View Full Version : p380 or pm9?

01-07-2010, 07:18 PM
I have a cw45 that I have carried for a few months now and shot about 800 rounds through I absolutely love it, but now I am looking into something that can truly be considered a pocket pistol. I have every confidence in Kahr so I am trying to decide between a PM9 or a P380. I know the P380 is obviously smaller but I have never owned a Pistol smaller than a 9x19 and don't know how confident I could be with it as a carry gun in those situations when extremely conclead is necessary. Anyway I know many of you here have a wealth of expirience and knowledge with both and I'd sure love to hear what you all think.

01-07-2010, 07:23 PM
9mm for sure. Both are almost the same size bullet, yet the 9mm ammo is half the price and more readily available.

01-07-2010, 08:03 PM
Depends on how much the size reduction is worth to you. Unloaded weight difference is three or four ounces. All things being equal, the .380 would be "better", but all things aren't equal. The "nine" is a significantly more effective cartridge, although I think the .380 is adequate.

Fwiw, after a decade or two of daily concealed/back-up carry, a year and a half ago I retired both my Colt Mustang Pocketlight and S&W 442 in favor of a PM9 for everyday use and have been super happy with it. If I have to go below that size for cc for whatever reason it's an NAA in .22 mag or an M60 naked with a clip.

01-07-2010, 11:54 PM
Well thank you for the info fellas, I appreciate it, but I think maybe I wasnt real clear with my question. I am aware of the difference between 9mm and .380 and I do realize .380 is tough to find and high priced, But i was more looking for a pros and cons between the two kahr models. I was really hoping to hear from some of the folks who have both the pm9 and the p380 and hear what they had to say on the subject of either as a pocket pistol. I know the Kahr forum is full of knowledge and I cant wait to hear some of it from everyone.
Thanks & keep your head down

01-08-2010, 02:00 AM
9mm for sure. Both are almost the same size bullet, yet the 9mm ammo is half the price and more readily available.

not even close in weight... I own um both but carry my PM9 24/7 in my front pocket. I feel I can carry my PM9 as easy as my P380. the P380 kahr is really one super little 380 for quality and top notch accuracy. Price of it and the PM9 are not to far apart either and the 9mm has just so much more to offer and the price of the ammo is at least a 1/3" cheaper in price, and ammo variations in the 9mm far out trump the 380 also. 'when you lay the P380 next to the PM9 you wllsee that there is a size difference but IMO not that much that carrying a PM9 can't over come. Weight loaded my PM9 is 4 ounces heavier.

Both are good guns, carry at least one of them....

01-08-2010, 06:56 AM
Nowadays I'd say 9mm for sure because of ammo availability. Inexpensive too so it encourages you to get out and shoot more often.

01-08-2010, 12:04 PM
My vote goes to the 9mm as well. I used to own a .380 and I liked it but the 9 is by far the better choice for its` stopping power,ammo availability and ammo price. I carry my PM9 in my pocket pretty much all the time in hot weather with no problems in concealment. :behindsofa:

01-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the help, now to get to the toy store and get my hands on one and get a good feel for it. I think I'll probably even spring for the matte black finished slide

01-08-2010, 01:10 PM
ur gonna have a very hard time ever finding the dlc black finish slides kahrs sitting on dealer shelves. For some reason they don't stock them. My preference by far...If ur in no hurry feel a PM9 be it black finish or stainless and buy what you truly want. If u want the black finish with night sights, u won't find one, so have a dealer do some calling and see if he can locate one. I would never put money down for a dealer to get you one until he says I HAVE LOCATED ONE, DO YOU WANT IT. Sometimes to place money down and then to try to back out, the dealer will back charge you something, even though he never fulfilled his obligation of getting you the gun. Any good dealer if he wants to serve you will do some calling if you tell him you want one and will give him money down, only when he tells you he has located one. that is far on both ends.

Good luck on what ever avenue you go down..

01-08-2010, 01:15 PM
It truly is all about the size trade off in your eyes. I have the p380 and my Father in Law has the pm9. Both are wonderful and both are pretty easy to hide really well (even with the laser guard attached). I will say that the p380 is super tiny and very easy to hide even in tighter fitting jeans it seems to disappear. the differnce in the two loads is another thing, like someone mentioned already 9mm is easier to find and cheaper but this is not a range gun is it? As far as it being "enough" for a deffence gun, look at the .22lr. how many people have been stopped with that round? Plus there are some really good loads out there for .380 now and I bet with how popular the 380 is beoming again there will be more getting into the game and possibly bring the price down and availability up, only time will tell. I say you cannot go wrong with either but the p380 is quite a bit smaller. :) Good Luck! f3

01-08-2010, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the help, now to get to the toy store and get my hands on one and get a good feel for it. I think I'll probably even spring for the matte black finished slide

Ask and you shall receive. Lookie what I found.

GunsAmerica - Kahr PM9 9mm Black Diamond PM9094 - NEW! - Kahr Pistols - Guns For Sale & Gun Auctions B"H (http://www.gunsamerica.com/911446484/Guns/Pistols/Kahr-Pistols/Kahr_PM9_9mm_Black_Diamond_PM9094_NE.htm)

01-08-2010, 11:46 PM
I own two Kahr pistols. The two you ask about. PM9 and P380. PM9 loaded wt. is 19.1oz (6rds), P380 loaded wt. is 13.3oz. (6rds).That 5.8oz can be a big difference depending on how you may be carrying. The P380 has much less recoil making control and follow up shots easier. The P380 is slightly smaller in L/W/H. That said, the PM9 is a very small pistol to be a 9mm and that caliber does give you more potential stopping power. So which one do I like best. Depends on how I need to carry that day. Will I be in a normal risk or higher risk environment. That is why I own both. Each one has its place. Well, I bet I did not help you much with that answer. :confused:

01-09-2010, 06:23 AM
ur gonna have a very hard time ever finding the dlc black finish slides kahrs sitting on dealer shelves. For some reason they don't stock them. My preference by far...If ur in no hurry feel a PM9 be it black finish or stainless and buy what you truly want. If u want the black finish with night sights, u won't find one, so have a dealer do some calling and see if he can locate one. I would never put money down for a dealer to get you one until he says I HAVE LOCATED ONE, DO YOU WANT IT. Sometimes to place money down and then to try to back out, the dealer will back charge you something, even though he never fulfilled his obligation of getting you the gun. Any good dealer if he wants to serve you will do some calling if you tell him you want one and will give him money down, only when he tells you he has located one. that is far on both ends.

Good luck on what ever avenue you go down..

I must be super lucky. I walked into my local shop and they had a black finish night sights PM9 that the owner had put around 400 rounds through and traded in sitting there. I paid $500 and walked out the door with it and went to the range to find it perfectly broken in and running flawless.

To the TS, I have shot the P380 and PM9, if you can conceal the PM9 go with it. It's easier to aim and a more powerful, cheaper round.

01-10-2010, 08:45 AM
I have a cw45 that I have carried for a few months now and shot about 800 rounds through I absolutely love it, but now I am looking into something that can truly be considered a pocket pistol. I have every confidence in Kahr so I am trying to decide between a PM9 or a P380. I know the P380 is obviously smaller but I have never owned a Pistol smaller than a 9x19 and don't know how confident I could be with it as a carry gun in those situations when extremely conclead is necessary. Anyway I know many of you here have a wealth of expirience and knowledge with both and I'd sure love to hear what you all think.

You NEED both.:D

01-15-2010, 01:36 PM
You NEED both.:D
After waiting 9 1/2 months on my P380N, and reading all the discussions about the PM9, I decided that I did need both as well... or at least the PM9 for now. It's a great shooter and carry gun. I need to get a decent holster (maybe another CrossBreed MiniTuck for it), some extra 6-shot mags, and mag holders for Tactical Kydex -- $16 a pair, shipped. Kydex magazine holders - Glock Talk (http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1122507) Seems to be a great product and well worth the money(underpriced)... sssshh!:D

01-18-2010, 08:35 PM
pocket carry of the PM9 is no problem unless you have a Pearce extension on your mag, then it can be a little tight in your pocket. One of my short mags has the Pearce on it, the other doesn't. I carried the Sig P238 front right pocket until I traded it last week for a PM9. It's about the same size/weight. I pocket carried the PM9 this weekend very comfortably. So, logic should tell you that if you can carry a 9mm as easily as a .380, you carry the 9mm.
The little Sig was a great pistol. Night sights, Rosewood grips....beautiful. I had ZERO issues with mine. Once I saw that I could carry a 9mm just as easily it became a no brainer for me, so when I had the chance to trade for the PM9, I jumped on it. I ran 150 thru it on Friday with no issues at all. I'm quite pleased.