand followed by PM9 weak hand:
Instead of pulling back on the slide, hold it steady and push the frame forward, that goes for any gun of this type really.
10-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Let her pick her own gun. Otherwise you'll never hear the end of it.
10-03-2011, 01:00 PM
Well, I can't dead lift 420 or bench 240, but I can rack the slide of a PM9 one handed, and by the way I'm a lefty.
XDM strong hand followed by PM9 weak hand:
Instead of pulling back on the slide, hold it steady and push the frame forward.
have u ever stayed at a Holiday Inn??:)
10-03-2011, 01:04 PM
Every chance I get!
10-03-2011, 01:06 PM
Dude- I know what you mean. I even went so far as getting the wifey a 642 thinking that there is no way in h*ll she won't like it. You guessed it- the trigger pull is too hard. I finally gave up and bought her a Spyderco Native Knife !!
10-03-2011, 01:15 PM
My wife has no interest... I take that back, she has more interest than last year, at least she supported my Father's Day wish and we went as a family to the range where everyone shot some guns (Airsoft through .45).
I love to hear that women carry, support her in whatever she chooses for her gun.
10-03-2011, 01:15 PM
I would buy my wife the gun she wants.
It is for her and the LC9 is not a bad weapon nor does it have reputation of failure or misfire. I bought my wife the gun she picked out for herself, my only stipulation was no KT's. She uses it and is happy. I forgot what I suggested she get because it doesn't matter anymore and the gun was for her.
That's my suggestion. Don't try to make the gun you like into the gun she likes get her the gun she likes.
guy is dead right. as a gun dealer for over 40 years I had many hubbies come in with their wife and say this is the gun for you honey and picks up a semi auto, racks the slide etc and says how does it feel??WTF does that mean. Here is the way to buy a woman a gun SHUT YOUR FOKKING MOUTH FIRST" Show her a revolver also and how to open the cylinder and load and unload it. And how to pull the trigger etc,
they show her a semi and you rack the slide once so she can see how it is done and then hand her the gun and ask her to do it. 90% can't do it and we are in a non hostile situation.. I know we think a semi is the way to go and some gals like Mellissa is not whom I am referring to. I am referring to the normal house wife with 2-3 kinds and one heh of a great cook but she can't change oil in your car either. Guns basicaly scare women, that is a basic fact. If she feels the slightest bit uncomforatble with this new gun that you felt she should have SHE WILL NOT CARRY IT.Hell we read here al lthe times of guys buying kahrs and unable to properly rack the slide, how do u expect a woman to do it with ease. One jam and they are outta here with that gun. They have to feel 110% totally safe carrying the gun to, and also at home with kids around, she has to be able to unload that gun and know it is unloaded or again SHE IS OUTTA HERE. A revolver IMO is the true gun to buy a woman, she has the ability of shotshell rounds glazer rounds, light loads, vs heavy loads, she can physicaly see that the gun is unloaded and can in her sleep unload the gun and keep the rounds out of the kids way.It ain't gonna jam on her for if she pulls the trigger and nothing happens as with a semi THEN SHE IS OUTTA HERE, but with a wheel gun, just pull again and go to a different round. beats the hell out of TAP, RACK BANG drills for a woman. would she shoot a semi better than a revolver???Probalby so, but again more than likely she ain't gonna hit what the hell she is aiming at either. Limping a semi, we know is not a good thing, an't gonna happen with a wheel gun. if it is a 5 or 6 shot, she will get 5 or 6 bangs, with a 20 round semi, she might get just one shot and then jammo comes into play AND THEN SHE IS OUTTA THERE.
Take her to a range first, let her shoot a evolver and not some damn 357 or 44 mag, something like the Ruger revolver or a J frame smith, stay away from +P stuff, let her get the feel of the gun and keep her close (very close) These damn shotshells do wonders at very close range and she won't be knocking her neighbor off his front porch with a stray round either. Then let her shoot a semi but not just pull the damn trigger, she must load the magazine, load the gun, rack a round etc. clear a jam and know how to clear a live round. My bet is she will loose interest real fast in a semi, if not then she is related to Melissa. I just seen to many gals come in with their hubby and leave confused and that makes for a very unsafe scenario..
We guys grew up around guns, most women grew up around the kitchen stove. Take your time with her or u will not come out on top with the gun thing for a woman. Unless she dedicates her self to really learning the basics of the gun, she will forget 3 minutes later what u just taught her at the range.
damn near anyone can just stand there and pull a trigger on a gun but we all know there is far more to that...A woman really doesn't know what she likes in agun. I can tell you maybe a tit-y pink gun might get her eye but certainly doesn't tell u a damn thing about whether she can handle/operate the gun.
10-03-2011, 01:20 PM
Get her a FNP-45 and tell her to stick that in her purse. Seriously though, if she wants the LC9, get her the LC9. Also check out the new Beretta nano.
10-03-2011, 01:37 PM
Guns and purses don't mix, just had to get that in there.
10-03-2011, 01:46 PM
Guns and purses don't mix, just had to get that in there.
I agree with the normal catch all purse similar to what the local bag ladies carry around with everything sometimes including kitchen sink parts.
I do think the Galco and gun specific purses work pretty well. I haven't carried one in years since I closed the closet door once again but if it has a dedicated pocket for the gun with easy and quiet access it should work.
Sadly they are bloody expensive and if my wife is any example of wives in general which I'm sure she is (gender issue) you have to have 26 of them to coordinate. I think that's what they call an accessory.
Woman have limited carry options due to wardrobe and body shapes. I hate to have them wearing winter parkas to hide their weapon, cause it in turn hides all their other weapons too.
When the hole seems to be getting deeper and deeper, stop digging.
ok bye.
10-03-2011, 01:51 PM
Smart Carry, IWB, thigh holsters, ankle holsters, even a bra holster - talk about diverting attention.
There are much better options than a purse, not only from a safety perspective - but what does a mugger try to grab first? Great, now he's got your purse AND your gun.
OK I'm done with that rant - carry on.
les strat
10-03-2011, 02:31 PM
I sold the Bersa T380 my wife carried and bought her a LC9 as her step up to 9mm. They are good firearms and have a very good record. She likes the slim design, yet bigger than the LCP, and recoil is not that bad, but not as sweet as the CM9/PM9. She has to have all the safety stuff, and by goodness, the LC9 has em!
Like said before, toss brand loyalty aside and get her what she feels comfy with, as long as it is a quality firearm. She'll enjoy it and shoot more in the longrun.
My bro in law bought his wife a Glock 22 for her first EDC cause that's his brand of choice. It resides in her bedroom unloaded. He would have faired better buying her a slingshot.
10-03-2011, 02:45 PM
Well, that's when she pulls out the .25 backup from between the girls and plugs the scum. After all she knows he's armed and he's already assaulted her.
10-03-2011, 02:50 PM
She loved to shoot the PM9, she picked it. She hates revolvers.
infact, she was pretty pissed off about the PM9. She shot it very well, and shot it often, but gave up once she couldn't rack it.
I was told it would looses at 25, then at 500. It never did. IS there a replacement spring to help with this?
10-03-2011, 02:55 PM
Smart Carry, IWB, thigh holsters, ankle holsters, even a bra holster - talk about diverting attention.
There are much better options than a purse, not only from a safety perspective - but what does a mugger try to grab first? Great, now he's got your purse AND your gun.
OK I'm done with that rant - carry on.
Excellent thought that never crossed my mind. Holster purses suck.
Ankle holsters don't go well with mini skirts or Daisy Duke shorts though.
Hmmm, boy am I dumb. I guess IWB with a tasteful and stylish vest or hopefully revealing blouse for cover will have to work.
How could I forget the muggers and purse snatchers. Boy am I dumb.
10-03-2011, 03:15 PM
Excellent thought that never crossed my mind. Holster purses suck.
Ankle holsters don't go well with mini skirts or Daisy Duke shorts though.
Hmmm, boy am I dumb. I guess IWB with a tasteful and stylish vest or hopefully revealing blouse for cover will have to work.
How could I forget the muggers and purse snatchers. Boy am I dumb.
I don't know. I can't think of anything sexier than a mini skirt and thigh holster. :2eek:
10-03-2011, 03:16 PM
Ankle holsters don't go well with mini skirts or Daisy Duke shorts though.
Hey, speak for yourself. Daisy Dukes and an ankle holster? Now THAT would get my attention!
10-03-2011, 03:50 PM
ARE YOU NUTS ???? The only way to get some peace man . . . . is to let her pick out the one SHE wants & smile & say " yes dear thats a fine gun " ! DO NOT TELL HER WHAT TO GET ! or your never gonna get any piece either !!
10-03-2011, 03:59 PM
Be thankful your wife is smart enough to want to carry. My ex wife lives in a land of unicorns and fairies where nothing can harm her. When I moved out I left her a 20 guage youth model, and a .22 pistol to defend her self. When I went back a few months later, they were buried so deep in storage that she couldn't have got to them in 15 minutes, so I just took em back. I did leave her a .22 rife in the gun rack, hopefully she'll not hide it where she can't get to it. I suppose it will take a mugging or a robbery or god forbid a rape to open up her eyes that not everyone is a good person.
10-03-2011, 04:08 PM
Hey, speak for yourself. Daisy Dukes and an ankle holster? Now THAT would get my attention!
diasy duke has ankles:)
10-03-2011, 04:30 PM
Rule #1 for a happy and successful marriage. Never and I mean never ever tell them what they want. It's OK to express your opinions, but your life will be much better for a longer period of time if you stop there. :D
10-03-2011, 04:33 PM
If you don't have any kids, you could leave 1 in the chamber all the time and never have to rack the slide manually. Just keep it loaded.
10-03-2011, 05:00 PM
Rule #1 for a happy and successful marriage. Never and I mean never ever tell them what they want. It's OK to express your opinions, but your life will be much better for a longer period of time if you stop there. :D
like someone who has been thre done that!!!
10-03-2011, 05:33 PM
Oh Yea, A smart man knows when it best to just shut up,and if they screw up it's all on them and not you. Because if given the slightest opening they turn it all on you. LOL It just the nature of the beast.:D
10-03-2011, 06:04 PM
guy is dead right. as a gun dealer for over 40 years I had many hubbies come in with their wife and say this is the gun for you honey and picks up a semi auto, racks the slide etc and says how does it feel??WTF does that mean. Here is the way to buy a woman a gun SHUT YOUR FOKKING MOUTH FIRST" Show her a revolver also and how to open the cylinder and load and unload it. And how to pull the trigger etc,
they show her a semi and you rack the slide once so she can see how it is done and then hand her the gun and ask her to do it. 90% can't do it and we are in a non hostile situation.. I know we think a semi is the way to go and some gals like Mellissa is not whom I am referring to. I am referring to the normal house wife with 2-3 kinds and one heh of a great cook but she can't change oil in your car either. Guns basicaly scare women, that is a basic fact. If she feels the slightest bit uncomforatble with this new gun that you felt she should have SHE WILL NOT CARRY IT.Hell we read here al lthe times of guys buying kahrs and unable to properly rack the slide, how do u expect a woman to do it with ease. One jam and they are outta here with that gun. They have to feel 110% totally safe carrying the gun to, and also at home with kids around, she has to be able to unload that gun and know it is unloaded or again SHE IS OUTTA HERE. A revolver IMO is the true gun to buy a woman, she has the ability of shotshell rounds glazer rounds, light loads, vs heavy loads, she can physicaly see that the gun is unloaded and can in her sleep unload the gun and keep the rounds out of the kids way.It ain't gonna jam on her for if she pulls the trigger and nothing happens as with a semi THEN SHE IS OUTTA HERE, but with a wheel gun, just pull again and go to a different round. beats the hell out of TAP, RACK BANG drills for a woman. would she shoot a semi better than a revolver???Probalby so, but again more than likely she ain't gonna hit what the hell she is aiming at either. Limping a semi, we know is not a good thing, an't gonna happen with a wheel gun. if it is a 5 or 6 shot, she will get 5 or 6 bangs, with a 20 round semi, she might get just one shot and then jammo comes into play AND THEN SHE IS OUTTA THERE.
Take her to a range first, let her shoot a evolver and not some damn 357 or 44 mag, something like the Ruger revolver or a J frame smith, stay away from +P stuff, let her get the feel of the gun and keep her close (very close) These damn shotshells do wonders at very close range and she won't be knocking her neighbor off his front porch with a stray round either. Then let her shoot a semi but not just pull the damn trigger, she must load the magazine, load the gun, rack a round etc. clear a jam and know how to clear a live round. My bet is she will loose interest real fast in a semi, if not then she is related to Melissa. I just seen to many gals come in with their hubby and leave confused and that makes for a very unsafe scenario..
We guys grew up around guns, most women grew up around the kitchen stove. Take your time with her or u will not come out on top with the gun thing for a woman. Unless she dedicates her self to really learning the basics of the gun, she will forget 3 minutes later what u just taught her at the range.
damn near anyone can just stand there and pull a trigger on a gun but we all know there is far more to that...A woman really doesn't know what she likes in agun. I can tell you maybe a tit-y pink gun might get her eye but certainly doesn't tell u a damn thing about whether she can handle/operate the gun.
+1 on the revolver. Show her a Ruger LCR .38. No exposed hammer, relatively light 7.5 lb trigger, six rounds going bang. I am thinking seriously about one for myself because the slide racking and jam clearing are troubling to me in a life and death situation. I love my CM9, but that recoil spring is a problem that won't go away.
10-03-2011, 06:46 PM
My daughter's bumper sticker:
'I carry a pistol because my rifle won't fit in my purse'
10-03-2011, 07:02 PM
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11-20-2011, 06:26 PM
Ok guys, I need your help. As you all may remember, we had a break in, and her gun was stolen.
Well, it's time for the insurance to pay up. She is getting a new gun. She wanted a safety, as she said she understands the long trigger pull, but for her own peace of mind, she wants a safety. I have no argument, it's her gun to carry.
I suggested a PM9 with safety, Bud's has one for $710. Sounds great to me. She said no, flat out no. She refuses to carry a pistol she can't rack, which is great. She can rack the Kahr 380, Ruger's LCP and LC9, the kimber solo, Springfield EMP, my S&W M&P .45, all of these, except for her PM9. We shot 500 rounds through it. It NEVER loosened up. As in, it was hard for me, and I am BIG strong guy (6'0", 260lbs, 420lb dead lift for sets, 240 bench press for sets). I am not bragging about my fitness level, as my waist line would betray it anyway :)
It's just illustrate a point that the PM9 was juts too damn hard to rack.
What can we change to be able to pull this slide back? I feel like the PM9 is the superior concealed micro 9 out of the field. She doesn't want to touch .380. I can't see shooting 1000 rounds to loosen it up, as after 500, it was just as tough to rack as after 100 rounds.
Any suggestions?
There's an old saying, "If mom ain't happy ain't nobody happy." Truer words were never spoken. Let her decide on a gun. In that way you are off the hook. Taurus and Ruger both make nice nines, as do many others.
11-20-2011, 06:36 PM
I would just go ahead and buy her the lc9, it is a nice gun and if a safety is what she wants, indeed please here. Kahr used to offer a lady's Pm9 but all it really was was a lighter recoil spring,. The ruger is a nice gun. Kahrs are tight as u well know and for some a real bit-h to hand rack. We can't force what we want on a woman and if she is willing to carry then for sure oblige her with what she wants. Would be nice if she could range test a lc9 first though..
kudos to her for wanting to carry also.
Michael W.
11-20-2011, 10:39 PM
it's not just that the PM9 is tight but rather the whole action is shorter than
the LC9. Theres a lot that needs to happen in less time with shorter slide travel.
Thus the stronger spring to allow it all to take place.
that's also why the pm9 is a smaller more compact gun.
The LC9 has a lot going for it for someone with less hand strength.
My wife and I went through the same decision process
and she still can't rack the CM9 but she shoots it so much better
(due to the trigger) that we're both much more confident with
what she can do with the 6+1 she has access to and a slingshot
reload that it mitigates the inability to tap rack bang.
Owning both guns I can tell you aside from the obnoxious trigger
on the LC9 it also has significantly more muzzle flip
than the Kahr. So either way we were working against some handicap
with either gun. She went with the one she could shoot better
and I concurred.
But bottom line, it's your responsibility to make sure she has choices,
give her the facts , the pros and cons, then stand back and let her
P.S. we still have the LC9 and it's growing on me, trigger and all.
its a slick and very comfy belt carry gun.
I am here:,-81.227762
11-20-2011, 11:07 PM
I would add the Sig P238 to your list. Best sights of any gun its size. Soft shooter. It has a safety and a nice SA trigger.
I would eliminate the Kahr 380 based on what I read here.
I would eliminate the LCP as it is hard to shoot accurately and no one really enjoys practice with it, consequently, there isn't much practice.
The LC9 has the longest trigger but is a nice gun and reliable out of the box. A good value too.
11-21-2011, 12:22 AM
I would eliminate the LCP as it is hard to shoot accurately and no one really enjoys practice with it, consequently, there isn't much practice.
I personally find the lcp a fun little gun, then again mine has 745 rounds through it... but thats in part because i prefer to run 500 or more through any potential carry gun, to test the function as well as 'learning' the particular gun
11-21-2011, 10:27 AM
For those Ruger LC9 owners the long trigger pull fix is here!
11-21-2011, 11:05 AM
Had to chime in on this one. With proper technique, anyone over the age of 10 can rack the slide on a semi-auto. It requires more strength to lift a gallon of milk out of the fridge than to pull a slide back. #1 they have to get over the psychological block that they think they just can't do it. #2 you have to explain large and small muscle groups and how using one vs the other will effect racking a slide.
11-21-2011, 04:32 PM
I agree with TriggerMan. The sig p238 is very accurate,excellent sights,low recoil, and you can get them in many variations. Have her look at one and try to shoot one then let her decide.
11-22-2011, 02:11 PM
For those Ruger LC9 owners the long trigger pull fix is here!
RogerHad I known this, I would not have sold mine. Oh well, a friend carries it now.
11-22-2011, 02:12 PM
Had to chime in on this one. With proper technique, anyone over the age of 10 can rack the slide on a semi-auto. It requires more strength to lift a gallon of milk out of the fridge than to pull a slide back. #1 they have to get over the psychological block that they think they just can't do it. #2 you have to explain large and small muscle groups and how using one vs the other will effect racking a slide.
You must drink skimmed milk.:)
11-22-2011, 03:18 PM
it's not just that the PM9 is tight but rather the whole action is shorter than
the LC9. Theres a lot that needs to happen in less time with shorter slide travel.
Thus the stronger spring to allow it all to take place.
that's also why the pm9 is a smaller more compact gun.
The LC9 has a lot going for it for someone with less hand strength.
My wife and I went through the same decision process
and she still can't rack the CM9 but she shoots it so much better
(due to the trigger) that we're both much more confident with
what she can do with the 6+1 she has access to and a slingshot
reload that it mitigates the inability to tap rack bang.
Owning both guns I can tell you aside from the obnoxious trigger
on the LC9 it also has significantly more muzzle flip
than the Kahr. So either way we were working against some handicap
with either gun. She went with the one she could shoot better
and I concurred.
But bottom line, it's your responsibility to make sure she has choices,
give her the facts , the pros and cons, then stand back and let her
P.S. we still have the LC9 and it's growing on me, trigger and all.
its a slick and very comfy belt carry gun.
Racking the slide does take some muscle control I agree.:eek:
Just a heads up on the Ruger LC9, THe long trigger pull and muzzle flip is being addressed. The LC9 will then be competing head to head with the PM9/CM9.Galloway is offering fixes at a nominal price. .:D
11-22-2011, 03:48 PM
I recently bought an LC9 and it's been totally reliable, not one malfunction in over 200 rounds. I like it because of the safety and can slip in in my front pocket without a holster for a quick run to the market. The narrow grip on it makes it kind of painful on the web between thumb and trigger finger to shoot after a few mags, but I usually wear my padded shorty biker/weightlifter gloves and that solves that problem. It's been much less of a pain out of the box than either of my Kahrs were. It's ate everything I've fed it and I really couldn't be happier with it. Wish is was a little smaller, but it fits in my pocket ok. I like that it includes two bottoms for the magazine, one with pinky rest, the other without for a smaller profile. Only comes with one mag, that sucks. The trigger is not nearly as smooth as a Kahr, but I'm getting used to it, but I was able to keep everything in the scoring rings on the small sillouette on my first mag.
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