View Full Version : Tell Us Your Self Defense Story!

10-04-2011, 06:17 PM
Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense? Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it? What was the outcome? Did you feel "prepared?" What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?

I'm not asking just for the sake of sensationalism, but for some real-life insight. Even though I've had my license for almost a year, I've been carrying a concealed PM9 for only a month. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and psychologically (if possible) if/when that unfortunate event MUST take place that forces me to harm (or kill) someone in order to protect my family.

So, share as you feel comfortable, and thanks for the guidance and wisdom.

10-04-2011, 07:02 PM
Reprint of old post:
Reading threads yesterday I had an epiphany.
This board is filled with all types of people. From seasoned LE,
and retired military, to newbies. Some people buying their first handgun and getting a permit.
If you just finished your tour of duty with Seal Team 6?
You can move on to the next thread.
For the newbies I have some food for thought.

These are just my opinions.
I'm not interested in debate.
Please glean whatever value and discard the rest.

Concealed Carry:
With great power comes great responsibility.
Carrying a handgun for personal protection means application of lethal force.
Make a conscious decision that you're willing to take someone’s life.

Before it happens:
Have a lawyer picked out to represent you.
Do everything you can to stay away from potentially bad places, situations, people...
Walk away from all altercations - that you can.
Be on the lookout for potential danger at all times.
Someone prepared, aware and determined is less likely to be a target.
And ready to act quickly when targeted.

When it happens:
Only draw your weapon to shoot.
Only shoot to kill.
Continue firing until the bad guy goes down.
Don't continue firing after the bad goes down -
unless continuing to be a threat.

Whether or not you stand and fight is a gut decision.
But never let anyone transport you anywhere.
At that point fight to the death.
Remember most people shot - live.
And time is on your side.

After it happens:
Be very careful what you say. The best phrase is -
"I was in fear for my life and couldn't escape".
After you call 911 then call friends or family.
Let them know what's happening and possibly post bail.
If arrested you will lose access to your cell.

10-04-2011, 07:04 PM
Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense? Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it? What was the outcome? Did you feel "prepared?" What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?

I'm not asking just for the sake of sensationalism, but for some real-life insight. Even though I've had my license for almost a year, I've been carrying a concealed PM9 for only a month. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and psychologically (if possible) if/when that unfortunate event MUST take place that forces me to harm (or kill) someone in order to protect my family.

So, share as you feel comfortable, and thanks for the guidance and wisdom.I think you will find that few are willing to publically tell their stories. This is a very public forum and there may be civil or criminal issues pending.

It is easy enough to google for stories or go to the USCCA Forum. I would suggest reading all you can about what circumstances are legit and which lead to an arrest and charges. Do you know what the brandishing statutes are in your State and neighboring States? Have you read what Prosecutors think of warning shots? That may surprise you. There are lots of ways to prepare. Reading is just one. Tactical handgun classes are another.

My instructor told me how he was rushing into the Secretary of State Office for new license tabs. Good neighborhood, main highway with all retail shops.

He went to take a number and was verbally accosted by a man who felt my Instructor had cut him off going into the front door. It got verbally very ugly but was one sided.

My Instructor said, he'd come back another day. He had not responded verbally in kind and just left. The angry man followed him into the parking lot and resumed the verbal attack, including a bit of shoving. He got a little verbal response back but the Instructor continued to walk to his car.

As the angry man continued to follow him, he passed some cemment work . He grabbed a 2x4 and rushed up from behind attempting to strike my instructor. He drew on him but did not fire. The assailant turned white and ran. My instructor immediately called the local PD and placed his weapon on the ground and waited. He was arrested for felonious assault, brandishing a gun and disturbing the peace. Charges were eventually dropped with the help of his attorney. Fortunately, there were several witnesses.

What would you or I do? Fire? Retreat (run)? , draw, or shoot? You have one second to decide. A missed shot would have a high probability of hitting an innocent. A 2x4 to the head is no fun and you might lose a gun and have it used on you.

10-04-2011, 07:17 PM
I agree that most aren't going to share real life experiences for a variety of reasons. I am aware of an individual that was asked for his wallet and cell phone at gunpoint. This person complied. He was told to run and did. He was shot in the back and is currently, and permanently, in a wheelchair.

In the news here a girl at a convenience store was robbed at gunpoint. She complied and was shot in the face.

10-04-2011, 07:28 PM
Much of your original post/response I heard in my CHL Class. Very good wisdom that I intend to follow. Thanks!

I never thought of the legal ramifications of someone sharing a personal SD case. Just hungry to learn more. Yes, I agree with "read all you can" and that's why I'm eating up all the wisdom and insight from men like you on this forum. I'm also reviewing the laws in my state (Texas) regularly.

It's tough for me to say what I would do in a similar situation that you posted. I would definitely try to defuse the person's anger by my being "nice, polite, apologetic." Beyond that not working, not sure what I'd do, but drawing my gun would definitely be the last resort.

10-04-2011, 07:29 PM
Heard to many of those stories where the victum did as instructed and was shot anyway. I do not intend for that to be me or my family.

Young lady I know who had a firearm but no permit was at home one day. Co workers angry boyfriend came by to give her some grief (maybe the young lady had advised her friend to dump him I don't recall). Young lady calmly told him to leave. She then got her handgun and her cell phone and dialed 911 and stood on her front porch with her handgun which he knew she had. She calmly gave the operator his description and name and tag number which he revealed as he was frantically trying to get out of her drive. She was able to watch him get arrrested by the nice officers since he got caught at the stop sign just up the street. Leo came down to get her statement and told her she did exactly what she should have done.

10-04-2011, 07:40 PM
Lesson Learned: Remain Calm, Make the Call, Remain at Home (Inside if possible!), Wait for proper authorities to do what's right.

No wonder we need to pray for our law enforcement!

10-04-2011, 07:50 PM
Lesson Learned: Remain Calm, Make the Call, Remain at Home (Inside if possible!), Wait for proper authorities to do what's right.

No wonder we need to pray for our law enforcement!

Inside if possible is indeed important, at least in most castle doctrine states.

10-04-2011, 07:54 PM
No, Never even had to show it. Did have a guy kicking at my door at 2am in the old house,but called the cops and told them I had a gun and a wife and young child in the house. Luckly they were right around the corner. Turned out to be a drunk at the wrong house. Heck he even had the wrong block.:rolleyes:

10-04-2011, 10:09 PM
Be alert and aware of your surroundings.

Who knows how many times I've avoided a confontation by crossing the street, not driving down that dark road, looking over my shoulder while walking thru parking lots, noticing the guy standing in the doorway, ALWAYS locking my house and car doors (Yes, when I'm home or in the car:cool:), or those hundreds of other times when the hair on the back of my neck stands up?

Have I been in bad situations, yes.
I have only drawn a weapon once... during my days in the Air Force Security Police. The sound of my M16 being racked, ended the situation immediately.

10-04-2011, 10:21 PM
I read a very long story on (I think it was) the Glock forum titled something like "I drew my gun today." The guy was at one of those do it yourself car wash places when a car with 3 guys pulled up and one got out. The BG started toward him, pulled a switchblade and demanded money. The GG says he doesn't even remember drawing his gun, it just appeared in his hand pointing at the BG and he screamed to get the xxxx out of there. The BG left, the GG called 911. The cop told him he wished he'd shot the guy as the 3 in the car fits a rash of robberies escalating in violence.

Well the GG was freaked out for a long time, saw a shrink and became depressed and really screwed up. He was tralked out of turning in his CCW tho was told he should not carry until he got straightened out.

It's like live battle where some do okay nut others can't sleep and spiral downward. You may think you're a Rambo type until it happens and only then will you know.

My biggest fear is what happened to the guy who pulled his gun in self defense on the guy with a brick. It ended okay for the lawyer and better than it may have for the guy, but lawyers cost a ton and that's what I don't need.

10-05-2011, 12:08 AM
That's what's scary... depending on where you live, the cops throw you in jail and it costs you a fortune to get legal defense... a lot more than a robbery, if that was all that was going to happen, but you don't know that. To me, anything could be a deadly weapon... or at least incapacitating enough that I could lose control of the situation and be helpless to whatever follows. I really would fear for my life and that's defense enough in a lot of places... those that have changed the laws to allow you to stand your ground and defend yourself or what's yours.
I couldn't live in a place where you had to give up your stuff or flee rather than defending what's yours... you know... the criminal-friendly, liberally run states.


10-05-2011, 07:17 AM
I read a very long story on (I think it was) the Glock forum titled something like "I drew my gun today." The guy was at one of those do it yourself car wash places when a car with 3 guys pulled up and one got out. The BG started toward him, pulled a switchblade and demanded money. The GG says he doesn't even remember drawing his gun, it just appeared in his hand pointing at the BG and he screamed to get the xxxx out of there. The BG left, the GG called 911. The cop told him he wished he'd shot the guy as the 3 in the car fits a rash of robberies escalating in violence.

Well the GG was freaked out for a long time, saw a shrink and became depressed and really screwed up. He was tralked out of turning in his CCW tho was told he should not carry until he got straightened out.

It's like live battle where some do okay nut others can't sleep and spiral downward. You may think you're a Rambo type until it happens and only then will you know.

My biggest fear is what happened to the guy who pulled his gun in self defense on the guy with a brick. It ended okay for the lawyer and better than it may have for the guy, but lawyers cost a ton and that's what I don't need.

at least the GG got out of the situation because he pulled his gun, kudos for that par.t The statement from teh cop about shooting the BG is easy for a cop to say as they more than likely can get away with it. But as many have staed to. I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Not all people are meant to carry a gun, we know that to. I in 48 years have never had to draw my weapon in agner, it might be traumatic for me also. but being armed robbed twice in my gun business days gives me alittle insight as I pledged never to be a victim again.But I also think had I had a gun strapped on my side when those two robberies occued, they wuldhave shot me first and then ask questions, so I am a big fan of total concealment if possable. Besides my gun for 24/7 carry I try to alwaysw carry a spare pair of shorts toj, jus tin case:cheer2:

Bill K
10-05-2011, 09:24 AM

So, share as you feel comfortable, and thanks for the guidance and wisdom.

1) Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense?

2) Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it?

3) What was the outcome?
Briefly, I went home. He went to the hospital and later to jail.

4) Did you feel "prepared?"
This is the type of question you do not answer without counsel.

5) What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?
The situation can unfold in spite of your awareness skills, in broad day light and in the best/safest neighborhood/place you might imagine.
Your adversary(s) might very well be as trained and practiced in their dastardly skills as you are in your SD skills and probably more so if all you do is square range practice.
A whole bunch of other stuff but this is not the time or place to expound.

10-05-2011, 09:39 AM
Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense? Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it? What was the outcome? Did you feel "prepared?" What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?

I'm not asking just for the sake of sensationalism, but for some real-life insight. Even though I've had my license for almost a year, I've been carrying a concealed PM9 for only a month. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and psychologically (if possible) if/when that unfortunate event MUST take place that forces me to harm (or kill) someone in order to protect my family.

So, share as you feel comfortable, and thanks for the guidance and wisdom.https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/

10-05-2011, 09:55 AM
Excellent advice from Barth and it's in line with a few legal types I've spoken to. Never had to draw a weapon and certainly hope I don't ever have to. But if I do!! Then I will.

Always best to avoid a bad situation if you can.

10-05-2011, 11:09 AM
I was driving down I-70 about 2 or 3 in the morning when this car comes up behinds me and clicks on it's bright lights, I slowed down and he passed me, then he slowed down and I passed him and then he got on my tail with the bright lights again. I slowed down again and he passed rather slowly, checking me out, and when he was in front of me I pulled up along side and got my .357 out and pointed it their general direction and turned on the dome light and showed them I was armed. SCREEECH went his brakes as they slowed way up and they no longer bothered me the rest of the trip. I had longish hair at the time and they may have thought I was a woman.
Another time the next door neighbor was beating his ex-wife severely, enough I was concerned for her life and I told him to stop it at gun point. He did, the cops were called and I got in a little bit of trouble for interfering with a domestic squabble. I guess I was supposed to wait until the cops got there but wasn't sure she'd last that long. Both these were long before CC in Kansas. Both were over 20 years ago so I doubt if there would be any legal repercussions today.

10-05-2011, 11:13 AM
Yes I have, no I won't. I must be feeling charitable today.

10-05-2011, 11:45 AM
Most people seem to not realize that the PC they are sitting in front of is a terrific search engine and with the help of Google or something else, you kind find almost anything... certainly anything you've ever typed online. I search for stuff all of the time and it's amazing how often my own words pop up... from here on Kahrtalk... something to remember if you ever get lawyers or prosecutors looking for something to use against you... like too much macho bravado or what you would do to a BG.

That's something to remember.:behindsofa:


10-05-2011, 12:18 PM
Most of the stuff I'd like to do to a bad guy I wouldn't mind doing to most lawyers.

I'm going to hell for this one I just know it.

10-05-2011, 02:36 PM
Most of the stuff I'd like to do to a bad guy I wouldn't mind doing to most lawyers.

In most cases, both are equally deserving.

Bill K
10-05-2011, 02:42 PM
Given enough time most really bad lawyers morph into politicians. :)

10-05-2011, 02:51 PM
Given enough time most really bad lawyers morph into politicians. :)

A lawyer is considered the "larval stage" of a politician.:cool:

10-05-2011, 04:19 PM
1) Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense?

2) Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it?

3) What was the outcome?
Briefly, I went home. He went to the hospital and later to jail.

4) Did you feel "prepared?"
This is the type of question you do not answer without counsel.

5) What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?
The situation can unfold in spite of your awareness skills, in broad day light and in the best/safest neighborhood/place you might imagine.
Your adversary(s) might very well be as trained and practiced in their dastardly skills as you are in your SD skills and probably more so if all you do is square range practice.
A whole bunch of other stuff but this is not the time or place to expound.

Bill, thanks for your responses. I realize this is not the place to expound, but to share only insights like you have that give me some helpful, practical wisdom. Much of what has already been said was taught in my CHL Class, but I find it especially helpful when those facts are attached to real people and their situations. I'll continue to pick the brains of you and others, learning as much as I can. While I acknowedge God as my ultimate Protector, I admit He's given me common sense and the responsibility to be His "assistant" in caring for my family. Good advice!

10-05-2011, 04:24 PM
Yes I have, no I won't. I must be feeling charitable today.

No problem, jlottmc. Totally respect that. Many times I learn more by what is NOT shared. Your silence speaks volumes of wisdom. Thanks.

10-05-2011, 04:31 PM
Most people seem to not realize that the PC they are sitting in front of is a terrific search engine and with the help of Google or something else, you kind find almost anything... certainly anything you've ever typed online. I search for stuff all of the time and it's amazing how often my own words pop up... from here on Kahrtalk... something to remember if you ever get lawyers or prosecutors looking for something to use against you... like too much macho bravado or what you would do to a BG.

That's something to remember.:behindsofa:


I hear what you're saying, wyntrout. That's exactly why I mentioned to share as you feel comfortable in my original post. I'm aware how what we say and type can/will be used against us, and I'm assuming everyone will use conventional wisdom and avoid "macho bravado" stories or dreams. Thanks for reminding the other posters to be careful with what they share.

Kahrtalk is not my only source of education about concealed carry and self defense laws, practices. I've read (and continue to read) articles and posts, especially from concealedcarry.com. In addition to all that other reading, I like the personal, almost "instant" interaction with you and the other pros on this forum. So, write on! As Frasier would say, "I'm listening!"

10-05-2011, 04:33 PM

Thanks, Rainman48314. I've been there before and will return to search and learn more. Great site.

10-06-2011, 06:02 PM
The answer to 1. YES!! I need not make any further comment on the situation (a long time ago)
Be prepared for what might happen nextl

10-06-2011, 07:52 PM
The answer to 1. YES!! I need not make any further comment on the situation (a long time ago)
Be prepared for what might happen nextl

Thanks, cgff! No further comment is needed. The whole purpose of beginning this thread was to help us all become prepared for what might happen next. Appreciate your input!

10-07-2011, 03:57 PM
pm inbound

10-07-2011, 04:39 PM
Have you ever had to use your gun in self defense? Did you need to simply declare it, show it, or actually shoot it? What was the outcome? Did you feel "prepared?" What helpful advice could you offer a class full of teachable students (like me)?

I'm not asking just for the sake of sensationalism, but for some real-life insight. Even though I've had my license for almost a year, I've been carrying a concealed PM9 for only a month. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and psychologically (if possible) if/when that unfortunate event MUST take place that forces me to harm (or kill) someone in order to protect my family.

So, share as you feel comfortable, and thanks for the guidance and wisdom.
If you read Combat Handguns magazine, you will find real stories of self defense.

10-07-2011, 05:09 PM
I did draw and fire my gun in self-defense... once... a long time ago. Well, pretend self-defense... and I did shoot someone... Moi! (mwa) That's French for ME!

I was pretending I was Clint Eastwood and drawing against a bad guy or guys.

Here's the original "story" and the press release.:rolleyes: for your amusement.



10-07-2011, 05:11 PM
"Man's just gotta know his limitations."

Clint Eastwood

PS- You boys gonna whistle Dixie or go for them guns?

10-07-2011, 05:21 PM


10-15-2011, 06:57 PM

It could have been worse. Count yourself blessed. And no, this is not me:

10-15-2011, 08:38 PM
Ouch!! Hopefully that wasn't you aray!

Sent using Tapatalk

10-15-2011, 08:42 PM
I did draw and fire my gun in self-defense... once... a long time ago. Well, pretend self-defense... and I did shoot someone... Moi! (mwa) That's French for ME!

I was pretending I was Clint Eastwood and drawing against a bad guy or guys.

Here's the original "story" and the press release.:rolleyes: for your amusement.



Wynn, you be da' man! I have a similar story that should bring a tear or two, and it should make you feel good about yourself. Here goes:

It was LATE (2 am), and I was making some last-minute repairs to the curtains in my old popup camper before the family trip the next day. The repairs called for me to hot glue all the fasteners on my curtains. I planned on being there quite a while, so I began watching an Eastwood movie (Dirty Harry).

Get this picture:

I'm in my shorts in the middle of the floor, holding a loaded hot glue gun in my right hand....totally captured by the famous "Make My Day" part of the movie. You've all been there, so don't look at my post like that.

I unconscienciously, slowly began tightening my grip on that glue gun. Before I knew it, a huge glob of scalding hot, melted wax hit my bare leg. With cat-like reflexes, I instantly dropped the gun and instinctively wiped the hot glue off with my finger, raking off a layer of hair and flesh while resulting in ANOTHER second-degree burn on my finger. OUCH, again!

Those cat-like reflexes didn't stop there. I stuck my melted-wax-covered finger in my mouth, resulting in a THIRD burn on my tongue! OUCH, again!
When will it stop?! Three burns in one split second.

Lesson: Preoccupation will burn you every time.

Hope you guys enjoyed the show. I'll need to watch the rest of "Dirty Harry" when there are NO guns in the house.

10-15-2011, 08:43 PM
Ouch again!!! Might need a bit of neosporin.

Sent using Tapatalk

10-15-2011, 08:53 PM
Damn, Laurel and Hardy could have used this story.

That foot photo, well damn that had to hurt.

10-16-2011, 12:19 AM
OWWW! X3 or X4!!:eek:

Yeah, when the gun fired early, I looked at my feet to see if I had hit them. I think that a lot of the time there's no pain at first... you don't even know you've been shot, which is why you and someone else should check you out if there's any question at all. Look behind you as you walk to see if you're trailing blood.:rolleyes:


10-17-2011, 12:59 AM
To Sierrajb, there is a book by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman called "The Bullet Proof Mind". It is a fantastic book that deals almost exclusively with preparing for deadly force, the before, the during, and the after. It is geared towards law enforcement and military, but it works just fine for a Permit carrier. I am an Marine Iraq war vet, so I can tell you from experience that Grossman hits the nail on the head with his philosophies. I think it should be required reading for anyone who chooses to carry a gun in public, IMO. I hope you check it out, I think the whole book on tape is broken up in to chapters on youtube. It is one of those things that is hard to not enjoy.

10-17-2011, 08:32 AM
Back when I was a kid in college and still living at home, I came home one evening after running an errand, to find our garage door open. I thought this was odd as I knew I had closed it. I then noticed the screen door open. Again odd as it had a spring to pull it closed. The inside door was also open. I then further noticed a bicycle laying in the yard. Odd, as I did not own a bike, nor did my parents. Clearly someone had blocked the garage door or gotten it open, opened the door to the house, and removed the screen door spring to get ready to haul out stuff.

I had a 1911 in the car. Normally I would have called the police and waited, but my parents were inside. The house was quiet. I drew my pistol and went in, observing what little tactics I knew at the time, ready to act, and fully expecting to find my parents incapacitated in some way. Dad is a devout pacifist and would never be ready for this sort of situation. He still is not. Fortunately, after a few stressful and very slow minutes, the house checked clear. Both parents sound asleep. The BGs must have been watching me leave, and whoever was spotting must have seen my car turn on the street and gotten out of there.

Dad at first denied anything could have happened. He really did not believe there were bad people in the world, despite years as a school teacher. ;) He finally agreed that there was no other explanation and called the police. They reported similar incidents going on around our area, and the bike stollen from another house. We never told mom. She would have been hysterical.

I am much older and wiser now, but I still think I handled that one pretty well for a kid just old enough to own a gun. I did not panic, and fortunately did not have to use it. Just shows you that you never know when something might happen. I was gone maybe 15-20 minutes, and that was all the time it took for our home to be entered by criminals intent on evil.

10-17-2011, 02:19 PM
To Sierrajb, there is a book by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman called "The Bullet Proof Mind". It is a fantastic book that deals almost exclusively with preparing for deadly force, the before, the during, and the after. It is geared towards law enforcement and military, but it works just fine for a Permit carrier. I am an Marine Iraq war vet, so I can tell you from experience that Grossman hits the nail on the head with his philosophies. I think it should be required reading for anyone who chooses to carry a gun in public, IMO. I hope you check it out, I think the whole book on tape is broken up in to chapters on youtube. It is one of those things that is hard to not enjoy.

Thanks so much for that excellent info! I've found the link on Youtube and will listen to every clip. In case others on this forum would like the same privilege, here's that link:


Enjoy safety and life!

10-17-2011, 02:35 PM
Back when I was a kid in college and still living at home, I came home one evening after running an errand, to find our garage door open. I thought this was odd as I knew I had closed it. I then noticed the screen door open. Again odd as it had a spring to pull it closed. The inside door was also open. I then further noticed a bicycle laying in the yard. Odd, as I did not own a bike, nor did my parents. Clearly someone had blocked the garage door or gotten it open, opened the door to the house, and removed the screen door spring to get ready to haul out stuff.

I had a 1911 in the car. Normally I would have called the police and waited, but my parents were inside. The house was quiet. I drew my pistol and went in, observing what little tactics I knew at the time, ready to act, and fully expecting to find my parents incapacitated in some way. Dad is a devout pacifist and would never be ready for this sort of situation. He still is not. Fortunately, after a few stressful and very slow minutes, the house checked clear. Both parents sound asleep. The BGs must have been watching me leave, and whoever was spotting must have seen my car turn on the street and gotten out of there.

Dad at first denied anything could have happened. He really did not believe there were bad people in the world, despite years as a school teacher. ;) He finally agreed that there was no other explanation and called the police. They reported similar incidents going on around our area, and the bike stollen from another house. We never told mom. She would have been hysterical.

I am much older and wiser now, but I still think I handled that one pretty well for a kid just old enough to own a gun. I did not panic, and fortunately did not have to use it. Just shows you that you never know when something might happen. I was gone maybe 15-20 minutes, and that was all the time it took for our home to be entered by criminals intent on evil.

My family was staying in a hotel for a couple of nights this past week. My 15-year-old son has been giving me a hard time about my "infatuation with safety" and protecting our family by carrying a concealed PM9 consistently. So, I'm always looking for that teachable moment to make the light come on for him.

As we were leaving the room to go eat, he asked about the purpose of the swinging bar/ball lock on the door. "Why do they put it on the inside? What's the use of that?"

I responded, "In case some wants to kick in the door to get inside."

"Oh, Dad. Nobody's gonna do that!"

Fortunately, I glanced at the door just next to us and noticed the huge CRACK under the handle and lock. I stopped the entire family and pointed to that crack, "Oh, they won't? You see this crack? That's from someone trying to kick in the door right next to us! Don't tell me there aren't bad people in this small town. That's why I'm so protective of you...right there! That's the reason!"

My son's eyes became as big as silver dollars. The wife was speechless, and my 13 year old girl said, "I'm scared."

"Nothing to be afraid of, honey" That's why Dad locks our home and car, that's why we all have cell phones that Dad insists are ON (another story there), and that's why Dad carries a gun."

Enough said. Class that day was dismissed. I felt the visible crack in the door gave this teachable moment fantastic credibility, and it made Dad look like he was "right again!"

10-17-2011, 02:55 PM
Dad being right will be a very rare occurence. Savor that long as you can.

I'd say you got about 15 years before you'll be right again and even then it will be questionable.

Kids, ya gotta love em.

10-17-2011, 02:59 PM
HA! You speak the truth, Bawanna! Thanks for the moral support.

10-17-2011, 07:08 PM
This is tangential, mostly apropos of nothing, but kinda worth telling in context of this thread. An old guy 'Nam era contemporary, friend. and business associate was in town late last week. We were chatting in my office. Army combat vet with a Bronze Star but doesn't currently own a gun, apathetic leaning toward why ?, and "the NRA is going nuts". Got to bedside guns...why bother to do that? 'Cause I always have....yeah, but why? Well, Bill, what if the Vietcong ever come back? He looks at me for a minute, scratches his chin, then says "yeah, I've got your point."

10-18-2011, 08:47 AM
Watching the news from Wall Street latey, he should take that point very seriously indeed.